Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

October 2012, Issue 18

True Colors

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by Bruce Maxwell, Copyright ©2007

Strategies to improve your relationship with a co-worker:

Once you have identified the needs, problems, or challenges and are ready to present possible solutions, start with the big picture to gain consensus on the goals, intentions, and objectives.
Demonstrate how your solutions are innovative, visionary, and creative.
Be prepared to provide the technical data on solutions you suggest.
Have your most articulate person present the proposal.
Make sure the solution is logical, solves the problem, and gives good answers.
If possible tie your solution to existing company resources to help them justify those resources.
Whenever possible, present a written plan beforehand to allow Greens time to think about your ideas.
Don’t expect to convince them the first time. They will need time to reflect and consider.
Talk one-on-one or in small groups.

Be punctual. If you set an appointment for a meeting or a phone call, don’t be late.
Establish a clearly defined goal for your meeting and track your success in reaching that goal. If they don’t have a pre-defined goal, help them set one.
Be dependable. Whether you are delivering a presentation or samples of your products, if you say you will do something – Do it!
Recognize their accomplishments and expertise.
Come prepared with a plan that can be modified on the spot as necessary.
Work out the details of your plan before you present it.
Arrange your presentation in a logical way with a beginning, a sequence of points, and an end.
Include the pros and cons.
Give an explicit statement of the problem to be solved.
Be honest, ethical and moral. Don’t suggest that you could cut corners to reduce the cost. Show integrity.
Be cost-effective. Show them how the use f your products or services will enhance their effectiveness and that doing so will increase their financial position.

Be optimistic. Focus on the good that this decision will do for all concerned. Minimize the negative impact.
Be real and sincere. Put your own ego away. Show your compassion. Get in touch with your own Blue side.

Be sensitive to how your statements are received. Test for buy-in and significance.
Start your presentation with a concern for the people involved.
Include people’s feelings among the causes/facts to be considered.
Present the team building aspects of your solution.
Be sensitive to the feelings of the team members. Make sure your thank them for their contributions.

Project energy and enthusiasm.
Present information about your company in an exciting, energetic way.
Show how solving their problems will be an adventure. Be action-oriented.
Clearly identify the positive results of utilizing your product or service.
Identify the full spectrum of possibilities, from the risky ones to the conservative options and let them choose their comfort level.
Give them many options demonstrating the flexibility of your company, your products/services, and your customer service.

Mary Miscisin is the author of SHOWING OUR TRUE COLORS, A Fun, Easy Guide for Understanding and Appreciating Yourself and Others.

©2005 Mary Miscisin, All Rights Reserved Permission to duplicate this article is granted ONLY with the copyright and contact information intact.

True Colors Upcoming Training --

True Colors Training Schedule for STAFF (SD 410) ---- FALL 2012

True Colors Training Schedule for Student Affairs STUDENT employees (SD 417) -- FALL 2012
Training Schedule for Fall 2012 ----- see attached schedule

Any comments? Please send to

Four C's

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Four C’s Training Schedule for STAFF   (SD 415) – FALL 2012

Training Schedule for Fall 2012------see attached schedule