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2014 Background

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College of Education and Human Development at The University of Texas at San Antonio Online Magazine

Research Abroad Dennis Davis Sarah Brooke Lyons


Research Abroad
Research Abroad

Two professors travel to Spain, Portugal for research

Dennis Davis
Dennis Davis

Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award recipient

Sarah Brooke Lyons
Sarah Brooke Lyons

Alumni Spotlight

Also in this issue
News Briefs
Academic Excellence
Community Impact
Community Service
New Faculty
Faculty Publications
Faculty Highlights
Grants, Awards, Donors

Spectrum Fall 2014 cover
Digital Magazine at
Spectrum Fall 2014 cover
About the Cover

Spectrum: the many colors and faces of COEHD.
You can’t get more colorful than flourescent colors in a blacklight. As for the face, it belongs to Crystal Garza, the adventurous work study who agreed to allow us to paint and photograph her face for the cover. We also want to thank those in the focus group who helped us narrow down what they thought would make the best cover.

Cover Model - Crystal Garza
Photography - Jo Ann Jones
Painting - Byron Spencer
Focus Group - Mallory Banks, Francesca Bronder, Karen Hoskins, Dr. Kristen Lindahl, Amaury E. Nora

Spectrum [spek-truh m]
noun, plural spectra [spek-truh] spectrums.

1. a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength.
2. a broad range of varied but related ideas or objects, the individual features of which tend to overlap so as to form a continuous series or sequence: The spectrum of COEHD.


Message from the Dean

Another semester, another graduation, another year. It seems like just yesterday that we were welcoming in 2013, greeting the fresh new faces of the Class of ‘17, and setting out on the bold new path ahead.

We have had many accomplishments during this year’s journey - expanding our influence within our community and beyond through insightful research, academic achievements, and community service. We have experienced growth and change, both in the college and within the individuals that make up COEHD. We have said “hello” to new students, faculty, and staff, and felt a part of us go as we said “goodbye” to others.

I ask that you join me in looking back at 2014 not only as a reminder of what we have done, but also as a benchmark of where we can go, and what we can achieve. As we say goodbye to 2014 and another graduating class, we complete a cycle that brings about new educators and educational leaders, health professionals, school counselors, education psychologists, and many other future leaders in the diverse range of professions that is COEHD.

In saying goodbye, we will also begin anew, with new faces, new ideas, and new hope. We begin the transformation of students to future professionals, leaders, and teachers. Welcome to the 2014 issue of the Spectrum! We hope that it provides a glimpse of who we are, what we have done, and where we are going. We know that COEHD means many things to many people, and hope that you leave with a better understanding of what COEHD means to you.

Betty Merchant

Betty M. Merchant
Dean of the College of Education and Human Development

Current Issue: 2014 | Table of Contents