ITC Community Conversations
ITC Centennial 2068 is a community-driven process, and public participation is critical to its success.
Round III
From June 14 through July 12, 2022, UTSA held the third phase of community engagement for ITC Centennial 2068 to solicit feedback on the three scenarios presented in the Steering Committee Scenarios Report.
Steering Committe Scenarios Report
Below is a full list of responses received from the survey. These responses have not been edited, apart from spelling to improve readability. These ideas represent the individual opinions of the survey respondents.
Relocate Outside of the Hemisfair District:
This idea resonates with me if it means being closer to the Alamo/ central downtown San Antonio where the ITC is easily accessible to visitors and the energy of that area. |
"That space in Hemisfair would be ideal for a large-scale fitness activity center. For example, a velodrome (closed circuit bike track), such as those in Houston and other big cities. Or a veloway like the one near the Lady Bird Wildflower Center in Austin. Either could tie into the multi-use path that runs along the roadway next to I-37 (and will hopefully be continued through the SAHA property to the south and down to Florida/Carolina for a direct connection to the river." |
"Not a huge fan of this scenario. ITC is so closely associated with Hemisfair, I would hate to see that connection completely lost. Plus Hemisfair offers so many opportunities for co-hosting festivals, etc." |
This makes sense if there is an amazing site that can be dedicated to the museum |
This institution already seemed inaccessible based on limited parking and access to the building. Moving it further from the Hemisfair District would be another nail in the coffin. |
Could be nearer to other cultural facilities. |
"I suppose if you could find space near or on the DT campus or the SSA campus, this could be a smart option. The ITC does not feel like it's a part of UTSA currently. Moving it closer to students at the DT campus or the newly acquired SSA would facilitate a closer connection to the students and student projects. I am in favor of moving the special collections to a much more suitable location, such as to the main campus where the other special collections are, or to the DT campus." |
This could be a good option. Would still like the ITC to be located downtown. |
This would result in moving to a worse location. The ITC in its current location is the best location! |
If run by UTSA place it in a modern building at the campus to bring visitors to campus who are not students like at UT Austin with their museums. |
Hemisfair was a long time ago and the buildings are disconnected entities. I do not think the ITC has to be bound to this space anymore. |
Why? |
No. The ITC is a destination that brings people to the Hemisfair grounds. It needs to remain as an integral component of the Convention Center area. Other museums need to be added to create an even more interesting mix to the area just as the Fair brought life and vibrancy to this area of the city. Vision this area as a festival site as was created 45 years ago. Turn the grounds into a year-round Folklife Festival. |
"This sounds attractive, however, finding the right site could be a long and expensive process. Building a new building will be expensive, but does allow ITC to start fresh. The ITC also does have a recognized location, easy parking and access. My opinion is that, unless a site is already determined, this is not the best option. I also recognize that there has been pressure on UTSA to move the ITC for over 20 years. I also understand that Hemisfair may prefer this option so it can privately develop that property." |
Multicultural contributions from all Texas ethnic groups it is now |
"The current facility is outdated and isn't attractive to locals. It seems closed off from the rest of the Hemisfair District and seems like there is a better use of the current space that would amplify the Hemisfair district. I would incorporate it with the new campuses that are being developed downtown, maybe somewhere near the art school." |
"Not at all! This needs to remain in Hemisfair... Updated, rebuilt, modernized... But there!" |
Sell the building. Quit wasting taxpayer money. |
"Yes, relocate outside of Hemisfair " |
"Moving it to the Museum Reach of the Riverwalk, right next to the San Antonio Museum of Art, a property that just came available by CPS would be ideal. This allows the city to continue to promote the ""Museum Reach"" with multiple museums, allow the city/CPS/and UTSA to coordinate with a new building, and ensure that UTSA still has a downtown presence." |
Put it on the Main Campus like most schools. I like a more traditional campus to include a museum. |
Couldn't go with this unless I knew where the new location would be. There is a lot of potential for being no better than the existing facility. |
Making hemisfair a walkable urban neighborhood by getting rid of this eyesore of a building. |
"A fresh location has the potential to increase the ITC's relevance to all constituents, but especially UTSA students, faculty, and staff. A location that is more visible and accessible could revive the ITC's future prospects. " |
"It opens up the opportunity to create synergies with other areas and cultural centers within San Antonio, such as the Pearl or Blue Star" |
No….it needs to stay there but better signage and note there is parking for a fee |
"How can you see the building cannot work for the ITC, but can otherwise be repurposed for use by UTSA? You cannot have it both ways. Everyone talks diversity and inclusion? Walk the walk. Talk is cheap! " |
"I am very concerned that if you move this out of the current location, it will lose its historic identity." |
"Keep ITC at current location and find from city, county and state to rehab existing building." |
Moving the ITC outside of Hemisphere could create a number of unintended consequences |
"No, leave it there. " |
"I don't like this idea at all. The people of San Antonio have accessed the ITC for 50 years now. I went to the World's Fair at Hemisfair and have fond memories. I've attended the Texas Folklife Festival for decades at this location! The idea of totally moving out of that area is not one I support. It is central for all residents and I fear that moving it out of the Hemisfair district would make it inaccessible for many of us. Because I just know that you will move it to the outer rims of Loop 1604 North and once again, the people of the southside and the westside will be left high and dry. " |
I believe the ITC needs to stay where it is. |
"The most important thing is a new facility that is designed (or retrofitted) by an architect. I cannot imagine the current facility, even retrofitted, working. Check out the Fayetteville Public Library, a new building and facility reimagined for the community (beyond words). It's simply stunning, light and has numerous spaces for learning, gathering, exhibits, etc. " |
"The bones are old, the exhibits have lost their luster (some of the stories behind the Texas/Alamo brand need veracity) and it is time to make the necessary investments to portray the people, actions, and dreams that made the culture that was created to birth and grow Texas." |
Move to a “Museum Row” near the zoo. Use San Diego as a model. |
"Keep the Texas cultures museum going, renovate it using festival money made from an expanded folklife festival. keep it Texas oriented, not middle eastern. we used to go every year, spent more than we planned, and would learn something each time. now our daughter is elementary age, no festival..." |
Not a good idea. |
More opportunity |
Make it part of the Alamo redevelopment. They would be a perfect match and increase foot traffic from both attractions. |
This would be my last choice. |
"I believe that the Hemisfair district is valuable property, and the Institute of Texan cultures, being as degraded as it is needing $28m in renovation along with $2m annual maintenance is a costly expense when you could leverage the 16 acre site to build a new building up to standard and potentially save the controlling entity money in the long run. " |
I do not use this resource and would not be disappointed if it no longer existed |
"This would free up a large block of downtown land that is currently underutilized. The ITC has outlived its usefulness at Hemisfair and its location in the Texas Pavilion needs too much work to justify spending the money required to modernize the facility and bring it up to 21st century standards. Remove the ITC from the downtown area, maybe to UTSA main campus, or possibly the UTSA downtown campus. The current grounds are way too big for the ITC and are underutilized. " |
I would encourage you to consider joining forces with the Alamo new education center to create a larger more interesting experience |
Never |
Leave this excellent resource of our Texas history as is. Out of state visitors are overwhelmed of the museum - claiming it is outstanding compared to their own state and all other states they have observed It is much more than the Bullock Museum --If this museum is moved and/or changed (take care of the accreditation problems) San Antonio will lose one of its outstanding show places in a historic building as well. |
"ITC should be in a better location. A big space with plenty of onsite parking, lots of land for cultural festivals. More space would mean more opportunities to add more festivals besides Folklife and Asian. " |
"A site in downtown, walkable and available for events. Perhaps a new building could be constructed in the shape of Texas so visitors could walk across Texas as part of their visit. " |
The fact that the University has allowed the building to lapse into a poorly maintained facility is like shooting itself in the foot. |
I think such move would be a bad idea. |
"Hard decision, but allows for improved code to attract additional exhibits, more space, maybe easier access, great options available for hands on or unique ways to showcase the items with the latest and greatest technology. As exciting as this would be, it is not my first option." |
Replace the space with NBA caliber arena or baseball stadium. Downtown businesses need the energy of thousands to help business. Stop playing politics. |
Don’t think it should be moved outside district |
Keep ITC in Hemisfair |
"Rehabilitating the beautifully unique existing structure to fit the needs moving forward, without an expansion or move. " |
Relocating more near the Alamo Plaza would create more traffic for the ITC. |
The biggest for me is where? The location must be large enough to properly house and display the various cultural and historical artifacts. |
Leave it. Whatever place is there where more people will see the exhibits? |
"If ITC had to move out of the Hemisfair District, I believe being attached to the UTSA Downtown Campus would help both ITC and UTSA. Think Bullock Texas State History Museum next to UT-Austin." |
Keep ITC in Hemisfair! |
Yes...please move somewhere move to a more functional space. |
"I think what resonates with me is symbolized in all of the flags that fly out front of the ITC. It represents unity, diversity and everything that makes a tapestry of fabric beautiful and interesting. " |
"I don’t feel that this would be a good option because, we are a tourist thriving city and moving the museum to a new location out of Hemisfair District would isolate it. " |
ITC needs to be more accessible to the public. Better use of existing site by Hemisfair org building park et al is best for all. |
"If it is located outside hemisfair, it would make sense to place it closer to UTSA campus like the Harry Ransom Center is close to UT." |
This seems like it would be a mistake. |
It would become unimportant and forgotten as a Hemisfair relic. |
"Opportunity for a customized, modern, and sustainable space that is accessible for locals and visitors." |
"I don't think I could imagine ITC anywhere else, especially outside of downtown. I volunteered in the back 40 for 4 summers in middle school and high school. It was good experience and education. Moving ITC somewhere that does not accommodate the back 40 would be regrettable. " |
No. It needs to stay in the Hemisfair District. |
"Great design. In addition, I think ITC should live within UTSA campus property. " |
Designed and built to the needs of the Museum that have been identified over the years. |
"That land space could be used better, perhaps for a AAA stadium. The ITC would work better in the Museum District." |
"While I love the iconic building setting at Hemisfair, both downtown Eastside and Westside could use a museum of this quality." |
Not much -- it seems valuable to keep the institute downtown and the hemisfair district seems like a good fit. |
I read an article that UT/UTSA has already initiated a request for proposals for a mixed-use development on this site… this survey seems futile |
I spent two years living across the street from Hemisfair Park - Relocating the ITC to another facility in and around Downtown San Antonio would be ideal to me. It would open up Hemisfair for redevelopment as a more public-facing park and provide a more modern and open space for the ITC. |
Move to a location better suited to where patrons live. Now is the time. |
It doesn't resonate with me. I'd like for the ITC to stay in the Hemisfair District. |
Ability to create customized spaces and utilize more technology; add space |
"A new, modern structure. The cost does not seem viable, nor does leaving the Hemisfair District. " |
Nothing in this scenario. |
"I feel a full relocation doesn't make sense. To me, it's the content and modernity of the existing interior/exterior space and exhibits that need updating." |
"The current building is in a disastrous state. An existing building could be a workaround, but want to ensure not moving into same building issues in the ""new"" building. " |
"Moving the ITC to a better location, that more visitors will be able to find and enjoy. The current site is much too large and challenging to find. " |
"Not a good option. The ITC will die on the vine in an unfamiliar area. Plus, there is no guarantee that what ITC moves into will have all new features that a custom remodel would provide." |
"Too many disadvantages relative to the advantages of the Texas Pavilion. San Antonio as a tourist location has so many ""things to do and see"" that are all within walking distance within the downtown area. Getting people to drive to a location outside of the downtown would make tourist traffic much more difficult. Parallel: I tell visitors about the McNay Art Institute and it truly is amazing as well -- but getting them to drive out to the near northeast side is a challenge. This would probably be the outcome of moving the location outside of the Hemisfair District." |
Why relocate out of the Hemisfair District? You could just as easily tear down the existing ITC building and build on that site a state-of-the-art and beautiful museum that can serve for many more years to come as a teaching institution about the many cultures of Texas while also having a significant space available for archeology/anthropology laboratories and research spaces. Replace the eyesore that it currently is and turn it into a place that can showcase Texas cultures in a way that it becomes a local and state attraction. |
"Should the museum choose to relocate from Hemisfair District, I believe a newly constructed building would be best suited to meet the needs of the future museum; moving from one existing building to another may not provide all the necessary elements needed for accreditation and ideation for the future. " |
The parking is so difficult in current location. Appealing with more visually attractive building updated exhibits and easier access for both residents and tourists downtown. |
Relocating to a location more accessible to the public would benefit both parties. New donor opportunities may arise and the possibility to reach more interest is high. |
Opportunity for something new. |
"The ITC needs to stay within Hemisfair District to retain continuity, a nod to the 1968 World's Fair by staying in close proximity to Tower of the Americas, and brand recognition. " |
"Yes - please move out of that Pavilion building. It is terrible, inaccessible. Looks like a bunker - opposite of the welcoming beautiful buildings of other SA museums." |
Moving the ITC to a new facility (either inside or outside of Hemisfair District) so that it can flourish in a modern museum setting and be more responsive to the urban environment that needs more density developed on a 15 acre site. |
No. Keep the Institute in its current location. |
Any land is expensive but the ITC sites on prime real estate. Make a deal for some other land before it is gone on the edges of the 1604 campus! |
"Nope, something tells me relocation it's going to end up on the North side." |
"The Institute of Texas Cultures, in my opinion, has served its purpose and wouldn't gain long term interest if it was renovated beyond an initial surge once renovations are complete. It has been there for +/- 54 years and time has shown this to be the case. While I do think some form of the ITC would be a valuable asset to the City, I believe this large plot of land and massive building that it is currently housed on and it isn't being utilized to its maximum potential." |
Opposed to this. The current location provides easy access to non-resident visitors to an accurate depiction of Texas history. |
"The Hemisfair District was first created through mass displacement of a historic neighborhood, a displacement that was not properly addressed at the time or since. Any new space has the potential to repeat that history and serve as a tool for the gentrification and transformation of working-class neighborhoods in ways that primarily serve people who don't live in those neighborhoods. Right now, the ITC has sufficient parking, and long ago had any negative impacts upon its immediate surroundings." |
"I think moving to another part of the city is the best option, but only because we've been talking about building AAA or even Major League level baseball stadium. Every time I go by that corner, I envision a stadium and entertainment district similar to what they have in Dallas and Philadelphia. That corner would be great." |
"This is my least favorite option, but the primary advantage is that it could open up possibilities even further." |
"It is always nice to start with a clean slate when reimagining the future of ITC. I don't oppose this option as long as the core of the mission of the ITC remains intact but can also bring in creative and innovative content. Honestly, although a move could work, I still view ITC as a uniquely downtown destination." |
Port San Antonio would be a great location |
If logistics required |
A no go. Where for instance? In the Alamo area? Where is there room? |
Relocating to the center of downtown along the organic path tourist walk. Adding to the vibrancy of the museum & lowering vacancy rates downtown. |
This needs to move to a new location outside of the HemisFair district to another part of the downtown portion of San Antonio. |
It is logical that moving the building and developing the land would provide sustainability for ITC and opportunities to inhabit a much more modern and engaging structure. |
The possibility of a really cool new museum. |
I like this option best. The number of opportunities to partner with other San Antonio entities is expanded by moving outside of the Hemisfair area. Parking is expensive in the area for visitors. I'd hate to see a move to a building of the same vintage - just trading one set of trouble for another. |
"The location at the base of the tower makes it ideal for a tourist destination. Relocating outside of the Hemisfair area, which is being so expanded and enlarged for tourists and citizens, would make it more difficult for tourists to visit this valuable resource." |
"It may be possible to find a truly spectacular venue that is simply not possible within Hemisfair. It should be relatively close to the downtown area, preferably within walking distance of the River Walk and Convention Center on a hot day." |
"How about a great baseball field for pro exhibition, minor league and area college games? With bars, restaurants and retail. All across the street from the Alamodome?" |
Larger space and more parking. Larger festival possible. |
"This museum is mostly a forgotten museum and relocation to another area, perhaps the Broadway or another area near another museum could provide more visitors and generate more income. " |
It interrupts the history of the institute in the Hemisfair areas. |
It’s a part of San Antonio |
No |
"Put it on the Downtown Campus and tear down that hideous, leaky relic at Hemisfair. I’m so sick of looking at that ugly building. I hate it. " |
No it is in a good location now. |
Absolutely not! |
Difficult to find. Downtown is unsafe and a nightmare. |
"The historic fair should continue, but during the summer is a dead-end decision. " |
Disagree. The Hemisfair district is a historical location. I attended the Hemisfair when I was 7. |
Improved parking (hopefully) |
I like the current location. I feel it should remain where it is. |
Nothing from this statement. The original location was chosen precisely because it was attached to Hemisfair park and surrounding cultural district attractions. |
No. |
Stay at current location |
No |
It's sacrilege and should not be moved |
"I don't have a preference for where the ITC is located, but it needs more parking and easier access. The current building is dated, ugly, not inviting and not amenable to the required renovation. A new building should be a destination location, with lots of open spaces for rotating exhibits showcasing ITC holdings. An adjoining archive area should be open to researchers and promoted to historical scholars, with holdings creatively organized to facilitate perusal. Let's make this a first-class facility that will be inviting to all Texans. Since this is a UTSA entity, thought should be given as whether it should be located adjacent to the downtown campus or possibly part of the main NW UTSA campus. " |
Renovation is the best. Please keep it where it's at and renovate it. |
"We do not want to see this City and University placate developers and relocate this historic structure and cultural institution out of Hemisfair Park so that private parties can build yet more condos on these public lands. It would be a complete injustice to allow Mr. Andujar and his inaptly named Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation to ""redevelop"" the ITC land under the guise and promise that the money made from redevelopment will ""sustain the museum of the future."" New York City wouldn't entertain relocating the Metropolitan Museum or Natural History Museum from Central Park. San Francisco would never ask its citizens whether relocating the de Young outside of Golden Gate Park resonated with them. To ask San Antonians to do so is indecent and an embarrassment. Also, it is Hemisfair Park; not ""Hemisfair District."" Although, might as well call it Hemisfair Business Park considering the extent Mr. Andujar and HPARC have parceled public land to businesses already." |
Hemisfair Plaza is where most of us think of when we have out of visitors from out of town. If you relocate the ITC then the heart of the plaza. |
Partnering with the Witte Museum could be a possibility. |
It has been in its current location since as long as I can remember. There needs to be legitimate reasons made available to the public why this would be considered. I would like to see it remain in its current location unless there are valid reasons for the move. |
"More foot traffic, ability to give more square footage for archiving, exhibits" |
"If the building needs upgrades, do it. The building is a landmark. " |
"I wouldn't approve of relocation, this is San Antonio and you need to stop changing things because you think it's old and outdated." |
"Third, worst choice" |
The ITC should not relocate outside of the Hemisfair district. It has the space needed for the historic and cultural performances that it sponsors. |
Is there space available in Hemisfair? I am not knowledgeable in this area. |
Learning Texas culture |
The area it is built on now contains so much history of San Antonio and of Texas. Leaving that area seems like abandoning history. |
I’m not concerned with the location but I am concerned with the content! Is this going to be another opportunity to “Reimagine” the history of San Antonio.” |
"A location away from downtown would be optimal. I know many people enjoy the current location, but the area nearby is not the safest. Combine that with all the tourists and you have a headache as opposed to an enjoyable experience. " |
We visit it because it’s nostalgic. Don’t move it. |
No I think it should stay where it is at with some upgrades |
"Continuing to build the university which can work in coordination with the city, local businesses and chamber of commerce to establish programs at the ITC which will lead to high paying jobs (Not part of the low wage tourism industry) Using ITC space house classrooms and offices as part of programs that can be part of an alliance of to build a much better economic base such as working with the Spurs complex on I10 and 1604. Be imaginative. Bold. Seek funding from local businesses, Frost, USAA, Zachery, Pearl Complex, and governmental agencies like the local Joint Bases. In the process develop a better transportation system to unite all of the participating. Just as important establish partnerships with local school districts. The school districts would as establish magnet schools which would relate and feed the programs at ITC. Start from ITC and build outward. That is the vision! " |
No please don't Move it from where it is spin there it's history to landmark renovate inside if at all possible And outside |
"This is not my preference, but if so, within the vicinity of other museums, such as Witte, McNay, SA MOA, Doseum." |
Not good idea to relocate. |
"As a person who spent many times lying on the center floor as a child watching videos, I would hate to see ITC gone from Hemisfair. My parents didn't take me there so my only exposure as a child to Hemisfair was school trips to ITC." |
It is ok but somewhere central nothing far from downtown |
"No, it’s been a historic place to educate children and all who come from around the world. " |
This is my favorite museum in all of San Antonio. I can’t imagine it not being right where it is right now. That to me is part of the history of it. |
Would it still be accessible to a lot of groups who go to visit? Most moves mean further out and limited accessibility because of distance. |
"Yes, outside the district. Maybe to the museum reach or along San Pedro Creek close to UTSA downtown." |
"No, never!" |
Failure to maintain historical context |
I enjoy that it is close to the historical parts of San Antonio. I do not think relocating it to a generic area in town would encourage tourism the way its current location does. |
Only that the land is valuable and perhaps can help finance changes if it’s moved to a different place |
No. Leave in present location |
This makes the most sense with all the changes to Hemisfair & Southtown area. |
This seems like the best option. The location right now isn’t great. I would love to see it integrate somewhere along the museum reach district or embedded into a different UTSA building/property might be good |
Very uninviting location and exhibits. |
No leave Texas Culture in the same building. Beautiful Rooms great location. |
Keep ITC in the same building on the Hemisfair grounds. |
The most important thing about relocating outside of Hemisfair is that there would be more traffic from tourists and locals alike. Having lived in San Antonio for 30 years I have only visited hemisfair Park on one handful of occasions. Once to the Tower and once or twice to ITC for an art exhibition. It is very difficult to find parking if you're local with a car. There is hardly any tourist traffic unless the tourists make visiting Hemisfair Park part of their itinerary for their vacation. |
It should be near other museums along the museum reach of the Riverwalk. |
"Move it away from Hemisfair. That land is very valuable and in a great location for more lucrative ideas. I feel it is a major hindrance to SA Downtown growth. A lot of land there to use for multiple ventures, especially with its vicinity to the Alamodome." |
"I enjoy the Institute being in the HemisFair complex and visit is at least twice a year, at least within walking distance of La Villita. Options 2 or 3 seem appealing to me. I would not want parts of the displays scattered about the San Antonio. All of the cultures should remain under one roof...somewhere." |
Reasonable if its somewhere where people can more easily access. |
"Nothing. The Texas Pavilion is a historic building in a historic location. It should remain where it is, housing the ITC." |
No! |
"Ambivalent. Pros and cons. If the building felt more accessible, inviting, less fortress-like then the current location could still be great." |
It wouldn't be the same if it were moved to another location. Seeing the boat-shaped building from the highway makes people curious enough to stop in. |
The Northside needs a museum. Please relocate by 1604 and I 10. The Main campus students can participate in internships and they would not have to travel a long distance downtown. |
"I believe they should stay where they are. It’s history, it’s a part of San Antonio and as an alumni, I think it should stay. " |
I’m interested to know if the facility could possibly be relocated to a denser populated area like the north side perhaps. There needs to be an alternative location besides downtown. |
Would not want to see relocation outside of Hemisfair District. |
Stay in the Texas Pavilion and update inside exhibits. |
A modern space. But most of what I’m interested in the Witte has already done. So build on that? |
"While I understand the draw for some to move ITC outside of Hemisfair, my preferred vision would be for ITC to remain at its present location. If ITC was to move it would give the option to design a museum from the ground up, but would lose a connection to the museum's past not being at the Hemisfair location. A consideration must also be made for any relocation outside of Believe it causing an increase in competition from other museums and educational institutions of ITC is located closer to other Museums in SA." |
Dumbest idea purposed. |
Relocate along the Mission Reach! Give locals and tourists another reason to trek along the southern reach of the river walk. |
"Building a new building is always nice and can cause a lot of excitement. However, downtown land is very expensive and it is unlikely that a similar sized museum could be afforded." |
Would do a disservice to the downtown community |
"Should stay downtown, esp. I'm hemisfair somewhere..." |
Fair Park in Dallas has a collection of museums. I would like to see the same for HemisFair Park. |
ITC should be preserved in its entirety including location. Moving the exhibits will greatly reduce its value |
Erasing history if you relocate outside of the district. |
Relocating outside of the Hemisfair district would reduce the allure of the Hemisfair District and perhaps omit a destination for tourists. ITC is a destination of many visitors from outside the city and they would miss out on the history that the area has to share. |
"No, don't do this" |
"The Hemisfair District is not the problem; it is the administration and management of the Institute of Texan Culture that is the real problem. At its present location, there is both free and reasonably priced parking. It is next door to the Tower of the Americas. Would moving the Tower of the Americas resonate with you?" |
"Last option. Location, location, location." |
Why leave a prime location? ITC current location in Hemisfair is a prime location for locals and visitors to SA |
"I'm OK with that as long as it's well planned where. At this point, the tie to HemisFair area is not really all that critical. " |
Absolutely not. Ease from highway is crucial for busy families and confused tourists. |
"The only aspect of relocating outside of Hemisfair that resonates would be connecting the ITC to the downtown campus, but in many ways that could be accomplished by relocating various study centers, classrooms and faculty to the current facility to supplement the archive." |
"Not at all. Once again, people in charge are trying to make it convenient for them rather than the entire city. Hemisfair is located centrally, accessible to all parts of town, especially by bus for those who do not own private transportation." |
Restoring ITC to first class museum. |
Move to location along Broadway between downtown and Hildebrand. This will further establish a 'museum row' as many other cities of done in US and Europe. |
I believe downtown is the perfect place for ITC. It is the repository of our Texas history and should be in prime area of the two earliest symbols of Texas history: San Fernando Cathedral and the Alamo. |
"Relocating outside of Hemisfair District would hinder the historical, 50-year presence and legacy of the ITC museum's original space. It would create unnecessary barriers to festivals and events that are already accustomed to the existing space. Additionally, this option appears to be very cost prohibitive and does not guarantee that the museum of the future would be housed in an environmentally sustainable space." |
"Relocating the ITC outside the Hemisfair district is to limit its accessibility to a large portion of the city's citizens and students. I believe it is important to provide historical and cultural events to every geographic areas of the city and this includes east, west and south sides." |
Makes no sense whatsoever. |
The best way to destroy the institute of Texas Cultures |
"If ITC continues, it should be accessible to UTSA students/faculty, as well. The majority of this group does not live in areas adjacent to the ITC and accordingly, very few people care. I think if you surveyed students at UTSA about the ITC, a small percentage would know of its existence, much less its current location/hours, etc. There is very little draw. " |
Bad needs to stay downtown near the Hemisfair itself at the very least |
Please do not relocate outside of Hemisfair district. |
Without a commitment to serious investment for parking a Hemisfair location (underground) is never going to be the local/tourist draw that is needed to bring in the revenue needed to provide a facility worthy of its name. A rail system like other cities like Chicago and Seattle is not going to happen in San Antonio within our lifetime so providing more than sufficient parking is a must. The heat during the summer is always going to be a deterrent for people to use the inadequate public transportation we now have in San Antonio. |
Stay in Hemisfair |
Relocate somewhere else in the city to make more room for enterprises that can positively benefit the community and economy |
"The proposed federal building. We have gone to ITC for various events over the years and hate to have this opportunity disappear, especially Folk Life (and Asia festivals, etc.) and the display of various Texas Culture items. We went many, many times when our children were smaller. " |
"I think moving centers of culture and education outside city centers is a bad move, especially with the development of SA city center and the University never being able to buy back into this space" |
Don’t do that at all. Do not relocate! |
No. |
The relocation of the ITC smells like private interests are again trying to land grab our public space. The fact that HPARC is on this committee is untrustworthy. They already publicly stated they want to tear down the ITC. They built Zachary hotels in our public park. That land was taken from families by eminent domain with the promise it would remain a park perpetually. People don't forget when they have been cheated. Having HPARC on this ITC committee destroys your credibility. |
"While some may believe this is a viable option, I do not think this is a valuable option. Remaining in Hemisfair District allows for some historical continuity even though it does not remain in same building. Hemisfair remains an extremely rich location to entice and include tourism, in addition to being a location that is familiar to residents as well. Linking the ITC to a business, educational facility, or another urban area would, I think, dilute the impact, location convenience, and culturally historical position of the ITC." |
It seems that having a cultural center near downtown is important. Relocating outside of the current location doesn’t feel right. |
Do not move the ITC from where it is. I love the location it is at. |
The museum is in an ideal location and it is not only a museum but a cultural center. |
No |
"Locate closer to tourist core, preferably with river access or between SAMA and developing Broadway corridor. Additional acreage for additional museums and entertainment and commercial functions " |
"This scenario is not an option. The building and location are iconic and inextricably identified with the ITC. The abrupt and poorly explained shuttering of the ITC smacks of a disregard for the value of the ITC and a land grab to capitalize on the location to benefit the university's other priorities, and the city's vision for the Hemisfair area." |
This would not be a wise decision for the museum and the city tourist industry. The location within Hemisfair is the best location for tourists and residents to visit. Easy access by public transportation and individual vehicles. |
Diverse Texans dwell in Texas including Africans and African Americans |
Crazy idea |
Would lose the historic overall vibe |
This is not an option! |
"ITC was the focus of HemisFair 1968 with an iconic building, grounds and exhibit. A few years later I visited the Statue of Liberty and their new exhibit was a copy of the 1968 ITC display of all the nationalities that came to Texas. A new version of this important Texas exhibit should be restored for visitors to see this important San Antonio treasure." |
"No way, history and culture matter, stay in place!!" |
"I know the ITC has suffered from neglect, but I'd hate to lose the history of the Hemisfair building, the Texas Folklife Festival and its association with the heart of San Antonio. Other locations could work, but developing an entirely new ITC somewhere else, whether in a new or existing building, would impose a huge burden to do something world class and worth the effort; and conversely, doing so would set us up with a much larger opportunity for disappointment. Anything we do at the existing location would most likely be perceived as good stewardship and an improvement." |
"Please do not relocate, the building is large, the parking is accessible, the grounds are good. Yes remodel, update. But for tourists, and residents, it should stay put, our city is only growing larger, keeping it right downtown in the heart of the city is vital." |
"Nothing. It feels like an excuse to separate ITC from the citizens that are the grounding principle for the reimagination of Hemisfair. The origination document spoke to a park for the people not being designed for tourists. Off campus would be for tourists not the educational, cultural museum." |
Genealogy information or more ethnic information about those who settled certain areas and the areas from which they came. |
"I believe it would be ideal to move and have future planning to build a ""Museum District"" where visitors could easily move from multiple museums during the same trip." |
Grew up going to ITC but it’s now outdated and empty. It’s a relic that no one has a use for anymore and a waste of prime space. |
No not a good idea |
Move it outside the hemisphere District. The traffic and parking make it too much of an effort for locals to go. |
"Relocating outside of Hemisfair would give more opportunity for development and future growth, however, removing this historic museum from downtown would decrease the tourist traffic and be a loss to downtown's tourist district." |
The institution definitely needs to be preserved and updated. |
"Please do not sell to an apartment complex make another Pearl with Texas Learning Vibes splash pad, shaded area, walking trail that straight yoga exercise, area for local kids to perform" |
"Do not move! Maintaining/developing an active zone on the east end of downtown is critical to attracting residents and tourists to venture beyond the Alamo. We have a very walkable city center and if there were shaded walkways and active businesses/sites to view along the way, it could be active end to end. Think San Francisco, European cities - vibrant. Our city center is a ghosttown. " |
I have found the institute was difficult to access. |
Collection of cultures |
"A better building than the current can be built, probably will be comparable to renovating. This allows a new and better way to house the collections, allow more and updated exhibit space, and update current educational platforms, making it more interactive. A new building also allows a chance for better parking situations for staff, volunteers, and visitors. Downtown parking is a nightmare and overpriced for visitors coming into town. " |
"My first thought: Lost opportunity. As a small business owner I know the normal loss of customers due to relocation is 20 percent. The ITC can be set up anywhere. It would be best to have adjacent open space to accommodate the normal community festivals. If you must move it, rebuild near the UTSA downtown campus. The community knows about the campus location." |
Where would it go to get more foot traffic? How would it remain a part of the Folklife Festival? Why would you move it? |
The potential for better visibility and increased attendance. |
A new location would enable a better display. |
"To me Hemisfair and the ITC are not synonymous. While their proximity is undeniable, there is no communication between the ITC and Park or vice versa. Relocating the center outside of the park does not disappoint me." |
I love the architecture of the existing building and it’s a great location. |
"Nothing, don't do it." |
Interesting option. It opens up a universe of possibilities to make the ITC more relevant and successful in the future. |
"We believe the Institute should remain in place and efforts should be taken to refurbish the facility which is in fact what the panel recommended for an alternate use of the building. Our chapter provided monies and artifacts years ago for the Czech exhibit within the Institute. Our organization, like other heritage organizations within the greater San Antonio area and in the State of Texas have contributed to the Institute for years. No one from the University, the panel, the City of San Antonio, nor Bexar County ever contacted us or others for our collective input." |
"Moving the ITC near the San Antonio Museum of Art, places it closer to other museums in the city and helps create a museum district. The Hemisfair District should be an entertainment and gathering place for San Antonio." |
I believe the collection is unique and the building design is historic. I strongly feel the ITC must stay in its current location. Hemisfair site is an excellent location and moving out of Hemisfair makes absolutely no sense! |
Relocating outside of the Hemisfair District is not a viable option. The Hemisfair District when planned development is completed will grow as a destination for tourists and residents of San Antonio. An outside location will lose the historic presence and synergy that the Texas Pavilion and surrounding land have generated since its establishment. |
"This is my least favorite option - I question how cost-effective this would be, compared to updating the existing structure (without knowing any details about that, of course). It also seems historically significant for it to remain in its original spot if at all possible. Remaining in the downtown area of SA is also important to the community, in terms of access to programming held there." |
"Relocating is the best option for the museum portion of ITC. However, it would be best to keep the building and repurpose the dome show. Add projectors to show scenes from history all around the museum walls to include the dome. Work with the theater department to have short skits showing historical events. " |
"The site is ugly, run down, an eyesore, and should be torn down and redeveloped into something far more grand." |
The idea of relocating the Institute of Texan Cultures is not appealing. The cost would be exorbitant and would outweigh the benefits. There is too much history in its current location to throw all that away. |
I think this is a good option that should be considered. It depends on if you still keep it right in downtown or move it more to the west side where UTSA is currently expanding. |
Kills the history |
Restoring it with the fountains and the playground it used to have back in the day. Where the Texas Folklife was celebrated yearly. |
My initial thought is that someone is trying to make money off of selling the museum to make a buck off of the gentrification of Hemisfair. Are you continuing to delay repairs to put ITC in further disrepair to make the repairs worse and irreparable?? Stop delaying and repair the museum. Stop talking about options- we don't want it moved. You are trying to plant a seed of ideas to manipulate decisions. Just fix ITC! It's not an old worn pair of sneakers- these are the ruby slippers. What makes ITC so special is the location and building. You (and taxpayers) have an obligation to maintain the building. You need to trust when the people say they want ITC to stay that they will fully support the financials needed for that. |
UTSA and ITC could benefit from relocating outside as the real estate has an opportunity to further activate downtown. |
"I would be an advocate if the potential existed to partner with any other organizations to create an overall better facility from a shared cost perspective or from a visitor volume perspective. For instance, I could see a great alignment with the Alamo or the museums along the Broadway corridor. Also, a move to the new arts campus at the Southwest Craft Center could be intriguing." |
"I think this would be a good idea because it would allow for new development in its current location, which is a prime spot." |
I do not agree with moving ITC out of the Hemisfair District. It is important to have the ITC in the area of its initial roots. |
Human History |
I think it should stay there by the hemisphere tower. It’s a nice compliment to the tower and provides history of San Antonio. Only move it if you have something better to replace it with. Downtown is mostly for tourists and it’s a nice cultural center. |
"For me the biggest or rather the greatest challenge is access to ITC. If its relocated outside of the Hemisfair District, what would be the optimal location for everyone to easily access?" |
Stay at Hemisfair district. The ITC has been located there since its inception. |
Connect with the rest of the city. |
Razing the ITC building for $$ greed. Do we really need another hotel or ball park? |
Move to a building that is safe. The air conditioning and elevators barely work. It is hazardous for employees and visitors. Unstable environment for collection materials. |
Don't move it outside the Hemisfair District. It's a beloved institution reasonably close to the tourist area. |
"Based on the report, as well as some additional research on my part, this seems to me to be the most promising option, assuming one of the goals of the committee and other decision makers is to create a space that will attract not only academics, researchers, and students, but also the general public. It is an investment that would offer great returns in the long run. It is also an opportunity to truly re-envision the ITC and create something that resonates with visitors across the community and beyond." |
"Abandon. I see little value to UTSA or its students. Alternatively, it should become self-sustaining. " |
Change is hard but hard decisions must be made if the current path isn't fruitful. |
Don't recommend! Should have never shut this down so to speak -- bad move for the local community and enhancement of both the city and UTSA. Also unthoughtful approach to how it was conducted. Remember UTSA is an HSI and the heart of that remains in the city of SA! |
The museum should stay in the downtown core if not the District. District is preferable. I can't tell how viable the current building is. What would be put in its place that would enhance the cultural resources of the city? It's not just a funding source for a new museum. |
The Institute for Texan Cultures seems fine exactly where it is. |
Big mistake. |
"I do not like the idea of leaving the DT Hemisfair area and I am concerned this will take away from the essence of the museum. However, I would choose this as my #2 choice since it ""checks most of the boxes""" |
"The berm, the layout of the building, the exhibits." |
Nothing. If you can't get it done in the space it's in then it won't matter where it's at. I agree that it's a disadvantage to move it as you won't get the tourist foot traffic or festival traffic. Moving will lose the historic feel associated with a historical museum. I think keeping all elements of the world's fair together would be an advantage. Seems a museum of the future but neglecting its past isn't right. The museum of the future does not resonate with me at all. I want it to embrace the past and modernize the programming and displays. Just that phrase turns me off. When I think museum of the future I think technology and innovation. |
Loses context of construction for world’s fair |
"Provided that the sale of the Texas Pavilion site realized an appropriate sum of money to effectuate a move and that such a move could be to an equivalent space/place for all museum programming, I think I could support that. My own lack of imagination prevents me from realistically conceptualizing the what and where of such a move." |
Zachary wants to build his private hotel on the ITC land. |
Believe the location is an historic part of San Antonio to keep in place |
"No, just make it more attractive to visitors (stay-cationers and vacationers)" |
"I feel strongly that the ITC should stay in the Hemisfair District. I am a tour guide and regularly take visitors to see the extensive collection, which depicts Texas cultural influences. Visitors from out of town and out of state rarely leave the downtown area and would not get to see the great collection if it leaves downtown. It's also great to take them to one of the only remaining 1968 buildings. " |
Terrible idea. Keep ITC in downtown San Antonio where it is accessible. |
The revenue gain from leasing out that land could generate money for a true museum of the future with plenty left over to reinvest in our students and community. |
Saving money and reinvesting back into the museum sounds like a win win. |
It would fit well with the Alamo for visitors and improve visibility |
I think it is time for a change after all it is the 21 Century. Having the institution of Texan Cultures outside of Hemisfair district in a new location would be nice to see. The current location is very old and run-down. |
"ITC should be more accessible and complimentary to other cultural assets in the city. It should be upgraded and fresh, appealing to visitors, as well as to students of history." |
Love visiting there and seeing all the exhibits. We were there last week. I think the location is perfect. Would hate to see it move. It wouldn’t be the same. |
I think it should stay near Hemisfair. More visitors on are on foot/scooter/bike are drawn to that area than other areas. |
"I would not consider relocating outside the Hemisfair District. The ITC is known for being part of Hemisfair, it is a 'known entity' for citizens of San Antonio and shares a history with Hemisfair. A Hemisfair location will be easier for visitors to find and visit. It would be easy or easier to incorporate the ITC into the vision of the new Hemisfair as it develops. " |
ITC needs to stay in the Hemisfair District |
"If the ITC were to move out of the Hemisfair District, there are only 2 locations that make sense to me. First would be somewhere in the downtown area, preferably in the vicinity of the Alamo, perhaps the Masonic Temple? If not downtown, the other logical relocation option would be on Broadway in the developing Museum District by the McNay and the Children's Museum. However, I am not aware of any available buildings, other than perhaps the old VW site." |
"This is the best idea and is relevant to UTSA's current progress to expand its downtown footprint and better serve the urban environment. This is also the best option for making it the best museum it can be, if we can build something new. In my opinion, this is the only real feasible option because it also opens up very valuable land for UTSA to develop into something else in the Hemisfair District. It is a win-win and now is the time to do this. San Antonio itself is desperately looking for a reason outside its historic tourism locations to become more relevant to today's modern downtown destinations. UTSA can continue to position itself to be right in the mix with the development of SA, long before it's finished. This will add immeasurable value to the university and the city. " |
"The scenario to relocate outside of Hemisfair resonates with me most. In its current location, the ITC is not connected to other campus locations and as a museum it is located outside of the visitor traffic in downtown. " |
"It would be a major disappointment and crime to relocate, tear down, or demolish the current location. The ITC has a great history and the building itself is a work of art. The city needs to save some of their existing landmarks and buildings." |
This doesn’t resonate with me. |
"A sense of tradition of being in Hemisfair Plaza, but this is an opportunity to be more than a potential tourist stop" |
"As a teacher, the location is fine since kids are able to see the downtown area which they may never experience. As a parent, the accessibility is so difficult. I’ve driven past there, even lived a few blocks away and never even understood where the entrance is/where someone could park for a low cost. Relocating outside this area maybe near Broadway or near the downtown UTSA building would be best." |
Yes if possible it may be better to be near the downtown campus. |
Move near the new Data building plans and existing building by San Pedro Creek improvement area. |
The opportunity to be in a new space with better access. |
"Get out of the Park. Build in another room art of Downtown San Antonio, host the Annual FolkLife festival in HemisFair Park, or on the grounds of the Alamo Plaza or the San Fernando Cathedral Plaza or at the existing footprint of the UTSA Downtown Campus. " |
Don't move |
"No, stay in same place. " |
ITC is an integral part of SA history and culture. It should remain in the Hemisfair District as a major contributor to preserving our culture. |
Ridiculous |
Nothing! Stay in Hemisfair District in the current structure! |
Think it would lose it's impact. Known world wide for being where it is. |
"If the museum were to be moved, it will no longer be in the central part of the city." |
"I don't think relocating the ITC outside Heimisfair is an ""optimal"" idea using the task forces' word. The ITC should stay at Hemisfair but be relocated to its western area where it is much more connected to the energy of downtown and the pedestrian flow. " |
"Only if it were to relocate on or in close proximity to the main UTSA Campus or within the Central Business District in Downtown, preferably near the downtown UTSA campus." |
"I recently visited the museum with my grandson. I was very disappointed in the exhibits. Most of the building appears to be closed. Looking at the building overall, it does not seem as if the structure built in 1968 fits the needs for a museum today. My grandson has been studying Texas history so going to ITC and the Alamo this summer seemed like great connections. The Alamo was packed! Not so at ITC which is a huge educational loss for our children today and in the future." |
The ITC is iconic. I think relocating it would be a mistake. |
It would take away from historical opening in 1968. |
Nothing. |
"The Hemisfair District would lose the last remaining product of what Hemisfair is, except for the tower. I believe that the ITC should remain where it at, but not necessarily in the same building. It provides so much to Texas, not just San Antonio. We have people that visit from all over the world. It can be reimagined w/i the grounds of the Hemisfair District. The current building needs too many repairs and updates, but should stay w/i the District. It probably would not be as accessible and those looking for it would not find it convenient. When people visit downtown, they want to be able to do things w/i walking distance. I feel that if it is moved outside of the district, it would not fair as well as it would w/i the district. Relocating the back 40 buildings would be more difficult and there may not be a location that would be suitable to add those buildings. They are a part of the ITC. " |
"No - moving the collections makes it less accessible to local educators, tourists and researchers. The current location has parking, ease of access. New location costs even more money to meet museum standards." |
"Leave it in Hemisfair, either in a new building or refurbish the old one. " |
I prefer Hemisfair |
"Not much. The ITC ""fits"" with the area museums & attractions. " |
Second best option |
Relocation outside of the HemisFair District does not resonate with me at all. The Institute of Texan Cultures should stay in its original location. Its current location is central to educational entities that come to visit this storied museum of Texas history. |
"Institute of Texas needs improved access, a better location and improved marketing " |
Don’t move. Leave it where it is. Moving it outside Hemisfair would kill it. |
Should be moved as downtown is becoming modernized and the land could be used for something that the community could utilize more. |
"No. The ITC is a treasured ""landmark"" as well as cultural/historical venue for the city of San Antonio. I believe its current location is important as a package as to what San Antonio is and its history." |
It would diminish the connection with the city historically as well as remove it from a centrally located position. |
I really do not want the ITC moved anywhere. We have a gem of a historic location that has a perfect footprint in downtown. |
Only if all proceeds from the sale/monetization of the property go to fully fund the new Institute. |
Move it |
"Location of the museum in a new modern facility located closer to other cultural areas. Needs to be more walkable, inviting and fresh. Can be in a smaller brand new facility." |
This would abandon the place where the Institute belongs: In an iconic building dedicated to Texas Cultures in the heart of the city. It would make me feel that embracing our culture and history as represented by the building and Institute is taking second place to commercial interests. Its current location and functions declare that what it represents is core to what our area and our people are all about. Removing it to another location would desolate our community of this great treasure. |
I do not support relocating outside the Hemisfair District. |
The institue of Texan Culture is an icon and should be maintained |
It was a cornerstone of the Hemisfair and its removal would move a critical part of San Antonio's recent history |
Do not recommend this. Other museums on Broadway don't have the downtown advantage and see downtown visitors as a niche market for ITC. |
"Texas Pavilion is a valuable resource, and San Antonio's downtown culture is growing. It seems irresponsible to relocate outside the Hemisfair District when the land value and foot traffic are increasing in that area." |
Yes relocate maybe somewhere close to Zoo somewhere off Broadway with plenty of parking. |
"This is a decent option. There are options in the downtown area which might work, and these locations would be more easily accessible to visitors than the Texas Pavilion. " |
"No. The Texas institution has always been there, it’s a staple in our downtown area. To move it, would throw off the face of the park and leave our dt with a large hole." |
"A clear link to some obvious level of Texas history. An attraction that is generally accessible to residents and visitors to Bexar County, with adequate support infrastructure and transportation accesses." |
"Does not recognize historic value of the Texas Pavilion, both in terms of its original architects (CRSS Houston) nor its association with Hemisfair '68." |
A new building that is better suited to showing what ITC has to offer. |
"For the price of renovation, the ITC could find a new space without the old issues and establish new exhibit space." |
The Hemisfair District is the foundation of the entire concept. I do not believe this should even be a consideration. |
"At first I thought moving from ITC would give us a new start, new beginning, a new vision but is not always the case. I would not relocate outside of the Hemisfair District." |
Keep it in the same location |
A fresh start could open doors for a total reimagine of how to engage the pubic in the material and information the museum has to offer. |
"Obviously, the key issue would be to find/create a suitable site: central to SA, a truly distinctive ""destination"" building (Lake-Flato?), plenty of parking, public transportation accessible (incl. prospective light rail, etc.). Maybe Broadway corridor (near Witte, Bot Garden)? Or somewhere very close to UTSA downtown campus so that ITC can be integrated better with academic mission of UTSA (esp. History, Museum Studies, immigration/border studies in English, Modern Languages, Anthropology, etc.). Generally, this is not my preferred solution. " |
A place more accessible and connected to the community |
More foot traffic in areas populated with more visitors and tourists |
This possibility presents the opportunity to actually relocate the ITC museum and functions to the DT Campus with hopefully a new facility building meeting AAM criteria for the museum. This would foster greater traffic and use to the DT campus while also serving as both an educational and new attraction to the San Antonio West side of downtown promoting greater development and growth for both the university and the area. |
This is a silly idea. Why move out of Hemisfair when you already have a central and visible location that is steeped in history. |
"I like the traditional aspect of leaving it within the Hemisfair District. Out of the options presented constructing a new building is a common theme, but that could be done within the district." |
"No, think that ITC is better in the downtown area." |
"Relocating seems to be the key to progress and the simultaneous bolstering of the core purpose of ITC . True, remaining within the Hemisfair District aligns with its history but in the end, does it really matter as long as the space provides the necessary elements to benefit the future museum and ultimately, the community, whose roots are preserved, honored, and studied there. " |
"I think this is the best option. The current property is valuable, and would bring in additional funding for a new building and/or renovation of an existing building. You also might be able to get enough land around the building to expand the different festivals. Right now they are so crowded, it's difficult to get around and enjoy them. Perhaps moving up towards the Museum District would be possible, and generate a synergy of its own." |
"Less traffic, better parking, more accessible to more people " |
Losing ITC/ Texas Pavilion for another hotel or ball park. |
"No, this is a building dedicated to the history of the peoples of Texas, and maintaining its current location is also a statement of historic significance. Keep it at its current location, and energize the programming and the minor repairs necessary, plus give it a boost of technological innovation. ( I presented Dr Valdez with one of these ideas about 13 years ago, an easy-to-install trip through time in SA that utilized an elevator, a tv monintor, and some creative scriptwriting, incorporating mammths and dinosaurs, the Yanaguana Springs shooting 20 ft high, and the arrivakl of successive groups of ethnicities from the Indigenous peoples to the present day arrivals.) Folks would flock in to see it, and I would be willing to write an exciting script together with filmmakers Nancy de los Santos and Texas cultural historians. The ITC just needs new imagination and energy, plus a renovation to match. The location is not the problem- but the programming. Looks and feels like the 1968! " |
"What highly resonates with me is the ITC build a reputaiton as a ""central destination."" A direct example of ""Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Museum of Art"" in Manhattan. These location are solid unshakeable cultural influences around which current, everyday thing happens. They have a rooftop bar for get togethers/casual after work functions. They have a backyard where there are ample informal tables, chairs, and grassy areas and a big movie Screen and show free movies during the summer. These activities and others are what I envision the ITC can be. Would love for it to be, and to bring to vibrant San Antonio. A place where we engage in support of the fine arts, support all of our vast cultures in this region, and today are still relevant because people make the ITC a destination in their current lives. Be visitable, be relevant, be comtemporary. I've tried to convince my children to go several tiems but they past the age of some of your general art projects. " |
Doesn't make sense as the ITC is the foundation of Hemisfair along with the Tower of Americas. |
The location at Hemisfair is great! I love the building- the round “rotunda” area is great - not sure where you would relocate to- outside loop 1604- too far. It should be downtown- central to our city. I have visited for over 40 years and have taken school classes after school class. |
Just get rid of |
Get closer to the Alamo |
"Relocation would be great, but all the exhibits should relocate as well. I would hate to see it downsized." |
"If there's some acreage, maybe have more of an outdoor focus on Texas history/cultures." |
This removes the mission and collection outside of the historical center and therefore severs an important historical tie and important connection to a central area of tourism. I don't feel a better location outside of Hemisfair Park could be found that re-establishes these connections. |
"Without knowing where the ITC would be relocated, it is useless to comment here. There are so many ""hot, trendy"" areas in San Antonio, that the idea of ITC being added to one of these ""ant beds"" of activity is distasteful. The public is fickle and the ""hot"" locations of today have relatively short life spans. " |
"If you aren't retaining the current building I see no reason to stay at Hemisfair, How it best fits within the UTSA system may help dictate the location." |
"The injustice of this idea to relocate resonates negatively with me. There would be a loss of the history of the ""urban renewal"" (a.k.a., ""slum clearance"") injustices that took place to create the site we know as Hemisfair. The disinformation campaign that promised the creation of a university on the site of Hemisfair, after the 1968 event, is one of the reasons the institution (ITC) should remain in place where it has stood since 1968. " |
I think that this would be a big mistake. Current location is convenient to tourists and close to the downtown UTSA campus. Why move? That would be ridiculous. |
This seems like a big building that does not attract pedestrian traffic and/or the exhibits are not as exciting for today's demands. Hence I think this is an eye sore to the location. |
"As long as exhibits are intact and there is space for events, I'm ok with it." |
Maybe there would be an opportunity to expand the space for exhibits/add new ones and offer more community cultural learning opportunities. |
"No, stay in Hemisfair district. We can not relocate history as easy as we feel. Almost as bad as moving The Alamo to the north side." |
"I envision UTSA becoming a major player in reshaping downtown San Antonio, in the same way that the Savannah College of Art and Design has remade Savannah, Georgia. With the Downtown campus, the Southwest School of Art (recently merged with UTSA), and the cybersecurity building all in close proximity to each other, I think moving the ITC to the west side of downtown makes a lot of sense. There are vacant lots, buildings that could be renovated, and existing spaces that are currently underutilized. There are other resources as well that could become partners, like the Bexar Heritage Center, the Bexar County Archives, and the San Antonio Public Library. I envision the ITC as an academic center, a tourist attraction, an educational destination, and a cultural community hub." |
An opportunity to get a modern building in area with more tourist foot traffic. |
"It should be in a central part of the city, to emphasize UTSA’s presence in the City." |
Do not relocate the ITC. |
"It would make sense if the ITC were located on the downtown UTSA campus or even the main campus. If not at UTSA, then it should be located in the outside the downtown area." |
"The issue as it stands seems to me to be parking. Wherever the ITC is moved, there needs to be adequate parking and accessibility for disabled visitors and those traveling by bus or foot. I personally believe that is what deters visitors now. That being said, I think to move it after being in the same place for over 50 years would take away from the experience. Would the ITC Festival still be held at the present site? " |
Opportunity to join other museums on the river ‘s museum reach |
"Relocating seems like a bad idea to me. The ITC building is recognizable, attractive, and will probably be abandoned if the ITC leaves it. Any new location for the ITC will probably be forgettable." |
"I don't understand much of what I saw you considering, but I have always felt strongly that the heritage and contributions of our ancestors that formed our state need to be preserved. Please don't lose the artifacts and displays that so many contributed. Personally I am of Czech descent and want reminders of this cultural influence to be preserved and not discarded. " |
The further you are away from downtown the harder people will not visit. |
"This would be a mistake. The ITC needs to be in the heart of downtown San Antonio, in the Hemisfair District specifically, in order to attract the most visitors." |
Relocation outside the HemisFair district may cause even further loss in attraction because the current location is central and has a lot of history |
"Relocating the ITC outside of Hemisfair Park to the current UTSA downtown campus resonates with me. I believe that creating a more cohesive downtown UTSA campus would strengthen UTSA's presence in the area, bolster the campus for future development and create spaces that campus visitors and students can, and deserve, to enjoy within a walking distance. Currently, the downtown campus is expanding but the existing spaces are not walkable." |
If a better location would bring more people to visit and understand the importance of how the Texas cultures have intertwined to make Texas what it is today. |
Do not relocate this historic building anywhere! |
This does not seem like a good idea. Hemisfair is convenient for tourists and San Antonians alike. Property and building are already owned by UTSA. |
This does not resonate with me. |
"I like the idea of having more ""up to date"" facilities, but I'm not clear why that can't happen in its current location. Not knowing the where makes it hard to support this idea. It would be nice if the goal was to rejuvenate another area, but too often that just disrupts the people living there. Like Hemisfair in 1968 and other ""gentrified"" areas like around the Pearl." |
This would depend on where it would be located. |
"I only scanned your report so I don't know the details. What resonates with me are several things: 1) location needs to be more accessible by car, with accessible parking. 2) historical information that is well displayed and so educational is a great alternative for older tourists and an addition to the amusement parks for the younger tourists. 3) the ITC history is an update from the history covered at the SA missions 4) temperature control is a relief after touring the missions in summer. I have not been to the ITC in many years. In the 1970's I frequently took my elementary classes there as well as family visitors from out-of-town and all loved the experience. In the last 10+ years, I haven't found easy access nor much publicity about it, so it's a forgotten jewel. Also, I wonder if it needs updating and refreshing." |
"This option is completely unviable and disturbing from a community perspective. The creation and development of the Hemisfair Park historically and contemporarily has been about the destruction of local communities, often people of color and queer as they were forced further and further from the city's core. To even consider leaving the Hemisfair District would further the trauma of this land and would dishonor the forceful sacrifices of the ancestors of this community. " |
Nothing. It belongs where its at. The location is perfectly situated in a growing Hemisfair. |
"If it's possible, we might consider staying within the Hemisfair District because everyone knows where it is and the back 40 available. This would cut down on marketing costs for advertisements re: relocation and allow for funds to go to other things like training, teaching, and summer camps, etc. If we were to relocate outside of the Hemisfair District, I think it would be smart to consider becoming a fully fledged Smithsonian Museum, Research, and Education Center- this could be called The Smithsonian Institute of Texan Cultures Research and Education Center at UTSA (location) Campus. A good location for relocating outside of the Hemisfair District would be at a park in the downtown area (Legacy Park, San Pedro Park Area, Mission Reach Area)" |
"Least desirable of the three options. ITC should continue to have a presence in the""Hemisfair District.""" |
Relocating outside of the Hemisfair would depend on the location. The Texas Pavilion is utilized by school districts for field trips. |
Should not leave Hemisfair; ITC is the iconic legacy treasure remaining from historic 1968 World Fair. |
No. It is well known where it is currently located. No need to incur more expense by relocating outside Hemisfair District. |
Scenario 1. We need to vacate the property so the city can move forward with our new vision. |
"My best friend’s Dad worked there, so I have many fond memories of the Hemisfair site and the Folklife Festival." |
Texas Cultures in context of Planetary Civilization |
"ITC is an iconic and historic mid-century modern building that is part a collection of buildings that mark Hemisfair 1968 and the emergence of our community as internationally significant. The programs should be updated and retained along with the building to interpret the advances in our community that leapt forward with Hemisfair. Additionally, the embodied energy in the building should be conserved by retaining it and if needed, adaptively reusing it." |
Opportunities for expansion and attracting wider range of scholars to UTSA campuses |
"No, that would not be a good choice at all. It must remain in place." |
"1. A chance for a new building/new space for the Texan Cultures Exhibit to give an updated presentation. 2. A chance to use the Pavilion for another purpose, eg, events center. Do not support tearing it down for a baseball stadium or other use!" |
Not a good idea. Needs to stay put. |
"HemisFair was a turning point for the city, an important part of our history, There could be no greater vision that helping all of us appreciate the cultures that have come to gather to create Texas. Keep ITC in place and let it grow and improve." |
Don't do it. |
Why would you move from excellent site in improved Hemisfair site? It makes no sense. |
The ITC building is an underutilized portion of Hemisfair that could be better used to bring together our community. |
"It should not move far if relocated from the current spot. I never know when I am going to drop in or be attracted by an event. The history belongs to everyone, so please don't make it exclusive by losing its central location." |
"I feel it would be a great loss to relocate outside of Hemisfair. It would be a missed opportunity to not incorporate the museum into the programming of Hemisfair. Once Hemisfair Park was forgotten and laid dormant but a few people knew, given the opportunity, it would not only thrive but bloom into a wonderfully designed park animated with children laughing and more experiences that will unfold. ITC has the capacity to be a wonderful resource. If ITC is relocated to another part of downtown or somewhere else in the city it will lose the synergy Hemisfair would bring. It will be forgotten. What a loss to not celebrate all the cultures that created Texas. Inclusion. That is today’s word. I believe ITC is definitely a vehicle that would and could celebrate not only the past cultures but help identify all the growing current cultures that arrived in past twenty years. " |
The founding families of San Antonio |
Univers |
"If relocation is a must, new facility must be larger with at least 75,000 feet for exhibit and displays. Must be within the Central Business District property owned by UTSA." |
"No reason to relocate -- make necessary repairs & update building. The Pavilion is ideally located for locals & tourists & access is easy when driving. Adding golf carts from parking areas to the Pavilion would assist the elderly & disabled to visit the Pavilion. Important to have oversight by ""some"" entity -- cannot leave it up to whoever volunteers." |
"Do not want it to move. It is a staple of the community and neighborhood and as I resident of the downtown area, I would be greatly disappointed to see it go. It’s location makes it very convenient for events I like to attend. " |
"This idea works if the funds are available to have a comparable footprint and proximity to high traffic areas similar to the current location. Other than that, i don't know if this would be the best choice. " |
"A new facility, specifically designed to house the ITC could be much more inviting for guests, more functional as a museum, and more connected to surrounding amenities. Furthermore, the redevelopment of the existing site could create a wonderful new neighborhood to benefit residents and visitors. Financial proceeds from the redevelopment of the site could fund a wonderful new ITC museum." |
"The historical displays used to be wonderful but over time sections have diminished and interesting interactive exhibits had been removed. UTSA has done a terrible job of maintaining the museum. UTSA is obviously more interested in expanding than in doing their part of keeping history! The library has been wonderful in the past and employees have done what they can in keeping its value. It should not be relocated to the UTSA campus on 1604 or anywhere where parking is difficult and expensive. Merging with other libraries, if at all, diminishes its value as information becomes less accessible. Example: merging with either the Conservation Society or the DRT library limits accessibility due to open hours as well as parking. Both of these libraries are excellent but hours are limited and space at the Conservation Society is limited. Incidentally, this survey has not been widely known... its almost as the survey was intentionally not widely publicized as citizen input wasn't wanted." |
"It would be hard to get used to, but doable. I think it should stay in downtown area." |
"Leaving Hemisfair may present the ITC with an opportunity to occupy a space that is more immediately equipped to serve a relevant, contemporary function: updated building infrastructure, potentially close to areas that are already known to the public. Occupying a new building in a new area may also kickstart visitor numbers, as people come out of curiosity; if the ITC has used that time effectively to create new exhibitions, interactive content and amenities, they are more likely to return." |
The ITC has been an integral part of San Antonio's downtown history and should remain where it was originally built. |
The mission is important for local students. |
"Leave where it is; repair, or refurbish, make necessary improvements to return building, museum to former grandness." |
I do not want the ITC to be relocated outside the Hemisfair District. |
This gets an absolute zero from me. |
"Yes, the location is not conducive to creating a central district dedicated to the university or anything like a museum district that would create a destination area for locals and visitors " |
I like it where it is. |
I like the current location |
It has been location at this location since after Hemisfair in '68. |
Not this option |
Nothing about this possibility resonates with me. Keep the Institute of Texan Cultures inside the Texas Pavilion. |
"I really don't like the idea of moving away from this central location; if you're walking around downtown, you can get to it easily. And the parking lot behind the Tower is handy if you're driving. It helps bring people downtown." |
Possibly in conjunction with another museum or in the vicinity; easy to find |
"I would support this as a second option, but only if the current property ownership was maintained by UTSA and repurposed for other academic and community spaces and activities. " |
"No no no no no, leave it where it is and spend the money to do all the needed upgrades. Why not create an ITC Foundation to raise the needed money? Something like the Parks Foundation that did all the improvements to the Japanese Tea Gardens" |
"No, do not relocate. I am a native San Antonian and relocation does not resonate with me at all." |
"The point of my survey input is twofold: to question ITC's and other stakeholders' agendas and motives regarding the current site. to acknowledge that it is a complicated subject, born out of the fact that Peter (a.k.a. Texas) was robbed of a lot of its history to pay Paul (a.k.a. special interests) for catalyzing San Antonio's now enviable tourist industry. ITC's credibility will be in question if the property falls into the hands of outside interests and this architectural landmark goes the way of all that which was recklessly thrown away for it. This would be a cruel case of lightning striking the site twice by destroying more than a bit of the institute's history itself." |
"Advantage: Relocating outside of Hemisfair into a newly constructed building better allows for meeting national accreditation Disadvantage: Relocating outside of Hemisfair ends the 50-year history, presence, legacy, and memories of the ITC at its original space. " |
Accessibility and proximity to other populated areas |
No aqui |
"Brand new facility with state of the art video/ visual elements, a la the Bush Library foyer in Dallas" |
"I'd build a jewel box with all the technology to attract every audience, and particularly to attract the youngest generation." |
Parking garage. |
A more robust connection between inside and out. A highly technologists interactive spa to replace the old slide show |
"A performing arts space/auditorium. UTSA doesn't really have a good performing arts space. I could see it being used for all sorts of things, especially if the ITC remains in the downtown area." |
Immersive experience using technology and storytelling! |
"Modern architecture, areas to relax, cafe, inclusive exhibits that highlight the culture of Texas before Europeans arrived and ending with the current multicultural mix that makes up Texas." |
"If moved from Hemisfair, the new ITC should have an exhibit dedicated to the original building, event, etc. " |
"Have you ever seen the WWII museum in New Orleans or the Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg? Easy to walk through, interactive, self paced and the outdoor battle re-creations are awesome. " |
"Other museums, restaurants and bars. Restore the water features to recycle the gray water from the convention center and adjoining hotels. Add a parking structure to accommodate visitors and make it more convenient to access the site. " |
This option must provide for increased foot traffic and synergies with other museums and/or cultural attractions. |
Free admission for all children under 18 |
Incorporate the museum with one of the campus development projects in an updated facility. |
I don't see anything about culture and the Texas Folklife Festival is about culture dancing music outdoor activities. The history has increased included night time concerts as well as religious ceremonies in conjunction with the festival. This needs to be included as well. |
In a facility along the museum reach. |
A world class building - it is vital for the city and UTSA to invest in culture. |
Art Gallery featuring Texas artists. |
"New building, state of the art electronic capabilities, lots of parking." |
Relocate behind the Alamo to the parking lot at 812 E Houston St. Then build apt towers around the Tower that taper off to 5 over 1s towards Cesar. Making a wonderful mixed use neighborhood. Turning the northwest corner of Cesar and 37 into a park with the historical structures. |
"Less static displays, more exhibits that utilize technology and interactive components." |
"A pedestrian pathway from the Riverwalk, LEED/net zero building" |
I love the back 40 and would like more of the history showing San Antonio’s past. How people lived and what they did |
"Get the building in order and showcase it around the state. Marketing, personnel, events, technology, tours, outreach. You are simply not doing it. Do it. (""Build it and they shall come"") If you are going to support diversity and inclusion, demonstrate it through the ITC." |
"Restore the existing location and have a satellite, perhaps at UTSA." |
"Update exhibits, establish an aggressive marketing plan. Create a foundation to establish future funds, donations and grants " |
"Adopt scenario 2 and build a baseball stadium on the existing ITC site. A much needed stadium would drive a significant increase in foot traffic to Hemisfair and the downtown area while leveraging existing infrastructure. The stadium would be the home of the Missions, UTSA Baseball, along with being an outdoor venue for festivals, concerts, and convention center overflow." |
Nothing. |
Fix up the Texas Pavilion building. Remodel and renovate to bring it up to AAM Core Standards. |
Technology Augmented Reality |
I would create a multilevel parking lot to alleviate the traffic. |
"With or without unlimited resources I would hire or hold an architectural competition. Museums attract great architects and the buildings themselves become attractions, sites for publicity, etc. Placemaking is so important and is a great investment. " |
"I just got back from the Katrina Museum in NO, and the way that the museum grips you into one of the greatest natural disasters with sound, pictures, films, and tells a story of the human spirit is magical. Now, just to be clear, that museum was but a semblance of what the Institute needs to be, but we need to look at this as an experiential place where visitors see and experience the good, the bad, and the beautiful spirit of Tejanos." |
Add an aviation museum to the mix. |
Money raising Texas folklife festival expanded to two weekends with weekday events in the evenings. |
"Use the original hemisfair to intrigue children- they have no idea what a worlds fair is. Draw them into a circumstance which, hopefully, they will find at least partially relatable. " |
Have a floor dedicated to each flag to fly over Texas. |
"I would relocate the ITC to the planned downtown UTSA campus area, providing easier access to this facility for scholars, which may inspire more research or investment, and centralizing management and maintenance. Use the Hemisfair location as potential ancillary development for the Alamodome and surrounding attractions. Net profit benefits the University's growth projects at the main campus or downtown expansion " |
"I prefer funding to go towards maintenance on the main campus (e.g., hire more custodians because our brand new SEB is getting trashed, especially the Makerspace). I wish there were more photo opportunities for specific colleges. Most universities have a large sign that says something along the lines of “ABC School of Engineering” " |
Refresh exhibits and bring them into the 21st century. A new purpose built facility instead of trying to make the ITC work in the old Texas Pavilion. |
"The format in which the ITC history and information is presented is old and antiquated. Video, cinema, photography and other 2020ish mediums should be utilized " |
Fix in place |
Better parking access |
Several outside restrooms for festivals and school tours. A parking garage. More outside learning centers. |
Make the museum its own museum. Preserve the current building and add a veil around it to bring everything up to code and eligible for touring exhibitions. The building was so integral to Hemisfair and our community. |
"It is in a great location. Determine if the current facility can be rehabilitated. If so, create a realistic plan to modernize it and promote it as is being done with the Briscoe museum. " |
I oppose such a move away from its current location. |
"Expand on both the history, culture and the land that is the Great State of Texas. Have an area for the panhandle, plains, west Texas, south Texas, east Texas and the coastal area. Highlight what is great about each (history, unique living, land and of course the culture and people who lived/grew each area). And continue to showcase something special on a yearly, half year, etc. special about Texas (i.e. Texas beer exhibit I saw, or maybe universities, birds, etc.)" |
Replace the space with NBA caliber arena or baseball stadium. Downtown businesses need the energy of thousands to help business. Stop playing politics. |
ADA requirements |
More historical displays |
"HVAC to accommodate AAM, but really - do are the resources you want to borrow from participating institutions? Knowing how they work, they do not seem a good fit for the ITC. It's not like y'all want to borrow Warhols. " |
I would relocate or add a location near the foot traffic of the Alamo Plaza. |
A larger gift shop and a cafe. Every museum that I have visited over the last several years have both. |
"A conference/ball room on the top level with large outdoor patio to host wedding receptions, proms, UTSA dinners/galas, City of SA events, etc. Bring people to the building and make it a destination, not just a museum." |
Updated exhibits |
"Ideally I would transform the original Texas Pavilion back into a safe and useable structure. The current building has such a history itself and remembers the 1968 World’s Fair and the 150th anniversary of the Texas Revolution/Republic. The current building has a great story in itself and celebrates Texas and San Antonio history. The Hemisfair is a great location because of its World's Fair connection, proximity to La Villita, and the local shops which combine cultural and architectural history and well as a modern cool vibe. I would not put the new Institute in a setting that has its own historical setting (like Alamo Plaza) but a place where it could tell its own story of the uniqueness of the Texas population and how it got that way. Thank you for asking!" |
"Update the video they play in the dome area. I loved seeing that as a kid on field trips, but I don't think it's been updated as much. more interactive exhibits - digital age" |
Add other attractions that create a full experience - essentially so you create an ecosystem of activity in that area where folks can spend all day. |
A neon sign showing new exhibits or dramatic events. |
"I would build a custom building for the Institute on a location that meets the myriad needs of the ITC: exhibit space, community space, and research facility. I would follow the trends of multi-media museums like the Museo Memoria de Andalucia in Granada, Spain or the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle. The space would also include the ability to access digital archives, a cafe space, an indoor/outdoor performance/festival space, and a movie theater. Ideally it would have a parking garage attached and would be on the river." |
"The chickens are easy to care for in the back 40, but adding a horse, cow, pig and goat would truly bring to life the farm/ranch experience for visitors that have perhaps never seen the animals up close. Experiencing the size and smell of the animals puts a true perspective on the care required to keep them." |
Large scale public art on building. |
More visiting exhibits. |
More hands-on experiences for both children and adults. More and varied audio-visual presentations. |
"I recommend the inclusion of housing and retail into a new ITC building to make it not just a destination for learning, but for enjoyment, recreation, and housing for some. " |
Unlimited resources? Is this realistic? Education and enlightenment are the goals. Go above and beyond in providing the true history of Texas and pre-Texas |
The best technology that provides the best visual and tactile experience. |
Fully new building. |
I believe in the mission of the ITC. I believe a refresh of the material is in order. This along with a better location will provide the ITC with a renewed purpose that was lost along the way. |
Relocating does not resonate. |
"Regardless of location, I would add retail and restaurant components for potential local partnership opportunities to create more collaboration across industries. " |
Definitely larger cafe bistro outside on riverwalk or nearby with coffee shop and drink stop/bar for river boat cruises |
Make sure all collections are accounted for and properly moved including a detailed plan available for peer review. Use resources to disseminate information and attract the public in higher numbers. |
"A compound similar the Witte, where guests could walk between buildings that highlight various aspects of Texas cultures, interactive exhibits, and beautiful grounds." |
"A better building. Suggest staying downtown, if move out of Hemisfair." |
State-of-the-art technology. Be world-leading in terms of bringing technology to museum so that folks from all over the globe are drawn to experience a modern museum. Be thoughtful about exhibits and space required (much less than today). |
"State of the Art building for collections and care of the photograph collection and library will cost upwards of 50 million. It would be a lot less if repairs and maintenance had been done before. However, what is done is done. Create a space for viewing of exhibits but also invest in the educational aspect as well as the professional staff that was let go a few years ago. They were your best resources. Brand new building with professional not political input. HVAC and collection storage areas are critical for accreditation and sustainability. Get Texas Association of Museums and American Alliance of Museums involved now! Do a better survey -- these questions don't even get at the real issues. " |
Widescreen monitors throughout the whole exhibit |
"I believe a version of the ITC could be incorporated on to UTSA's expanding downtown campus and would help draw interest and traffic on to the University's campus and would provide more of a direct correlation between the ITC and UTSA, which could be of benefit to UTSA's growth and recognition. I do see the current ITC building as outdated and don't believe re-purposing the building would bring much value either unless San Antonio were in need of convention type space, which it is not with the newly renovated Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center nearby. What is of value is the plot of land the building currently sits, which I think could be maximized via commercial development in the form of restaurants & shops that capture the essence of San Antonio & Texas and would be utilized constantly by those living in the neighboring residential developments as well as patrons of the Alamodome and would also be a point of attraction for San Antonians & tourists to visit." |
Bring back the Holocaust exhibit as permanent. Establish a robust display for Sam Houston. Establish a permanent display of the Military history in Texas. Add as trolley stop. Integrate renewable energy where possible |
A Major League Baseball Stadium or at the very least a AAA level stadium. |
"Obviously with unlimited resources, a newly built facility could really bring together the newest and best practices of a nationally/internationally recognized museum with room to expand and morph as needed." |
You Tube videos on topics covered by museum |
Build a high rise in front of the Alamo where the park is. |
A sky walk between adjoining Historical Buildings with The UTSA - Institute Of Texan Culture Museum artistically emphasized. |
A signature building for ITC to demonstrate the commitment of UTSA to honoring Texan Cultures. |
Build an ultra modern museum. |
Building a brand new museum building and storage for all artifacts and archival materials that is optimal for storage of fragile items. Build with all AAM accreditation requirements included. |
The many exhibits from the many cultures that have contributed to Texas could be expanded and enlarged. |
I would give people with exceptional minds the latitude to envision and develop a Museum appropriate for a 21st Century San Antonio. |
Plant ITC downtown |
"Bring back the air and space exhibit from the 1970s. Make a section of it a ""Do Texas"" exhibit for kids to get hands on experiences. Make the exhibits 100% accessible. Have a refreshment stand for at least a cold drink." |
Free parking. |
Remodel and upgrade facility |
Music history; beer and wine |
Downtown UTSA campus |
Build a new classical building. |
More manicured lawn space |
Have fair around All Souls’ Day . |
"You are limited in space, the exhibits need to be updated, and you should add more exhibits. Also, folklife festival should continue." |
Additional exhibits and resources |
"If, in this scenario, it must be relocated, I would identify the most chronically under-served communities in Bexar county and open a state of the art cultural museum." |
Cleaner facility with higher roof |
More space |
I would remodel or have more festivities |
Bring back a full and upgraded festival |
"Nothing. Zilch. Nada. The ITC should stay where it is: The Texas Pavilion should remain where it has been since approximately 1968. Ask staff and the ""steering committees"" or equivalent for the Louvre Museum, National Museum of American History in Washington D.C., the Los Angeles Natural History Museum, and the local Witte Museum on how they were able to transform historic structures into contemporary ""museums of the future"" on their original sites, in their original buildings." |
Redesign it so more of each culture could be further explored. |
Bringing back the Texas Folklife Festival. |
"If unlimited resources were available, I would like to see a living, working farm or homestead setup much like the one at LBJ State Park to show how life was like in the past in Texas. " |
Build a new building that meets all the requirements for now and the future |
"Fresh direction for the future--ethnic studies continue to be a part of educating the public, promoting differences and unity at the same time" |
More events! |
More space for permanent exhibits. |
Indoor seating and meeting space |
Children’s interactive/learning history |
More infuses on pre-Spain influence/contribution on that is now Texas. |
I would add additional exhibits on the indigenous peoples. |
New exhibits that are interactive. |
"Again, build a network which would include local schools districts, business community, the chambers, military and UTSA for better paying jobs to boost the economy. Stop relying on the tourism and the tips economy. Use the space at ITC as a central office for the initiative" |
More history more texts history inside so that elementary school students can come and have their field trips and learn |
Perhaps a membership that allows entrance to any or all of the above. |
"Obviously, a custom build like the Doseum would be ideal. But I don't know if it would have to character of the Pavilion!" |
No |
"Other cultures exhibitions. I have a collection of Peruvian dolls with costumes that will love to share and exhibit. Also create cultural activities for adults and kids. Dance, paint, theater, music, all related with all the cultures in Texas. Also summer workshops. Include more fairs or visits for schools for free." |
"I would upgrade the building it’s in, adding even more about our Mexican Heritage because hello, San Antonio…" |
Perhaps a live presentation by actors of what it was like to live during the designated era. |
"A live space, where cultural meetings happen all the time. Maybe hosting the San Antonio Book Festival. Maybe become the venue for a UTSA cultural and arts series open to the public. Definitely have an active program to integrate the East-West sides." |
A clean separation from UTSA as steward so that college politics and money were not the main deciding factors in the museums future. |
Move to Port SA. It's not part of San Antonio proper anyway so you can assure that most in SATX won't visit |
"A bigger section on textiles, fashion and arts/crafting (dance, fiber art, quilting, woodwork) and an open area for dance events where you teach cultural dances to the public. " |
"Easier access, parking, shuttles, food" |
Remodel. Upgrade the various cultural displays. Add new ones as Texas culture shifts |
Make this area the new stadium for the minor league baseball team. |
Nothing. |
"Virtual or augmented reality. Although my kids love the way it is now. They love the exhibits they can sit on, engage with. Like the old school house " |
"Repurpose bldg into community center to teach job training. The facility serves no purpose." |
" |
Add new addition to help with public wheel chairs also remodel if need. Beautiful history most young people have no idea of the past! |
If unlimited resources were available I would say build a new building downtown near the Riverwalk or use an existing building such as the Alameda museum possibly purchase that building. |
Different wings discussing things like technology and entertainment as well and a modern aspect/museum. |
Nothing. Move it to another location. |
The Wilson pottery exhibit of a few years ago was neat because that is part of my family. I would have it return. |
I wouldn't know a brand new facility is hard to think about but would be great you could solve all the issues of the old facility plus more |
"Better lightening so it's more vibrant... I know that's hard for artifacts, but that's actually the single ""bummer"" aspect I experienced last few times I've been there. The space just didn't feel as dynamic as the exhibits and the complete enchantment I remember from visiting as a child from another Texas city (in the 1970s)." |
Landscaping can use an update. Update the inside and outside but don't take away the iconic look of the building. |
I would add a paleontology (Texas dinosaur) and an area for hands on arts /crafts. Also a Dance Studio that represents and offers diverse cultural dance classes. Instagram photo areas |
More history in regards to UTSA and how important the university is to San Antonio. |
Definitely update the exhibitions and maybe even throw in some long term interactive exhibits that include culinary as well as music and dance related topics. Another I idea would be to include VR headsets to certain exhibits in lieu of recent tech developments. |
Updated exhibits and more hands on learning. |
I don’t know. Texas history is a mess you won’t be able to make anyone happy. |
"An overhaul of many of the exhibits at ITC that would follow the model of the updates made to the Tejano section, while also maintaining the use of so many of the artifacts in the current display." |
An IMAX theater &/or an amphitheater for commercial/popular acts as well. |
"Hire a renowned architect to build a new facility somewhere in downtown S.A., such as was done with the now iconic ""enchilada red"" central library." |
Please don’t relocate |
Fix the fountain. |
"Environmental controls, bathroom on the Exhibit Floor level. Balanced representation of various cultures that make up Texas." |
Not sure how to newer this question. |
"Funding another organization to administer and manage the Institute of Texan Culture would be preferable, and more economical. Maybe another successful Museum such as the Brisco Western Art Museum could manage this property better. " |
"In depth review/research of indigenous cultures of Texas, along with Maya, Inca, and Aztecs. Collaboration with UNAM San Antonio. " |
"Update exhibits, add few more cultures" |
Relocating outside Hemisfair is a bad idea |
A new facility with festival grounds and parking. |
Cafe |
A study to develop a contemporary museum for all ages. |
"Update exhibits, add learning classrooms." |
Maybe locate gift shop and restaurant. Have 'traveling' exhibits on regionalism and cuisine. Include cuisine as an aspect give we a 'confluence' of cultures and cuisine in San Antonio |
The original footprint for parking. |
"Keep the ITC at its current, original location and renovate the current space to meet necessary standards. Leverage alternative contracting and financing methods to achieve renovation of the current, original location space." |
Amazing that at 60 year old building is beyond repair. |
"Outreach. I don't think many people know/care about the ITC, to be honest. " |
No input...just that it doesn't need to relocated outside downtown |
"More outdoor exhibit areas for fairs such as Asian culture, etc. More parking for fair visitors." |
A better representation of the cultures that have occupied the city in the past and now. Unlimited resources would mean that the ITC could quit catering to the majority donors who are primarily interested in the post Alamo cultures. The research department at the ITC has some great resources to shed light on a more accurate telling of the San Antonio history. Provide tenure for that staff so they can share their knowledge without fear of negative consequences. |
"Update and expand the various sections on the diverse groups that settled in Texas." |
A baseball/football stadium |
"Looking at having the Pavilion have additional venue space similar to the La Villita hall which we are losing to hold larger events. We were hoping to use the ITC for the Pioneer Ball and were having conversation before COVID hit. We would still like the large outdoor space, but I don't know that would be available anywhere within hemisphere area." |
"Consider developing space in a way that develops the University and community... as just one example, partnering with hotel magnet (similar to University of Houston) to build a multi-story mixed use non-profit boutique hotel/restaurants that allows University to incorporate hands on learning opportunities for various departments (marketing/public admin/leader ship business/accounting/etc.) to gain experience in running and operating this facility. Allows for unique University draw and an opportunity for badly needed new funding streams for UTSA and career opportunities and workforce training campus in downtown SA... Also in the build out of this facility... Would incorporate underground floors and ensure to build in adequate parking spaces with office spaces for the future growth since funds r unlimited... Also consider incorporating HI tech clean power sources and materials to ensure max LEED status... Future showcase and marketing... Example the rebuilding of Rhottetdam " |
Stay where it has always been and make it span even further out like it used to be. |
Community activities |
"Remove HPARC from this conversation. They are the ""fly in the ointment""." |
"Whether resources are unlimited or not, I would expect design would allow for expansion and technological advances. Museums address more than one era in their holdings and should address more than one era in a forward thinking design." |
"I’m sure the price in that location is not cheap, but having a state of the art museum in that location would be ideal." |
Add more docent tours and exhibits for examples. |
Definitely upgrade and improve the current location. This has been the center of learning about Texas for adults and school children for many decades. It is unique to San Antonio. |
"Like unlimited resources are available to the San Antonio Symphony….. Nonsense pipe dream question" |
Need parking garage which is more feasible if combined with commercial development |
Invest in the existing building and the museum in this location |
Moving outside of Hemisfair is a mistake. |
"History in regard to: African immigrants, military and slavery " |
An outdoor venue to bring in music or dance. A cool amphitheater would be a great touch! |
"This building needs to be restored, updated with all needed modern necessities and again have a place of honor in downtown San Antonio. The current state of the institute is a disgrace and shows how little the powers that be care about preserving the modern history of San Antonio. The story of San Antonio business folks coming together, raising the funds and making a world fair in a very short time should be told and honored. This was the only world fair which honored the western hemisphere, and only San Antonio did." |
"Don't make a money grab for pet projects by selling ITC, and then just launch a library ITC website! Bait and switch, tone deaf to your SA constituents!" |
"I would add unlimited resources, or any resources at all. I think the place needs to be updated, have relevant programs and exhibits, and be marketed to the local community and tourists. The ITC can be an asset to the community being developed in Hemisfair park. It also can and should be a destination for tourists who stay downtown and visit the Alamo and the Riverwalk. The Institute of Texan Cultures was visionary when it was developed and it can be again." |
"More art, better and more colorful lighting, more festivals honoring the diversity of our culture., Explains more of the educational and dance is important but education is key. Stating with the indigenous people. Monthly events , or bi yearly...brining more to the building brining our culture alive" |
"Use the same money for a new location and upgrade to code the existing building. Using cultural representatives for each exhibit, refresh or reimagination with some digital components. Put in a restaurant somewhere on the grounds or even just a salad and sandwich ""fast"" food. Refresh the back 40. It is still a component important to Texas after the Civil War. Add later cultural like the Vietnamese, put back the Philippine and bring Hawaii in in some way." |
Plenty of old photographs and some way that they could be accessible most of the time and copies could be ordered. |
If there was unlimited resources it would be awesome to relocate near the new Alamo Museum |
"Remodel and add better exhibits that were worth seeing, like world class type museum. Will never happen " |
Expand collections. |
Easily accessible parking. Maybe a structure? |
The question around moving out of hemisfair is where you locate it? It would have to be around an area that attracts visitors so there would need to be considerable development to create a true destination for tourists and locals alike. |
"Indoor play area for small kids under 5, small food vendors not another Johnny H place, closer to the Alamo for more foot traffic, allow two drink limit for adults. This will bring everyone not from TX out of the sun and enjoy history. Make history around our growth bring it to life and Live. Photos take a lot of space so lets be efficient and make a slide show or go digital " |
Build up and create cooled/shaded walkways all around the institute. Hire museum consultants/designers to do analysis of how to develop the area. Look at the Embarcadero project in San Francisco/Chase Stadium-developed in last 10+ years and it's amazing. San Antonio is lagging beyond the rest of the world! |
A large section devoted to the Czech Americans. Maybe international visitors films and performances related to Texas history |
Expand resources to enlighten on the true story slavery in Texas. What communities were impacted and what is happening now. Holiday recognition- 1980 Texas Juneteenth. 1983 Federal MLK. 1991 Texas MLK 2022 Federal Juneteenth. |
"Parking lot or garage for staff, volunteers, and visitors. Hands on interactives for education and visitors. Better collection management facility which also creates better exhibit space. " |
"I am 42 years old. All or most of the current displays were there when I first visited as an elementary school student. I would add more exhibit space so the ITC could host traveling exhibits, as well as rotate exhibits, perhaps show off some of the pieces the city has from the Alamo." |
Needs to stay downtown at the very least |
All that is needed to gain accreditation as a museum and unique architecture. |
Incorporate the collection in the Alamo Museum |
"I would love to see the current location transformed into a world-class museum which updates and upgrades the ITC's exhibits and artifacts into a new and transformational experience. The center is extremely dated and once you have seen the exhibits, there is really no call to bring you back. However, one could say the same about the Witte, McNay, SAMA, DoSeum, etc.'s permanent exhibits. But the reason we go back is because the kids find it so much fun and interactive. Updating not only the space, but the experience and exhibits would push the ITC forward and draw more visitors. " |
"Update the existing structure using a local architect, adding whatever is needed and landscape the green spaces to be really cool xeriscape" |
"If you had unlimited resources, you would leave it where it is." |
A new building is desperately needed. I would add a facility for classes and events to showcase and highlight Texas history. |
"A new roof, updated HVAC with air locks on entrances to control humidity. Also classrooms, better museum store, updated exhibits with video and interactive elements, Dre’s for lectures and visiting exhibits. There is plenty of room in current building to add these features with renovation. " |
In this day and time unlimited resources are an unrealistic assumption. Construction of a totally new building to match the existing size and potential land area of the current ITC would be very difficult from an economic standpoint. A proposed facility outside of the Hemisfair District would be significantly diminished in size and scope if even realized. |
"Larger parking areas with new lighting and cameras, full kitchen and seating on the first floor, cell signal repeaters inside the building due to poor signal in the building." |
"With unlimited resources I'd tear the building down and build an entertainment district, complete with a new MLB stadium, a new NBA Arena where the current courthouse is, a central underground rail station to be the start of a future underground metro transportation network to connect the whole city and rely less on cars. Finally I'd add as much high density mixed used space as physically possible on the remaining area. It would become the new heart of the City with millions of people passing through every year. " |
"Unlimited resources are not available, but I would like to see more hands-on, interactive exhibits." |
"A very cool, modern building designed to reflect UTSA and the new museum as a symbol of architecture and the local culture." |
Basque section; Culture Fest around Fiesta |
"Not to tear down, remodel and update. " |
I like the interaction. I loved the dome movies- please don't ever take those away |
Relocating the San Antonio Missions baseball team to a new stadium built on the site would be an economic generator for downtown. Look at other cities that have moved ballparks downtown in the last 10 years and how they have transformed each of their respective parts of the city. |
"State of the art technological delivery of the content. New movies, electronic exhibits, etc..." |
It would be the perfect spot for a new baseball/basketball or multipurpose facility. |
Actual facts about Human History. |
"I’m not familiar if the downtown district brings in a lot of revenue to our city. If it does, then hire people who can make the institute more interesting and attract tourists. Have more cultural parties there, not just during fiesta. Exciting and fun Monthly events there. Once I saw a Neanderthal exhibition there and liked it, so make sure it has fun and fascinating exhibitions to draw not only tourists there, but us locals. Invest in advertising because I have not heard about anything going on there on any social media, radio or tv platform. However... There are more urgent and pressing problems in San Antonio. Like homelessness, evictions, hunger, animal abuse, lack of affordable day care, roads in need of repair, Covid problems, etc... perhaps spend money on those problems and not into the institute of cultures, which is mainly for tourists and is a luxury, not a necessity to our city " |
"For me, interactive museums are essential. We need to bring back to some degree more events and hands on activities that everyone can relate to. As time goes on, I feel more and more of our youth will lose valuable information as it relates to our states historically rich culture and the value it brings to us now in present day." |
Nothing |
More space to explore all the diverse cultures. |
It’s time UTSA plan to save ITC not tear an important architectural building down. |
Spend more money promoting it to make it part of the tourist trail. |
Nothing. UTSA should not be taking on costs for this facility. |
Keep the idea and spruce it up to the nines. |
"A true historical anthropology of cultures in Texas. Include patterns of dominance and cooperation among groups, struggles for class and race justice, diverse patterns of family life, locally-produced pop music subcultures etc. Probably take several decades to create exhibits! " |
"I would like idea of new building, more resources and better accessibility" |
"There was a ""slide show"" where you lay down on back and watch. Pretty dated by now probably.. update and include a first class San Antonio documentary about 30 minutes long. San Antonio drawings and photos through the years and a pretty good clip. Get Carey Deckerd to narrate it." |
leaving it where it's currently at. Advertise and be familiar with local schedules to promote this museum with the events. It should be a stop if people are in the area. Market a world's fair pass for ITC and the tower. Add a more accessible wing to this property to add the museum of the future. |
Increase events to utilize space |
"Silly question, ""unlimited resources"". " |
Remodel interior - exterior is unique unless requires new surfacing; some events held there already |
"Constantly update to look more attractive. Have beautifully decorated rooms with unique views to host a variety of events at reasonable and affordable prices...for conferences, meetings, weddings, etc..." |
"More multimedia exhibits, and remove or consolidate some of the dated information boards that contain small print and more information that most casual visitors can absorb. Restroom on ground level. " |
Build new space before vacating old space. |
Better access for tourists. |
"More advertising, I didn’t even know this existed until I received this email. But now I want to go check it out. I’ve lived in SA for 27 years. Might just be me. Hope this helps." |
Own place in the new Alamo plaza |
"Get the museum up to date to the latest standards, including fire alarm, and fire sprinkler standards, museum security standards, building equipment, heating/AC plumbing, electrical etc. Environmental collection, temperature controlled archive rooms." |
"Make ITC a modern, world-class facility with professionally curated exhibits. It should look appealing and classically Texan and less academic and institutional" |
"I think adding a snack bar and covered seating out back would be nice. Maybe opening to have food trucks one or two weekends a month. Add more kid friendly activities or area, to draw crowds. Could also charge a small fee of $5 a person ages 16 & up in stead of donations." |
Free larger parking area with gated entry for those who visit ITC. |
See the DoSeum :) |
"The ITC is certainly in need of modern, interactive features" |
"New building, fully updated experience, and reimagine the current land for something even more profitable for the university and the city." |
I would add interactive activities throughout the exhibit. |
"Add Sports History to the museum, including the Cowboys, Spurs, UT and A&M Football, maybe donated uniforms from past collegiate and professional greats and video of historic games (Memorial Day Miracle SA Spurs 1999)" |
Historical research ctr.Tracing family histories in |
Modernized research and reading room space. Large auditorium with 300 seats and state of the art conference rooms. |
"A modern, up to date space would add so much to the ITC, but if resources were unlimited, I'd create a space with a scale model of the state to show where things actually happened - a walk across Texas." |
"An entire new building, with lots of open space for community events/lectures and outdoor terraces. " |
More about Texas religions |
"Update the facility and keep it in the forefront of out visitors from around the world and children of our community of the many contributions our ethnic diversity has enrich our City, State and Country. " |
Rehab present building to me museum standards |
At least one free bus route to the museum should be established so people of any economic level could visit it. |
"In order to attract more people to the ITC - an ongoing speaker series of distinguished scholars, a genealogy center for people to research their ancestry focused on all cultures represented by the ITC, a grand market and food plaza similar on smaller scale representing the cultures represented by the ITC." |
You need more exhibits! A lot of early pioneers are dying and the families may be willing to donate heritage items to ITC. Do an outreach campaign to solicit donations of historic Texas items from all cultures. |
N/A I do not agree with relocating the ITC. |
"More advertising of the existing site and the exhibitions, more activities there." |
"There are many buildings around downtown that could be revitalized or leveled and build a new museum from the ground up, but it has to do with location, location, location. Yes, you could build a new state of the art museum, but if it is not w/I walking distance of the center of downtown, fewer visitors would go. People know where the ITC is. I am not sure there are 16 acres around downtown that could actually accommodate a new building, the back 40 buildings and the landscaping that needs to go along with it. There would not be enough space for the current festivals the ITC hosts. It would break down the feeling of community and cultural exchange that can only be done in the Hemisfair District. What would happen to the research room. Most of those documents would have to go somewhere. " |
Free rides to and from the Alamo. |
Refurbishment of current building |
"Hispanic, black, indigenous cultures " |
Adjacency to and augmentation of Alamo museum |
Purchase area for additional parking. |
"Location could be near SAMA, McNay or Witte with improved access and parking rename the area The SA Museum district where you can provide tours " |
Sports stadium/arena |
More events and maybe a broader span of the history/museum pieces digitally providing a more robust experience for its visitors. |
More immersive exhibits. |
Nope. Do not move! |
"Build a brand new state of the art facility that provide climate controlled storage and exhibit space, community spaces, indoor and outdoor. Combine with Art Collection and Special Collections." |
MLB standard Baseball field |
All modern technology and amenities |
I would add my objections. |
Do whatever improvements necessary to remain in Hemisfair. |
Expand the exhibit |
A new building for the ITC on or near the older building. Hemisfair was there but the building is costly to keep cool and to keep the many artifacts in the best possible condition. Perhaps a new building very similar to the old. |
Keep the ITC where it is and fulfill the original vision of the Institute with historical accuracy. Bring the cultural mosaic up to date with a more interactive set of displays and media. |
Move ITC directly adjacent to UTSA's Downtown campus location. |
Build new building away from Hemisfair ground close to other museums off Broadway. |
"Interactive displays, area for children so that locals could have a spot they can take there kids and spend money on a good cause. " |
A big show space for contemporary installations. I am thinking about how the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston has different large installations in the summer time. |
Make it extremely interactive. |
"More advertisement. Simply reading this information has drawn me back to the idea that I should visit again soon. Also, a section sharing changes over time and possible projections for the future." |
"Digitize collections and holdings where possible, e.g. photograph collection, documents, rare books, and make available on internet. Shade for outdoor programing. State of the art research and library facilities." |
Presentations/encounters of utsa professors with students and members of the community |
Make it closer to the riverwalk or current utsa downtown campus |
New building on Bill Miller plaza facing highway and downtown central San Antonio. |
Nothing |
What kind of a question is this? This survey is flawed if you expect some serious and actionable suggestions. |
"A 3-D immersive experience, room where you could go in and use a VR headset to explore Texas history" |
I would like ITC to be renovated where it is now. |
"Space and staff for: Free Genealogical services, access to databases, (extensive/beyond what is already provided); Language translation services for documents, etc." |
"Find a building to upgrade and some land for festivals in the Museum District. Work with the various ethnic and religious groups to update and expand their group's exhibit, perhaps getting new items donated or loaned to the ITC. " |
"Outside garden with statues, historical displays and typical Texas plants. More information about who was here before the settlers." |
Use funds to update Texas Pavilion. |
"Renovate the original location to current and future standards, make it a center for culture, teaching and research." |
"An elevator ride that takes a ""car"" full of people back in time. Stopping at prehistoric, then indigenous, then Spanish arrival, then subsequent groups, stopping at exciting periods of Texas' cultures. It would be exciting and innovative, if script is written by professional writers. Think of the ""Evolator"" in the Albuquerque Museum of Natural History. Put up teepees, invite the AIT-SCM to lead indigenous dances, drumming, etc... In a different area, have the chili queens, etc... Let the visitors experience all the senses-- so that olfactory, auditory, visual, gustatory, kinesthetic learners can enjoy the feel of the cultures in different time periods. Earphones & music/speeches of famous Texans, professionally written by dramatists... Snack machines should carry traditional (but pre-packaged) foods from different ethnicities. Virtual headsets, to allow visitors to visit border ranches, where escaped slaves stopped on way to Mexico. Wind tunnel w/ voices of early adventurers..." |
"I would add a rooftop terrace and bar, (don't know if you have one but probably would have heard about it already if it existed,) I would move this out of downtown closer to Main campus. Most of Boerne residents who live in Boerne, Cordillera and Dominion live very far away from your current location, but are vast supporters of the arts. Myself included. Your current location is too far. I would add programs from around the world, world class artists, like Boerne does in their Champion High School auditorium. I went to an International TAO Drums concert there, and others that were world class cultural performances. San Antonio, we can do this! But for me just personally, I see this as somewhere closer to the Main Campus and not downtown because I'm going closer to where the patrons of the arts in San Antonio potentially live. " |
None as I would leave in current location. |
I guess if you need an updated building and renovations can’t be done on the building reasonably then rebuild on the same location! |
Add more info to the already existing exhibits and add more audio/video. |
More outdoor exhibits could be nice. |
"A large living history section similar to Williamsburg, VA or the Ohio Village in Columbus, OH. An amphitheater. Playground that incorporates historical features of TX history. Kids would love to ""ride"" a longhorn or sit in the seat of a covered wagon, etc." |
I would add enlarging the campus of the re-imagined ITC in the current location utilizing the existing building shell as part of the new campus. |
N/A. Nothing would make me believe that it would be good to move away from Hemisfair. Use any money available to remodel/refurbish the current building. |
A total relocation or re-deployment to this existing building. |
Rotating special exhibits |
"I would add more outdoor exhibits that reflect what living in the time was like from homes to a typical set up of a home or kitchen from that time era or culture. I don't know if you remember Aquarena Spring back in the 80s but they had this replica of a small city center (western) that one could explore. I would also add more interactive experiences. Some of the experiences could be done with real people the way they do now with the docents but there could also be an experience that was hologram the ones in the Lexington (press a button and you get a specific story). Amphitheater for cultural performances but definitely space to host more cultural festivals about culture related to the city and the affect it left to make SA what it is now. Oh, bring back that one symposium or exhibit about the heavy metal influence in SA. That has so much growth potential." |
Update with digital media and led art installations |
"A Museum Studies Department for undergraduate and graduate students. A very well-planned indoor/outdoor space that could handle permanent exhibits, special exhibitions, concerts, lectures, school field trips, community festivals, craft-making demonstrations, bookstore, gift shop, restaurant, library, etc." |
"A new, modern building." |
"A water feature, possible connection to the river." |
"More exhibits, more live demonstrations." |
"Bus or shuttle service directly to the ITC site. Expand the exhibits with more hands on interaction that makes the history come alive." |
Public access to the library resources |
"Better pedestrian connection to the street. The ITC is behind am I inviting fence, embankment and controlled parking lot that makes it in inviting and unapproachable. Remove the fence at a minimum." |
More interactive exhibits. Traveling exhibits. |
"Nothing. For me, that location is not an option. " |
"More funds to keep the current location and more events, along with more promotions. " |
"I would add a new ITC building at the downtown UTSA campus to create a walkable, cohesive space that will benefit current students and campus visitors. Moving to the downtown campus would further solidify the UTSA presence in the area and create more traffic, interest, and economic stimulation that San Antonio and UTSA need to grow. " |
"Conference center, restaurant, education classrooms " |
Renovate current ITC building and keep collection intact. |
Buy a big area (without moving people out) for outdoor playscapes that feature cultural vibes. Look at Morgan's Wonderland technology interactive features. They are fabulous. You can't get too many hands on type features. |
A temporary facility outside of the hemisfair district would be only viable if the guarantee and renovation of the Texas Pavilion where it would return within a strict five-year time limit. |
"Keep it where its at, but expand its multimedia capabilities to expand its reach across the state." |
"There is digital technology that would allow for interviews with historical figures (the people the exhibits are about) within the museum. Teach with archives series to provide online education and digital access. Summer programs for all ages to increase community. Updating archives for appropriate preservation (NEH grant to digitize/preserve the archives)" |
"If unlimited resources were available, expand so that additional space to hold classroom sessions for students are available. Expand the entire facility to accommodate large groups." |
Do not move. |
Live re-enactment or theatre space/ed center for local student field trips |
"Partner with Gray Street and create the new museum at the old Lone Star brewery. The property could be museum for San Antonio. The brewery, hemisphere, while also providing retail, restaurants and entertainment. Because it is on the river you can create outdoor stages for festivals hosted by the ITC. The location is not far away from original site and will be NEXT door the entrance to the World Heritage Trail. " |
It needs more space for workshops for school children involving Texas history. Maybe more grounds with explorative activities on Texas history. |
Think Tank for Visionary Studies and Ancient Cultures |
"After Hemisfair ITC was the Governor’s reception location for visiting dignitaries and an incubator for historic sites throughout the State. It’s role as an incubator that supports heritage related programs, as well as newer innovative technologies that support all State, County, City and public school Programs should be developed and serve to support such programs throughout the State." |
Attractive exterior with exhibit on the external grounds. |
Nothing to suggest. |
"More multimedia aspects, meeting spaces and a great restaurant." |
Renovate current building. |
"A multi use venue that could host concerts, community events, UTSA Football/ Baseball and Missions baseball. With the size of the site you could have retail options supporting the larger venue." |
Stay in downtown |
More about the life style they had to live to make our city what it is today. |
Financial aid for international student |
Larger and more robust Black Texans section. |
"Make exhibits more appealing & interesting -- interactive exhibits attract young & old, change exhibits on a regular basis, continue to solicit citizen input, advertise in all media to inform visitors of upcoming exhibits. Consider some kind of membership with minimal dues for those who want to support the Pavilion and add some type of perks to keep folks coming back (reduced admission, special gatherings, etc.)." |
Update both inside and out |
Build a state of the art facility centered around Texas Culture with the capability to add other activities and events without disrupting the ITC. |
I recommend finding suitable land to construct a new museum in San Antonio's museum district to take advantage of synergies with the Witte Museum and the Doseum. |
Both the exhibits and the library should be expanded and the current staffing levels should be expanded. |
More internships. |
"Direct link to other UTSA campuses—bus line or shuttle if available. Designated area for the Art Collection, both storage and display. This gallery could also have an additional space for interpretive exercises/exhibition related materials or activities. Improved classroom areas. Rooms available for public rental for community meetings, programs, etc. A studio/research space open to the public; a café; areas to relax on the grounds that aren’t the concrete lunch areas; a safe and up-to-date in-house fabrication studio; enough staff to effectively create programming and materials for new exhibits, both traveling and original; an endowment for fellowships/paid internships for students and young entrants to the field; creative spaces for staff (fabrication lab, A/V studio). A gift shop." |
Move the location from the downtown area. It is not a very accessible location for the average San Antonian family to visit. |
Return ITC to former grandness; this is such an unique building and symbol of Texas and the Hemisfair. |
Better galleries and a Texas Cafe. |
"State of the art interactive exhibit. The focus should be to create a museum that speaks to all generations. The subject is vast, there’s no reason why the goal should anything less than creating a world class museum. " |
Living history demonstrations. |
Update exhibits and add more include more information on indigenous people |
Keep ITC inside the Texas Pavilion |
"Upgrade and expand the wiring and audio-visual technology to include some kind of virtual reality component and other interactive exhibits; more historical reenactments, like at Jamestown; more arts performances, greater interaction with the public; a more fabulous website that includes an expanded component for student interaction from school; more landscaping that includes shade and xeriscaping" |
Free admission |
"I would demolish the Texas Pavilion, redevelop the property into a cultural center and school of hospitality which would be a gathering place for all. Including spaces for performing arts, galleries, community events, commercial partnerships and learning and cultural activities." |
Create an ITC Foundation and do whatever is needed to bring it up to current standards but do not move it. |
" I would add more paid staff and more advertising, especially about the archives and exhibits." |
"It's well known that the structure was originally the state of Texas pavilion for Hemisfair '68 and is one of only a handful of remnants still existing from before and during Hemisfair '68. Its very existence came about from heavy handed eminent domain, forever wiping away an entire historic neighborhood from the town's map. One important structure, the home of the Baron de Bastrop, was just one of more than 120 that were sacrificed for the Hemisfair site. The Baron was an early alcalde in San Antonio's history, and he helped Stephen F. Austin secure permission for a new colony. So, even after this historic neighborhood's fate was all but decided by the mid 1960's (this is where Peter gets robbed), The patriarch of one well known family, bravely stood his ground, but he was physically dragged out of his home, which had been in his family for generations, and shortly thereafter, it was flattened into debris for the landfill." |
Cosas mucho más diferentes. Más eventos sociales. Poner board members mas concidos con capacidad monetaria y de networking |
Relocate from the Texas Pavilion, but remain in Hemisfair District:
"I like the idea of staying in the same area to take advantage of people's existing familiarity of the ITC location, but having a facility that is modern and welcoming." |
"I think this is the ideal scenario. Would love to see ideas for redeveloping the space around the ITC to create shops, restaurants, and a more engaging space for the museum. What happened with the SA children's museum should serve as inspiration for ITC -- San Antonio used to have a really sub-par children's museum in an ill-suited building, but the DoSeum now is a showplace. The same could happen for ITC if we quit clinging to the past." |
There may be sites in the Hemisfair District that would allow the ITC to shine in a new location in partnership with HPARC and all of the community celebrations already taking place in the area. |
Would be great for this institution to remain in the District and to appear more approachable and accessible. The current architecture is cold and unwelcoming. Not at all like Texas. |
My preferred option. HemisFair is a great location for larger events and festival which are an important part of the ITC. |
"This seems like the smartest option. The ITC does not need to be 100,00 sq. feet. It could be moved to a new, smaller and more modern facility, and moved closer to the ""action"" happening in the revitalized Hemisfair Park. It would allow ITC to continue Folklife and Asian Fest and would provide opportunities to collaborate on the other festivals that occur there (Dia de los Muertos, Diwali, etc). The current ITC land could be leased to another entity to provide financial stability and support of the ITC. Additionally, I am in favor of moving the special collections to a much more suitable location, such as to the main campus where the other special collections are, or to the DT campus. The other good thing about keeping it in Hemisfair Park is that it honors the history of the ITC/Texas Pavilion being a part of HemisFair '68. Perhaps the design of the new ITC could reference the design of the current building. " |
This sounds like a good option as well. |
The hemisfair district is getting an upgrade and remains a great destination. I think the downtown area is still easy to get to for locals and tourists. |
I do not think the ITC needs to be bound to Hemisfair. |
Stay in the hemisfair district. |
Remain in the District. |
"If this option moves forward, I think it should be with a new building, not renovating anything existing. This is because the ITC is a significant architectural design that is well-identified. An icon. Moving into an existing building will remove that icon status. It would need to be a new, iconic design. Leaving the location in Hemisfair provides location identity with the community and tourists." |
"Either remodel it or move it to the old US Pavilion, I am against any more hotels in the area!" |
"Not too much of a fan of this area and cannot visualize a spot that would fit it. It would definitely have to downsize, but moving it to where there is more foot traffic might organically increase the users of it. " |
"If this remained in the hemisfair district, this would be an incredible opportunity for the city of San Antonio, UTSA, the county and the State to study and to cherish our history. I like the idea of a hotel and school of tourism that could enhance the events in the tourist industry in San Antonio. Also, there might be opportunities to work together with St. Philips restaurant school." |
Sell the building. Quit wasting tax payer money. |
No to remaining in Hemisfair |
Sounds unappealing. |
Nothing. Don't do it. |
Much preferable to remaining in the current building. HemisFair is a good location for a cultural/historical museum. |
It remains familiar to locals and allows for more continuous operation. |
Nope |
"Where in the district? Put it in some corner with the same support you have provided in the past? Just let it die? If you do that, each ethnic community involved should be contacted and told how it can its contributions back." |
"Once again, I am very concerned that if you move it, historical identity will be lost -- and thus a lot of interest." |
"No relocation on the table. Keep ITC there. The Folklife Festival, Asian Festival, school field trips and museum tours need to continue to keep the Texan culture for all to enjoy." |
Moving the ITC to another site within Hemisfair makes the most sense. It would benefit from increased foot traffic while still maintaining historical presence within Hemisfair. |
Leave it. |
"This idea does not seem very feasible. The surrounding buildings are even smaller and not capable of holding the exhibits that would interest most of us. If you feel that the Texas Pavilion is constrained, how much more these outer buildings? Furthermore, the idea of having exhibits and storage and research in various separate buildings is ridiculous! People want to be able to access exhibits, watch and listen to presentations by researchers and perhaps have special tours into the stored exhibits in one location. They don't want to walk around in this Texas summer heat to visit a museum! " |
Great Idea |
The space is the most important. The Hemisfair district is appealing but not super accessible. |
"It makes sense. The issue is to move it to make greater room for exhibits and modernization of the technology equip, the access, but allow for more & better parking." |
"Move the ITC to the old john wood federal courthouse, refurbish the building. And build a new ITC facility in and around the area using also old existing buildings as well. " |
Not interesting. |
"keep the location, prime area. do not move, too much invested already." |
"Hemisfair is close to the convention center- make it relatable for adults, convention spouses. Stay in original building." |
Tie to original venue |
If this were the only option. |
"This could work as well, but ITC would remain on its own unless it brings another complementary museum or educational experience to join them. UNAM seems underutilized so maybe something there. " |
Fix in place -- historic |
Absolute no. We have a great Hemisfair building that is history itself the design of this amazing building |
"I don't think that's a good idea because the problem of inadequate parking would not be addressed. Also, that would mean taking over an existing building with similar problems. I seem to recall the round building suggested, is infested with some kind of pest." |
"This is the best option. Hopefully where the Wood courthouse stood. This allows for the park to remain, proceeds from land sale to fund the new facility and access in the same fashion for visitors" |
Yes stay in Hemisfair. The current building is a nightmare for employees. It's impossible to keep continuous connection to internet - building too difficult to update; exhibits are a teaching paradise - it is too valuable to be discarded |
This does not. |
The uncertainty that surrounds the development of the Hemisfair District (and the lack of transparency over any plans from the beginning of the convention center‘s expansion) make a new location in the District very risky. |
"If the building truly can't be remodeled, added on to , etc. this would be my 2nd choice. I like the area it is in … but I like it staying part of Hemisfair. If it weren't for Hemisfair, it wouldn't exist where and why it does." |
If possible |
Better than moving outsidecsrea |
"Pavilion kept at current location if possible, but definitely in Hemisfair grounds" |
Boo. Why? Waste of a great existing structure. |
Again the big question is where? |
"After reading the report, this seems to be the best possible solution. A new building at Hemisfair would allow new technology and allow for traveling exhibits. Same area is important. I didn't think the disadvantages were that significant." |
"Build a new building in the parking lots N/NW of the current ITC, but closer to the Tower. Example: Museum of Pop Culture next to the Space Needle. Make connections with the new museum building, the Tower, and the convention center. " |
"Yes, ITC should always be part of Hemisfair to take advantage of activity there, plus the historical connection" |
Closer to Alamo and Market. |
I feel this option would be the best of all three scenarios. Still staying in the heart of downtown surrounded by a vibrant space for all who visit. |
As a kid on field trips it was always nice to be also to walk around and enjoy hemisfair park as well after seeing ITC |
"The building could use an update, but the location is fine. " |
"This seems wasteful since it fits its spot so well. The architecture is memorable and defines it as something worth going to see." |
It is an homage to the intent of the '68 Hemisfair - bringing together people of different cultures. It would provide another cultural anchor to the space. |
Relocating to a larger space is understandable and preferable to remain in the Hemisfair District. |
The former Federal Courthouse should be torn down and build the new ITC Museum at that location. The existing building can be removed and use that area for additional parking near the H.B. Gonzalez Center. |
This would be my choice. Our Park Services have done an amazing job with site development. Having a Texas Pavilion to further visitors (locals and transient) involvement in the area all the better. |
I cannot imagine it in Hemisfair and not in that building. It is uniquely beautiful. |
"Generally staying in the same location, proximity to downtown. Historical significance of the location." |
"Utilizing the Courthouse as a new location is not my ideal, but could be functional. The ITC should represent all of Texas, moving it outside of an artificial open space that displaced residents only 50 years ago to a longstanding community center would be ideal." |
"If you remain in the Hemisfair area, just keep the same building but modernize it. Make it 2022, not 1968. " |
"I like the idea of staying at Hemisfair. I can't think of another museum in town, other than the Alamo, that is able to take advantage of a continuous flow of visitors. All other SA museums are stand-alones and rely on people making the decision to go to them. Staying at Hemisfair also resonates with the historical relevance of the ITC at Hemisfair." |
"Familiar area - but possibility of more space, customized spaces" |
It's at least in the Hemisfair District. |
Nothing in this scenario. |
This would be my second choice if this was a ranked decision. Seems like it serves as an anchor to the core of the District. |
"The current building is in a disastrous state. Keeping within the district helps reinforce our integration of UTSA with the city at large, and our commitment to downtown." |
"Again, not good. Plus, there is no guarantee that what ITC moves in to will have all new features that a custom remodel would provide." |
"Have a sound and light show reliving the founding of San Antonio from the beginning of its origins , history of who settled first, how settled, Christian, Spanish, French, Indian, Mexicans, etc Alamo, Hemisphere, military…who we are today so that visitors know the story of San Antonio. Could be in an Auditorium setting in John Woods building and use existing building for something else." |
Staying in the Hemisfair District would be good. But actually I strongly want to stay in the Texas Pavilion in its current location! The historic architecture of the Texas Pavilion is really important. I do not want to relocate it from the Texas Pavilion. |
Remaining within the Hemisfair District is the best option I see with it's proximity to other tourist locales within the greater San Antonio area. |
"I like the idea of the ITC remaining in Hemisfair, as feasible, to help further redevelop the entire district while contributing a culturally-rich attraction for locals and visitors alike. " |
I don't think I'm clear if River Tower is part of Hemisfair but I really like the river tower relocation idea to fulfill the ITC's mission and vision. Should be UTSA student destination. |
Dividing up any collections during time of building is risky and has a high probability of negative impacts to artifacts and resources. |
Doesn't sound like a good idea. Why move but stay in the same area? |
"The Texas Pavilion is unfortunately outdated and un-maintained. The space can be better utilized by leveling the pavilion and building something new, iconic, and honoring local cultures." |
Yes. That building is inadequate to showcase Texan Culture. UTSA could really make it great. |
"Freeing up 15+ acres of prime downtown development site is going to be long-term beneficial to San Antonio. Having an upside down concrete pyramid located on the top of a moat that does not engage the street is a big negative for all the positive energy that is starting to come together in the district (Hemisfair, SAHA, Lavaca, Southtown). " |
No |
The land is too expensive. |
No kinda Maybe a lift our transportation to the front door Soma parking area |
Better option than relocating from Hemisfair area. |
"I am concerned that the 'advantage' described as ""It creates an opportunity to further build out a new cultural corridor in Hemisfair District and downtown San Antonio"" is a coded way of saying that a new museum could serve as an anchor for extending gentrification of surrounding neighborhoods. Having a large institution like this in one's neighborhood creates a burden upon its immediate neighbors (parking, traffic, noise, property values, so on) that outweighs the benefits of having the institution nearby." |
I don't want it in Hemisfair. |
"I love the idea of maintaining a connection with the historic site. I also think that with the redevelopment of Hemisfair, there are lots of exciting possibilities for integrating the ITC into the fabric of this unique city asset." |
"When I think of ITC, I think of the heart of downtown. Our city has made great strides to bring more attention to downtown and revitalize this area. ITC plays a part in that tourist/visitor attraction. When I think of the culture of San Antonio, I think of downtown as the hub of our history and culture. Now with the addition of the UTSA Data Science Center, I think having the ITC remain downtown is part of not only UTSA's success to bring more robust educational programming to the heart of our city but to the success of the many businesses who rely on visitor and tourist traffic to our staple/signature establishments, like the ITC." |
Only if cost effective |
Feasible if a new structure could be built without ceasing operations |
"Seems to provide the best of both worlds: honoring the history of the site and its connection to the community, but still providing sustainability with further development and the funding it would provide." |
The location is great! |
"I'm not a fan of this idea. Other buildings in the park have the same infrastructure issues - they are either older or built for the fair in 1968. Parking is expensive, traffic can be a challenge when events are held, and the location isn't really that great for any visitors except tourists." |
"If renovations for the Texas Pavilion are fiscally and physically not feasible, the , yes, definitely remain in the Hemisfair District." |
"Historic location, proximity to a historic part of the city and the Convention Center. " |
I agree! It needs to be accessible to the tourists who visit SA. Many do not have their own transportation so the Museum needs to be central to downtown and convention locations. |
"Staying downtown keeps in line with tourists and conventions, but where? If you stay downtown, the institute could temporarily relocate to the old federal courthouse...not ideal, but temporary while the current building is razed and a new space built on site. Larger festival possible. " |
It interrupts the history of the institute and its surrounding grounds. |
Stay where it is. |
This option would allow the ITC to remain within the Hemisfair location in a new location but still be part of festivals and other annual events in the familiar area with easy access to highway traffic. |
"No. There is no room and there are better things to put at Hemisfair, like a MLB stadium" |
Not the same. The building is iconic. |
Remain |
I would not relocate! I like the current location! |
I would like it to remain where it is. |
"Staying in the heart of downtown, near its current location. Moving out of the current building would allow for the museum to move past UTSA's history of neglect and become a modern cultural attraction. Remaining in Hemisfair would continue its legacy in the heart of the city." |
No. |
No |
"That this is a wholly idiotic idea considering the unique value of the ITC is not only the artifacts housed inside the building and the story they tell, but the Texas Pavilion structure itself both architecturally and historically. Moving the artifacts to a new building within Hemisfair Park doesn't make sense." |
No fix and build onto the current structure. |
I'm not sure which building could be used or if construction of a new building would be economically viable. |
"I would like to see a plan with visuals of how this would look, where the building(s) would be located, etc. with reasons why this would be better. " |
I love the city's investment in our downtown and Hemisfair and think having the Institute be part of that is great for tourism and locals. |
"More expense, but exciting great new architecture might be the end result." |
Second choice |
Another location would be fine. |
Seems wasteful since the Texas pavilion has so much land already. |
"Yes, relocating into a multistory building on the old H B Gonzales convention center site vacant lot, which is closer to tourist traffic!" |
Do not consolidate all of San Antonio’s history in one centralized location in Downtown. |
Nope. Move out of there. |
Don’t move it. |
"That building is part of San Antonio, it's historical, it should stay where it is but it is renovate inside and out if possible" |
Not preferred |
Not good idea to relocate. |
"The ITC would still be tied to it's home base, but might lose the unique character of the Pavilion. " |
It is ok. |
No. Keep it the way it is. |
This comment is more about the pavilion rather than the ITC. But I would like to see the museum either re-envision itself in the Texas pavilion or relocate but re-envision the pavilion structure. The structure has beauty in it that needs to be creatively and thoughtfully designed to be better integrated with the park. A good way to see many options on how to do this is a local design completion similar to the one that was done through the AIA for San Antonio city hall. It had 20 entries from local architects with a wide range of ideas for the panel to choose from. |
This bothers me less than moving completely but I still think it should remain where it is because that’s part of who this place is. |
Anywhere in the Hemisfair District would be okay....perhaps spread out through several buildings? |
"No, never!" |
"The location is significant to San Antonio and Texas Culture. There is the Mexican Institute down the way, it is the center of the city and there are likely other options in the area for a smaller space that tourists and San Antonians would be comfortable with relocating. It would honor the past and could help move the Institute into the future with a new space that works better for UTSA's need and serves the need of the community and Institute" |
Failure to maintain historical context. Pad the pockets of developers and real estate agents. |
As long as there is enough space for the Folklife Festival |
"If you’re going to stay, stay in the same spot and upgrade. Only problem is disrupting visitation during construction. " |
No. The mid-century building is historic in itself |
The current location has always seemed isolated despite its proximity to the Tower of the Americas. It could be a crown jewel downtown with better access to other downtown historic and tourist sites. |
Not sure this makes sense given the high property values in this space & the lack of visitors/funding for the museum. |
Why? |
I don’t think this is necessary or adds anything in particular unless it will integrate with another museum |
Absolutely not! Why remove history? |
This proposal seems a little bit like a waste of time and money and space. It would be better to simply renovate the existing pavilion. |
"No need for it to remain in the Hemisfair area. I understand the history of it all, but SA would be better served with it relocated." |
I like this option as it keeps all the cultures together under the same roof. |
"Not good if you're going to move, move somewhere easier to access downtown is crowded sometimes" |
"Nothing. The Texas Pavilion is a historic building in a historic location. It should remain where it is, housing the ITC." |
"A promising idea.... except I don't really know what the ""Texas pavilion"" is -- is that the name of the current building? Yes. I give the location an A and the building a C." |
It should stay where it is |
Downtown is congested and parking is too expensive. Please relocate to 1604/ I-10 area or 1604 and Babcock |
"While it does stand out where it stands, the Hemisfair location has become considerably less noticeable in terms of audience attendance for various reasons." |
Do this only if the building and new location are of comparable unique structural design including outdoor open space and eye catching landscaping |
I guess people would go there as tourists if it weren’t on in a corner. Maybe get it closer to the Alamo? |
"My preference would be to have ITC remain in its present location, and my second would be to keep ITC in the Hemisfair district. A cornerstone of ITC's history is intrinsically linked to Hemisfair, and with the recent revitalization the district has undergone in recent years only leads to greater visits and foot traffic for a revitalized ITC." |
Keeping the ITC in the district would crowd out other opportunities. Convert Central Library into Cesar Chavez Union Hall (convention space). Have Pavilion host library as the HemisFair BiblioTech. A venue dedicated to books & digital literacy at heart of park speaks volumes about our values as a city. |
Perhaps more room for expanded exhibits? Particularly interested in Czech culture….close family ties….family immigrants showcased with contributions |
"I'm not sure what space in the Hemisfair District is available. I don't know of any current buildings that would meet the requirements. For example, the Federal Courthouse apparently has many structural problems and is now being abandoned." |
Staying in hemisfair is important to telling the story of the park. Just as significant as the tower |
"This option would be my first choice. Even though the Pavilion is an iconic building in the downtown & Hemisfair district, it is very dark and not well suited to changes in the exhibits. The exterior grounds are not easy to navigate for those with disabilities and the position of the freeway and access road are not visually pleasing and very noisy. " |
"Not sure where else you'd go… Like the location, but need clearer access both on foot and by car." |
Is moving out of the current building a done deal? |
"Waste of money making such a small move, to what will probably be lesser facilities. " |
"No, no, no." |
"Abandoning the original building would be a disgrace to those who petitioned and made the Institute what it is today. In addition the many memories from countless local residents would be challenged. Remodel, rebuild, what have you but don’t let the history of the original location be lost by those that may just want a new and shiny building. The original ITC building is like the history of Texas itself, Rough, Rugged and full of history and memories. " |
"No, don't do this." |
The location is not the problem; the problem is the present administration and management. |
What are the options. Too much to consider? Pavilion needs to be razed. |
Why? It surely will cost much more to demolish the present building and build something new. |
UTSA already passed the greatest chance for this when the offer of the west side of the convention center was laid on the table. Could not have been a better spot. Horrible decision not to try to make that happen. |
Absolutely not. We in America need to start keeping our buildings. It's cost effective and lends an error of respect for our treasured places. |
"The best possibility would be to continue to utilize the historic buildings on ""the back 40"" for the Folklife festival and perhaps a portion of the Pavilion. The other possibility would be to relocate to the recently vacated Wood courthouse." |
Definitely stay in the Hemisfair district by perhaps including or moving to the section on the west side that has all the homes of the German section that was taken over by HemisFair68. |
Keep ITC there! Need to keep unique build and land space for Folklife and Asian Festivals plus keep outdoor history exhibits. |
"No, too isolated" |
The Texas Pavilion should remain. It is a vestige of architecture of the period. |
"Relocating outside of the Texas Pavilion would create additional cost, risk and time factors for the institute. ... Preservation needs and accessibility for archives may not be met." |
"Relocating the Texas pavilion to a more centralized area within the hemisfair district will provide a historical and cultural foothold in the central city that will be accessible to east, west and south sides citizens and students." |
"Also makes no sense financially, programmatically and facility wise as no existing facilities exist that could accommodate the ITC programs. A new facility would be too costly." |
Total waste of money |
No reason to spend the money to relocate within the same area. |
"Good idea, but staying in the Texas Pavilion seems to make more sense" |
"This may be a good option to increase display capabilities, and more ground area for activities." |
"I like the building and like the general set-up. The place needs to have more advertising & events so it's noticed by more people." |
"I think that keeping it in the downtown area and the downtown community makes the most sense. However, there is a parking problem downtown. " |
"Sorry, not familiar with where the Texas Pavilion is located... But yes on remaining in HemisFair district " |
Do not relocate! |
Keep at Hemisfair. |
Definitely do not move the building. Do not relocate the program. This looks like another HPARC land grab ploy. |
"This option is the most viable and attractive. There is historical continuity, there is acreage for expansion, there is tourist and resident access. A new ITC could be created to continue to educate, analyze, preserve, and entertain." |
Doesn’t make sense. If you are going to move out of the building may as well relocate. |
Do not relocate. |
"Why? Is UTSA looking to make money? Save money? Does this not fit in their plan of research, research, research to achieve a higher status as a University?" |
Remains isolated from city tourist core unless located at northwest corner off proposed green space mall which unfortunately is already committed to commercial redevelopment. Multipurpose commercial/public development of northwest corner would be best solution. |
"The building an location are iconic and inextricably identified with the ITC. Moving the ITC to another Hemisfair location is not the best option in my opinion. If it were to occur there would need to be a comprehensive strategic plan with well funded implementation, marketing and PR plans to rebuild the public's trust in the university's ability to treat the ITC as an asset and not an albatross." |
Least attractive option in my opinion. Seems counterproductive to relocate from current location but remain in the Hemisfair district. Better to invest in current location than move within the district. |
Although my heart is for staying in current building moving to another facility within Hemisfair district is probably the most reasonable. Either a new building or existing one that can meet requirements of Museum organization would be the most reasonable. |
Crazier idea. |
What would it replace? How much would a relocation cost? |
This is not an option |
No - Restore the original building. |
"No better suitable options, respect history of ITC and fulfill its mission in place! Your already killed the Texas Folklife Festival a beloved tradition and cultural showcase for Texas, shame on you! Listen and restore ITC even better!" |
"I think this is the worst option. We'd give up the historic building to be basically in the same place. If the ITC can be made to work in Hemisfair District (and I think it should), then it should be made to work in its current and original location." |
"No, please no." |
Not much unless there is some way to have the grounds to bring back the festivals that engage our diverse community. Being in Hemisfair is much better than relocating elsewhere. |
"The ITC stays in Hemisfair in its current location or n, maintaining its museum function but accredited and offering expanded programming. So long as it stays central in Hemisfair I do not think it needs to remain in current building. However the new home should have a significant presence, so that the surrounding community is aware of it as a landmark within the city. " |
I personally love the Texas Pavilion and if it could be possible to update the design where needed or add on square footage in some way. It is such a treasure and needs help but is worth it. |
Stay put |
Nope. Still dealing with the traffic and lack of parking |
"The hemisfair district is on the cusp of amazing development. Staying in this area, but out of the unwelcoming Texas Pavilion would increase traffic and make for a more visitor friendly experience." |
At one time there was talks about relocating the ITC to the courthouse on Alamo Plaza. Another option to consider is moving the ITC to a newly renovated J. Wood Federal Courthouse and FBI Training Center already located in Hemisfair Park. |
Remain in the area due to foot traffic and look at D.C Museums for efficient and mirroring |
No. Upgrade the current facility. Look at the Embarcadero project in San Francisco/Chase Stadium-developed in last 10+ years and it's amazing. San Antonio is lagging beyond the rest of the world! |
Yes.. stay where you are |
The new Hemisfair development is an exciting opportunity for UTSA to engage with a broader San Antonio audience. The new Yanaguana Garden has become a huge draw for locals and visitors. The future Civic Park will draw even more foot traffic. Move to a building near these two parks. Due to location alone the ITC will receive a huge increase in visitors. Being adjacent to the Civic Parks provides the space needed for the city-wide festivals normally held at the ITC campus. |
At least it would stay in Hemisfair |
The potential to help make Hemisfair a destination for residents and visitors. |
A new museum in Hemisfair would add a new amenity to the park |
"I have no thoughts one way or another on if the ITC should relocate outside of the Hemisfair District. However, if the decision is made to keep it within Hemisfair, I would like the two to ""talk"" more to each other. I feel like the ITC is currently a blemish at Hemisfair because it is put in the corner without a clear connection or beacon saying ""there's something great just around the corner."" Making sure both are reciprocating in storytelling would be a tremendous asset to the community and visitors. " |
I love the architecture of the existing building |
A possibility but not ideal. It would leave ITC near its historic birthplace. |
I like the synergy between ITC and Hemisfair in this option. The missions are complimentary and a thoughtful execution could enhance the visitor experience in a special way. |
"Pavilion is difficult to access, esp on foot, as there is no shade leading up to building, Entrance is next to C.Chavez—very busy road, not pedestrian-focused, & esp @ITC entrance nearing I-37. Also near entrance is next to several Federal buildings of sterile architecture; residents (like me!) tend to visually block out stretch of block from visual landscape as drive on CC towards I-37. But keeping in Hemisfair district would preserve the continuity of its creation, origin-story during 1968 Worlds Fair/context; I believe wf’s are themselves now 20th century artifacts about which future gens should continue to learn. Should be in area of Hemisfair neighborhood that’s more accessible, either by the existing park if space avail, or possibly residential area across C.Chavez." |
"The 1968 architects built an ideal building for highlighting the cultures of Texas in a unifying manner. The interior dome was (and is) an ideal location for school children and visitors to view video presentations. There is nothing quite like the Institute in Texas nor in the United States that addresses diversity, inclusion, and heritage for these trying times of political and social polarization." |
Absolutely no! Buildings recommended by ULI not nearly as good as current building and would be very expensive to renovate. Current building is very important historically. |
"Hemisfair District land has become much more valuable during recent decades. Other sites within the Hemisfair District have major limitations in size, development potential, and could be better utilized for other purposes. Be skeptical and questioning of consultant reports which can be flawed. " |
"I would like ITC to remain at the same location. The facility needs updating in several ways, but the building is historic in some aspects. Leave it where it is. " |
"I think it is a part of the history in the District and should remain there, however a refresh would help revitalize the area." |
But where? I can't envision a better place for ITC within the HD than it is right now. |
It will be visited more by families who are at the park. |
"No, the ITC should not be in Hemisfair." |
"Again, the cost would be outrageous. Where? Why? When? I think this is another example of Americans not valuing history and architecture. We're too willing to build something new before we make reasonable changes to a place that holds so much history in exhibits and in location." |
I really like this idea - preferably a new building within Hemisfair because would be challenging to retrofit an older building for the new museum's purposes. |
I don’t get it |
"Nope, so tired of buildings that once made our skyline being torn down instead of restoring. " |
"The location is part of the museum, not just the exhibits inside." |
Seems to be too influenced by Hemisfair. Not seeing the logic in this. If you move you will lose the iconic vibe and history. You will also kill the nostalgia that drives locals to take their families again and again. |
There is a great momentum with the redevelopment of Hemisfair and being a part of that is appealing. It would create synergy as well as capitalize on the abundance of foot traffic in the area to visit the museum. |
"I think this is another good option because if a new venue is constructed in the pavilion location, it would bring foot traffic around the ITC." |
The Hemisfair District has visions of becoming one of the worlds great public places. Having the ITC will help fulfill this vision by providing visitors and locals a dedicated place to recognize and embrace the diversity that makes San Antonio special. |
"It should stay where it is unless you have something better and more culturally interesting to replace it. It can be made profitable if you hire the right people to make it an interesting place, with maybe live music and cultural event parties. Keep it where it is, don’t put a shopping center or Walmart there. Just make it a place people want to visit. But also there are more pressing problems in our city where money should go to. The right people running it can make it a profitable cultural center for our city. " |
The Texas pavilion has been an awkwardly designed building - it seems. Not a flexible space. |
Connection to Texas history. |
ITC/Pavilion must be left alone and funding must be established to restore this unique building. |
"I love the current location but it could possibly be more convenient if it were an easier walk from all the tourist attractions. It takes a bit of extra effort and knowledge to get there. With Texas being so hot in the summer, it would be great if people could easily walk there from the other sites. " |
"Remaining in Hemisfair district will continue to position ITC in the heart of SA. The new building may then be developed with the infrastructure to support multiuse space, meet the standards for quality museum space and technology throughout the spaces. " |
"This is the second best option, but one that could nevertheless deliver the same positive outcomes touched on above, given the proper vision and, of course, resources." |
Keeping the museum downtown is ideal for downtown growth and tourism. With the focus on Texan cultures I feel it fits right in with the Alamo plaza nearby and should remain downtown as part of San Antonio's larger vision for development. The Hemisfair District is also redeveloping and if the goal is to attract both local and outside residents it is important to keep some established culture nearby. |
"The ITC has deep roots in the Hemisfair District and its various celebrations such as Fiesta and Cultural celebrations. Plus, the city is attempting to build up this area and make it more tourist friendly, which could help with foot traffic. Moving the building to an area closer to Market Street or any area with higher pedestrian traffic will be good for the museum. Currently, it is a little unnerving walking in that area at dusk or at night as there is not much in the way of lighting. " |
UTSA needs to hand it over to city. |
"Don't think baby steps (relocate but relocate to another house in the same cul de sac) is going to do it. If you're going to relocate, relocate!" |
That it will still be in the Hemisfair District and operations can still go on in the old building as the new building is being constructed. |
"Stay in the district, integrated with major downtown cultural attractions, walkable once you're in the district." |
"I know there is sentimental value to keeping this building, but it's really old and kind of dark and not very wheelchair-accessible. Also, there's asbestos and rats. There are renovations that just cannot be made without gutting the entire building, so might as well build a whole new building! I simply cannot see the ITC thriving in the 21st century and beyond without getting a new building." |
There is no need to relocate. |
"Texas Pavilion? You mean the ITC building. This option is ridiculous." |
This would be my number 1 scenario in that it stays within the Hemisphere area. I also liked that it checked most if not all the boxes. |
Free parking. |
"This is in a tourist area and will get visits if marketed properly. That it is in a recognizable neighborhood. Being fully operational while the new building is being built is important. Being a part of a cultural corridor, but this needs to build on existing culture." |
Why? Again San Antonio lacks inner city green space and building is one of very few examples of the architects creations as well as an example of mid-century modern architecture |
The need to provide safe and clean working conditions for the museum employees |
Not much. It seems likely impossible to find a new site within the district that offers the same or better than what is possible at the Texas Pavilion site. |
"Zachary would like this also. They get the land for their hotel on our parkland and then build another building, then get paid and then say ""that's what the public wanted...""" |
Only if absolutely necessary to move as tourists and locals know this place for Folklife and other cultural events |
The ITC should be accessible to both local communities and visitors so it makes sense that it would remain in Hemisfair District. |
"Acceptable, to enhance/update and lure visitors (stay-cationers and vacationers)" |
I like taking visitors into one of the original Hemisfair buildings. Most visitors are senior citizens with limited mobility. The Texas Pavilion provides close parking for tour buses. Its location on the perimeter of the grounds allows easy bus access. |
Why spend the enormous funds to create a new building that would take large sums of money. |
"If the new space would be high rise you could gain a lot of extra land. So again, the revenue gain from leasing out that land could generate money for a true museum of the future with plenty left over to reinvest in our students and community." |
I like it where it is. |
Familiarity of location |
A new building on the same site may be the best option for the future of the museum because it could significantly improve the experience for visitors. It could also be a much less expensive option. |
Stay close to its original home and be in the historic Hemisfair District. |
"Not a good idea. If the idea is to make this part of the UTSA resources, locate it nearer to other UTSA facilities, i.e., San Pedro creek." |
Needs to stay where it is. |
It needs to remain in this area. |
"The ITC is known for being part of Hemisfair, it is a 'known entity' for citizens of San Antonio and shares a history with Hemisfair. A Hemisfair location will be easier for visitors to find and visit. It would be easy or easier to incorporate the ITC into the vision of the 'new' Hemisfair as it develops. A new building would allow for incorporating the technology necessary to update the exhibits and vision of the ITC. It is absolutely necessary to update the museum with digital access, AI, a high level of technology, visitor engagement, global reach. A new building in the Hemisfair District could be built while maintaining the old ITC - which would act as a gateway and educational component to the new ITC" |
The only place I can imagine it moving to with the District is the old Federal Courthouse |
"Yes, this makes the most sense to me… the current building is a hindrance not only to improving the ITC but to maximizing the entire Hemisfair site. I am not sure that it is technically part of Hemisfair, but the ""River Building"" on the west side of the convention center facing the Civic Park seems to be the perfect location. It would activate a dormant space and provide tremendous exposure for the ITC." |
I agree with relocating from the Texas Pavilion but do not think the ITC should remain in the Hemisfair district. It should be relocated to another area that is better connected to campus. |
No. Better choice if not moving could not happen. |
Lots of potential land to build a modern building in a new spot. |
"Rather than focusing on location, I would like more effort put into including the full history of Texas. More specifically, including information that occurred before the Battle of the Alamo and before the Texas Revolution. Information about the indigenous population of Texas, their involvement in the formation of Texas as we know it today- a history often forgotten and not regarded. Also, lesser known battles such as the Battle of Medina, where the battlegrounds are still not accurately mapped to this day. Smaller, lesser known battles are just as important to the formation of Texas. " |
"As much as I love the Texas Pavilion, it really doesn't have the space needed to modify easily, at least not without changing major design elements which make is so unique. By moving to other spaces within Hemisphere you can retain that connection to the location and also stay in a location that is accessible to downtown visitors. " |
No. |
"Keep ITC in heart of downtown. After all, UTSA is expanding its imprint with the new data building downtown." |
Staying in Hemisfair would allow for familiarity and collaboration with a space that is doing great things. |
Maybe |
Near SAM |
"No, stay in same place. " |
No. Spend the $$ updating all of ITC keep it all in its prominent location in the city. The Texas Pavilion should stay put. |
Also ridiculous |
Nothing! Stay in the current ITC structure! |
"Better than nothing, but still not the best response to meeting the needs of the community" |
"This would be the second best option. I believe the museum should remain in the central part of the city, but with more parking provided." |
"Yes, stay at Hemisfair! Don't leave now when its coming back to life in a big way and will be the place to be in downtown SA. As recommended, locate the ITC as close to the Alamo and the Riverwalk as possible to capture what must be the highest year-round pedestrian flow in SA. One, perhaps the only, obvious place is in the River Building on the west of the CC. It's on the Riverwalk, adjacent to the new civic park and appears to be right sized per the report. And it mostly empty - in need of a vibrant use! The existing building can be reskinned into something inspiring and beautiful; transparent to the outside, inviting and enticing all in the Park of on the Riverwalk to come in. A with the short walk from the Alamo, many visitors there will also come to the ITC for the broader story of Texas and Texans beyond the Alamo. And, imagine the traffic from convention visitors at the ITC during a break. River Building is a winner for the new ITC! " |
"No, if that is the case then, move out of the district to leave much needed space for the Hemisfair development." |
US and Texas history and culture. Showing a connection with the Alamo and other missions would be great for educating primary school children. We should embrace not trash our cultures. |
I do not agree with relocating the ITC at all. The ITC Building and Tower of Americas are what defines San Antonio. It is always with great pride when I pass these buildings that are all I know that is left from Hemisfair that took place in San Antonio. |
The District is easily accessible and in an historic section of the city. |
Nothing. |
"Leaving it in the District would be best. As your reports states, it is easy to find and close enough to access off the highway, people know where it is. Moving it outside of the district would lower its access. 16 acres is a lot of land that could build a very nice state of the art museum. If a new building is built, the old building could still house the exhibits as the new building is being built. This would allow the expansion of current exhibits as well as technical updates. As a partner with the Smithsonian, it would allow more roaming exhibits to be a hosted. It would allow for current festivals to continue in the same area and not lose the community feeling. It would allow the 16 acres to be used by UTSA for a campus building. There would be even more traffic and more visitors, because people would want to see a new expanded ITC. The new building can host many of the same events it used to - Naturalization, weddings, cultural events" |
"This is less objectionable than option 1 however again the cost factor and accessibility for educators, historians and tourists is a concern. ITC is located near other museums in San Antonio." |
"No preference, if the choice for staying in the same building includes a full remodeling and update of th3 old building. " |
Only if equal sos d us available |
"New, modern buildings?" |
Absolutely. The best option in my opinion. |
Relocation within the HemisFair District is not a feasible idea. The unique structure of the Texas Pavilion stands out in this location. The monies for the construction of another building in another part of HemisFair could be better spent to update the current facility. |
No don’t relocate to Hemisfair location if you can’t move then renovate with robust marketing -make it relevant |
No need to move. Leave where it is. |
"Well, if more resources were a consideration, then perhaps it would have to move to a larger facility. Keeping it downtown however, I feel is vital to the integrity of its relationship to the historical roots of the San Antonio downtown area. That said, maybe an option does exist that again would lend to a more robust experience." |
No opinion |
Absolutely no |
No just no! Cost too much to rebuild. Festival would be no more. Would never be financially viable. |
"I think this is the best scenario. Staying in Hemisfair honors the institute's origin/history while giving it the opportunity to get a brand new state of the art building. Need to get out of current building. It's too old, too big/inefficient, not very accessible. Put a new building connecting to hemisfair. Monetize a portion of the property to build and ensure new institute. Commit to using monies from monetizing property for new Institute. with the funds from the property sale/lease build a New building and also create at endowment that helps make it a little more sustainable." |
Open option for a brand new facility closer to activity at the great lawn- can use lawn for festivals. Smaller and more walkable would be an option here. |
"Moving out of this iconic building that was designed and dedicated to culture and history would reduce the Institute to just another attraction in Hemisfair. If I took my grandchildren there, as I took their parents many times, it would include taking them to see the original building and lamenting its former glory as something needlessly lost. I would be especially disappointed if the building were rededicated to some commercial or private use. It's the people's building. " |
"Stay in current building if at all possible. If necessary to relocate, stay in Hemisfair District." |
As long as it's within walking distance or current location |
Yes |
"Staying in the Hemisfair district, which is already a beautiful place to bring a family. Selling the current land and building a new space more centrally located. When visiting with a family with small children it's great to be able to have different options of how to spend your time. " |
I would not want to move a cornerstone of our history. |
"This would be wonderful to have a modern building and grounds that can give homage to the Texas cultures. The old building doesn't really represent the natural light/modern look of museums. Funders will like the opportunity to jump into ""the new thing"" at Hemisfair. " |
"Staying in the downtown area, with walkable places nearby." |
No do not stay Hemisfair ground. |
The location off 37 is ideal high traffic central downtown destination for every day use. That is not what the ITC has been or what it will be. |
"To me, this is the best option. Keeping it on Hemisfair campus is good, bc of the historic connection. However, the Texas Pavilion building is not a great museum environment. It's dark, musty, has only one bathroom, and can't be easily modified to be a 21st century museum. " |
This would be fine. |
Close to the West side of Hemisfair Plaza a visitor services. |
"Does not recognize historic value of the Texas Pavilion, both in terms of its original architects (CRSS Houston) nor its association with Hemisfair '68." |
"Keeps up with the theme, but there is still a new building that may be better suited for ITC collections." |
People are familiar with Hemisfair and with the ITC being a part of it. But there is little space and the ITC has not been included in the changes outside of the current space where it is located. |
I do not find that beneficial. I believe the current facility should be updated if that option is possible. |
It's not a good idea to relocate from the Texas Pavilion. The building has been known to many generations and a legacy that UTSA has now put on the map. We should not go anywhere but to make it the best ITC in the country. |
Keep it the same! |
"I like the idea of remaining in the proximity of the current location, but reimaging the use of the current land available." |
"This is my favored option. Construct distinctive, striking, new ""destination"" building in Hemisfair district closer to Alamo St. Include parking within structure, State of the art research and library facilities." |
"Ok, but place is not so important" |
Able to build out new cultural corridor in Hemisfair district and remaining in recognizable part of town |
Prefer the new building construction idea near the old federal courthouse vs using existing building. While this would maintain it's current visitor traffic if not grow attendance to the museum. |
Another silly idea. Why relocate within Hemisfair. There are no viable and cost effective reasons. |
"I like the traditional aspect of leaving it within the Hemisfair District. Out of the options presented constructing a new building is a common theme, but that could be done within the district." |
Only if it stays in the Hemisfair District |
"This seems to be the second-most limiting option unless we build from the ground up (even then, land is limited). While current area spaces can be re-designed to meet many of the needs noted in the plan, this would still be considered a compromise by the most forward-thinking supporters of ITC. " |
"The Hemisfair District is the heart of San Antonio, but getting around and parking are both a nightmare. I have no real attachment to the area with regard to the ITC's location." |
"Nah, too crowded an area" |
Relocation should not be on the table. The Texas Pavilion is very unique building. Do not make this another Woolworth Building controversy. |
"Nothing. It sits as is on a hilltop, easily seen and accessed from the major thoroughfares. Do not move." |
"Top Musical and dance performances from around the globe: Exhibits that would be in the National History Museum, all cultures (not focusing on predominantly Hispanic.) Make it global. Tao Drums Performance (return) - already been to Boerne, TX 78006. NCT - Performance from world class dancers-singers-performers from Korea, Thailand, China, etc. Include Native American cultural participatory - teaching/inclusive - dances, lessons and performances. India: other classes, lessons, and dances and cultural expressions (they are a part of the San Antonio landscape I know from working at USAA). -Black contributions - I am not as knowledgeable about this but incorporate their importance and contributions to life as we know it - 1st Black President: Obama, Maya Angelou, First Lady Michelle Obama, MLK, Harriett Tubman, but please help me to think of current change founders there are bound to be so many that are making a difference and stand for modernity/progress. The world is evolving as ITC." |
Doesn't make sense as the ITC is the foundation of Hemisphere along with the Tower of Americas. |
Why tear down and rebuild? Too much waste. I am sure the building can be updated if necessary! New is not always better! We have just been traveling in the northeast and love how towns have re-purposed buildings or updated and added on for libraries and museums. What a waste of materials to tear down and build a new- or do you have some present building in mind? |
Just get rid of |
I think remaining in Hemisfair is a great idea but the space needs to accommodate what is there now. Would also like to see the Back 40 remain as well. |
Can't really picture a better area than where it is already unless there's some hidden acreage downtown. |
I think this idea works best. I have been to the park and ITC and outside it's is not very interactive even though there's a lot of unused space. A new Texas Pavilion and Institute building could make for efficient use of space and incorporate hands on interactive exhibits that could also encourage community interaction as well as tourist interactions. The current space just doesn't allow for this. |
"Again, where? Access to so much of Hemisfair District is confusing. Parking is a costly nightmare. The Hemisfair area has succumbed to the marketing mantra that More is Better and the area has become a mishmash of big, ugly apartment buildings and shops that in twenty years will become tenement-like because developers will have moved on to the next hot location." |
Keeping the ITC at Hemisfair would provide the best location for visitors/tourism. It also allows for a larger footprint for holding festivals and events. There current site has great visibility. |
"Again, what would resonate with me would be a negative reaction to this idea. The iconic pavilion building should remain the centerpiece of the ITC in its future re-imagined physical presence in San Antonio. Its location at the center of the city, and on a major highway, across from another major landmark, the Alamodome, is important for access by most people and will be more important as the City develops more density for a sustainable future." |
Ridiculous idea. Why move? Current building has room to expand and add new features and it also has good parking and room for the Folklife Festival. |
"No, this sounds like a waste of money. " |
Don't really care parking is horrible down there. |
It keeps the experiences local to DT and keep tourism dollars central. |
Keep it in same place. |
"The Hemisfair District is changing from its 1968 underpinnings, so I don't think the historic continuity of the location is important." |
Limited space and not as much foot traffic as would be possibly by relocating outside the district. |
That is a good option |
Keep where it is. |
Location in the downtown area is most appropriate |
I believe this better serves the original vision in keeping with the modern era in Texas history. Parking could be problematic |
Maintaining the history of place |
"I still think this will be a bad idea but at least the good location is maintained. If the pavilion is not repurposed for something though it will loom over the new location, and be a reminder of the ITC's failure to maintain or fully utilize it." |
It downtown and you can redesign the exhibits |
"The Hemisfair District is a very good location. I would like to see many of the old concepts. I love the original building's unique architecture - its shape and building materials, the surrounding moat and fountains. Inside, I love the domed screen above with the impressive movie introduction to all the varied cultures of Texas! I led elementary school classes on field trips to the ITC. The children were ""wowed"" from the very start! Leading them through the exhibits (including one about my great-great-grandfather) was fascinating to the students. They looked forward to the trip with anticipation and came away being a lot more aware of the many different cultures which have contributed to what Texas is today." |
"After reading the reports, relocating out of the Texas Pavilion but remaining in the Hemisfair area would be best for developing the museum's potential accreditation standards and provide better access to the public. I worked as a volunteer in Special Collections scanning negatives and prints with Tom Shelton for several years and definitely would like to see the collections continue to be used as an educational resource under Tom's expertise wherever the collection is located. The Back 40 structures (log cabin, schoolhouse, adobe house & barn) all should be sustained and be located in a place that highlights their significance; students, young & old, have totally enjoyed the tours provided in actual historically designed structures. Also, make the ""neon"" Lone Star Flag a focal point! I hope the new location preserves all the wonderful artifacts and maintains the warmth, earthiness and hands-on experience with volunteers that the current museum has had. " |
The ITC brings much significance in telling Texas' history relocating from the Texas Pavilion may cause even further loss in attraction because the location is central and has a lot of history in the area. |
More access to the institute. |
Do not relocate this historic building anywhere! |
"Where? Alternatives outlined in the Steering Committee proposals make no sense. Wood Courthouse could not even be updated to serve as a courthouse and the other ""River Building"" is small, without parking and limited space for further expansion. " |
This does not resonate with me. |
I don't understand the point. Why not keep the Pavilion and just buy up some of those Hemisfair houses for the archives and academic research pursuits. |
"I think relocating the ITC to the Hemisphere District would be best of the three options. There opportunities to do this in a more coordinated effort when Hemisphere was being redone. Dispute this missed opportunity keeping the ITC in Hemisfair would be good for the ITC, the COSA and UTSA. The current ITC location could be sold or developed into specialized programs for UTSA. " |
"Compared to Scenario One, this option is considerably less destructive or disturbing to the San Antonio and UTSA communities. While objectionable, this solution would be acceptable as long as there is at least one permanent exhibit that demonstrates the historical communities displaced for the creation of both the Pavilion and the new facility. " |
"Not much. With very little that can be considered iconic in the actual collection, the building itself is the iconic representation and has attached to it so many good, positive memories." |
"I don't know of any open land or area large enough to support the Texan Cultures museum within the Hemisfair District. There may be some land near downtown Santa Rosa, the old train station, or by the Downtown UT area. The Downtown UT area may be able to provide some space as far as classrooms and research area to increase the education and research aspect of the Texan Cultures museum. " |
"Location still within the ""Hemisfair District.""" |
Build a larger building within the Hemisfair District. This is a central location for all schools to utilize. |
This decision would dishonor the historical legacy that is represented by the Texas Pavilion. |
No need to relocate |
Move where? This will cost much more. |
Why move? My family’s home on Water street was destroyed by Hemisfair. That sacrifice should not mean total waste of what was built for Hemisfair. |
"Texas Cultures in context of Planetary Civilization" |
It is not possible to “relocate” this building. This is not a reasonable thing to survey respondents about. This is disingenuous to ask. It should be retained and adaptively reused. |
The downtown area is significant historically which increases the opportunities for scholarly research. |
"Again, no, because the land on which the ITC currently sits is ideal for its purpose in educating and telling our story. I have served as a docent in the schoolhouse and attended so many cultural festivals and educational events over 50 years. Just the fact that it is so visible just off 281/37 is important." |
"Plausible but what space would that be and would it be as large and/or appealing as current Pavilion which is, after all, the historic space from the '68 Fair. Keeping the Institute within the District is vastly preferable to relocating outside the District to a museum or other location where is becomes an ""orphan"" exhibit. " |
Not a good idea. Needs to stay put. |
Remain in HemisFair and remain in the Texas Pavilion. |
2nd best option |
"My first visit to the Institute of Texan Culture (ITC) in 1977 with my three and two-year-old children was when for the first time I felt welcome in San Antonio and Texas. … Two events connected me with ITC over the years. The Texas Folklife Festival in which the India Association of San Antonio participated since 1980 and the Asian New year festival. The folklife festival, steeped in history was a joy to be a part of. You literally were breaking bread with people of the world. The Asian festival moved to ITC from SAMA more than 30 years ago. It was an instant success. Over fourteen Asian Countries were represented. History identifies with a particular location. For generations, the ITC, folklife festival, Asian festival, and museum are identified with the hemisfair area. A new building within the hemisfair district will preserve history and allow for growth and usage. " |
Makes absolutely no sense. Current building designed for its purpose and proposed alternative sites would be more expensive and less able to serve purpose than current building. |
Create a facility that welcomes tourists / visitors and students to get a real feel for Texas Culture. This needs to include more current advancements. The existing facility is too dated. |
This is not a bad option either. Change can be good. Just keep it accessible. And give us some models to consider if decisions on a new design or layout are necessary. |
It’s part of downtown…. Visitors and locals will visit it. Reinvest! Make it a must see like the Alamo |
"I have read different articles regarding the structural shape of the pavilion - which sometimes are contradictory. I believe the current state of the building it is not a great structure for a museum. I think where it is located and all the parking near by could be incorporated into a larger portion of the master plan of Hemisfair. I think this gives the designers an absolutely fabulous opportunity to create a wonderful celebratory informing structure. I think if one keeps referring to it as just a museum filled with artifacts that are selling it short. The Kimbell Museum is this wonderful armature that brings to you wonders from all over the world. The Witte has become an exciting learning laboratory for children. What resonates.. what echoes and reverberates. History, people, cultures waiting to be introduced to a new generation and reintroduced to others. The ITC should present itself in a holistic manner- celebrating artists, chefs, musicians, writers, sports, fashion, architect." |
More about the city what changes have occurred. Some of the people with foresight like Mayor McAllister and others that saw the city as it could be. |
Current site. |
Do not move it. There is already so much being built and moved in the Hemisphere district plus it is very well seen from its current location. |
A new facility designed specifically for the ITC would be beneficial. |
"The historical displays used to be wonderful but overtime sections have diminished and interesting interactive exhibits had been removed. UTSA has done a terrible job of maintaining the museum. UTSA is obviously more interested in expanding than in doing their part of keeping history! The library has been wonderful in the past and employees have done what they can in keeping its value. It should not be relocated to the UTSA campus on 1604 or anywhere where parking is difficult and expensive. Merging with other libraries, if at all, diminishes its value as information becomes less accessible. Example: merging with either the Conservation Society or the DRT library limits accessibility due to open hours as well as parking. Both of these libraries are excellent but hours are limited and space at the Conservation Society is limited. Incidentally, this survey has not been widely known... its almost as the survey was intentionally not widely publicized as citizen input wasn't wanted." |
I like this idea the best. There is probably an existing facility or building site to use. |
"The location is still solid, and while moving is never stress-free it may be the most realistic, gradual option available for ITC staff and visitors. I would hope that, should the ITC remain in Hemisfair, it and UTSA take advantage of its location and proximity to local sites and groups of interest. The ITC should be a good neighbor with other Hemisfair entities, both cultural and commercial. If the ITC is still in Hemisfair, within easy distance of UTSA Downtown, I would hope that those campuses can develop a strong collaborative relationship to reinforce the ITC’s role as a UTSA resource. I’d also like to see the ITC develop programs and resources that take advantage of the history of the area that people can experience outside the building (e.g., GIS tours similar to what the Library created for the Mexican American Civil Rights movement)." |
Leave Hemisfair District. It is designed for tourists and not conducive to an educational experience. |
"No. Leave in the unique ITC building. I am a Certified Professional Tour Guide and also volunteer as an Airport Ambassador and in these positions I recommend the ITC as a definite location for visitors; particularly if weather is a condition (rain, cold, heat) or just as a location that is family friendly. I am a local -- graduated from school here in SA and retired from the John H Wood Federal courthouse and definitely believe many of the improvements to the area are great and that ITC should be a part of this and have a future where it is to further the greatness of this area." |
Texas Pavilion is a historically relevant edifice. The ITC building should be conserved and upgraded for the museum |
This is my second choice. |
Only if it was part of HemisFair’s master plan. I don’t think it I’d or ever could be based on the location and surrounding uses. |
As long as it stays in the Hemisfair District. That’s a wonderful location. We used to be members and took visitors there constantly. |
Prefer location if possible |
Waste of monies. |
"This is a place for all Texans to understand the multiple cultures that contributed to the building of what has always been something in the process of becoming. I would like to see how cultures criss-crossed, not just ""this is my culture"" and ""that is yours."" I feel like Rodney King after the beating: ""Can't we all just get along?"" Show that! I would ask the question, ""Who lifted you up? What outsider respected your culture?""" |
Not this |
Nothing about this possibility resonates with me. Keep the Institute of Texan Cultures inside the Texas Pavilion. |
Where? The Convention Center has a massive footprint. What's gonna be torn down? |
"A location less remote, more visible & public" |
"I like the idea of a multi-location model, where archives and collections would be moved to an alternate location and the Texas Pavilion would be demolished and a new purpose-built facility would replace it. There is a significant opportunity to leverage the location with the momentum of the Hemisfair redevelopment to make it porous and accessible to tourists and local visitors." |
"No no no no no. If that scenario is undertaken without complete funding, it will never happen and the ITC will be lost, kind of like the Hertzberg Circus Collection that just does not have a home of its own." |
"The taxpayer should never be subjected to a ""stick-em-up"" by public servants who are acting on behalf of special interests, only to destroy the very culture and history that they are claiming to preserve. The massive funding required for the development of the Hemisfair site itself rested on Herculean efforts by: a sitting U.S. president from TX (LBJ), A TX governor (John Connally), who sent a team of architects to Mexico City to visit the anthropology museo for inspiration regarding the ITC's building site design, and a widely revered Latino U.S. congressman (Henry B. Gonzalez), whose name is on the adjacent convention center, and who initiated the eminent domain decree under the umbrella of a massive urban renewal project Again … the subject gets complicated. The over-sized funding by private and mostly public sources (robbing Peter twice now) for a 6-month event resulted in a massive debt for the taxpayer." |
Relocating outside of the Texas Pavilion also allows for the Institute to continue fully operating until the new facility is ready. |
Staying in the Hemisfair maintains connection to the ITC's history without locking it into an aging building. Hemisfair seems to be an area of great potential. |
No aqui |
New facility must be top notch with the top technologies in museum exhibits |
"I'd build a jewel box with all the technology to attract every audience, and particularly to attract the youngest generation." |
Tear down the existing building and rebuild. |
Better connection to the Riverwalk. |
"A performing arts space. UTSA doesn't really have a good performing arts space. I could see it being used for all sorts of things, especially if the ITC remains in the downtown area." |
For the ITC to be in a mixed use environment with retail and other attractions |
" I think wherever the museum is, it needs a modern upgrade." |
There is plenty of room to grow there. |
"Restore and upgrade the Texas Pavilion. Restore the water feature utilizing gray water from the building, Convention Center, adjoining hotels and other structures on the ground. Showcase what a city can do to preserve and protect its water resources while celebrating the significance of water to the history of San Antonio. " |
"Definitely a new building. Iconic design. Easily accessible, parking close. " |
Free admission for all |
"I would include a staging area for the folk life festival including staging areas for food, plays, etc. Also, a connection to the Riverwalk." |
"A large, multi-story parking garage. This could be used for Alamodome events as well as anything going on downtown." |
"A pedestrian pathway from the Riverwalk, LEED/net zero facility" |
"Get the building in order and showcase it around the state. Marketing, personnel, events, technology, tours, outreach. You are simply not doing it. Do it. (""Build it and they shall come"") Demonstrate diversity and inclusion. Again, talk is cheap." |
Restore the original to something functional and then have a satellite. |
"Adopt scenario 2 and build a baseball stadium on the existing ITC site. A much needed stadium would drive a significant increase in foot traffic to Hemisphere and the downtown area while leveraging existing infrastructure. The stadium would be the home of the Missions, UTSA Baseball, along with being an outdoor venue for festivals, concerts, and convention center overflow." |
Nothing. |
"Stay in the Texas Pavilion, It's exterior is beautiful. The water feature of the pond and fountain are cooling to the eye and soothing to the soul. Do a complete remodel/renovation to bring the building up to AAM Core Standards. " |
Technology Augmented Reality |
"You really want a space with light, that is clean, that provides opportunities for new kinds of learning and interactions, fun activities, a museum reimagined as the displays are not so ""precious"" as at an art museum. That frees things up to be creative. " |
Money $$ |
"Tear down the old ITC building in which utsa still owns the land. And build a ballpark at that location for the roadrunners baseball program. And lease the ballpark to the san Antonio missions as co tenants. Because both teams need a facility badly due to the program moving up to the AAC, and missions need to replace wolff stadium..." |
"Tie in historical re-enactments in March for the Alamo. keep them educational with HEB sponsored support. we spend enough in those stores as a city, they have always stepped up with their end. maybe get Thomas J Henry to support too, and Jon Wayne could keep his NASCAR sponsorship money local too. " |
Make it a standard field trip for convention spouses. include great food- lunch and tchochkes for take home. [ great restraint on the trashy factor] |
A smaller but more interesting building along with my comments above regarding modernizing the material and its presentation. |
Fix in place |
New building for ITC |
State of the art building for Texas’ treasures possible connected via a skyway or underground passage or barge ride to the new Alamo facility |
Tear down the building and rebuild on the same location! The courthouse building was a temporary structure that has outlived its usefulness it too should be replaced with a building used for community functions and gatherings for those who live in the downtown area |
I don’t think any resources would reduce the risk that a new location inside the District would diminish the presence and visibility of the ITC |
"Expand on both the history, culture and the land that is the Great State of Texas. Have an area for the panhandle, plains, west Texas, south Texas, east Texas and the coastal area. Highlight what is great about each (history, unique living, land and of course the culture and people who lived/grew each area). And continue to showcase something special on a yearly, half year, etc. special about Texas (i.e. Texas beer exhibit I saw, or maybe universities, birds, etc.)" |
Better exhibition areas |
Less complaining about the existing structure. |
Hire a world renowned architect like Frank Gehry. |
"Rebuild at current site; improve usage of available land; revolving exhibitions with Alamo, Briscoe Museum, library and other museums around Texas; add more interactive for children and youth; leave one grassy hill to slide down, that was always cool. Make new building ADA accessible; bright and cheerful; then lots of marketing. " |
I would definitely change the outer appearance of the building to be more colorful and appealing to the eye. I would add more interactive exhibits outside as you walk up to the museum to engage those approaching. There also needs to be more marketing done to encourage people to visit the ITC. |
"Love the acreage, have more options outside." |
Improve the grounds |
A restaurant with a choice from the cultures which survive in Texas today. |
"I would use the old federal courthouse and surrounding buildings. I would retrofit some of the buildings and tear down others to build a custom space for the Institute on a location that meets the myriad needs of the ITC: exhibit space, community space, and research facility. I would follow the trends of multi-media museums like the Museo Memoria de Andalucia in Granada, Spain or the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle. The space would also include the ability to access digital archives, a cafe space, an indoor/outdoor performance/festival space, and a movie theater." |
I would hope the new location would maintain the back 40 and the inside visual dome (or something similar). |
A larger space for the teacher in service programs at the ITC. |
Keeping the green out door area in the new location. This has always been an area of interaction and an area that kids can be kids. |
"I have enjoyed the ""model homes"" in the Pavilion, but outside structures that could be explored more thoroughly would be a true bonus. " |
"Build something completely new that meets the various criteria for the museum of the future. Renovating/retrofitting an existing facility will end up costing at least as much as new construction, but with little value other than nostalgia. " |
Enhance it all and bring it to 2022 expectations |
"I would like to see the ITC being part of other attached development such as a five-star restaurant or an attached hotel or condos that could help sustain the museum so that it wouldn't rely solely on festivals and state funding. I would add a lot of technology to the infrastructure and interactive exhibits. I would also like to see a greenhouse attached to the museum so that the ITC includes ""the varying climates of Texas throughout the ages,"" to its exhibits so that visitors learn about climate change and its impact on Texas residents, farmers, and businesses." |
The best technology that provides the best visual and tactile experience. |
"Brand new building, to ensure new building doesn't have as many issues as the existing building." |
Relocating does not resonate. |
"If unlimited resources were made available, I believe that it would best serve the general public and visitors to have both a main facility nearer to tourist locales and have separate facilities for smaller temporary exhibits that is more directly adjoining something like the Riverwalk to draw the attention of the visitors and could provide an outreach to visitors who are currently unaware of all that the Institute offers." |
I would add retail and restaurant components for potential local partnership opportunities to create more collaboration across industries. |
Definite huge park water feature included a destination and offer art or history classrooms for UTSA students there |
"Moving collections is problematic, dividing collections is detrimental. " |
Nothing |
"I love the idea of land use incorporating a new school of hospitality and tourism, along with even space, a dedicated building for ITC exhibits, and outdoor interactive exhibits and cultural gatherings. That not only taps into the local economy, giving students a valuable front row seat to real-time tourism, but also draws convention crowds, and lastly, direct access to the Alamodome for NCAA events, including UTSA's growing football program. This is a fantastic way to seamlessly embed UTSA into the fabric of the city, as well as our heritage and history of being an iconic travel destination. " |
A new building in Hemisfair that is designed to show off the great Texas story. it would draw so many people. Texas is special! |
"A new, mixed-use, vibrant engaging building that blended the museum needs with everyday needs of the community: shopping, eating, gathering, living, exercise, etc. If this use remains at Hemisfair it has to contribute to the park-activating ground-floor and cannot be another Park Police, MCI, UNAM or Convention Center type of building. It should embrace the park and inspire generations to visit and consume Texas history. " |
Brand new building with professional not political input. |
Updated information on the history of the cultures in Texas and San Antonio. Even against the governor's wishes. |
Bring back the Holocaust exhibit as permanent. Establish a robust display for Sam Houston. Establish a permanent display of the Military history in Texas. Integrate renewable energy where possible. |
"Maximize the current footprint with a multi-site facility in Hemisfair that is linked by shaded walkways, and easily accessed from further into Hemisfair as well as off of Cesar Chavez" |
"I do believe in keeping our Hemisfair District authentic and uniquely San Antonio. If there is a location that would be prime for ITC to relocate that would also allow for renovations to modernize ITC, I think that would be a wonderful option." |
"Build a new structure, tear down the old, build parking garages on the remaining area. That is the problem with the ITC now. No parking, too far to walk." |
Honor the original site with a plaque showing the original structure and its history. |
Build an ultra modern museum. |
Even unlimited resources don't make this a good option. |
"Better archival storage areas, better access to the building, restrooms, etc." |
I would give people with exceptional minds the latitude to envision and develop a Museum appropriate for a 21st Century San Antonio. |
Larger air conditioned open areas with more action displays. Additional seating around the displays. |
"Bring back the air and space exhibit from the 1970s. Make a section of it a ""Do Texas"" exhibit for kids to get hands on experiences. Make the exhibits 100% accessible. Have a refreshment stand for at least a cold drink." |
More exhibits |
There would be the possibility of more current technology if a new structure were build. Hopefully allowing for much more parking easily within walking distance for tours and seniors. |
Nothing |
No |
Expand the building with events for children |
"I would update the exhibits, add more exhibits, and keep the folklife festival." |
Additional exhibits illustrating Texas History. |
"Create a state of the art museum that tackles current cultural issues, as well as history. No longer hamstrung by affiliation with UTSA, the museum would become a destination on par with the Witte and SAMA. Moreover, moving out of the current building would allow the museum's resources to be used in more creative directions, as opposed to the costly maintenance (not to mention upgrades) the existing structure needs. " |
"Keep the ITC where it is. Build the ""museum of the future"" at its current location. " |
Historians who specialize in each culture. |
"If money were no object, create a state-of-the-art museum that would accommodate disabled people." |
"If relocation is necessary, I would like to know that nothing would be lost (exhibits, space (square footage)) but rather it would be an improvement in those regards. " |
"Ample parking and walkability to the venue. A large indoor and outdoor space to host events like the Asian Festival. A beautiful space to showcase rotating cultural exhibits, stages for performances, and interactive exhibits with live experiential learning. A space large enough to host our growing city at events. " |
Hire the best architect and builder to find a physical vision to invigorate the institution. |
Relocate buildings from the back 40 to the vacant lot of the old convention center lot behind new ITC |
"Trails, markers, and other sponsored directions to historical locations in San Antonio De Bexar. " |
I would add a way to move the location. |
Exciting exhibits. |
"New exhibits inside & outside, new festivals" |
Again that building the structure is part of San Antonio history it's historical it should stay where it is and be renovated inside it out |
It would be great if the courthouse was renovated instead of demolished and the ITC could live in another building with unique architecture. |
"Past and present of Texas, and how do we see it on the future. Small festivals for each country or events. A feather and a dance academy space." |
Same…more about Mexican American Heritage. I also love the Native American stuff. |
"If spread out among buildings, just make sure it is wheelchair and/or walker accessible and have over head covers, like a Sombrilla or carport cover, when it rains." |
A clean separation from UTSA as steward so that college politics and money were not the main deciding factors in the museums future. |
Collaborate with H-Park on a space in their master plan. The redevelopment in the area would lend itself to foot traffic that ITC currently doesn't have. Work with the County/City on redevelopment opportunities on the footprint of ITC for something that could be used by UTSA/private/public. |
"Raze the site and build a AAA baseball park. That would ""monetize"" the site" |
"Food, parking, better access" |
Connect it to the Riverwalk and tie into the (SA Art) Museum Reach as a cultural anchor on the southern end. |
I would have group to come together to discuss how to upgrade without destroying history and maintain the beautiful history maybe more history! |
If unlimited resources were available it would still not be a good idea because people would still not visit the hemisphere site. |
"Again, just move it for the sake of downtown SA growth." |
I can't really think. |
More re-enactors in a bright and open space. A little bit of the colonial Williamsburg flair (some outdoor options?). More light. Better storage and preservation for materials. More experts and fellows to interpret the collections and engage with public at large about them. I so loved my experience there as a 1970s elementary kid who bussed from Austin to see it. Texas history came alive like never before. It was vibrant. |
Just update current building and surrounding areas. |
Free Parking - interactive exhibits - special exhibits - a dance studio |
"More interactive, maybe a restaurant? I really don’t know. Texas history is a mess. " |
I would love to see ITC update existing exhibits to be in line with the work done to the revamped Tejano section while incorporating many of the artifacts currently on display in ways that are evocative of the original exhibits but in a more interactive way than what is currently available. |
Interactive exhibits regarding immigration records |
"Move the ITC to the Federal courthouse aka former U.S. pavilion, but have a renowned architect completely gut the building and start over." |
Have the new building in a spot of prominence in the new development next to the convention center |
"I would like to see a new modern state of the art building closer to the Tower of the Americas, so foot traffic can access the museum quickly. It would be nice if the structure referenced the Pavilion in design. If unlimited resources were available I would commission Frank Gehry or Thomas Heatherwick to design the building. This would be a fabulous ""Welcome"" piece to greet visitors to the city. I envision the building curving toward the Tower with festival grounds behind and a grove of flowering Crepe myrtles, mountain laurels, sage and other native plants creating a ""fence"" blocking the view and noise of the freeway. The museum would have a lecture hall, meeting space and balcony with a view of the Tower of the Americas, an interior dome movie, (where you can sit or lay on the floor if possible, this was always my favorite part of the museum), a projection movie on the outside of the building, cafe, gift shop accessible from the park. Parking, bike racks, reference library. " |
"Many more trees for shade around building, water features, a shaded parking lot, maybe with solar panels, a green landscape connection to the rest of hemisfair." |
No admission fee. |
Parking/park and ride shuttle to ITC |
Restore the Back 40 structures. |
Not sure how to answer this question. |
Permit some other organization to administer and mange this property. |
"In depth review/research of indigenous cultures of Texas, along with Maya, Inca, and Aztecs. Collaboration with UNAM San Antonio." |
"A new building designed to be a museum, up to the standards needed for a museum, and also retaining the outdoor portions (ie: Back 40 experiences). Kids loved that and it was also a great space for festivals. " |
Add a cafe |
A recreation of the original 1968 movie experience in the Wood Courthouse. |
Greater representation by ALL the ethnic groups in Texas. |
No need to sell out ITC for more apartments and a minor baseball park! |
Make the entrances more appealing. A marque could advertise the exhibits and events. |
"Keep the ITC at it's current, original location and renovate the current space to meet necessary standards. Leverage alternative contracting and financing methods to achieve renovation of the current, original location space." |
"If unlimited resources were available, build a new ITC, in a more centralize area within hemisfair district. Tear down the old federal court house too and make hemisfair district an area for the growing south, east and west sides of the city. Hemisfair district ought to include art complex , park, greenspace, bike route, mini-train routes, walking lanes. Car parking spaces ought to be excluded. Please do not make the hemisfair district a sport park for professional or minor sport. The spurs have their north side gym and there is nothing wrong with wolf stadium location. " |
Repair the existing structure |
"NA, I would never allocate money for this purpose. " |
"Make it more vibrant, interesting, and advertised to the community. " |
"More indoor space for displays and activities, more outdoor area for fairs and activities. More parking capability." |
"Add more events, like the other museums do - Well-advertised events." |
Large venue space similar to La Villita since we will be losing with both ITC and La Villita and outdoor space that we currently have. |
Scrap the current space and rebuild with the future in mind... Sparing no expense |
Use even more of the grounds. |
Do not relocate the building or the program. |
"Whether resources are unlimited or not, I would expect design would allow for expansion and technological advances. Museums address more than one era in their holdings and should address more than one era in a forward thinking design." |
Should the allotted funds and facilities be given to another state agency? |
Additional space for other museums to create museum entertainment district that would increase traffic |
" A comprehensive strategic plan with well funded implementation, marketing and PR plans. Develop and implement a well publicized program of temporary exhibits resonating with contemporary issues and a robust online program component as a regular feature of the ITC to cultivate engage a broader audience. Add better publicized parking and transportation options to access the site. " |
Add more hands on exhibits and (AR) augmented reality options. |
With unlimited resources we could provide the facility that would meet all requirements for museum organization of U.S. |
Not sure |
Nothing - Just modernize the current facilities |
"Yes to updated displays, interactive events, museum standards in facilities and programs, at current location is an incremental cost instead of starting over elsewhere at a huge cost. " |
"If the decision is made to move at all, I would recommend nothing short of creating a world-class museum and historical archive. I wouldn't even begin to approach it if the state, UTSA or someone isn't willing to make it a priority and invest whatever it will take to build something exceptional, that will become a destination for students and visitors from all over the world." |
Park and ride to get to and from |
"Stay where it is, repair, refurbish and upgrade existing building. Add a place to get food, add bathrooms and upgrade existing ones. Make it accessible for all abilities. Use technology, engage with cultural representatives to curate exhibits, have some artifacts that people can touch.. This is especially important for blind people." |
"More exhibitions, public programming, and outreach to surrounding communities with youth at risk. Easier access to the ITC and collaborative exhibitions and programs with the many other local cultural organizations. I would love to see it become a place of research as well, fostering a fellowship program for diverse young professionals in the fields of anthropology, archeology, art history, history, Native American Indian, and indigenous peoples studies, and related areas. The unique central location of the ITC positions it well to tie together narrative of the diverse culture and history in the surrounding historic and cultural sites. For example the missions each have displays on their individual histories, the ITC could showcase an exhibition on how the missions came to this region, why they prospered so well in San Antonio when they didn't in other areas of the state, and the intended and unintended legacy of the mission system in our state and across the country. " |
Put the money in the building it is in and hire the best experts and educators possible! |
Upgrade it |
"Better development of the land. The existing structure is unwelcoming and looks like a prison. A multi-use plan for the land would add to the current hemisfair plans and create a more inviting environment. Adding cafes, community use space, cultural product vendors or an extensive gift shop in addition to the museum would be important." |
"If the Wood Federal Courthouse would be considered, I would like to see the courthouse and FBI Training Center connected via an underground tunnel or overhead skybridge or outdoor plaza." |
"Indoor play area for small kids under 5, small food vendors not another Johnny H place, closer to the Alamo for more foot traffic, allow two drink limit for adults. This will bring everyone not from TX out of the sun and enjoy history. Make history around our growth bring it to life and Live. Photos take a lot of space so lets be efficient and make a slide show or go digital " |
Hire museum consultants/architects/urban planners with successful records in their field of expertise. |
Rebuild where you ste |
"I am 42 years old. All or most of the current displays were there when I first visited as an elementary school student. I would add more exhibit space so the ITC could host traveling exhibits, as well as rotate exhibits, perhaps show off some of the pieces the city has from the Alamo." |
A new museum building that stands out among the other structures at Hemisfair. |
A new museum is preferential if incorporating the collection into the Alamo museum is not an option. |
If there were unlimited resources we could create a new center offsite that parallels the new Alamo Museum and Visitor Center. Without understanding how much space the ITC truly needs it is hard to understand what they would need when it comes to locating a new site and potentially retrofitting an existing building or creating a new building. |
"Update the existing structure with a local architect, adding whatever is needed and landscape the green spaces to be really cool xeriscape" |
"Again, if unlimited resources are available, you could leave it where it is." |
"Would rebuild museum building using a current architectural firm that uses themes of mid-century architecture themes, a la our own O’Neil Ford; the post-modern primitivism principles of Louis Kahn (eg Kimball Art Museum), and modernist design principles a la Gordon Bunshaft (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Building and grounds would be inspired by structures of pre-Columbia’s cultures’, Espada mission grounds & aqueduct, the palace architecture of Jaipur, the 19th German bier halles (democratic civic spaces of idea exchange & discourse), and African-American late 1800s/early 1900s-era churches, eg those of Galveston, and the inspiring form of St Paul’s Methodist Church (aka “The Spire”), 230 N Center Street, in own our beautiful city." |
"If the parking is critical, I suggest that the parking lot be expanded to two levels." |
"Better curating and presentation. Btw, the Jewish section is post ww2 only. " |
Should not remain in hemisfair. |
Add more interactive exhibits. |
A new symbolic building that fits into the future Hemisfair plans but can really be a showcase building for UTSA/ITC and San Antonio. Also something with event space that is sorely needed. |
Basque section; Culture Fest around Fiesta |
Restore and preserve. |
ADA compliance. |
A new state of the art building. |
"I think integrating it into a stadium of sorts would be a cool idea. Have one floor contain the ITC, and people can visit it before, after, or even during the games' intermissions. " |
"A new location within the Hemisfair District should be an architectural master piece to house the ITC that will be embraced by locals and a destination for visitors. The Hemisfair District location in downtown, (basically) on the riverwalk, and near the Alamo is as desirable of a location as you could want. " |
"If resources were unlimited, I’d say there are other priorities to spend on. Build a space to suit ITC - do not fix the current space " |
Restore ITC/ Texas Pavilion to the original building. |
More promotion. Get the word out about it. A lot of tourists don't know about it. |
Venues to attract conference use and other events including accessibility for all. |
I would dedicate more of the surrounding area around ITC (wherever it would be) for pedestrian use and connect the area to other downtown attractions. It will hopefully allow for more fluid use of the space and be a destination for people beyond just the museum. |
"Multiple levels for different exhibits; more interactive exhibits; an exhibit showcasing UTSA, its growth, and the great work of UTSA students, staff, and professors; UTSA staff parking lot" |
We need to focus on our students and improving career outcomes. |
"Not a fan of this idea so throwing money at it, doesn't work in my opinion." |
"Built in un-used space in the surrounding area of the new ITC to allow for growth in the future. Also, try to connect the physical footprint of UTSA Downtown, from the DT campus, to the School of data science, Southwest School of Arts campus and now the new ITC building." |
"Bring in a fantastic San Antonio architect to design something beautiful and functional. There's no point in beauty if it's annoying to navigate or has spaces that can't really be used, and a functional building that looks like a secret underground lab or something wouldn't work, either. If the ITC is supposed to be a point of pride for San Antonio, it should be a place where San Antonio residents and their families and friends really enjoy visiting and hanging out in and that UTSA staff/faculty/students love working in." |
"If resources were unlimited, I would create a new, state of the art pavilion that encompasses all the history that the ITC has to share. This would be interactive and meet museum standards. " |
More advertising for it for teachers and tourists and senior groups. |
"New and better archives. The current facility should still be a part of the new facility. Adding a wing for museum of the future, whatever that looks like it still sounds off-putting. Rotating exhibits from current or recent culture. " |
Again increase events and usage |
"Newly built building that maybe pays homage to the old, but provides a cleaner and safer working environment." |
Is this survey promulgated only to minimize the plaintiffs' case? |
"Could be part of Feb rodeo for covered wagon/carriage display, fall German festival to rival New Braunfels" |
"There should be a large Indigenous, Mexican American, and Chicanx presence at ITC that reflects the multiple and complex histories and cultures of various groups that have inhabited Texas and Yanawana before European and U.S. colonization. I'd also like to see a truthful telling of Black history --- how these communities came to be. " |
"Constantly update to look more attractive/unique...make it a ""have to visit site"". Have beautifully decorated rooms with unique views to host a variety of events at reasonable and affordable prices...for conferences, meetings, weddings, etc..." |
Build new space before vacating old space. |
Occupy a space closer to other cultural buildings |
"Technology improvements; add restaurant, coffee shop, beverage stations; recreational places for children; quite spot for adults; parking garage instead of surface parking; lots of landscaping that includes lot of shade, especially from trees." |
Virtual reality and augmented reality exhibits that excite younger children as well as adults. |
Tear it down and move it. |
"I think adding a snack bar and covered seating out back would be nice. Maybe opening to have food trucks one or two weekends a month. Add more kid friendly activities or area, to draw crowds. Could also charge a small fee of $5 a person ages 16 & up in stead of donations." |
See the DoSeum :) |
Redevelop the facade of the River Building to make it reflective of Texas history and the ITC's reason for being. Imagine some design that would draw in the millions of visitors from the Civic Park and the Convention Center. |
I would consider partnership with the Briscoe or the Alamo to relocated exhibits to one of those venues. |
"Get it close to the mall/tourist district to make it a safe walk for tourists, but accessible to locals." |
I would love to see the Texas Pavilion incorporated as a find arts/performance space. I have had the opportunity to perform in the atrium space there and I think with some proper enhancements it could be a fantastic site to continue the festivals. I think having separate and improved spaces for the archives and the exhibits will allow for better diversification of the museum mission |
Library facilities. |
Modernized research and reading room space. Large auditorium with 300 seats and state of the art conference rooms. |
"If in Hemisfair, an outline of the state overlaid on the Hemisfair grounds with some sort of interactive kiosk would be cool." |
Religion displays with a special subficus on religion in San Antonio |
Updating the facility |
Rehab present facility |
"Within one block, free parking should be established for the museum." |
"Re-skin the building (it's boring now) making the exterior and interiors contextual to SA but really cool and of high quality, telling San Antonio, and the world, ""you've got to see this!"" State of the art technology and efficient functionality both musts. Activate the park level frontage with curated Texas Cuisine F&B with indoor outdoor spaces. Add a roof top venue overlooking the Civic Park with downtown in the back drop. Both these potential income sources for the ITC. Maybe reimagine and reprogram the Lonesome Dove at River level. On a relative basis, the simple skeleton of the River Building is a cost efficient form. Its placement in a rich context takes pressure off having to make it into an elaborate form. Lots can be done with this well placed building. " |
"Movies, library, gift shop with great items not junk! Is it possible to integrate Texas Heritage tours of area properties: ranches, farms, churches, cemeteries, schools, businesses. I used to enjoy going through the family museum at the Guenther House. What about integrating with sports as a part of the culture." |
"Take over where the current ""old"" federal building is and build a state of the art building that would take the ITC into the next century. It would allow the back 40 buildings to be relocated closer to that building w/o hurting the experience. It would be closer to more foot traffic and would allow the construction of a building that would reflect Texan Cultures. It would still allow those who want to come and research, a more high tech facility to do their research in. I would add a UTSA Campus that the museum is built into. It could be a place where those studying archeology, history, museum curating, education and other related majors could work in tandem with the museum to create a partnership as well as allow visitors to tour an accredited museum. I would build a building to house the UTSA classes, but make the 1st/2nd floors the museum. The research facility could digitize all records making research more accessible. to more people. Build a dome for the show that all remember." |
Outdoor exhibits and family reunion facilities. Participation by other historical and genealogy societies. Connection to genealogy library. |
Make it a first class Institute |
"Modern technology for virtual reality, outdoor spaces with native plants and decorative elements " |
Minor league with potential to be MLB park that includes and funds the new home for ITC and endowments. Incorporate ITC into the redevelopment and add a section related to south Texas and west Texas baseball |
Additional parking. |
Restructure |
"More buildings with specific themes. Specific places for events ties to the ITC. Specific areas for digital experience. Stepping a little further out, perhaps a cafe and other little venues to expand to more audiences and ages." |
"New exhibit space for Art and museum exhibit, adequate climate controlled storage, indoor and outdoor community spaces. it would be great if you could include student dorms in the property to ensure students are close to museum and encourage academic use. A proper event space that could be used for rentals and monetized as well." |
All modern technology and amenities |
I would add my objections. |
Do whatever improvements necessary to stay in current building. |
A new building very similar to the original. |
"I would add more interactive water features for kids. Make it more for families where the kids can have fun and the parents can relax a bit. Pool, splashpad or something else depicting the importance of water and rivers to San Antonio and Texas. Most of the year it is too hot to bring a family out without a water feature. " |
Museums are using their grounds as attractions also for programming and recreation. Hemisfair already has such amazing spaces and the ITC new grounds could include interactive opportunities to see the native plants and agricultural practices of cultures across TX. |
"Assign a proper use for the previous location in Texas Pavilion so it doesn't become an abandoned structure, either selling it as an asset or creating something new there." |
"I was a docent at one time, one problem I saw was advertising for UTSA, local people think it’s for college students and many people do not know what cultural means. As a docent 2 1/2 years I knew UTSA managed ITC but it appears UTSA in advertising the college upfront and not making it known ITC is a museum for everyone to come see and learn Texas history and learn about migrants that came with their ways and values etc. Current name needs to be changed outside the building and yes do advertise inside UTSA manages. " |
"Repurpose the John Wood Courthouse, the most iconic hemisfair structure, the home of the ITC. " |
A way to traverse through TI to other areas in the same park. Make it feel like a trip around Texas. |
"Permanent Living History to increase the experience of being a Texan, using human and technology resources." |
"Like I said above, a big show space for large installations by local artists to show their work. " |
A tall beautiful building all about Texas. |
"I would use resources to update the look, and to increase advertisement." |
"State of the art research and library facilities. Digitize collections and holdings where possible, e.g. photograph collection, documents, rare books, and make available on internet." |
"What is important is the relationship between utsa, ITC and the rest of the city. It should be more integrated." |
A building that would look modern and open like the Perot Museum in Downtown Dallas. |
New construction at site of old federal courthouse with focus on street facing architecture and signage to draw greater visitor attendance. |
No comment. Unrealistic question. |
"A 3-D immersive experience, room where you could go in and use a VR headset to explore Texas history" |
I would add a snack bar. |
"Space and staff for: Free Genealogical services, access to databases, (extensive/beyond what is already provided), Language translation services for documents, etc" |
"Moving to an existing building would gutting a different building and then moving, but would allow operations at the ITC to continue while the new building is being prepared. Find a building to upgrade and some land for festivals in the Museum District. Work with the various ethnic and religious groups to update and expand their group's exhibit, perhaps getting new items donated or loaned to the ITC. " |
A garden with native plants. |
Add education classed/center for all schools. Texas history is no longer part of school curriculum. Bring back Texas history culture at ITC. |
"I would add fine arts performances at different pricing levels so anyone can go, this is not my idea of something that should only be offered to the elite. We already have enough of that. Let's give global cultural exposure to artist exhibits, performances, sensory exhibits and have many, many community and donor, and member (tiered member levels) if you'd like. but let's make them come! They need to think ITC is cool and I might meet there with my friends after work tonight. Add 1 or more rooftop bars if you don't have one now. Add membership special tours and parties. Add perks such as partnering with (such and such makes up company) to give free makeovers. Bring in partners to help those os us (myself included) who don't know how or are intimidated on how to be added to the roster of living Native American Indian ancestries! I would to that hands down. Make the ITC a destination that is interesting daily. If you don't go in a while you might be ""missing out."" That's my rec." |
None as I would leave in current location. |
More outdoor exhibits could be nice. |
"A large living history section similar to Williamsburg, VA or the Ohio Village in Columbus, OH. An amphitheater. Playground that incorporates historical features of TX history. Kids would love to ""ride"" a longhorn or sit in the seat of a covered wagon, etc. In addition, recreating the water features to be interactive like a splash park allows for the community to interact with the museum/institute and to keep cool on those days Texas feels like a ""hell hole."" Our predecessors no doubt used water sources/rivers/creeks in this way. A community garden is also a wonderful way to bring different cultures together to compare what crops each other appreciate." |
I would add enlarging the campus of the re-imagined ITC in the current location utilizing the existing building shell as part of the new campus. |
Nothing. I would keep it in the same location. |
Parking garage |
Upgrade the building and its infrastructure and use digital media |
"Redevelop the entire southeast end of the Hemisfair District (federal buildings, ITC, parking lots, etc.). Maybe a stadium and housing, as in downtown San Diego? I would try to save as many Hemisfair buildings as possible, but convert them into other uses." |
"A new, modern building." |
More community events |
More outdoor gardens and shade structures |
Restoring the interior could be done in increments to leave the majority of the exhibits open while other sections are being repaired |
Public access to the library resources; underground tunnel to the convention center |
"If relocating, remain in sight of the old pavilion and make sure it’s immediately occupied with something permanent (not an abstract “event space”, which are usually empty.)" |
"After reading through the current problems of the original ITC building, and its management of important items of historical value, remedying these faults would bring me the most satisfaction. I would begin with correcting these problems, and go from there when appropriate." |
"Definitely have a great gift shop and also a cafe (indoor & outside) where people can linger, and lots of beautiful landscape. The whole experience should not feel ""stuffy"" but fresh, open and bright." |
"More funds to keep the current location and more events, along with more promotions. " |
Renovate current ITC building and keep collection intact. |
"Utilize the houses there in Hemisfair Plaza, and add onto Texas Pavilion building " |
I would make certain the new facilities would meet all required museum certification standards and provide enough space for UTSA education programs and classes. There should be a balance of education exhibits integrating past (which is done now) present and future. |
Keep it where its at. |
"There is digital technology that would allow for interviews with historical figures (the people the exhibits are about) within the museum. Teach with archives series to provide online education and digital access. Summer programs for all ages to increase community. Updating archives for appropriate preservation (NEH grant to digitize/preserve the archives)" |
"Certainly enough funding and resources to make the ITC a museum of the first class, thoroughly updated and ready to serve the interests of visitors and locals for decades to come." |
No amount of money could maintain and restore the historical significance of the existing structure. |
Updates as needed. |
"More reasons for people to visit? Maybe more tributes to victims from Texas of war and school massacres, great educators- more reasons to use the place? Visiting exhibits of ancient Texas fossils, Native American history, early Spanish history? Shipwrecks off Texas? Things people want to see- treasure, pirate stuff, Aztec relics, gunfighter stories-a big collection of early Texas guns? Bring people down with stuff they want to see and learn about." |
Think Tank for Visionary Studies and Ancient Cultures - The Deeper The Memories the Further The Vision |
I have doubts about the cost estimates provided by this process. Earlier cost estimates show a much lower cost to rehabilitate and reuse the building. Both sets of cost estimates should be vetted by qualified professionals. The experience with rehabilitation and adaptive use of other large historic buildings shows both cost savings as well as significantly less carbon emissions. This information should be provided to the public. |
External exhibit on new grounds. welcoming exterior related to the historic location. |
Nothing to suggest |
Landscaping and outdoor spaces. |
"Build new ITC on Hemisfair and rehab building into extraordinary, multi-generation recreation facility with court sports, full work out facility and swimming pool." |
"I would consider a multi-story building with the topmost floor for the permanent exhibits. I would present the exhibits in the order of appearance of people from different countries coming into Texas. This will also be a good educational model for students of history. On the second floor, I would create moving spaces for temporary exhibits and a few lecture/conference rooms that can be rented. On the ground floor, I would recreate the dome in the reception area. I will also have a multi-purpose theater. A unique feature at the current ITC is the open corridor all around. This should be imagined differently to serve multiple purposes. I would certainly pay a lot of attention to parking. Lack of parking is a big deterrent people coming downtown. ITC must reflect San Antonio’s uniqueness. I see its compassion agenda as one of the most unique attributes. A confluence of cultures could be the theme. " |
Renovate current building. |
"Holograms of historic figures telling their own story. Also, a world class IMAX theatre that could show various historical type movies." |
"Add more events inside and attract more art and museum exhibitions. Dig into the Texas history, its culture. Its traditions and show how we celebrate holidays, festivals, and diversity." |
Design a gem that integrates very well with the park. A fluid structure that creates an outdoor/indoor space. Many courtyards that can be showcase evolving culture and used as venues. A perfect setting for multicultural food court - creatively done .. not a boring cafeteria. The structure itself could be such an uplifting piece of architecture - just like the Smithsonian’s African American Museum. Definitely connected with water. In So many cultures water is an important element in the design. |
"Represent the first of San Antonio. First film, first flight, first computer, Etc. " |
Full rebuild. |
"Again just more updates, fountain update" |
I would move the ITC out of the Hemisfair District. There are better places in the City for this facility. |
"Both the exhibits and the library should be expanded and the current staffing levels should be expanded. This survey is a farce from the wording (resonates?!) to the limited distribution and publicity about the survey! Whoever wrote it and approved it, obviously is highly biased and bordering on incompetent unless the final approver of the survey was told to sabotage it!" |
More internships and classes for the public in Texas history. Teach Texas history with its flaws and glories. |
"Bike racks. Not for the BCycle program, they already have two stations in Hemisfair; for people who have their own bicycles. Even keeping in mind how paltry San Antonio’s whole bike infrastructure is, it is truly wild that the ITC doesn’t already have bike racks. This was and will continue to be especially evident during festivals, when both attendees and staff working the festivals are advised not to drive because of limited parking. If the ITC recommends bicycling, it should have a better security option than a chain-link fence. If the resources were truly unlimited, then everything from the first iteration of this question continues to apply." |
A new location easily accessible to the San Antonian public. Maybe the land behind the existing airport. |
Just needed updates and repairs. |
Repurpose and renovate the Texas Pavilion. |
More anthropological displays as artifacts become available. |
"I would add more staff members who are welcoming and who can see the potential scholar/storyteller/artist in whoever visits, even when it's not apparent. Staff members who welcome people back and actually want them to come back. Staff members who do not treat people like outsiders. But who treat visitors like they want to be treated. Like they have a culture, or knowledge, or experience to share. Sometimes its not about ""Look what I have developed for you!"" Sometimes it's ""Let's hear what you're about!"" " |
Keep ITC inside the Texas Pavilion |
"The absolute latest in technology, maybe getting rid of some of the concrete and adding improved landscape that includes shade" |
A structure designed to accommodate the collection as a learning experience; using new technology |
"Strive to be a world-class mecca of culture, where culture isn’t just taught or studied, but somewhere it's made. Make the ITC an irresistible location that is a must-visit for locals and tourists of all ages. Develop the grounds to support ongoing rotating festivals year-round to align with cultural holidays or observance months. Have continuous programming so there is always something going on at the ITC, galleries, events, festivals, showings, activities, etc. Many patrons may remember going to the ITC, but it should be a place people experience the cultures of Texas. Surround the new facility with infrastructure that drives people into the area. Build a parking garage with a basement connecting to the proposed underground transit system from the airport. Incorporate the parking garage into the new facility. Connect a skybridge to the Alamo Dome over I-37 and charge event parking rates during Alamo Dome events. " |
The only people that this this is a good idea are people that are developers who are looking for a personal payday. Hasn't Hemisfair Park been developed enough. Look at the overdevelopment of the Pearl. |
"Whatever the final decision will be for the ITC, past political history often indicates what the current leadership will decide, and thus, will typically be driven by some special interest pressures and politics. Like that which made the Hemisfair site itself a reality." |
Include some element of design that pays homage to the Texas Pavilion. |
Remain in the Texas Pavilion:
It sounds like this isn't a great option if the exhibits and facilities can't be updated--not clear why that's the case though. |
"Nothing really. The building is just so ill-suited for the purpose of housing a forward-facing museum -- too large, too dark, too disconnected from rest of Hemisfair. Everything about the Texas Pavilion is an homage to the Texas we were 50 years ago, not the Texas we are or the Texas we are becoming." |
"The Texas Pavilion, at around 200,000 square feet is too oversized for the need. If you had a new museum structure at $2,000/SF x 20,000 SF = $40M. If you had to fix the Texas Pavilion at $1,000/SF x 200,000 SF = $200M. If we were required to stay in the Texas Pavilion, funding for the museum will be up to 5x more expensive than doing the greatest but right sized museum." |
No |
"Nothing. I think this is a very bad idea. The building is outdated, doesn’t meet museum standards, is unapproachable and inhospitable. " |
"Nothing about this makes sense. I think if this option is chosen it will only be because of pressure from a small group of people who have willfully ignored the documents/evidence that provide proof that the ITC building is not fit for a museum and that sinking millions of dollars into trying to make it museum-quality is an irresponsible use of state money. I recognize that this issue has been punted down the road for many years because no one wants to deal with it and the University doesn't want the negative press. People may get upset, but they'll get over it. Once a new modern ITC is built, they will forget all about it. Kind of like ""come and take it"", no? Once the ""Runners became an amazing team, not one even remembered that stupid flag." |
This is not a good option. The current facilities are no longer the right fit. It is outdated and isolated. |
"It would remain in a great location next to I-37. Most Texans are familiar with its current location; therefore, it could be upgraded and advertised more to bring in more visitors." |
"The current location has served it well but the building is sadly a dark uninspiring space. The exhibits are great and there used to be people demonstrating folk traditions there, I have always enjoyed the museum but it needs a modern upgrade." |
Many people have a nostalgia for the building itself. There may be upset if it were emptied or torn down. |
Tradition Unique architecture. Panorama show |
It is a landmark. |
It has become an historical site together with the Tower of the Americas. They are an important asset for the community. The site should not turn into another great idea what was lost to urban sprawl. |
"I prefer this option the best, but only with a major renovation. This is an iconic building and retaining it is the most sustainable thing to do. If there are parts of the site that could be ""released"" for other development, that needs to be carefully designed/evaluated so as to improve the connections to Hemisfair. Also, although not always ideal, renovations can be phased so as to continue usage." |
Remain! |
The current facility is outdated and isn't attractive to locals. It seems closed off from the rest of the Hemisfair District and seems like there is a better use of the space that would amplify the Hemisfair district. |
Only the location. It's way beyond time to upgrade!! |
Sell the building. Quit wasting tax payer money. |
Absolutely not |
"Significant modifications up to a total replacement. Bring this up to standards in the 21st century. Lots of electronics. Displays showing what Texas is doing right now - SpaceX, cyber security, sports teams, oil and gas, on and on. History is fine, but the story doesn't stop with history." |
Nothing don't do it. |
"The current building is insufficient for this purpose, regardless of how many upgrades are made. " |
Low financial risk |
I love it where it is. It works great with the culture and history of San Antonio at its current location. |
"Yes and for the handicapped complaints, I’m handicapped, I use a rollator but I can still enjoy it. I can see wheelchair might have a harder time. Love love the back 40 and the history there. Maybe they need a walking tour via an app. Always found the center oval boring but great to cool off" |
Not enough parking and not enough personnel support. |
It’s a Landmark in San Antonio and a memorial to Hemisfair. |
"Yes .. this is where it was ""born"" and should live. It's the heart of a tourist area and a beautiful reminder that HemisFair happened here. " |
Not a viable option for me |
"Ya'll need to bring back the Folklife Festival. What I mean by that is the old ways. I remember when it first started. It was a family atmosphere. My dad worked a booth, my older brother, took over then me and my younger brother did it. I was working since I was 15yo. They made it so commercial and priced people out from going. I looked forward to it every year and our small community of Castroville had a great turn out yearly. It just got smaller and smaller cause of the prices. " |
"This is the idea I support. Locals have loved and known this location for 50 years. A lot of us went to the World's Fair at Hemisfair and have many fond memories of it. We have attended decades of the Texas Folklife Festival at this location. It is ideal for such large outdoor venues. Tourists can easily find it as it is a short walk from other ""touristy"" sites like the Riverwalk, La Villita, and the Alamo. The Texas Pavilion is an iconic building that is dearly loved by San Antonians. Do whatever you have to do to meet AAM Core Standards but don't move out of the Texas Pavilion! " |
"I believe we need to renovate and upgrade the ITC as needed as it is one of the crown jewels in our state, in the country. As an educator the ITC has gone above and beyond in creating engaging and meaningful studies art exhibits. The staff is extremely proactive and are ready to serve our community. We need to make sure we fully fund the ITC as it is a unique institution that truly reflects all our Texan cultures. " |
No. Just no. |
Don’t care |
This is an ideal location for the ITC and is well known to locals and other Texans from being in this location since Hemisfair. It is easy to locate. |
Can’t think of anything. |
Keep it here. It would compare to moving the Alamo... |
The original building has a great history. It's horribly ugly. Figure out a way to re-circulate water to the fountain. It looks abandoned and no one wants to go into an abandoned building. |
Don't have a strong feeling for this recommendation |
"Location is central, accessible from any part of the county, symbolically belongs to all of us. I’m a native Texan who’s lived in San Antonio 48 years, been to ITC with family, students and visitors, the quintessential Texas stories in all its grand diversity is told. It belongs to all of us: I love the broad entryway with its shaded areas and the annual festivals where the descendants of these groups showcased their art, culture and (especially) their food traditions. It’s the best. " |
Bad idea. Building in horrible condition and a pad use for this site. The current location should be redeveloped to further energize Hemisfair Park and Southtown/ Lavaca neighborhood |
Fix in place |
Stay put |
"Too cramped, will not address problems" |
I’m not happy to think it’s cheaper to scrape and rebuild losing this anchor to Hemisfair. I hope it isn’t decided by the cheapest option only. |
"There is a long history of the ITC inside the current building. It is iconic and relates to the Hemisphere exhibition that in its own is part of Texas‘ culture. By all means, keep that building and update the exhibits and public areas inside it!" |
"Fond memories, tradition, making the old new, dedicating it as historic if that is possible due to its original purpose and piece of history in San Antonio. This is my first choice to do what can be done, maybe add on a 2 story piece to keep the old but bring the new section up to code." |
No. Useless. We went twice to visit in 30 years. |
"Historic relevance" |
Hopefully remain in pavilion |
This resonates with me - staying. |
The cost obviously. This is a very old building that was supposed to be temporary at best. |
"If the location of the museum remains where it is currently located, significant improvements would need to be made. The museum is competing against the Witte and the Children's Museum so the competition is steep when it comes to exhibits that are interactive and educational. " |
"Texan culture in the heart of the downtown corridor. next to the tower of americas and easily seen from the highway. It should stay there, it should be open, it should be used. Students who can interact with the community can help younger and older generations bridge the communication gap and help them come together to learn history. " |
Horrible building and horrible idea. |
"The cost savings of not moving the entire museum would be nice, but a major renovation inside and out needs to be considered. While I love the architecture itself, everything is sort of... uninspiring." |
"Nope. It may have been the right space for the World's Fair in 1968, but now it feels so dated the space is not welcoming to visitors. My kids always ask to go back to the Witte and the DoSeum after multiple visits — after one visit to the ITC, they were done! What a lost opportunity to teach our kids about our state and our culture. " |
Please move |
Footprint and superstructure already in place. |
I do not feel this would be the best option. The ITC needs a revamp!! |
"Roomy, have a dome area to show the video on Texas cultures" |
The iconic look of the current campus resonates with every person who attended fourth grade in Bexar County and the surrounding area. My reasons are purely sentimental. I have many happy memories of visits there with my students and my own family. |
This should be the choice. |
"Leaving it just where it is the best choice to me because it is well known. There is nothing like it in the state. The legislature should give the University more support to maintain it. The University should advertise it, keep new exhibits each year, sell really good mementoes for children as well as tourists. We need this history museum and the University is the best institution to run it. Have history lectures there. Redo the ceiling with more space pictures. Where else in Texas would people have to go to see these cultures and their development?" |
Preservation of a historic building. |
Please remain at present location! |
"I never saw anything lacking in the current pavilion, but I haven't visited in a few years." |
Part of the history of the World's Fair |
"I absolutely love that building. While visiting the exhibits throughout, one never feels crowded even when many people are there. It is a welcoming space and the exhibits are so beautifully done. " |
There is some value in staying in the same location. |
"I wish we could keep the original structure and utilize the site better. The building has great design and history- I don’t understand why UTSA has to “reimagine” every decent piece of brutalist architecture in our portfolio…. The institute is old/poorly kept up, however the building and site have value - we need more effort to take this institute in a more interesting direction." |
My personally least favorite option. UTSA should find a new space that serves everyone instead of remaining in an inadequate facility based solely on history. |
"The Texas Pavilion to me represents architecture from the past -- large and not energy efficient. It looks old and uninviting. It should be torn down and replaced with a museum of the future. If the building has historical significance, maybe a small model replica can be made and displayed somewhere in a new ITC museum that pays tribute to the Pavilion and tells the history of the old building and how it played a role in Hemisfair '68. It would be irresponsible for UTSA to stay in the Pavilion regardless of how much it gets fixed up. The building is just plain ugly." |
"Keep the tradition of where it is currently located, familiarity, historical implications" |
It's a known space. Locals and tourists know where it is and is easily accessible from the highway. UTSA has the building and land already available. This seems to be a more cost effective way forward. Large events and festivals can happen. |
"Remain in current facility in the Texas Pavilion. This is a part of San Antonio's culture and history. The existing facility is very unique and everyone who is a true San Antonina, born and raised here, relates to its beauty. If building updates need to be done, then make them instead of trying to move/rebuild everything. " |
Makes the most sense. I feel the ITC challenges aren't going to be solved with a move. My issue with the existing space is how aged it looks and feels. Exterior: The building's architecture is uninviting and uninspired. There's nothing from the outside to make you want to explore the space. There's no sense of connection to the space around the building. Interior: Feels dark. |
"It's always nice to preserve a historic building, being the last pavilion building of the original hemisfair, but, given it's current state, it would be a large risk and liability hanging over the ITC's future." |
It's part of San Antonio history and should be preserved in its original location. I have many memories of visiting when I was a child. |
"You already know what the space needs and can customize to the existing structure. Adults went there as a kid and take their kids there to share in that memory. Now that pandemic is over, the festivals will return and hopefully people will enjoy ITC once again." |
"It would extend the life of the 50 year old facility and maintain its historic significance. Its current location is well known by locals, visually prominent, part of the Hemisfair facility area, and easily accessed by tourists. Tourists are a major source of visitors. I want to share that the Norwegian exhibit where our children were taught to use a drop spindle, a spinning machine, and the weaving done on the loom was an exhibit that they returned to time and time again. They actually purchased their own drop spindle at another living history exhibit and still have that drop spindle. The ITC was by far their favorite museum experience from the time they were in Kindergarten through high school. They asked to go again and again, and were excited when relatives came from out of state so they could take them to the ITC. I am speaking as a resident who has appreciated the ITC for 45 years." |
The Institute has not been well utilized for over a decade. Moving it would expedite its demise. Either remodel and significantly integrate it into the fabric of at least the City of San Antonio or just close it and put everything in storage. Most tourists and locals don't know about this institution and that will not change unless there is a big education effort. |
"Based on this scenario, it appears that significant work would have to be done to bring the Pavilion up to standards for a true museum of the future. The idea of utilizing the acreage for financial sustainability seems reasonable and feasible and will provide further funding to ensure the museum, aside from the building that houses it, is well programmed for generations to come. " |
Too expensive. I work in a city building with deferred and on-going maintenance that the costs are outrageous when finally dealt with extensively. |
Costs of renovation to meet current curation standards would likely cost more than building a new facility. |
I think the location is fine and it keeps with tradition. There is a lot of parking there and across the highway at the Alamodome during the week and outside of its events on weekends. The only reason I could see them moving is if they can build onto their exhibit and/or update to the proper museum criteria at a lower cost or if San Antonio can benefit from it moving in long-term financial recoup of cost including repressing the current building or land. |
It's a great location. |
"Unfortunately, I think the Texas Pavilion has lived its life. It has served the city well, but needs to be replaced." |
Nothing. Terrible Idea. |
That this is a horrible idea and that we are going to set our City back another 50 years if we can't even learn from our mistakes. |
It’s in the heart of the major tourist area on San Antonio. |
Yes. The Institutes has an iconic place in the hearts of San Antonionians. |
The land is too expensive. |
Yes |
"Build a new exhibit building adjacent to the front of the current structure that includes the necessary actions for accreditation and after completion redesign the current building as a covered outdoor exhibit area with adequate ventilation, maintaining the current roof structure." |
"I think this is the best option. Having a large institution like this in one's neighborhood creates a burden upon its immediate neighbors (parking, traffic, noise, property values, so on) that outweighs the benefits of having the institution nearby, and these negative impacts have already been experienced by the surrounding area. The current structure is historically important and architecturally interesting, though it could clearly benefit from being better integrated into a properly designed neighborhood rather than a sea of parking lots." |
"Of all the options, this I feel is the worst." |
The building has an iconic feel to it. |
"ITC has a unique space in the Hemisfair District and had been a driver, bringing people to downtown with their events. I believe ITC still has a place right where they are now. As mentioned before, I believe ITC has a part to play in the overall success and vitality of downtown." |
Leaving it here is the best idea but only if cost effective |
The bldg is too old. Hard to renovate. |
When I was in the 6th grade (about 40 years ago) in Cotulla TX we came on a field trip to the ITC. I was awed by it size and star stuck to see the exhibit on Cotulla. It connected with me. I felt like we had roots and we belonged. I'm sure thousands and thousands of young kids have felt the same over the years. If my voice counts I would say to keep it where it is and renovate. |
Honors the history of the structure and its location within the community. |
History but really the building is dilapidated so not much else. |
"The building, when the fountain worked and it was clean and well-kept, is truly iconic and a beautiful example of architecture of the era. Sadly, there isn't enough money in the world to get an AAM accreditation in this structure. It was not built to be a museum, it will always be too humid for storage of fragile artifacts and documents, and the ceiling heights, lack of loading dock, etc. just can't be retrofitted. The berms surrounding the building are a fire and safety hazard and the lack of restrooms on the current exhibit floor are cost prohibitive to add now." |
"The building is so extraordinary, it is a treasure in and of itself." |
"I would like to see the Institute of Texan Cultures remain at its current location. The building with its unique architecture is so visible in our downtown area. A native San Antonian, I was seven-years-old at the 1968 Hemisphere. My father was one of the physicians who worked at HemisFair and vaccinated Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans. I have good memories of Hemisphere! Later my family donated a saddle belonging to one of my relatives. The saddle was on display for many years. I recall visiting the Institute as a student with a school tour. The grounds offer space that has not been used to its potential. I have enjoyed the Folklife Festival and the log cabin where my great uncle performed fiddle music. The Institute is a distinctive structure." |
"Nothing. I worked for several years in the ITC. There are only 6 windows on the entire second floor. Ventilation was poor. A museum has been jammed into space that is not conducive to a good visitor experience. I'm sure it was a great structure for Hemisfair 68, but it is woefully inadequate for a world-class museum and useless for office space today. It also looks like something that belongs in Brasilia rather than Texas." |
"Nothing really. The building is old, tired, and would cost way too much to renovate and retrofit. The building needs color on the outside. It has that ""sterile effect"" of late 1960's-1970's architecture. Other than the shape of the building itself being unique." |
The current location of the Institute is perfect. It has easy access and is centrally located. |
Accurate portrayals of cultural groups |
It should remain where it is! This is the heart of San Antonio! It wouldn’t be the same if it where moved elsewhere! |
"The location is a good one. At 54 years old, I agree a renovation is probably due. I like how so many cultures that made Texas are represented. This is excellent educational information. Whatever accreditation problems it has can be addressed during the renovation." |
This is the known place with the known architecture. |
Maintaining this part of San Antonio's rich history. All the disadvantages listed are irrelevant if the firewall is to update or rebuild the building. |
Just remodel and update |
Stay in the exact spot |
Yes. Memories |
"ITC has a lot of history with being part of Hemisfair. Where else will visitors, tourists learn about our culture from the heart of our city. My favorite part even as a child is when it opens up during the summer for festivities. The booths are open with different foods. It's the best way to learn of different flavors without having to travel so far away." |
"Great location. Easy access from freeway, room to get bigger. The building and location means a lot to everyone in San Antonio. I personally have taken at least 100 school children on field trips. We loved all of the history, and being near the Riverwalk and Alamo was also great. It would be very sad if that beautiful building was not used for its current mission." |
"It needs to remain within the Hemisfair pavilion. So either renovate or rebuild in place but do not move it anywhere else. If you do, people will not want to go to Hemisfair Park. I remember coming to visit when it first opened in 1968. I also remember attending when I was a teacher assistant at an elementary school. After I retired from teaching, I was a volunteer for my granddaughter’s school trip. It is an excellent way to add to the students Texas history class in school. I’ve also taken many out of town visitors there. " |
Remain in the pavilion. It's nice to have a Texas museum in a much traveled location. |
As someone who attended the HemisFair as a child there is so little left to pass on memories to my grandchildren. We love the Institute and would hate for it to move away from downtown. |
The Pavilion has a rich history and is a San Antonio Treasure. It is accessible to people who do not have private transportation. It is within walking distance for visitors residing in downtown hotels. The grounds are very much suitable for participants to display their wares. |
It's centrally located. It would be much cheaper. |
History |
I am against moving it and reading down the building. We don't need another hotel or apartments and houses built there. |
I like the current location and it has a historical connection to Hemisfair! |
That space is still prominent and elevates the visibility of the museum. |
I feel it should remain in its current location. |
The vision and history of the original museum. |
Yes |
Going on field trips with school and then taking my kids as well. There’s a lot of history and memories for all of San Antonio and to move it completely from its original location would devastating to the community. |
Yes remain in current building and do necessary renovations. This exhibit and building is a landmark in our city. I have visited this as a child when Hemisfair opened in 1968. I have also visited the ITC with my children. |
To keep with the historical tradition |
Stay where it has been since opening |
I believe the institute of Texan cultures should remain at the Texas pavilion. |
Keep the location same moving it would be big mistake |
Please keep it where it at and renovate it to its former glory with some possible upgrades to bring in more youth. |
"This is the only sensible option of the three proposed in the Steering Committee's Scenarios Report because it respects the history of the Texas Pavilion structure and values connecting public institutions (aka museums)with public gathering spaces (aka city parks). Nevertheless, we suspect that the options presented here are merely illusory and that the decision has already been made to relocate the ITC out of Hemisfair Park, which is a disgrace and unbefitting of a world class city. " |
"Given that the current location is too expensive to repair and maintain, it might be less expensive to construct a new building." |
"The building is iconic, the location by Tower of the Americas seems fitting, and I love the outdoor displays." |
"I would like to see The Institute of Texan Cultures remain at its current location because of its history. Unless there is a plan for great improvements that would include efforts to revive the public's interest in visiting the Institute of Texan Cultures, I would like to see it remain at its current location. The Folklife Festival has been a success at this location and I would like to see it continue at its current location in conjunction with the Institute of Texan Cultures." |
My family has always loved visiting this museum! |
Appropriate location in a reimagined and renovated setting. Good access and parking. Historic and unusual building |
"It's a familiar building that could use freshening up, better parking, better surroundings" |
I was 2 when we rode the monorail. Leave things be. |
First choice |
The Texas Pavilion is iconic and part of the ITC. |
"No, the list of issues is too great, too expensive, and in some cases not feasible such as creating space where columns and low ceilings exist. Safety issues such as flooding, electrical, weight load, vapor barrier, access by fire department are serious concerns." |
This allows the ITC to retain historical space and expand on it. |
"My husband worked a projector for the dome movie during Hemisfair 68. My son was 10 & we visited the grounds every few nights. We really enjoyed this museum & visited frequently. We didn't miss a thing. This is such a perfect location, near Hwy. 281, good parking & it adds to downtown San Antonio. We don't need to lose anything this valuable in that area. I believe tourists who visit the Alamo will definitely want to visit this museum to enjoy the history of San Antonio and Texas." |
Nothing. |
The initial design is iconic. Should remain in place. |
"The history of HemisFair, the Texas Pavilion, and ITC. " |
Stay at the ITC but build a coordinate effort to bring better paying jobs to SA. |
"The Texas Pavilion is one of the few remaining original buildings from the Worlds Fair 68’. Please consider the fact that losing this iconic, historical, influential center would be a great mistake. The Texas Pavilion itself is a piece of architectural, and cultural history. This, paired with the fact that the reemergence/return of Mid-Century Modern design could be used as a “selling point” to increase visitation to the pavilion after it has been renovated (renovated as in the grounds and whatever other necessary improvements have taken place, not altering the pavilion in anyway that would cause it to become unrecognizable or a seemingly different structure all together.) The Texas Pavilion is unique in that it’s something my grandparents experienced when it originally opened, my parents and siblings and I experienced growing up, and something that I would love to share with my children and the future generations of the city. My hope is that these suggestions are seriously considered." |
Again it should stay where it is it's historical building renovate inside and out so students can come and have field trips there and be educated like they've been in the past asked of history past and present. |
This is my preference |
"Yes, remain in Texas Pavilion with improvement to facilities." |
"Remaining in the footprint of its history, the recognizable building when I drive by." |
"You can’t leave the Texas Pavilion! This is an amazing space and exactly where the museum belongs. The space itself is part of Texas’ history and part of the museum’s history, as well. Relocating would be leaving behind a building that is part of San Antonio’s culture. Isn’t culture exactly what we are trying to preserve and showcase? Besides, where would all of the ghosts go? :) " |
"It's home. Even though it needs work to the physical plant, it is the home of the ITC. Unlike the non-descript location of the Children's Museum when it was on Houston, the ITC has an iconic and unique location without a new build." |
Will be great. |
The current location is historical so completely rebuild or do a major renovation. |
The history of the building and that it would be cheaper to upgrade this property. |
This is where it’s always been and should stay. |
Original historic location that can be renovated and updated. Beautiful memories to a lot of us. |
"This is the option that is more favorable. It is easily accessible by bus, more centrally located, and a tourist attraction." |
The building is a perfect example of the '68 World's fair. It is the last remaining significant structure from that time except for the Tower. I say leave the building and fountains and upgrade the interior to modern standards. Keep the museum in this location. |
"The pavilion has become part of history itself. Its structure is iconic. How could you even consider taking that away? We are a city of historic architecture, and this is a fine example of mid-century modernism/futuristic design. Besides, repairing and remodeling is the most economical and most efficient choice. " |
"No, it is too isolated." |
Retains historical context |
"It is large enough to house the collection, it is far enough from the craziness of down town but close enough to be relevant and accessible." |
Expand and modernize. The earth berming was prophetic of our climate crisis so let’s keep the green part anyway |
Yes. |
This does not make sense given the high property values in this space & the lack of visitors/funding for the museum. |
Leave it where it is. It is a unique building. Update it to meet the association standards for the organizations you want to affiliate with. |
It isn’t particularly well utilized. I don’t think the location is benefitting the museum. Doesn’t seem like it would be sustainable long term given the increasing cost of the land |
Remain in the same building! Why leave! |
Good idea. |
"The pavilion itself is a very striking piece of architecture it is very roomy and spacious. It does need updating but the location is such that any events held there or any exhibits that were shown there would have to be a major draw. Unfortunately the permanent collections now on display are not exactly up to par with other museums like the San Antonio museum of art, or even the Witte." |
I am unsure what the Texas Pavilion is. Sorry. |
Updating an old building can be expensive and disruptive. I would not mind razing the building and recreating/re imaging the space after a short break for construction. |
ITC is part of history and traditions in itself! The nostalgia of taking our kids and grandkids here is something that money can’t buy. This is a great facility and location. Some of my best childhood memories were visiting ITC in the 80’s and 90’s. Many FolkLife Festivals and field trips from Beeville. Would be a shame if it were moved. |
Sounds feasible and cheapest |
"1. Historic character of both the building and its location in Hemisfair. 2. Community goodwill resulting from memories of prior visits. 3. Proximity to downtown San Antonio, within easy reach of conventions and tourists." |
Yes! |
Just make it brighter and more inviting |
The museum show stay. It's a major part of that area. It's seen from the highway and is a curiosity to tourists. They see a boat shaped building and wonder what it is and what's inside. |
"I feel the ITC should stay where it is. Renovations are needed, but it should definitely keep its current location. It's been there for over 50 years and that's where it belongs" |
Sell the location. Build a new ITC near 1604 and I 20 |
By far the best decision as this is a central location and again a unique structural design including outdoor open space and eye catching landscaping |
Yes I feel it should remain at the Texas Pavilion. |
I love the building even though it’s so impractical. |
"This is by far my favorite option and I really can't imagine ITC anywhere else but it's current location. ITC is my favorite of the SA museums and both the building and location are in a prime location to take advantage of the revitalization Hemisfair has had in recent years. Unlike the Witte, ITC's location is one that can really act as an additional draw for tourists to the city while still serving as an anchor and pillar for community engagement and a destination for school groups in a way that outshines the Witte and other educational institutions in SA." |
"The building should stay. To tear down history just to display history in a more modern building is literally dumb and dumber, be better than that and scrap any idea of relocation or rebuilding. However, remodeling (interior) is appropriate. I’ve been going to the ITC my whole life and can count on one hand the things that have changed or been updated in those 40ish years. So a reimagining and new take on the contents and layout is completely reasonable. " |
The Texas Pav as a museum for Texas culture and history is uninspiring. |
Yes. |
"The location is iconic, and so many of us have grown up celebrating the Folklife Festival there on the ITC grounds. I prefer to keep the museum in its current location, but do many necessary upgrades to it." |
This idea demonstrates the city values it’s history and architectural past. The structure is a significant piece of architecture for the city. |
"Staying downtown but having a beautiful, shaded, green connection to the rest of hemisfair. It's so separate... Makes it only attractive to the person in a car or school bus!" |
I like the current building. |
"Historical location, the outside area around the building is great for visiting school children to lunch." |
Preserve and improve existing facility. Update programs and attract new audiences. |
This is the home of the Institute of Texan Cultures. |
"This is what I would most like to see. Remodel or what have you but remain in the current building thus preserving the heritage, history and memories the building has to offer. " |
"I would love to see ITC remain in the Texas Pavilion. It was created in that location for a reason, it is visible to all, access is not a problem. The space has room to expand and add additional sites to view. " |
"Stay in the same location, the area is growing, invest in local artist and promote history classes" |
"Remaining in the Hemisfair Texas Pavilion is existential to the Institute of Texan Cultures. Historically, this is the perfect location. The location is not the problem; the problem is management." |
Only the location resonates. Building structure needs to be razed. |
"This is where it needs to stay. Don’t worry what will happen in 2068 , we probably all will be dead and they will have their own ideas. We need to worry about the next 3 to 5 years ." |
"The building and location have high visibility and recognition. Easy access and parking. This is a prime location. I understand that the UTSA administration desires to turn the site into dollars, but if they are sincere about keeping ITC, they already have the best location." |
"A building with a gigantic deferred maintenance needs, no decent parking, a dome that can't be used like originally intended (screens are patched together and rebuilding will invoke new building code needs), and awkward exhibit spaces. The building was great in its glory days. Those have passed. The only reason to stay there is nostalgia- not a great reason to stay. " |
Absolutely would. The building is a landmark and treasure. It's not only cost effective but has easy access to the plaza. |
"The building needs to be approached in a phased way that would experiment with a mix of uses that would supplement the Institute, UTSA faculty, classrooms and academic research centers. One of the best uses right now besides the archive are the graduate research center uses and these could be expanded while at the same time repurposing elements of the ground floor for public-friendly retail and dining options." |
Updating the video display in the center. |
"Good location, reasonable cost for renovation , adequate parking. See no advantage in relocation. " |
"This is also a historical site. Remain at the same site, an update." |
I think remaining in the building with modern renovations would be the best plan. The layout and exhibits have not been improved upon or modernized over the last 20 years. I think with new interactive technology combined with a revamp of the current exhibits would really be awesome. |
"Yes, keep ITC alive and well at present location." |
No. Too isolated. |
"In addition to the previously stated opinions, the history of the Texas Pavilion honors the history of Texas and the San Antonio community. It should remain." |
"Remaining in the current location extends the history of the museum in its historic facility and elevates the level of cultural richness given its location. The existing facility is recognizable, well known by locals, easy to navigate by tourists, and visually prominent. There are cost effective methods to renovate the existing space and ensure goals and objectives are achieved. Renovating the current space shows good stewardship of public funds." |
"It’s been there a long time and can be expanded and updated. I’m not a fan of just knocking down buildings and starting over. We bring out of town guests and they are simply amazed, and leave understanding Texas’s cultural mix better." |
"History. Historic preservation (i.e., buildings and structures). " |
"The best and most logical option. Historically makes sense as what is best than a facility that was built for this purpose. Only costs involved is renovation, new exhibit floor. Building is iconic, fabulous location, can be integrated easily into HemisFair. No rent payments. Building is significant as it is eligible for National Registry of Historic Sites. " |
Yes. Remain in place. Blame lack of maintenance and poor management for its present condition |
"No, there is very little reason to go to this area of town, very few people live in the area. " |
It's where the institute began and should remain |
My first choice. |
Fix whatever needs fixing but leave it where it is! |
The architecture and historical significance |
Located in a strong tourist area of downtown. |
"The Texas culture, music, arts, heroes etc" |
"The building is a wonderful example of Brutalist architecture, which is starting to have a revival. I would prefer the Institute remains in that building." |
This is where it began and where people expect to find it—under the umbrella of the Hemisfair. |
"I really think this should be the first option. The building would have to be renovated, but the history and the space is already there. There needs to be more advertising of events and more events being held. This seems like is has gone down hill with the changes of ownership ." |
I love this! |
Remain in the Texas Pavilion. Protect our Institute. |
"Do not, in any way, see this as a viable option. While I have strong feelings about the time I've spent in the building and grounds over the years, I believe there is a definite and strong need for a new facility. Monies would be better spent by erecting a new ITC home." |
"Even when the institute was open, it was outdated. The building g can be fixed up and made to be a destination in the city center." |
"It's a familiar location although I also lean toward stay in Hemisfair new location. Either way it's the Hemisfair connection. I've been to re-done museums--- new this that and the other things, architects and designers who do this and see things that are possible. New would open up the building --- landscaping has been talked about I am sure. Upgrading a building with the new of today. What I didn't see was some kind of statement the building itself is in sound shape and could undergo a re-do. If not $ are going to be spent somewhere --- relocate in Hemisphere works for me. " |
"I like the building , I think it is a good size and does a good job as a museum, I think the exhibits and programing can improve. Student exhibits could become a bigger part. I also think the site would be good for event rentals as extra income. " |
I love the location right now. |
This is a large beautiful building. If we didn't have it we would be wishing for something like this. |
While exiting building is physically impressive it is not architecturally design significant. Remodel in place is disruptive of existing function. Site remains isolated from city tourist core. |
"The building an location are iconic and inextricably identified with the ITC. In my opinion this is the best option. The grounds are an integral part of the ITC and the ability to present its signature program--the Folklife Festival as well as its living history demonstration program. The ITC complex has the potential to be the comprehensive museum and archive of the historic and contemporary changing Texas demographic. There is a void that should be filled by ITC to delve into a more inclusive and deep investigation into the complexities of Texas history, culture, economics and politics. The poorly handled and abrupt shuttering of the ITC really undermined the public's confidence and trust in the university's ability and intent to treat the ITC as an asset. It will take a focused, consistent and sustained effort to overcome the damage." |
"Easily accessible location with nearby attractions. Under utilized, not well coordinated with nearby attractions (Hemisfair park, tower of americas). " |
Texas pavilion has 50 plus years of history and the original location for all the artifacts and cultures that represent the uniqueness of ITC. Because of all the history and dedication of volunteers this is a true historical landmark. |
Great site |
Keep it here. Doesn’t make financial sense to move it from a facility that was made for it. The museum of art is in a brewery. The ITC building is historic built to showcase Texan cultures. Do not move it. |
"Keeping the history of ITC in it's current location, including Folklive Festival." |
Old facilities can be refurbished and made fresh! |
Retain the Institute of Texan Cultures at its current location and allocate the millions required for a move or a new facility to rehabilitate the ITC instead. |
"This is where the ITC began, and its historical roots are firmly established at this location which began with Hemisfair. I cannot think of one good reason to move the ITC. " |
The history of ITC |
"History and tradition, best to leverage suck costs with improvement instead of selling money grab to “monetize” for other pet project. We are watching the details, a test if your words to fulfill ITC future mission match your action. So far since coming you have only put ITC on life support, due to public pressure, after you gutted support, staff and programs. Man-up to fulfill ITC education, research and service mission" |
The building is beautiful and has a robust and authentic history that nothing can replace. It has suffered from neglect and a lack of vision to make it relevant for today and the future. It needs to be updated and marketed. Develop programs and exhibits that are relevant and interesting. Keep the community involved and engaged through marketing and online programs. |
"Of course..good bones .work with this beautiful big building..bring in Texas architects that can add visibility, style, culture and art're working with a blank canvas, bring in artists, to work with the engineers and architects, rather than start over..the building is an icon ...incredible history and memories, moving ..would go against everything Texas stands is good change is good..but where it stands is priceless and holds honor and history in the heart of the city..please do not move it." |
It would be great if it could remain in the Texas Pavilion however the renovations could cost more than a new building and as long as maintains a presence. |
Everything! That is where it needs to be after updating. |
Waste of space. Dead space everywhere including ugly fountain. Depressing |
Remain there |
"Nothing. This decision would ensure that the ITC diminishes in relevance and appeal. The facility is out of date and falling apart. It is dark and dreary and interaction is extremely limited due to technology restraints that come from being housed in an old concrete box. It was great in its day, but it is time to build something more inviting." |
It may be more cost effective to completely relocate the ITC and tear down the old one and reutilize the land. |
"This building has a history with the city and is an iconic downtown structure. I believe in remodeling and upgrading the current building, including enlarging the dome structure for visual presentations and making it more engaging with the public and technologically advanced. A much needed face lift is also needed. " |
"It has never been a pretty building, the carpet is old and smells like smoke. It can be more ADA friendly and easier access. it is an eye sore for a growing city, maybe local artist can spice up the walls. " |
"Stay -- geographic relocation won't solve the lack luster appeal of the area." |
Iconic |
First thoughts: Stagnation. Same-ness. Limited space. |
The history! Love the space and have many fond memories |
Adding new artistic lighting to make the structure visible and attractive in the evening. The location is known by many residents. |
No! The building is outdated and there is a higher and better use for the location |
"The building is so iconic and holds so many memories for so many people who grew up, or visited, San Antonio in their youth. I understand it is in need of some major repairs, but it is such a unique architectural gem that I would hate to see it demolished just because the ITC is not well attended. It is not the building's fault the Center's exhibits are dated and not as exciting as they could be. " |
Yes love the architecture! |
"The building itself is as much a part of the museum/institute as the collection itself. Moving to a new location would be like saying let's move the Alamo to a new location and we can redevelop that land. That is such an iconic building that it should be preserved and improved. The structures that were built for Hemisfair are a large part of what gives it a sense of place. with some imagination and some good artists and designers, it could be an incredible place once again. Hemisfair was built on a collective vision and a unified sense of purpose. Bring the city together again to reinvigorate the ITC with its original enthusiasm, pride and love for all things Texan. You can do it." |
This site is not conducive to future success for the ITC or the Hemisfair development. |
"If remains on current site, arch designers should add shade structures along pathways, and pedestrians friendly pathways leading to museum building, from CC and 37 entrance, as well as greening the grounds around it with xeriscaping landscape design." |
"The Institute is a place of harmony and inclusion. It should be promoted, improved, and saved for future generations. In recent years, we feel that there has been a vacuum in leadership and a lack of sufficient parking and marketing for the Institute. The panel, mostly made up of ""out-of-towners"" and its recommendations have done little to fill that vacuum but instead have chosen to push the Institute aside in the name of progress. The Texas Czech Heritage Society, Bexar County Chapter, believes this effort is not progress but rather regress ... regression that underlines the core ideals of community and multicultural acceptance." |
Best choice and the only one which makes sense. |
"The best short- and long-term strategy for UTSA is to remain in its current location for many reasons. The Texas Pavilion is a significant historic property and a important legacy of the Hemisfair World's Fair. Sadly, UTSA has practiced deferred building maintenance for decades that has led to many of the building's physical problems today. Although UTSA would realize a significant immediate financial gain by selling the property, UTSA would lose the important long-term value of the property which is its development potential for community outreach, academic use, and research. Explore a wider range of regional and statewide events like the Folk Life Festival. Incorporate academic uses within the building which would increase state funding support. Explore a degree in museum management or studio space for the School of Architecture which was once considered. Embarking on a financial campaign to upgrade and adaptive reuse the existing building could attract statewide donors. " |
All Texas ethnic groups and the impact each group had on Texas. Each group made significant impacts on our culture and history. |
"The historical significance of it remaining in its original location - plus, this location is already familiar to SA residents and … the current location provides access to the surrounding community for programming and events." |
Needs a lot of work. Can a good layout be achieved there? |
I want the ITC to remain in the Pavilion where it is currently located. |
No! |
"Stay put! The current location holds so much history for visitors. I remember the first time I went to ITC on an elementary school field trip and how exciting it was. I am sure others feel the same way as they visit, again and again, even taking their children and grandchildren to a place that revealed so much about our cultures." |
"I do not think this is a good option at all - much too hard to modernize the building, it's too big, and it's time for a fresh start." |
What resonates with me is that when I drive down I-37 I remember how I use to go on school field trips to ITC while in elementary school. There are a lot of displays that school age children can learn from. The way I see it it's part of our San Antonio community our children and grandchildren will benefit from it. If it's moved I can only imagine what land developers will do with the property. |
Remaining in the Texas Pavilion would be the best option. Side note: this public input survey is not well designed... |
"Downtown San Antonio is experiencing an economic and cultural resurgence. As legitimate/local businesses locate to central San Antonio and the Alamo area begins its transition to a museum with a more appropriate homage to the past, it would be a shame to lose the historic and educational benefits of the ITC. The Institute of Texan Cultures is a treasure that should be visited by the 34 million SA visitors each year. Rather than funneling funds to relocate, the ITC should capitalize on their historic and beneficial location and use the funds to improve the existing building/focus on outreach to visitors and residents of the city. " |
Keeps the history. |
Institute of Texas Cultures and their festivals. |
The right thing to do as the caretakers of ITC is to repair it. |
"Nothing. It is simply too large, too outdated and would be too costly to renovate versus locating into a new facility." |
The ITC in its current location is a waste of amazing space. |
"The ITC resonates greatly with my experience here in San Antonio. It is pivotal to my experience as a UTSA student at the downtown campus. Its close proximity downtown facilitates its central cultural importance and I would not imagine it being anywhere else. It belong downtown as part of our historic demography. It was the place where we would have field trips as a kid, and where my mother would eventually go on to become a U.S. citizen in 2019. It continues to make history and means so much to people who leave behind their homeland and embark on a quest to embrace what they hold so dearly while being welcomed in our own country and city. Its preservation, artifacts, stories, people, and soul that envelopes the ITC is one impossible to replicate. It's a sacred experience with so much to offer and already holds and contains that spirit to keep it alive right where it is. So please don't move it. " |
"Yes, keep it there." |
"I adore the Texas Pavilion, but maybe not many folks get to visit this place because of location?" |
No it does not resonate. ITC needs a rebirth. |
Nothing |
"Save ITC/Pavilion, don’t make this another Woolworth cause to save it. UTSA does not need local and national negativity." |
This is its home. I'd hate to see it moved. I feel like it would end up changing too much if it moved. |
"This will be a waste of time, energy, and resources and should therefore not be under consideration. The current location and facilities simply do not allow for the kind of changes necessary to make this major initiative worthwhile, and indeed, something beautiful that speaks, and is inviting, to the wider community." |
It should not be a part of UTSA. It has a limited education mission to our students. |
Save the relocating funds. |
How much money are we wasting on all this and they want to waste more! |
Historic place and image. But not integrated with the surrounding area. |
This is not a good idea. Renovations at this point are like putting a band-aid on the problem. |
I like the fact it is an original Hemisfair Plaza building. |
Of course remain in the building made for telling the story of the people who came to Texas. |
This building is beyond renovation and does not encompass what is needed to make ITC the great museum that it can be. I do not think this is a good option. |
"It was great, included everyone before it was fashionable. That is San Antonio. We celebrate all cultures." |
The building is so old it's current again. The outside of the building and the design are all current and trendy designs again. Cultural richness in a deeply historic and culturally significant building. Well known easy to find and easy to park. Parking is a big consideration for all projects. |
The historical value of the building. |
Celebrating the 1968 world’s fair |
Leave it alone! Put some resources in to it for a change. Both the city and the university have treated it like a stepchild for years. |
Continuity of presence. |
Keeping the ITC program in the existing building is the logical decision. |
Fresh visioning of interior space |
"Ideally, it'd be great for ITC to stay at Texas Pavilion. It's a great location. Unfortunately, not much has changed in terms of the institute's exhibits in decades (the ""horse and buggy"" and white liberal multicultural discourse may not resonate with visitors). I like the idea of more faculty engagement with ITC, a more enhanced museum experience, k-12 teaching/learning opportunities, and community engagement to study and learn about Texas' cultural histories from a critical perspective. " |
"Acceptable, but need to enhance/update and lure visitors (stay-cationers and vacationers)" |
This is the best option. The building allows us to tell the story of Hemisfair. Guests from out of town and out of state can visit easily since it's downtown. The current location provides bus parking and easy access in and out of the Hemisfair grounds. It has a great view of the Tower from the bus parking lot. |
"Remain in the current location is the best idea. It is known and easy to access. The proximity to downtown and the area attractions is ideal, the Alamo, Convention Center, Hemisfair projects, Tower of the Americas, Alamodome, La Villita, and other attractions makes the visibility and access less complicated." |
"The location is convenient to visitors attending events at the Alamodome. We have enjoyed the exhibits for years. Regardless of where the museum goes, the building should be preserved as an iconic part of Hemisfair ’68. If it no longer works as a museum it can be creatively repurposed for new uses. Deemed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, it also contributes to the local Hemisfair Historic District. It would be a shame to lose such a unique building." |
"Yes. The institute's current location underlines the important role Texas plays in providing a place for many cultures to gather. The HemisFair area is located near San Antonio's historical downtown, and the institute's highly visible presence near the expressway underlines its accessibility to all visitors to San Antonio. It is the anchor for the Texas Folklife Festival. I was proud of the institute's leadership for resisting recent pressure from city officials to relocate. " |
Not much. |
"The history of Texas and San Antonio are what make the exhibits valuable to visitors, students and residents of San Antonio. This place matters to the descendants of people who settled the southwest and Texas. The brutalist style of architecture should be preserved to illustrate the various types of architecture that make San Antonio unique." |
I enjoy the present location. The problem with the location is that it was difficult to visit. I think the building in unique and it should be upgraded. One of the trollies used to go there for tourists then it stopped. |
Just saw on Facebook that the government wants to lease space in San Antonio for offices for the Missions National historical sites headquarters - maybe a portion of the existing building could be leased to them? |
Not much |
"Great location with easy access (right off the freeway) to locals and those coming from other parts of the state. Also located to other nearby attractions like Hemisfair Park, Tower of the Americas, Riverwalk, etc." |
Love to see it where it is. Building is historic. |
This is actually my first choice because it is an interesting and significant building. |
Would require a complete cut job and still couldn't reach the requirements to update to today's technology and expectations for museums. Would require the museum to close for years. Where would you store the sensitive collection(s)? |
I think the best option is to stay in the Texas Pavilion. And if that is not an option the pavilion should not be demolished. It is historic and needs to stay where it is. |
Remain in the Texas pavilion. Restore original exhibits. Include updated commentary and visual supports. Maintain as closely as possible to the original displays |
"The only way this would make sense is if the redevelopment of the Pavilion is part of a larger redevelopment of the entire site. Given the placement of the Pavilion on the tract, this seems to be the least feasible of the three scenarios." |
"I do not support this scenario. The current building is in poor condition and the location would be better suited for park, convention or event needs. " |
The building itself is a historical landmark. It is 50's era and is probably built better than current building construction. It would be a crime if it were to be moved or torn down. |
Tradition. Availability for tourists and locals. |
Sense of Tradition |
"Unique building, part of Hemisfair history " |
Only if interior gets major reno. |
"Keep ITC in heart of downtown. After all, UTSA is expanding its imprint with the new data building downtown." |
Stay in the Texas Pavilion. |
"As much as the pavilion is an icon of the past, it is past its usefulness without a full and complete redesign." |
"I would like for it to remain in the same location and building. I saw it being built, was one of the original researchers, was one of the founders of The Texas Folklife Festival, and was a Stage MC for 35 years. My wife and I were original Ambassadors for the Folklife Festival which we continued thru the last 2019 festival. I have attended countless ITC activities and celebrations. As an educator, I have taken hundreds of students to tour the ITC. The ITC and it’s Texas Folklife Festival together, were one of few things that brings people together with respect, appreciation, and understanding of all the heritages which is needed more than ever in our world today. " |
Build on successes |
"Everything about it; the sights, sounds, and show…it’s a native landmark! No matter what your age; if you were born & raised here, you took a tour of ITC when you were a kid. In the eyes of a child, it’s the coolest stuff ever, however, I can’t speak for the modern day kids of the laptop, XBox, iPhone, instant messaging world; you would need to survey this group. The best part, is that you visited ITC w/ someone like your teacher, parent, or relative who valued history themselves and made it fun for you… maybe passed down stories during the visit that might not ever have taken place w/o that one visit on that special day… they made you wonder what it would be like to live during those times and some made you feel more grateful for what you have today. These experiences are priceless; admission/membership ticket/pass or not, memories, like history itself, will be made at ITC." |
Of course. Why move from a building steeped in history and built for this very purpose. Also most cost effective “option.” Renovating and upgrading is certainly less than starting over with new or retrofitting building. |
The building is iconic and just needs a tune up |
"Yes...stay in the current ITC structure, add on to it, rehab it inside, bring it into this century with technology, etc." |
"Best option. good location , ease of access" |
"I love this building and its historic character. Since it is one (if not the only) original building remaining from the World's Fair, it should be retained, upgraded as needed, and kept as the museum site." |
"ITC remaining in the Texas Pavilion is a bad idea. Every task force came to this conclusion in their own words. The ITC served its purpose well at HemisFair '68 but was never a great building has been an expensive to maintain and operate. Even if the building could be redeemed, it would still be in the a bad location, devoid of any natural pedestrian flow and hidden behind the Convention Center. Its placement also greatly limits the potential uses, density and value of the 14 acres the ITC sits on. The property itself, without the ITC Building, is one of the largest, most accessible (by car) and most valuable tracts of property in Downtown SA. The good to be gained by removing the ITC and the Texas Pavilion from the site far outweighs the bad. " |
"If so, blend it into the Hemisfair District and remove as much parking space as possible to create a walkable district and to expand the ITC as needed. Also provide access to public transit and open up the number of public entrances for access. The lack of access from pedestrians and public transit hinders visitation by locals and visitors. " |
I would use the building as a event space in conjunction with the Convention Center and/or Alamodome. The footprint of the building does not seem appropriate for a long term museum. |
"This building was and still is one of a Kind! This is such a Positive Themed and Educational Facility. With proper marketing, new exhibits could be added, new high tech interactive type displays could be added, and it could be marketed, not only to students, but to all the tourists that come to San Antonio." |
"The Native American exhibits, as well as others, were very popular with school tours and remembered many years later by students. Festivals were popular and enjoyed by all." |
This is the best option. |
"The building has too many needs. It needs a complete electrical & technical update. If these things are updated, the museum could update to become a world renowned museum again. It could continue to host exhibits from the Smithsonian. It can be an outreach to schools as it has done in the past and is still doing daily. UTSA can continue to use more of the 300 rooms that are in the facility. It would cost so much more to gut it and redo the inside than to build a whole new building. This is the problem with historic designated buildings. Research facilities are small and not digitized. If the current building was completely refitted with new electrical, technical & fire system it would allow us to stay in the current building. w/o those updates, it will continue to cost more to repair than refit. The building would have to be gutted. Where would you store the artifacts while the building is being redone?" |
"Renovation of historic buildings has long been the goal of San Antonio. The courthouse, SAMA, McNay, Witte and other facilities are examples. Look at the Pearl area which has been a recent example of keeping the ""strong bones"" of an area/facility and re-imagine it to meet the current needs. The current location is convenient for access and keeps the History of Hemisfair as well as the heart of the history of the area." |
"Remodel, modernize, expand, and refurbish. " |
"History, legacy " |
"It is unfortunately old and very dated, infrastructure is poor" |
Nope nope nope - the building's time has come. ITC deserves better |
"It resonates very well with me. The unique structure of the building and the Back 40 are unique factors that make the Institute of Texan Cultures an excellent educational center. I have visited the ITC annually for different events/programs. I am amazed at the exhibits, permanent and visiting that are displayed. Relieving the former staff of employment was a terrible move. Remaining at the Texas Pavilion would ensure continuity of visitors and encourage more tourism to the area. " |
"Improve marketing many people are unaware or forget that it exists. You host STEM activities for the youth, an evening of music " |
"I think should remain in current location. It is important part of hemisfair and San Antonio. It tells the story of all groups that lived in and helped develop the diversity of San Antonio. Developers should not have sat in moving it to give them more property to profit from. It belongs to all of Texas. It needs to stay where it is so it is part of historical San Antonio and part of attractions in downtown. There are already enough hotels, restaurants, apartments, condos without moving or demolishing one of our important sites." |
"History, familiarity and centrally located." |
Stay and repair as needed. |
This is the best option. Less waste financially more reasonable. Preserving a historic gem. |
"Don't do this, change needs to come to the institute. Get out of that building but stay at Hemisfair." |
Nothing. The facility is too large to invest the money to upgrade to a modern museum. The building should be repurposed into something that makes better financial sense. Not walkable or close to anything else to attract visitors. |
Good location |
"I would make structural upgrades and modernize some facilities within the building, make maximum use of technology to compare to the best museums, but it would not allow many changes to the current interior design of the building. If space is necessary for expansion, the committee should recommend developing a campus that looks something like the way the La Brea Tar Pits and Museum, Pavilion for Japanese Art and Los Angeles County Museum of Art have developed an integrated campus that allows visitors to easily walk from one building to the other with plenty of space for people to enjoy outdoor performances and meals--but the original building would be the centerpiece with additional buildings designed to compliment it. I would approve of a research facility (if necessary in an adjacent building) that would to some degree be visible to the public, as with the La Brea Tar Pits Museum in Los Angeles." |
Stay in current building if possible. |
This is my first choice |
Hemisfair is wonderful! |
It’s an iconic historical building. It should have been renovated years ago. |
The distinctive Brutalist architecture of the Institute of Texas Cultures is just one of the reasons that this iconic building needs to be restored and updated. It is an iconic building and must be saved for the future. The location is accessible and a part of the Hemisfair park experience. Please save this building. It would be a disgrace to our architectural heritage to destroy it. |
"Keeping the ITC where it is strengthens the neighborhood, downtown San Antonio and serves both locals and visitors from throughout the world." |
"With a complete overhaul, maybe. But I doubt that funders will think it's sexy enough to add the $ millions that will be necessary. " |
"Leave it where it is. It is an iconic building. Many memories there of tours, Texas Folklife Festivals, cultural festivals. Do not sell this prime land to developers! Let the people enjoy it and let it stay where it is! " |
Definitely remain in this culturally & historically significant building in its original location. |
Redo the building and update the exhibit. The exhibit has been a prize for the City and the visitor. Many people found their ancestors there and others found how this city was formed to be so diverse. I don't know another exhibit that is so interesting and profound. |
Remain in present location |
Museum would not likely include involvement of community |
This special and unique building is the home of the ITC. It should remain in the building. The state or University of Texas system should use whatever resources needed to bring the building up to current codes and ready to remain the historic building it is. |
No move away. |
This is my least favorite option. It will not be possible to really make the existing building into a 21st century museum. We will not easily or at all be able to become an AMA accredited institution if the ITC stays in this building. |
Familiar location and annual events. |
"Continues the ITC's association with Hemisfair, and preserves the existing structure." |
"I guess the history of the space, but its very dated. " |
It's a crusty old building that probably needs to go. |
I believe that the current Pavilion is where it all began which is part of the history. Changing it takes away from the purpose. |
"My preference would be to stay at the ITC because it means so much to Texans, the community and UTSA. My fear at first, would be the enormous amount of resources (money) to get the ITC beyond the 21st Century including the technological aspects. If there is unlimited resources then it's open to an array of engagement with the public and keep our legacy in tact. I am glad this question was asked." |
I don't believe the current building can be remodeled to encompass the needs of a forward thinking museum. |
Not a serious option. |
"It is ok, place is not so important, but the public needs to know about it." |
Adding on to the 50 yr history of the building and elevating the level of cultural richness. |
This keeps existing presence and relationships to the area and the city. Already well known. |
"Keep the what you call the ""Texas Pavilion."" No reason to move from a location that is almost perfect. Upgrade the building as needed which would be so much more cost effective than putting up a new facility or retrofitting an existing facility. The current facility was built the purpose it is being used -- the confluence of cultures in Texas. It is ""historical"" and is now eligible for placement in the National Register of Historic Sites. UTSA seems to totally disregard this. How crass." |
"I like the traditional aspect of leaving it within the Hemisfair District. Out of the options presented constructing a new building is a common theme, but that could be done within the district." |
Stay there |
"While historical, this building has long outlived its original purpose and would be better-purposed as a UTSA event venue (renovated, of course) or a workspace for the UTSA College of Architecture. " |
"I first went to the ITC as a child, maybe (?) during Hemisfair. I know I've been many times over the decades, more since moving to San Antonio and most recently right before the pandemic. Even after living here for 18 years, I find it stressful and difficult to get to places downtown. Parking access is a huge concern, especially during the festivals or some other downtown event. I have no emotional attachment to the current building and suspect it would be extremely expensive to upgrade it to allow for digital elements, especially the electrical system." |
"Yes remain at present location. The Texas Folklife, Asian Festival and the Back 40 need to continue at Texas Pavilion. This is how we do it in Texas. We don’t need outsiders to make these decisions. " |
"Yes, remain at the original location." |
Historic building part of the original hemisphere park. Houses Texas artifacts and invaluable info from our history |
"Add some powerful quotes from San Antonio writers on the walls, engraved into the steps and door arches... Add Texas artists' renditions of early cultures, celebrations... and music from groups like Conjunto Aztlan, los Nahuatlatos.." |
Perfect place as it embodies the Tower of Americas. |
"Great building, great location, wonderful museum! Just update and open up!" |
"Easy access, ample parking, unique and historic building - why would anyone want to relocate, other than someone has expressed interest in purchasing the location? That would certainly result in demolition for, what: baseball field? Hotel? Public housing? Parking? No!" |
Just get rid of |
"The building has seen its days, inside and out." |
Beautiful architecture. Easy access and perfect location for tourists and local fans as well. Tradition and history support renovation of current location. |
"This location seems pretty good, it is right by the Tower and easy access to the Riverwalk. I would go there more if I felt we were allowed to stay parked over there and also be able to go to Hemisphere park for a while and come back. I feel like we are not really supposed to do that, when I used to go before the pandemic." |
"It just doesn't seem to be an efficient use of space. Right now the Texas Pavilion reminds me of an inaccessible warehouse on top of a museum. An actual working research institute with a museum doesn't ""look"" like the current structure. It likely should also have more natural light. I think the Texas Museum in Austin does a good job of this. I also feel the archives should be visible and ""look"" accessible even though they are only marginally (i.e. permission). A good example of this is the Clinton library in Little Rock, AR. This gives the feel of grandeur, wonder, and approachability while still maintaining security." |
" The ITC location is known and iconic. Visitors have come to ITC for over fifty years. With true dedicated interest and earnest funding, the ITC could once again be a viable draw to downtown and a fascinating dispenser of Texas history and lore. For too long , ITC has languished due to lack of interest from Administration. ITC has been allowed to fade away because the ""powers that be"" have another purpose for the ITC site. New visitors to ITC come not knowing what to expect and go away impressed with the concept of ITC---the celebration of all the peoples who make up the Texan culture. " |
"I like that it is a iconic building and historic to hemisfair, but that said it is prison like. I could see rehabbing the current building and bringing it more to life. " |
"This option resonates positively for the cultural continuity it offers the public - persons who have grown up with the Texas Pavilion (like generations of school kids of SA and the area) as well as visitors over the decades from other parts of Texas and the World. Culture is embedded in place, and this iconic building is worthy of re-imagining and updating!" |
"This is my first and only choice. Renovation, not rebuilding is cheapest and best idea. Current building is historic and was designed to house this exhibit. Nothing else would be as good." |
"No, again this building does not generate excitement to the community." |
Not really concerned about it |
Convenience and no changes to the DT landscape |
It’s home place. |
"The present location is isolated, the building is outmoded, and the exhibition concept is outdated." |
The current building is hopelessly outdated. |
That’s also a good option |
"Yes, keep its current location." |
This is the center and remainder of a significant time in San Antonio. The city wouldn’t be what it is today without this event. Downtown won’t be the same if it moved to another part of the city or even a different location in the plaza. |
Putting lipstick on a sow makes little sense. That building should be demolished or completely redesigned as an actual living museum. |
The building provides space for each exhibit without feeling crowded. |
"Keeps historical place. Would rather see an existing building restored and reused than a brand new building build which would destroy what little land is left in the area living no natural flora." |
Cool space |
I think this is the best plan. |
A remodel and updated exhibits. Thinking more like the Bullock museum |
"I would hate to see this iconic building torn down! It is one of a kind, and a marvelous symbol of Hemisphere '68. Reading the difficulties you have presented on this site, I now do understand that it no longer has the requirements expected in a 21st century quality museum." |
Great location and history |
As a mother of six I was always looking for inexpensive places to take my children for educational and fun learning experiences. I could park in the parking area and take the children inside. It was a world of wonder to see the many exhibits on display. At times there would actually be a story teller or a person showing them a skill related to that exhibit. Finally at the end as a culminating activity. we would gather on the carpet to see the movie displayed on the roof and the children would remain quiet while they saw the vibrant colors and hear about Texas. There has to be a way to still assist those families with more than three children to have an inexpensive visit. Many families still struggle and can not afford to pay for each child one price and then another more expensive price for the adults. My children were fortunate to have been able to go and enjoy many hours there. |
A lot of physical and innovative changes to get visitors to come. Marketing with other museums in S.A. |
Definitely should remain in the Texas Pavilion; this is an historic building and should not be moved anywhere else. |
"Clearly the best option! Building is historic, in convenient location with room for expansion, Folklife Festival and is near the Tower of the Americas and major hotels. Also near VIA bus terminal at AlamoDome. " |
Retain the historical significance of the Texas Pavilion and build on it. |
It seems like you can combine staying in Texas Pavilion by expanding into the Hemisfair district. |
Probably too expensive to bring facilities up to even the minimum standards. |
"This is the most appropriate option and necessary to the San Antonio and UTSA community. If re-housing of materials is necessary, CAR has the necessary facilities to maintain those materials while renovations are ongoing. Maintaining the presence of the Texas Pavilion is paramount. " |
I prefer this scenario |
"The ITC needs a clearer focus of culture in all its forms. Dance, music, performance, film. We already have two cowboy museums. Focus on what make it different. It's current location has the potential of drawing from tourists and locals with music festivals, film festivals, dance festivals. " |
This would be hard to do because the current buildings available are too out of date and need repair. We need to be able to update the exhibits for inclusion would be hard to do because the current buildings available are too out of date. We need to be able to update the exhibits for inclusion of the latest technology and to update the archives via digitizing for easier access. |
"History of the location, the World's Fair of 1968. the uniqueness of the actual building itself, even though never designed for museum type displays and exhibits." |
I think this proposal makes the most sense. The level of familiarity and the central location is a real benefit. The money saved by not having to relocate can be used to improve the current space to make it a world-class cultural heritage and educational center. |
I understand the building is old and is in need of upgrades and expansion of space if it is to remain in the Texas Pavilion. |
This seems like the best cost saving option. It’s a great location! |
"The existing Texas Pavilion structure is the best solution for maintains, enhancing and modernizing the ITC. San Antonio prides itself on maintaining and restoring its historic structures including the World Heritage Missions. Even the Spanish Governors Palace and City Hall are preserved and maintained. Surely, the ITC despite its younger age meets this criterion. Its current isolation from the rest of Hemisfair can be readily resolved via a variety of connecting land use features and creative landscaping. More importantly, it’s current location lends itself to closer connection to the community coming directly off of Cesar Chavez and visiting students arriving by buses. Again, effective land planning can make more easily accessible for locals, who are inclined to access via the convention and visitor access points. Funds should go to the building and grounds for substantial upgrades, museum accreditation and technical infrastructure for expanded digital capabilities" |
"It is well established, good location" |
The history of the structure and what has occurred there is what resonates with me. The structure is a Texas Society of Architects Design Award. It was designed as the State of Texas Pavilion. It has been the home of the Texas Folklife Festival since its beginning. |
I think the ITC will be perceived as being an obstruction to the future of hemisphere and the city. |
"This is really my only choice. Yes, the architecture is about as cuddly as the Humanities building at UTSA, but maybe we could soften that up? It feels unapproachable to children. Needs some green space- somewhere the Instagram generation want to go to take selfies. Some experiences and photo ops people might use for pictures? Yes, sounds crass and commercial but why not get the Hall of Horns they want removed from Alamo area and put it here? Maybe get that old Circus collection too? Used to love both, but downtown is hard for many folks with kids." |
Legacy and Archival Resources for Cultural Memory and Imagination - Visual Histories |
The current location is of historical significance. The building is a San Antonio landmark. |
"This is the best option. However, if a new use for the Texas Pavilion is ideal, that is fine as long as the original building is retained." |
I'm used to the location and I've enjoyed going there. but I strongly agree it needs renovation or relocation. |
This is the best option overall. ITC is an iconic downtown community resource and tourist highlight and needs to stay in place with changes onsite to elevate it to the status it deserves. |
"My preferred option is to keep the Institute at the Pavilion for the intact, historic context of the way it was created/intended 50 years ago. " |
"The ITC building should be preserved as an iconic part of Hemisfair ’68 and the Annual Festivals. If it no longer works as a museum it can be creatively repurposed for new uses. The ITC is deemed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, it also contributes to the local Hemisfair Historic District." |
Remain in the Texas Pavilion and make the space friendly and inviting. |
"This is one of the iconic, original HemisFair '68 buildings. The architecture and the continuous legacy of the museum’s cultural mission resonate with me. The building has to be experienced (not just seen from afar) to be appreciated for its authentic mid-century aesthetic. Crossing the bridge over the water feature onto the wide veranda is an entry like no other. I like that, despite the massive scale of the exterior, the interior space is open and inviting, without being overwhelming. In its heyday, the ITC produced scholarship, collected valuable historical documentation, and created educational programming; all of which it made available to the public. Keeping a revamped ITC in the Texas Pavilion ensures that Hemisfair retains a major cultural attraction and community asset in the heart of the city. Also, reinvesting in the existing, landmark building sets a positive example in environmental sustainability and fiscal responsibility." |
Remain in Hemisfair/ renovate the structure/ remove the earth berms/ build a university hotel-conference center like UT & AM. Amphitheater where the fountains are. Enhance the surroundings for a festival venue. |
Rehab building to accommodate updated programming for ITC. |
"I read the entire report. While an impressive group of individuals were engaged on study committees, the report lacks an expected thorough cost/benefits analysis- both quantitative and qualitative. If the Pavilion is raised so UTSA is able to commercially develop the site for a Hotel- privately owned- and a Hospitality School- with private sector restaurants, is it expected that UTSA will divert a significant portion of those funds to the support of the ITC- and fully subsidize its relocation and operations within the Hemisphere? What would be the costs of a fully renovated Texas Pavilion to meet the requirements for a museum? The cost estimates of these two options have not been provided in the report. Without such information on costs/benefits, there is a serious legal question of gift of public funds. IS UTSA violating state and federal laws by facilitating the transfer of public resources (valuable land) to a commercial entity without competitive bidding/alternate use valuation." |
Absolutely best choice! |
Keep the ITC at current location where it is so available for tourist and even local residents to visit. |
The historical significance of the Institute of Texas Cultures is as unique as Texas. The museum honors all participants of the evolution of Texas. |
Waste of a great asset |
It is the corner stone of the history of downtown. |
"The building does not resonate with me. It is an entity which stands on its own and I want the cultural center to be a part of Hemisfair and would benefit teachers, visitors, newcomers looking for their connection. It could be a great educational resource as well as a money making resource " |
What a great state this is. How the city of San Antonio has played an important part of some many historical events in Texas. |
Many found memories here. Central location and room for expansion. |
Absolutely needs to stay where it is |
"Unlike some, I think the location is unbeatable with regards to community location, visibility and proximity to the cultural hub of San Antonio. I do not know that value of the property, but I'm sure that it is a desirable plot. This could help with finding a similar location where the committee feels, but I am not sure with the recent push to connect UTSA with downtown this would be the best choice unless a facility similar in size as the Valero building could be constructed for the same amount of money. " |
"The historical displays used to be wonderful but overtime sections have diminished and interesting interactive exhibits had been removed. UTSA has done a terrible job of maintaining the museum. UTSA is obviously more interested in expanding than in doing their part of keeping history! The library has been wonderful in the past and employees have done what they can in keeping its value. It should not be relocated to the UTSA campus on 1604 or anywhere where parking is difficult and expensive. Merging with other libraries, if at all, diminishes its value as information becomes less accessible. Example: merging with either the Conservation Society or the DRT library limits accessibility due to open hours as well as parking. Both of these libraries are excellent but hours are limited and space at the Conservation Society is limited. Incidentally, this survey has not been widely known... its almost as the survey was intentionally not widely publicized as citizen input wasn't wanted" |
This is what we are used to and familiar with. You can upgrade the building and save money. |
"It’s clear that staying in the Texas Pavilion seriously hampers the ITC’s ability to function as the most basic museum. Responsible collections stewardship will soon be entirely impossible. The work necessary to bring the ITC up to the barest standards for accreditation, let alone turn it into a pleasant and attractive atmosphere, would force the Institute's services to be extremely limited if not entirely inaccessible. The building wasn’t intended to last to 1978, let alone 2068. Holding onto the Pavilion as a non-negotiable element ignores the ITC’s mission and the inherent purpose of a museum, which is based in its contents and the experiences it facilitates. It’s disrespectful to the generosity of donors and collaborators and to the hard work of the staff, from the original researchers to today’s employees. Insisting on retaining the Pavilion risks dissolving the entire Institute. It would be an astonishing example of San Antonio shooting itself in the foot." |
"The ITC has been an integral part of San Antonio's downtown history and should remain where it was originally built. The building complements the Wood Courthouse, the Tower of the Americas and the Lila theater, it is an outstanding example of mid-century architecture and recognizable as the Tower in the downtown landscape." |
It is time to move. |
"Yes, because of qualities and uniqueness. " |
Continuing to use a highly recognizable and historically relevant building. |
"This is my first choice. Certainly the building should be maintained in its current location. Keeping the collections downtown with easy access for all citizens and visitors to San Antonio is a real plus. I am a tour guide, and visitors love the ITC. It's in a good location, and there is good bus parking." |
Not an option. The building is obsolete and should be demolished so the community can benefit by letting HemisFair tower park grow. |
I like it there very much. |
"ITC, the museum and its programs (especially the Texas Folklife Festival), are dear to the hearts of Texans and I see no good reason they should not continue at their historic site with whatever modern renovations and additions are needed. In any case, the building is a significant HemisFair '68 structure and should be preserved." |
"The Texas Pavilion is a unique example of mid-century Texas modernist architecture. The building itself should be renovated if needed but keeping this in mind. The exhibits can (and should) be updated but they belong in the Texas Pavilion, which itself should be preserved as a living time capsule of a time when we still wished to honor our past and all Texans as we looked toward the future. The Pavilion can, at once, act as a time machine while continuing the principle of honoring where all Texans came from, so that we better understand who we are as a people." |
Stay where it is located. Has Easy access and parking. Architecturally unique building. A draw to downtown. Needs more advertising to public. |
"This resonates with me. Agreed that significant modifications are vital to moving the museum into the future. I believe the transformation of Hemisfair into a real energy generator for the center city will in itself revitalize the ITC, which has been sort of shoved in a corner, despite its ideal location n. Lack of parking and lack of promotion have not been addressed adequately - I believe there are creative solutions to all the negatives. allowing a classic building to remain in the newly resuscitated heart of the city. Perhaps even more importantly, I believe if the University decides to develop this Hemisfair parcel for profit, rather than infuse the ITC with new life, that the perception that UTSA is ditching its museum -- and critically importantly -- its mission -- in pursuit of profit. Ask yourselves if this is what you may be doing. Dr. Katz's passionate appeal to give more weight to minority (and by that I don't mean just racial minority) participation resonates. Listen! " |
"Keeping the Pavilion and keeping the museum inside it resonate with me regardless. The history of the museum is inseparable from the history of the building itself. Furthermore, the Pavilion is one of the last surviving Hemisfair buildings so it's important to preserve it. " |
"I am happy with the location; there are some great restaurants nearby, access to the Riverwalk, and for people who can't walk far, there are bicycle taxis (or could be)." |
"Have a shuttle on the main Hemisfair street, it’s such a long walk from the tourist areas" |
Demolish the Texas Pavilion and start from the ground up. The building is not suited for the current or future mission of the ITC and lacks many needed structural and functional capabilities to deliver a world-class offering. Rename the ITC to something more fitting and inviting. |
"Scenario three. spend the money to upgrade and improve the facility but leave it where it is. Not everything should be changed just for the sake of change. Has this committee not learned anything from the debacle called ""Reimaging the Alamo""? The ITC belongs to San Antonio." |
"Yes, yes, the collection should remain in the Texas Pavilion." |
"I would love to see ITC stay where it is. The Texas Pavilion is a part of Texas and local history and not much is left of the World Fair. I think it's the perfect spot and nothing else makes as much sense. Plus, many locals grew up with the iconic building. A huge part of my childhood was spent in the Texas Pavilion and I'll always link it with ITC. I'm only 27 but the Pavilion and ITC feel so special to me and hopefully many others. I'll never forget exploring the Pavilion with my grandparents." |
Remaining in the current model extends the 50-year history of the museum in its historic facility. The Pavilion is a landmark. |
Solamente aqui. |
Si. |
"If the museum were to stay in the Texas Pavilion and the funds were placed for a proper renovation, I'd add a mix of uses within the structure including ground floor food & beverage/retail, and even possibly student housing as a vertical addition. Windows would have to be cut into the reverse incline elevation flat slabs to make human use of this structure." |
Tear down the building and rebuild |
Demolition the building and start over. |
I think sinking millions of dollars into rehabbing the ITC is a real waste of money. |
" Add additional parking and signage for the Institute. Work with the City of San Antonio Tourism Board to publicize its close proximity to the Alamo. Work with the various ethnic groups highlighted there to possibly ""refresh"" some of the exhibits. Retain the rotunda as a focal starting point for tours!" |
"The building completely renovated to meet modern museum standards. Also, better utilization of its space and incorporation of exhibits that rely more on interaction and short audio and video clips. Unfortunately, the attention span of society has become shorter and many people are less willing to take the time to read lengthy text panels. " |
Additional building for additional exhibits and events |
"A complete, interior renovation, and possibly an addition if needed. Improve Hemisfair connection. Improve signage and identity." |
A mini Texas Folklife Festival with a different ethnic cultural group featured each weekend........just like the HemisFair Worlds Fair did! |
"It would be best to modernize the current space so that more activations/events can take place in that area. It would also be cool to diversify the use of the building by adding food or retail options in that area, so that more people can stumble upon it. " |
Bulldoze building repurpose site for the park |
"Take over a large portion of the Hemisphere area to use as a facility for large city-wide events, such as the New Year's celebration, festivals, outdoor events. The indoor area should have a large dome show area suitable for robotics competitions with large screens to view the show from all angles. Go big or go home." |
Updated exterior to reflect more contemporary architecture or to match other nearby locales. |
Total rethink of the inside and the exhibits…change them up…bring in more visiting exhibits…feature different parts of Texas in more in-depth showcased shows. Have things to bring the locals down to see an exhibit or show. Lots of Texas towns have museums of that town. Perhaps a photo exhibit of those museums rotated to showcase the different towns. |
"More parking, more opening times, more technology, more marketing of cultural events. Make the ITC a glow star in the Lone Star state. Talk diversity? Show it and do it. " |
Renovation |
"Let the Pavilion location be ""the best of"" - keep the best parts, refurbish them, etc. Then there would be a satellite location to house pictures, artifacts, and whatever else doesn't fit. The location at the Pavilion can have exhibits that change out, using materials from the satellite or even visiting exhibits like the McNay and Witte. " |
"Adopt scenario 2 and build a baseball stadium on the existing ITC site. A much needed stadium would drive a significant increase in foot traffic to Hemisphere and the downtown area while leveraging existing infrastructure. The stadium would be the home of the Missions, UTSA Baseball, along with being an outdoor venue for festivals, concerts, and convention center overflow." |
Family environment... Texas Pride. We use to go there for field trips. Think about all the kids that are missing out. Make it inviting to out of town schools. Bring elderly people from nursing home to visit it one last time. Get involved with the Alamo Bowl. That's a big miss. Host a Family outing for the players and their families. NCAA basketball do the same.. Let these out of state/town people see our fine heritage. It is not to far from the river walk but no one talks about it. |
Totally remodel/renovate the Texas Pavilion to bring it up to the Core Standards of the AAM. Especially provide for disabled access to restrooms and exhibits (some aisles are too narrow). Leave the outdoor berms in place but do a better landscaping on them. |
Technology Augmented Reality |
I would fully renovate the ITC and equip it with more technology based tools such as holographic images that are interactive. |
"That building is so memorably dank, and dark. I have a memory of damp, grey feeling from visiting once with my family. We were certainly interested in the concepts and historical exhibits but not used to seeing museums in such states. It's just wrong, as a space. " |
$$$ |
"Better marketing of the ITC, grants to elementary and middle schools so that students could learn of the various cultures in early Texas. Schools have limited funds for field trips." |
Massive new building. |
"A Texas sized event, state wide advertised to coincide with the battle of the Alamo. Weather would be easier than 105 degree heat of the summer." |
"Good food on tour days. It's hot in SA- convince convention spouses that the cultural heritage of one of America's oldest cities is worthy a crummy 4 hours. This is one of the best things about this whole city- Texas needs voices throughout the country thinking we're not just gun loving, spit on the dirt idiots. The people gave a lot- made a lot- but the American dream is still alive in Texas." |
"Refurbish/renovate the static exhibits, labels and any take-away handout. Schedule regular demonstrations about topics related to particular ethnic groups, devise interactive computer programs on (endless) topics related to specific ethnic groups. Train docents in the Inquiry Method so they can show unfamiliar objects, leading students and adults to figure out how the object was used one or two hundred years ago. Hire educators, preparatory and/or consultants to develop one or two special (a six month run) so fresh and different ideas and interpretations could increase attendance. Invite schools, churches, social clubs, Scouts etc to “host” those openings - get the public involved more: that’s how they gain a sense of ownership. It is, after all, their ITC. We are each part of Texas culture. Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts. I’ve worked at museums and have always loved ITC. And don’t forget to have a great gift shop and website and Zoom access to programs. " |
"Retail/ restaurants, office, housing, small boutique hotel, exercise facilities, smaller ITC facility, but something mixed use that will be a larger and more frequent draw to the area. " |
Fix in place |
Get those water fountains going again and get the overhead slide program back just as it was during Hemisphere |
Build up and add a veil to the existing structure allowing the historic building to be part of the exhibit. |
The necessary resources to modernize the exhibits and public place. Also to hire qualified staff and curators worthy of the treasures that the ITC possesses. Provide funds to add to the contents of the museum. And continue and enhance programming related to the rich history of the various ethnicities in Texas (e.g. highlighting the unparalleled ethnic diversity of Houston among large U.S. cities). The building is such a visible structure in San Antonio that everything possible should be done to main the ITC inside it. |
"Expand on both the history, culture and the land that is the Great State of Texas. Have an area for the panhandle, plains, west Texas, south Texas, east Texas and the coastal area. Highlight what is great about each (history, unique living, land and of course the culture and people who lived/grew each area). And continue to showcase something special on a yearly, half year, etc. special about Texas (i.e. Texas beer exhibit I saw, or maybe universities, birds, etc.)" |
Easier access |
"HVAC to accommodate AAM, but really - do are the resources you want to borrow from participating institutions? Knowing how they work, they do not seem a good fit for the ITC. It's not like y'all want to borrow Warhols. " |
The same as my previous responses. |
"It's hard to say since I haven't been to the museum since I was 7 (I am 25 now). If unlimited resources were available I would knock down the whole building, open up the lighting (I remember it being dark as a kid) and have an open flow and concept much like the Witte. Transportation from downtown and back to the museum would also be nice for tourists and visitors that don't have vehicles. " |
"Calendar events that invite diverse backgrounds still in touch with their cultures and traditions to do breakfast or dinners of the past. Involve the community through history by doing things that require physical and personal involvement. I would like to see people dressed in garments, re-enacting something at the Hemisfair or in their parking lot area. More music of the time. Something outside has to change to bring people in. More has to be put in the hemisfair are for people to be attracted to go there. Have a calendar of events for different days a certain 'something/someone' is focused on. make facts fun, memorable, engaging. Advertise and get people dressed in costumes walking around downtown to get people there. story time, kids day in history, plays for families that show how life was. so much can be done there but its just a shell of a building. also, bring the flags back out. more can be done outside on the pavilion, host painting sessions with an educational twist." |
"Life size dioramas of the Rock Art of the Pecos, Trans-Pecos, etc.; Oral histories/photos of old-time Texans; More about the Old 300 settlers of TX and that era - who, where they came from, why; The importance of agriculture, both farming & ranching yesterday and today, the challenges faced historically, currently, and in the future. (Please do not re-write history, as is the current trend.)" |
"Add a garden and/or art walk on the outside. … Make this place more than just a collection of Texas cultures and history, make it a destination people need or want to use outside of the main purpose of being a museum." |
"More shade trees and outside recirculating water enhancements. Improved pedestrian connectivity to the rest of Hemisfair Park with electric tram. Aggressive and ongoing marketing. Perhaps an alliance with The Alamo Trust, San Antonio Missions NP, the Witte Museum, and the Briscoe Museum of Western Art. " |
"Expansion of the hands-on exhibits indoors, offering children more opportunities to experience pioneer life in the state." |
Renovate the building and make it a vibrant living space. |
Add a parking garage. Complete remodel of the existing building and construction of extension buildings to host other uses not currently met. |
"A larger area just for children. Multiple saddles of various types to sit on, old tools to try, cowboy hats and various cloths/props to use for photos. Interactive examples of Native American life before European settlement. A life size wax figure of an original Texas Ranger upon a horse. Expand the area dedicated to the lost and surviving Native American tribes of Texas, that showcases the struggle of cultural survival. Include videos and exhibits of the tribes alive today and how to support them." |
"Redoing all the exhibits, adding restrooms on the exhibit floor area and creating a classroom room area for on going Continuing Education Programing. Making the Archives available by having staffing during Museum Hours for all!" |
"More interactions with docents, more hands-on experiences. " |
"Stay in same location, but completely gut facility and start anew. " |
"1: Take the fence down… open the property grounds up to the public. Have public art and sculptures on the grounds. Have antique structures from Texas to show the history/development of various peoples on Texas lands. 2: Keep the brutalist building, but gut the interior… it’s not original. 3: displays should be educational, engaging, relevant, rotating…" |
Tear down the pavilion to create park space. |
"If there were unlimited resources, I'd tear the building down and build a beautiful, modern, museum with lots of light and green spaces on the current property." |
"Redo the entire building to update, provide more space, customize, increased use of technology to support the archives, exhibits, add to the patron experience" |
"Keep the structure, significantly modify the interior to include the best museum technology upgrades. Better utilize the ""Back 40"" to include research areas, possibly construct space to house collections that meets the AMM standards. There is space available to create classrooms for research if modification happens. There is so much potential with upgrading the existing building and land. " |
"If they were, give the existing facility an overall face lift instead of constructing more buildings that we don't need in this city. Enhance what is already there. The building is very unique and it would be a shame if UTSA/San Antonio decided to do away with it." |
"Modern, interactive exhibits. Museum tech is so advanced that - if you've visited high quality museums lately - going to the ITC feels lackluster. The WWI Museum in Kansas City, MO is an example of providing a balance of interactivity, installations, and information sharing: Another is the Perot Museum." |
"If the ITC does decides to stay at the pavilion, a large budget needs to be set up for not just basic maintenance, but possibly soon a full rehab and portions of a rebuild." |
"Utilize technological advances to enhance the experience, but try not to alter the integrity of the original feel and character of the museum too much." |
"More money into digital presentations; I understand that the restroom facilities need to be updated in terms of ADA if that is the case: that would be essential. And put enough money to significantly update the ITC -- not just a ""minimum"" update as the text in the draft seems to indicate. Reinstitute the summer festival that occurred on the grounds for years -- I believe that has not continued in recent years. Our family loved those living history exhibits. All of these years the resources that were needed to provide updates to ITC have not been allocated. Use all of those funds to do the major renovation that is needed to the Texas Pavilion. Its architecture is truly unique: take advantage of that competitive advantage." |
Remodel the existing building and add more space for Texas based historical group events. Rework Texas Folklife Festival to include having it in the March or in the fall and if kids miss school they can get credit for going to that event as either attendees or working in an exhibitor booth. |
I would add retail and restaurant components for potential local partnership opportunities to create more collaboration across industries. |
Connect this area to Southtown and or near St Paul Square or ATT center with vibrant restaurants hotels shops entertainment spaces in between. |
Spend them on a new facility. |
"I would update the building to proper museum criteria, update the exhibits with proper historical accounts based on updated historical references, hire more personnel for marketing, touring and maintenance. Create a community space for events. Thorough update of space including cleaning, redesign and update of landscape and building architecture. Better marketing of Folklife festival and addition of major cultural events to provide funding for festival. Opportunity for all history teachers to teach units on-,site with the aid of displays or cooperative education units with museum personnel. History teaching units available for purchase through online resources. Independent tours available for cost on-site and online. Museum transportation available for elementary schools in lower income levels in Texas communities. Traveling cultural events sponsored by museum. Historical research opportunities along with internships and graduate level study available for UT university students." |
Tear down the old building and build a wonderful building there. |
Get rid of this building and use the property to resource UTSA to make ITC a showcase. |
"Demolish the building and let's start over knowing what we know now: Brutalist architecture and its era is over for a reason - it challenges the way that we are supposed to live. New urbanism principles around sustainability, walkability, health/wellness, connectivity, engagement need to be the centerpiece for anything that San Antonio adds to its urban core. Let's please learn lessons from history - that beautiful, thoughtful well-designed urban areas are successful for centuries...fads such as Brutalist buildings are of the past and are capable of tearing apart communities and preventing people from living their best lives." |
Remodel update the facilities. Keep the iconic grass hills better signage and branding |
Update exhibits. Publicize new and enhanced exhibits. Frequent dedicated bus service from all parts of town. Develop places to eat and shop around Institute so it becomes a place where a family can spend a day. |
Brand new building with professional not political input. |
Better access to the center free parking our bus service from a parking area |
Bring back the Holocaust exhibit as permanent. Establish a robust display for Sam Houston. Establish a permanent display of the Military history in Texas. Reimagine water features. Integrate renewable energy where possible. Add as trolley stop. |
"A strong transit component - ideally the previously proposed streetcar system - that would give widespread access to this facility and anchor it in the lives of San Antonians. If we are building the museum, university and city of the 21st century, we need to build for a time when transit has massively shifted." |
"Completely renovate the building--and make it part of a larger, multi-site facility on the grounds of the Hemisfair" |
"I expect that the modernization of the current facility would be equally as costly as any other option presented. ITC's current facility needs more upgrades and to be lighter and brighter. I am sure there are ways to reconfigure the existing space or reconfigure the area around the current facility to add other buildings. This option would really allow someone to be creative in reimaging the space, much like how Hotel Emma came to life after being a dormant old brewery. Maintaining the shell and interesting parts is what makes Hotel Emma that more special, the thread of history running through the property that is still visible in a ""new"" space." |
Leave it there and revamp it to 2022 technologies and experiences |
"Build a new pavilion with modern features, move into it, tear down the old and build parking facilities for cars, buses, and bikes" |
"I would add more details, more stories, more artifacts for each of the towns and areas represented. And perhaps 3D holographic presentations under the big dome." |
This can only be done at high renovation costs. The building is dismal and depressing and the displays are very outdated. I simply do not see how this is accomplished without creating another source of funds for these renovations. |
Tear it down and build an ultra modern and much larger building. |
You'd need Bill Gates or Elon Musk to take an interest in the place to have the resources you'd need for a museum at this location. |
Restore the building |
I would add a permanent exhibit of Hemisphere. The Institute has ample space to house exhibits displaying the cultures that make our city unique. San Antonio and visitors need an updated interior and appealing exhibits. |
"I would demolish the Pavilion, and give people with exceptional minds the latitude to envision and develop something else for that prime space. Maybe we can finally find a way to bring both sides of I-37 back together again somehow." |
"Bring back the air and space exhibit from the 1970s. Make a section of it a ""Do Texas"" exhibit for kids to get hands on experiences. Make the exhibits 100% accessible. Have a refreshment stand for at least a cold drink." |
Update building. |
Update facilities |
Whatever would be needed to update it to have same status as other museums here. |
Build a new building in the style of the old but with all the required updates. Make people excited to go again. The Texas folklife festival used to be as popular as Fiesta. Enhance the grounds to make them prettier and cooler for the events. |
I think just upgrade everything bring it up to current par |
Remodel update |
Music beer and wine bar |
"More festivities. Attraction. Art. To bring in more visitors/tourism. Cultural art classes, library, programs to help students studying history, culture, art." |
Tear it down! |
"Accessibility for handicapped, self tours. Jazz it up a bit." |
Expand our into the reenactment areas in back with more building and display space. Too hot for reenactment most of year anyway. |
Additional restrooms to accommodate large crowds for special events. |
Recommended upgrades |
Refurbish and keep it there. |
"Same as before: update the exhibits, add more exhibits, and keep the folklife festival!" |
"Eatery, community work space, free parking." |
More exhibits and resources |
"Quit skirting the issue and make the museum an integrated part of Hemisfair, not a concrete block outside the culture park. Move UTSA Libraries out of the museum, or formally merge the library's special collections into the museum collection. Remove the berms on the exterior and add additional outdoor exhibits and native Texas landscaping. Fix the decades of neglect to the physical structure, while completely gutting the interior and re-envision a 2 story space with state of the art facilities and exhibits. Add restrooms on the main exhibit floor. Add windows. Build a collection that reflects not just Texas history, but also current culture. Make sure the staff is rooted in the community, not yes-men brought in by the UTSA leadership. " |
Update it. Add nice restrooms and freshen it up. But leave it there. |
Various exhibits and more marketing! |
Complete renovation and updated exhibits |
Renovations would be nice. Update and add new exhibits but don't move the institute. |
Remodeling |
Bring back a full size festival!! |
"Restore and renovate the Texas Pavilion structure and modernize the facilities so that they are in line with contemporary museum standards. Transform remnant open spaces and extraneous neighboring parking lots into outdoor exhibition spaces reflecting the natural history and ecology of the state to include native plant gardens and sculptural gardens. Provide better wayfinding and interconnectivity with the surrounding active zones within the park and streets. Invest in this unique cultural institution by recognizing the impact of removing this historical structure and museum, and developing the underlying land for private use, will have on welfare of the City and its citizens." |
Build on and add specialized historians |
"If there really were unlimited resources, we wouldn't be considering any other option. Silly question." |
"Besides better accessibility and restrooms, all the displays need to be updated. I also think the story of the state universities should be told. " |
"Include or add up-to-date experiences in exhibits such as, but not limited to 4-D movies with current technology (not like the outdated 4-D movie experience at the Tower of the Americas)." |
It just needs to be updated/renovated! |
Exhibits are fabulous but need updating with an interactive component. More short lectures like a lunch series. Bring back Folklife Festival. |
"Refresh the building to standards, keeping in mind the types of activities that will be needed by the public " |
More events! |
Add additional space. Add exhibits with immigration accounts. Make rotating to exhibits permanent. |
Better to build or relocate in a more appropriate museum ready space. |
I would build a multilevel complex that resembles multiple Texas pavilions stacked on each other. |
"I don't have any suggestions, but the people who have been responsible for providing everything over these years have done a remarkable job. They obviously have the knowledge of what should be displayed for everyone to enjoy. Let them continue their good work." |
I would add a fasttrack option to move out of downtown |
"New exhibits inside & outside, new festivals" |
"Build a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor (assuming the entrance floor is 'Floor #1'). Build up and out to the sides providing a portico underneath the extended ""wings."" The space underneath the expansion can be used for folklife and other events, walking area, and seating (with 'misters' above, providing cooling spray in hot weather)" |
"Repair and restore the building. Fix all of the deferred maintenance, and give it the respect and attention it deserves. " |
"The Texas Pavilion is one of the few remaining, functioning buildings/structures from the World’s Fair 68’. Revitalization of the grounds/landscaping to include more free flowing water features, flowers, gardens/greenery, all playing off of the mid century modern architecture of the Texas Pavilion would attract more native wildlife, and create a more sensory indulgent experience for visitors. If there was more displays about the Worlds Fair 68’ that would piece everything together. People think of the 50’s and 60’s as a more fun, easygoing, glamorous and classy time, and everybody loves a little nostalgia. I have no doubt that playing up the Mid-Century DNA of the pavilion, while blending the desire of people to be outdoors and enjoy nature would do nothing but increase interest and bring in more funds for the Institute of Texan Cultures as a whole. Stepping into the other buildings on the grounds feels like being magically transported back in time, this one could and should as well." |
Renovate inside and out keeps structure as is historical |
"More signage within the Hemisfair area, potential for passes that can get admission into both ITC and Tower of Americas, additional outdoor exhibits or art pieces leading up to the entrance, more parking (free), more interactive exhibits, access to via an interactive exhibit to allow Texans to discover their personal history." |
"Changes to outside to make it more attractive to visitors, like Texas mural art or other visual attractions." |
Update the current facility to make it last another 50+ years |
An entire remodel that preserves and highlights original and important aspects of the Pavilion. Much like you would do with an old home from centuries past. |
A better elevator. More digital exhibit spaces. |
Remodel restaurants; bring into this century with technology upgrades |
I would like to see some interactive exhibits. |
"More upgrades to the little planetarium in there. This is the part I always remember. I would also put more hands on stuff regarding Native Americans. Like the way they have the little cabins and wagons, maybe more Teepees and stuff like that. Hands on that folks can get in and walk around in. Also more about Texas’ Mexican American heritage." |
Fundraising and help from community to get the necessary resources. |
"Make it more handicapped accessible for wheelchairs and walkers. Restore restrooms, and include options to use paper towels as some kids react to the air hand blowers." |
Virtual presentations and use remote locations as needed to accomplish the ITC mission. |
"I understand you already have plans for an increased number of restrooms—I would add many more, and ensure that there are family restrooms. I would also add more incidental seating throughout the exhibits and plan for accessibility." |
A clean separation from UTSA as steward so that college politics and money were not the main deciding factors in the museums future. |
Better access |
"Take those resources and upgrade ITC. Not impossible, regardless of consultant opinions" |
More green aspects beyond berming like solar and wind power. Whatever technology makes sense. Add wings and exhibits along with upgrading current exhibits. Again more amenities like food choices and other facilities |
Anything that the staff deems necessary. |
Like I said before I would take survey from the people this would be first with team of many groups to discuss to bring the past history forward. This is history and Texas has history. |
"If unlimited resources were available the building would have to be basically gut renovated and more exhibits and artifacts would have to be displayed. If that means purchasing new items for display, creating new exhibits such as interactive technical digital exhibits, or improving upon the festivals and events that are held there in order to draw more people." |
Move it. |
"Perhaps a few more exhibits. The puppet shows back in the day were great for the little ones. Maybe update the short film on the ceiling. And a functioning snack bar. Other than that, I think it’s great as is. " |
Make the basement way better its dull. The outside could be used more effectively outside exhibits with clear advertisement and more stuff in general |
"1. Bring back Folklife and Asian New Year. Add other events throughout the year to encourage visitors. 2. Offer more hands-on crafts instruction. 3. Add studies/exhibits on topics like typical Texas music, with performers (media opp). 4. Move admin. employees who do not need to be on-site to another building (ideally within Hemisfair - maybe Women's Pavilion?) to free up space for exhibits, classes and events. 5. Partner with other Hemisfair entities such as Magik Theatre and Tower of the Americas - cross-promote with opportunities like discounts on admission at one with proof of admission at one or two of the others (Hemisfair ""passport""?) Develop a historical play with Magik and cross-promote. Offer Hemisfair food service locations a chance to promote at the ITC. 7. Partner with the library (history portal at the Western Art Museum and Texana/Genealogy Department) and the Bexar County Archives to increase interest in all three entities. 8. Definitely need a sustaining foundation." |
"Paint the building to look more like a boat. It would look great with paint and features on the outside of the building. Update landscaping. Add some interactive displays inside and outside the building. More live displays showing what life was like in the different cultures that make up Texas. I know there used to be someone showing cotton being cleaned, carded, and spun into thread or yarn. Things of that nature would be a history lesson come alive. Even including life in a native American tribe would show locals and tourists what makes Texas unique." |
"The Northside of San Antonio deserves an amazing museum like the Perot in Dallas or the Louvre in Paris. A museum for all Ages from toddlers to adults. If the Children’s Museum can relocate, each should be possible for ITC." |
Renovate and update the museum to be all about San Antonio history and the people that made it what it is today! |
"Bring up to standards for touring exhibits? Et rid of the parking lots that isolate it from the rest of hemisfair. Right now it’s an island. Interactive exhibits, a restaurant, maybe something outdoors for families like an amazing garden and playscape (I know ya again is there in the other end but that’s what we like here. Family stuff. " |
"A reworking of the exhibits to be more in line with the Tejano exhibits revitalization that still encompasses many of the artifacts the museum holds. One aspect that I feel ITC excels in is the amount of information provided for the artifacts and that items in the displays are presented in a way that truly tie each item together in a way that meets the middle ground between the old cabinets of curiosity and more modern displays where artifacts take a back seat to increased digital displays with the artifacts themselves having only a surface level explanation. One concept I would love to see is the use of the current circular nature of the exhibits that are built around the center dome show take on a more narrative telling of Texas history being tied into moving from exhibit to exhibit. This already somewhat exists with the first nations exhibit being one of the first exhibits, which then would lead to the Tejano exhibit that mirrors the settlement of the state. " |
"I’d make better use of space and give the interior a more useful “flow” through the different cultural areas. Definitely add interactive and guided features rather than self wandering confusion and boredom. Keep the main physical artifacts since they are what grabs peoples attention and imagination the most. Actually make a point to add equally interesting and attention grabbing artifacts for all cultures. But again make better use of the way they’re arranged. And lastly, as much as I’m one for preserving tradition and history, even of the boring variety, the picture collage show should be moved to a viewing room or theatre. Don’t get rid of it but it no longer warrants several hundred square feet of open floor just to hurt your neck looking up at it. Again, don’t abandon, preserve, but repurpose to a different location and free up the center floor for more intriguing exhibits." |
HemisFair doesn’t feel like a park when you have car lots crowding the pavilion. A whole new landscape is needed. |
Build a brand new building at the site of the current one. |
"Renovate building and expand into the surrounding area with event space, retail, theater or auditorium, and education center. Use the land around the building to demonstrate plants that are local and indigenous farming/agricultural techniques. " |
"Many more trees for shade around building, water features, a shaded parking lot, maybe with solar panels, a green landscape connection to the rest of hemisfair. Modernize the inside of building... feels so vintage...." |
The fountain has been inoperative for 30 years. Please repair that lovely fountain! |
"Revamp ac and utilities for next 50 years, spend bulk of money on redoing exhibits. Increase education opportunities for visiting school children, increase live presenters, improve interactive technology. Improve the spaces between the outside of building and retaining walls to allow visiting schoolchildren a place to learn and have lunch in the shade outside." |
ITC should operate similar to the Witte museum as far as attractions and exhibits go. There should be more emphasis on native people and the true history of Texas. Folk life festival should still be held there. |
UTSA is charged with responsibility for the ITC and has historically neglected it. Make this a priority for UTSA. |
"I would add another full floor with relics for visitors to see. Use ALL of the bottom floor areas for this. Return of the Dome movie, maybe show it in the auditorium instead of the dome. Have shows/performances at the concrete area on the back patio. " |
"Modernize the facilities, add a botanical garden, add activities and presentations from renowned and new artists" |
Repairing the fountain and water feature and performing building upgrades and maintenance would be needed for successful operation. The intention is to keep operation and tradition ongoing as a museum for entertainment and educational purposes. The intention is not to just to manage a ruin and charge admission to view an aging and unchanging exhibition. The purpose is to have a continuous exhibition and study into the Confluence of Texan Cultures. |
"In depth review/research of indigenous cultures of Texas, along with Maya, Inca, and Aztecs. Collaboration with UNAM San Antonio." |
New A/C. Knock down berms to increase visibility and acreage of the grounds. Hire knowledgeable staff. |
"Retain the outer look, totally renovate the interior. But honestly, without more ITC controlled parking, it's a bad location. I passed on attending many festivals and events over the years due to parking alone. " |
Add a cafe |
"Themed restaurants and shops that reflected the cultural diversity of the state with food, music and artifact displays. Making a kind of ""museum food court"" with ethnographic programming that encouraged repeat visits and made it a ""must-see"" destination for tourists to San Antonio." |
Expanding the exhibits to include more ethnic groups. |
"Recommend restoration of miniature representation of San Antonio as a colonial village, maybe expanded to provide visitors with a sense of living in those times " |
"Work together with VIA and have direct bus line connections from each park and ride. Put in place, again, employees that can be contracted to schools to share historical materials with students," |
"It would be neat if a trolley or train could connect the ITC with the downtown and Brackenridge area as well. People could incorporate the zoo, kiddie park, the Brackenridge train, hemisfair park, and the ITC. " |
"Let’s open our resources from UTSA, State and City. ITC always lacked resources for rehab/updated technology and especially marketing." |
"Make all the necessary updates. Hire an excellent contractor who has a tract record of refurbishing historical museum structures. Where there’s a will, there’s the money." |
"Keep the ITC at it's current, original location and renovate the current space to meet necessary standards. Leverage alternative contracting and financing methods to achieve renovation of the current, original location space." |
I’d add an extension to give room to spread out a little. Some cultures are really squished into a small space. |
" Not necessarily add but maintain the current structures and grounds. Have the buildings evaluated by a licensed professional engineer (P.E.) for any structural issues. In collaboration with the P.E., have them evaluated by a licensed architect for cosmetic improvements that will renew and brighten their appearance (e.g., surficial washing of the main building to remove mold so it attracts attention from its prominent location off IH-37). Have the architect recommend any non-structural improvements that will not affect the historic integrity of the buildings or grounds. Research and solicit rotating exhibits that further portray historic and current life of Texas residents across all of the known cultures that the ITC has already been presenting throughout its existence. This would hopefully keep the exhibits fresh, invite more visitors, and encourage more donors." |
"Your survey is already biased in using ""Texas Pavilion"" as for some it designates a temporary, very old and irrelevant facility. Shame on you. " |
Add back the Texas Folklife Festival and Asian Festival. Other won't let me put in an entry. My relationship with the ITC is as a Volunteer. |
"NA, I would never choose this option. " |
Advertise if more. It tends to get lost with respect to all the other entertainment and educational options that San Antonio has to offer. |
Increase space/upgrade building to add more space for displays and activities. Increase parking space for visitors. |
"Another building, I believe there is enough space!" |
Open up to social events with space for catering kitchen. Additional landscaping |
A much more modern museum experience. |
"Renovation of the old building and bringing it up to date, with glass, metal, make it three stories, add a cafe and Gardenscapes." |
More outdoor areas for shade & sitting that tie into the rest of Hemisfair better. |
Anything that would make it more accessible to the public. |
"I would like to see the main floor remodeled so that there is more large venue space as this would be able to have more rented space and allow for programs, including folksy programs. The down stairs floor has a lot of wasted space and could be better configured to better exhibit treasurers. " |
Expand out to even more of the grounds like the festivals used to do. |
"Keep the building and the program intact. Remove HPARC from the equation. Make the ITC a world class museum. This survey is very limiting. The steering committee has not shown vision. Where is the genius? Where is the creativity? There is obviously no genius on this committee. Repeat this visioning process without HPARC involved." |
"Since I do not believe this is a viable alternative, I have no feedback to this question." |
Fix up the building and make a state of the art education center for children that live nearby and visitors alike. Add more parking. |
"Good sound and lighting, amphi-theatre/theatre for live performances, lots of outdoor light brought inside where possible. Of course you will redo exhibits and bring them into the 21st century and add new historical facts. Make it a Juneteenth Center as well as the place to go for all those other celebrations. Light it up at night --- make it bling. Restrooms -- don't forget the restrooms --- somebody always does. Partnering with other museums in town for those block busters that get away. Open up the archives for display, have researchers and backstage folks visible. Also take a chunk of the unlimited and put it into ongoing upkeep of the total facility. Climate, people put wear and tear on everything and anything. That's it -- if you are doing all of the above than unlimited resources with make them in the now. Thanks for the survey .... " |
"I would have more multi-media exhibits, I would have more on site programing and lectures. " |
"Enlarge, improve, and expand this program." |
Direct transport connection to city tourist core and parking garage |
"Address the deferred maintenance and redevelop the building and grounds to meet American Alliance of Museums standards for collections, archives, public spaces and programs. AAM also looks at governance and sustainability. Develop a diverse and committed state-wide Board to support ITC exhibits and public programming including robust online programming as a regular feature. Add better publicized parking and transportation options to access the site. " |
"Add/sponsor food options such as food trucks or onsite dining to draw in more visitors, re-create an 1800’s era San Antonio street with replica buildings so visitors can experience life during critical time in San Antonio’s history. " |
If unlimited resources were available I would like to see a plan where all repairs could be made while the building could still be used. Area by area would be brought up to needed standards. This facility would receive historic designation. |
"Removal of blocked off areas that connect Institute of Texan Cultures from other Hemisfair areas like Yanaguana. Possibly remove the big hills to make more visible and add more easy access to walk from more open downtown areas. Create free open green public space with free parking in front of ITC. Add more free community based events and concerts for public to attend. More community presentations and workshops, including possibly community garden. Better community outreach and marketing for community interaction. If there could be discounted tickets or membership, more community might attend. Discounts for UTSA Alumni and students. More art/music festivals, farmers market, and use of the outdoor space. More public parking." |
A greener environment. Something that is responsible to our resources. |
"Updating and adding to exhibits and collections would be a better use of funding than merely moving to a new location without having to build or renovate. If unlimited resources were available, this opinion poll would not be necessary." |
New display-update the native country of the groups of settlers who have arrived in Texas and include the dates of their arrival and locations in Texas. The tribes of native Americans should also be included. |
"Creative programs that maximize participation and support. Update displays, meet museum standards for accreditation, modernize building systems, quality staff truly committed to SA, support students, researchers and volunteers participation to enrich learning and assist operations. Partner across community in true collaboration. " |
"Perhaps expand. Take over more of the area. Add another building and extensive outdoor landscapes and exhibits. This should be an opportunity for educational programs for adults as well as children, and for community events and gatherings with free parking." |
"More lighting all the way around .outdoor movies..more events help to bring people in .art events, music events...needs more to pull in community..and education." |
"More exhibits to reflect Texas cultures after the Korean War. Bring back the Pacific Islanders, including Hawaii. Add the mid east Cultures. Technology, bring back festivals." |
I would have to leave that to the experts. That is not my expertise. |
Demolish |
Technology |
"Tear it down and start over. There is nothing worth keeping. To honor the past, the new design could be an homage to the current pavilion but with glass instead of concrete and with a welcoming entrance and interactive technology." |
"The land where the ITC sits can be utilized for so many other options to further enhance and enlarge the Hemisfair Park footprint downtown from a new baseball stadium, a downtown aquarium and planetarium with a IMAX theater and giant Ferris Wheel and other water features" |
"More representations of the immigrant groups. My grandmother was an immigrant to Texas from Wales and Wales is not represented at all in the British Isles section. A full size theater and bigger dome for visual presentations. Also, a skywalk to the Tower of the Americas or Alamodome would be nice, and improved parking." |
"It may cost to much maybe we can turn the parking lot into a new building with multiple levels like D.C Museums and have a train/shuttle to the Alamo. We need to push more people to outside but also cool them down. We need fans, more shaded areas, food vendors, and kid areas. " |
Hire museum consultants/architects/urban planners with successful records in their field of expertise. |
"Rebuild but add retail accessibility 24 hours connect student hospitality program to restaurant spaces… student operated, investment and savings" |
I would pack up some of the permanent exhibits to allow for other exhibits to rotate in as well as allow for traveling exhibits. |
Transportation from the edge of the park to the museum |
Adding new sculptures on the grounds and true connections to Hemisfair grounds. |
Replace the existing building with a new purpose like more workforce housing. |
"Completely retrofit the building out to house a state of the art museum. If the ITC cannot fill the space with updated and newer exhibits, then perhaps there is an ability to partner with another like-minded museum or education center, organization or nonprofit that can utilize the space appropriately. In a perfect world, the building will be updated, but stay put." |
Hire a high profile local architecture firm to make it even better adding what is needed. Also hire a local landscape architect to create park spaces that are destination oriented. |
"I would bring together San Antonio's best and brightest architects, artists, designers, and historians to reimagine the facility and create a destination museum in the heart of HemisFair. You could approach Mackenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos (who has a history with Texas culture), Elon Musk or the many generous philanthropic sources in San Antonio. I'm sure Elon would be thrilled to have a Starship on the plaza next to the Tower. think big and take advantage of the resources that are available. We built the River Walk, brought Southtown back to life, restored the Alameda, restored San Fernando and so much more. Invest in our future by investing in our history and culture. Best of luck with the project. The ITC is an iconic structure and institution that IS San Antonio. Don't chip away at our soul." |
Go with one of the other options. |
"We are disappointed in the recommendation, disappointed in the lack of consultation, and disappointed in the lack of foresight provided to our community of cultures which we value." |
Develop the surrounding grounds of the ITC and add to the historic collection of buildings which would attract visitors and school groups. Enhance the existing experience so that it becomes more of a destination. ITC exhibits need to be updated and refreshed. |
"Hopefully, we could have a complete interactive display reflecting the contributions of every ethnic group. I have visited ITC many times, and worked as a docent at ITC for four years: I would like to see a more extensive display on each ethnic group. " |
"Bring back the large video experience on the ceiling! Also, plenty of school programming, and more programs/events that highlight the Latinx/Hispanic, and Black community experience in the history of San Antonio. I've been to the Texas Folklife and Asian festivals - other festivals surrounding the other important populations in San Antonio would be welcome. Maybe something around Juneteenth, Diez y Seis, etc." |
"Fix the dome show, fix the AC and Temp control, Fix the electrical. Bring back the gift shop." |
Tear it down! |
More interactive exhibits. |
Tear it down and build something else there to better serve the redevelopment of Hemisfair. Or would be an amazing site for a downtown baseball field. |
"There has to be some type of advertisement for ITC. I know that there is a website, but maybe just mail out some flyers along with other modern tools for advertising. " |
"Tear down the current ITC building and rebuild it into a modern facility with fresh exhibits and content. While building a new facility may sound like an expensive idea, it sounds less expensive than the current and growing $28 million in deferred maintenance. If nothing is done, please at least update the exhibits to make it a place that San Antonians actually want to visit and learn" |
"Genealogy information and a partnership with 23 & Me or Ancestry DNA--it would be fascinating to plan your visit by linking your genealogy and receiving a curated list of things to see at the museum. Also, more interactive exhibits/living history experiences through partnerships with local nonprofits. Experience-based opportunities are a great way to get current residents involved, and can even be used as fundraisers. A late-night ghost story experience/small group tour with heavy hors d'oeuvres and cocktails would be a hit. " |
Basque section; Culture Fest around Fiesta |
Restore and preserve the building and the lush grounds it used to have. |
"The Institute now is extremely uninviting due to the imposing parking gates/fences that are a huge deterrent in appearance (“go away”) and in perceived cost (it is generally assumed parking will be $20, as it is in many other nearby locations). This Institute should be inviting, free, and accessible. It feels like the Steering Committee is going to make a decision using a baseline that features an easy, obvious, necessary improvement that is lacking. Change the parking appearance (which is a relatively cheap ask), invite people in with programming, and re-asses your situation then. It makes no sense to have a setup where you visually drive people away and then say “no one came to our museum.” It feels like the failure to correct the entrance appearance and parking situation is an excuse to build a new building elsewhere, which would be a waste of limited resources and manpower. The museum building itself is wonderful and useful as-is. Save your money for other projects." |
Nothing. |
Move the location to allow for development. |
I would add more media promotion for sure! It's a place I wish I would have found sooner but not a lot of people in my community even know what it is. It's purpose should be to inform our citizens and therefore should be posted on billboards and newspapers more often. More youth events and classrooms should be held there. I would never miss a class if I got to go such a cool place like the ITC everyday. |
"The problem is that city money should go to more pressing problems in our city. However if there were unlimited funds, I’d hire the right people to make the cultural institute a vibrant and lively place that people want to go to often. Live music events and fun culturally themed parties there. Advertise it, so people will go. The right people running it can make the place profitable and fun. It’s kind of a dud now. Make it better there. I have no idea what’s on exhibition there now, neither do most people in the city know. That’s the city’s fault for letting it be a dud place " |
See response indicated above. |
"Restore ITC/Texas Pavilion. Once the word gets out what UTSA really wants to do this building, many many historic and preservation agencies will fight to save this building." |
More promotion. Make it a stop of its own on the hop-on hop-off bus so people know it's here. |
There is no justification other than community relations to continue to incur costs. |
Raze the building and build an awesome museum in its footprint. |
"Repair building , new exhibit floor. Restore to former glory. " |
Just upgrade and bring everything up to date.. give it a face lift. |
Get the water feature running. It's such a fascinating feature. I think even simple things like updated and modern plaques of a normal museum would make the ITC feel more current. Add a children's interactive area. It was hard to distinguish what was able to touch. I loved the museum when we went. Better lighting. It was too dim. Clear signs for parking and access. Hire someone to create programming. Send out a newsletter. There should be a rotating exhibit section. It will keep people coming back. |
Update the interior. Create more meeting/classroom space. Open it for public/community use for free (or very low cost - such as how library's have meeting rooms). |
Renovate add more facilities |
It’s a jewel already. Just fix it up and treat it right for a change. |
Erect a parking garage to provide parking for ITC but then utilize the same during non-ITC hours for public and event parking for downtown and Alamodome events. It will address the limited parking and also act as an income stream. |
IRS audit of HPARC. |
"Refresh 360 film in Dome, host 3D movies with proper technical equipment, notable TX speaker events - history " |
"Take care of any structural damage and give the building a much-needed makeover so that it is visitor friendly. Perhaps even faculty spaces--- classrooms in particular. Areas to conduct archival research. Special exhibits open to the community, spaces for lectures, film screenings, performances, etc. " |
"Requires updates to look more attractive. Have beautifully decorated rooms with unique views to also host a variety of events at reasonable and affordable prices...for conferences, meetings, weddings, etc..." |
Update and upgrade the facility using the dynamic Architecture program of UTSA and include the Westside culture also. |
"Displays showcasing the cultures of German, Spanish and other Texas settlers. Bring back the Folklife Festival!" |
"Places for organizations medium-sized and small to meet (like the Botanical Gardens), which would give their members immediate access to enjoy viewing the cultural or ethnic displays that relate to their organization. In the late 60s and early 70s, I remember attending meetings there, but probably due to space restraints, that stopped." |
A complete top to bottom refresh. |
"A museum staff, gift shop and professionals should be hired to promote rotating exhibits. The building can be used to house classrooms, meeting venues, and offices for future expansion." |
"Upgrade the building, get the fountains working again, offer more classes, add more staff. " |
Updated telecommunications technology. |
Expand the park! |
I don't know if the building itself adequately serves the news of the museum. If not some extensive renovations may be needed to adapt the building to the museum's needs (besides the infrastructural repairs needed to keep the building viable). Another very important factor is that the area in front of the building is very unsightly and even uncomfortable to visitors driving into the parking lot and walking to the building. Landscaping improvements are essential to attracting visitors and improving the visitor experience. |
Tear it down and move it. |
"I think adding a snack bar and covered seating out back would be nice. Maybe opening to have food trucks one or two weekends a month. Add more kid friendly activities or area, to draw crowds. Could also charge a small fee of $5 a person ages 16 & up in stead of donations." |
Some renovation with additional restrooms and whatever tech/electrical updates are appropriate. |
Build a new ITC within the Hemisfair District. |
More human aides and contemporary commentary to the visiting public |
"In order to maximize the development of the Hemisfair site while refurbishing the Pavilion, I would love to see the I-37 roadway submerged and a new greenspace or additional development property created between the Pavilion and the Alamodome." |
Necessary updates in the building and on the grounds. More publicity city and statewide to encourage visitors. |
"Modernize the entire grounds, external for sure, put up bronze statues outside, photo ops for people even when the campus is closed." |
Structural improvements |
Modernized research and reading room space. Large auditorium with 300 seats and state of the art conference rooms. |
Evaluate the purpose of the pavilion. |
With unlimited resources I would pick up the pavilion and move it to a new property to be an addition to a new space. |
1)More handicap accessibility 2)more parking. 3)improved technology capability 4)modest admission fees |
"While staying in the same place, a fun, family-oriented, history w/ a modern twist waterpark w/ nostalgic concession stands (ice cream, hand-dipped ice cream, snow cones, cotton candy, popcorn, etc) and history inspired rides, theaters, section, picnic areas… TX travelers/tourists (and locals) would be in for a big wow! when a waterpark pops up in downtown! Competition would be Sea World, Fiesta TX, but no real competition nearby to the tourist $… and the local hotels could not compete w/ the wow, fun factor of your waterpark. History should be fun & exciting… and a waterpark beats the yr around TX heat; why not combine the best of both. People young & old expect ITC to be nostalgic; that’s the beauty & simplicity of history itself. Not sure I (as a local) can imagine going to the Folklife Festival anywhere else, although a less hot time of yr for the festival would be much better (Sept/Oct). The TX heat & tension of the heated crowds is exhausting; not fun." |
"Would add restaurants, shops, meeting spaces for large groups, rehab the dome and presentation, create the museum space that will meet the accreditation needs, create living space for short-term special guests to UTSA, etc." |
Rehab and bring up to modern museum quality. But do not change the basic concept. |
"Upgrade as needed to pass the AAM accreditation. I have a master's in archaeology and museum training, so I am very familiar with AAM and its work. This accreditation would raise the professional level of the museum in the public's view and attract more donors." |
"In order to attract more people to the ITC - an ongoing speaker series of distinguished scholars, a genealogy center for people to research their ancestry focused on all cultures represented by the ITC, a grand market and food plaza similar on smaller scale representing the cultures represented by the ITC." |
1)Update building to comply with any new building codes and for the handicapped. 2)Update technology capability. 3)increase parking making it easy for people to visit. 4) Think of new types of exhibits (like DisneyWorld would) to market and increase visitors. |
The Back 40 was very instrumental in teaching past history of pioneer living and working. The children especially enjoyed the one room schoolhouse. I would hope this area could be reopened. |
"More activities, more publicity of same." |
"The building would have to be gutted. The artifacts would have to be stored in a environmentally safe location. The floors should be maps of Texas, migration patterns, - not carpet. There should be interactive displays that show people talking in traditional costume telling stories of that culture. The dome would need to be retrofitted with new cameras. Current campus allows current festivals to continue. Classrooms need to be enlarged retrofitted so UTSA can use more of them for downtown classes. The research library needs to be completely digitized to allow more access to information stored there. While the old building is being retrofit, the ITC could hire docents to take TexKits out into the schools, community centers, the zoo, other museums, public event while it is being retrofitted so the community connections are still ongoing. " |
"Adding technology so that additional information can be made readily available to historians, researchers and educators as well as curious visitors and tourists. The essential changes for any museum temperature and humidity control to preserve the artifacts. The ""dome"" theater experience is essential to keep the link between the 1968 experience and the current century expectations for immersion. Making the location a ""destination"" for visitors - not just Texans. Adding more interactive exhibits for both children and adults - Holographic experiences, small group activities, history camps for all age students(including college students who can create some of the digital content and explore current techniques and technologies). Adding food and cultural products would allow visitors to ""experience"" some of the concepts and culture. Adding a food area would allow visitors to spend more time at ITC. Adding ""community space"" for events and so that groups could rent the space." |
Bring building up to code. Add parking garage |
Tear it down &rebuild for next 100 years |
I would add additional parking onsite or partner with the Federal building for use of their parking lot across from HemisFair Park. There are problems with the humidity/temperature in the building. That should be addressed immediately. It would help to preserve the exhibits and also help with comfort of the visitors. |
Renovate rebrand with marketing |
"Make it more accessible to all residents and visitors. Advertise it more as one of the unique treasures of San Antonio. Hold more special events that emphasize diversity of our city and state. Hold Texas Folklife festival in cooler months. Honor the founders of the Folklife festival and the Institute of Texan Cultures. I knew many of those people since many were from my hometown of Devine. It was modeled after national folklife festival. Add outside attractions so constantly in use and more visible. Make access easier with way finding signs. Honor the people who lost their homes and businesses when Hemisfair was developed. Emphasize original uses of this spot as San Antonio was founded and developed. Start oral history library of residents, people who founded Institute (many are already dead). Increase genealogy resources at Institute including information about historical photo collection." |
Expand the Festival. The Festival is a great tool for a hands on teaching of the history of Texas and significant in growing a sense of community with all cultures. It is also a tremendous tool to invite people back to explore the museum in more depth. |
More outdoor exhibits. Better parking. |
"Stay at Hemisfair, create a new building and endowment that helps bring in more students and community attendance. connect to hemisfair. monetize property to help new museum." |
Nothing. Wouldn't be worth the investment- not a good land use |
"Gardens and other outdoor public spaces where people could stroll, drink and dine, and see permanent and temporary outdoor exhibits and performances related to the Institute--a bit like an ongoing Texas Folklife Festival. The Texas Folklife Festival and other cultural festivals throughout the year at the Institute are a more significant and substantial representation/celebration of what we truly are than Fiesta. For me, Fiesta has become a tiresome, commercialized, bacchanalian repetition that is largely unsuitable for older people and children. At the age of 74, the Institute's festivals continue to delight me and give me a chance to bring my children and grandchildren to experience and learn the joys and wonders of others. We need to advocate for what we truly value." |
Do improvements on current building if necessary to stay there. |
I would restore and expand existing exhibits and add modern histories after the 1968 period. I would begin a multi media promotion of the exhibit that reminds citizens of this jewel. Also a campaign should educate and invite all the new citizens that have moved here recently that this jewel exists. |
Up-to-date storytelling of the diverse history of Texas and the groups who have often been under represented in traditional storytelling in Texas. Talk about relationships and shared heritage built together in new and creative ways. |
"Establish a permanent endowment to provide a sufficient amount of yearly income to maintain and enhance the exhibits, conduct research and provide educational opportunities for students at all levels" |
"If you stay in new building, use the grounds for bringing in modern attractions for programming and recreation. Hemisfair already has such amazing spaces and the ITC new grounds could include interactive opportunities to see the native plants and agricultural practices of cultures across TX. " |
"Cultural classes, restaurant, library to access old Texas history documents…." |
"Renovate & climatize to serve as a museum to our community with a Texas focus but invite other broad based exhibits reflecting the various cultures over 300+ years. In particular, educational exhibits appealing to children & youth. " |
"Have a professional do the redo and eliminate the idea of using a local person. Some people think they are ""professional"" but they are definitely not." |
"Museum, library , food courts " |
"Complete teardown of existing structure, rebuilding with more walkable areas, landscaping, and engaging, less Brutalist exterior" |
A parking garage. I would also add more interactive opportunities for school children. |
New Building. |
Interactive exhibits |
Tear down the building and make an new one that is actually meant to be there for a long time. |
Demolish and start over. |
Include in conversations why the Pavilion matters. |
"I love that word ""unlimited."" We could have classrooms to engage classes in the arts, technology, crafts, music, Texas folk story telling and so much more for the community. We could also have regular classes planned at certain times in the semester for our students who are majoring in the Arts. It could be a venue for elementary, junior high and high school students for field trips and exposure to Texas culture. More so, it could be a resource for the community for adult education and exposure to Texas culture. We could rent spaces out for new and upcoming artists that would want to show their art work to be known. The space can have parties, community functions, events for our UTSA Athletics, press conferences and promoting university activities and so much more. " |
Professors/students/community encounters and presentations. Integration is important. |
"Completely remodel the interior of the pavilion to better fit the museum and its features. Again, like the Perot Museum in Dallas." |
"This has to be a new building perhaps attached to the existing pavilion structure thus creating an ""expansion"" of the space. Museum to move into new building structure while pavilion re-purposed for other use detailed in the proposal (shop, food, etc.). " |
Nothing |
Need new exhibit floor. |
"A 3-D immersive experience, room where you could go in and use a VR headset to explore Texas history" |
A snack bar like museums in DC |
"Gut the place and start over. Work with the various ethnic and religious groups to update and expand their group's exhibit, perhaps getting new items donated or loaned to the ITC. Make sure you expand the ITC with regard to new racial/ethnic groups that moved to Texas in recent decades. " |
Remodel the Texas Pavilion to the way it was in 1968. UTSA has funds for sports programs but not Texas Pavilion. Something wrong with this picture. Bottom line do the right thing to restore the Texas Pavilion. So many agencies are ready to fight to keep the Texas Pavilion. Does UTSA really need bad publicity? |
"Renovate the original building. Make it a center for cultures, teaching and research. Reach a full museum status. |
" |
Refurbish building systems. Design state of art displays and flexibility for other community events. Place to house and study Texas culture and history |
"An elevator ride that takes a ""car"" full of people back in time. Stops at prehistoric, then indigenous, then Spanish arrival, then subsequent groups, stopping at exciting periods of Texan cultures in contact. It would be exciting and innovative, giving the write script. Think of the ""Evolator"" in the Albuquerque Museum of Natural History. Then, put up teepees, and invite the AIT-SCM to lead indigenous dances, drumming, etc... In a different area, have the chili queens, etc... Let the visitors experience all the senses-- so that olfactory, auditory, visual, gustatory, kinesthetic learners can enjoy the feel of the cultures in different time periods. Earphones, music/speeches of famous Texans, professionally written by professional writers. Snack machines w traditional (but pre-packaged) foods from different ethnicities. Virtual headsets, allow visitors to visit border ranches, where escaped slaves stopped on way to Mexico. Wind tunnel w voices of early adventurers." |
"Make parts of the ITC exclusive, (but not all please) anyone at any income level should be able to participate at their level. ITC is a Dest Rooftop bars, events tailored to various audiences including UTSA introducing to Donors! Have quarterly display heavily market with world art tours exhibits. Be relevant; people supporting the art and prof crowds after work seeing you as their comfort place to convent after work. Ref. Rockefeller Center in NYC, their rooftop bars, movies on the lawn, weekend events, singles events where they just might strike up true love w/ an Oppenheimer. Do you have a gift shop and online gift shop? If so, I suggest you model it using MOMA as an example. The place is so awe inspiring that we want to buy things from there and gift them to our family members who visited in past, or can't travel there now to see current exhibits. The ITC can be SA beacon! I'd love to take part! " |
"Continue to add to the programs offered in ITC to include classrooms, offices, meeting rooms and variety of eating establishments." |
"Update interior, enhance exhibits. Could rent office or meeting space as income stream." |
"Easy to locate parking. Restaurants featuring the foods that represent the Texan cultures—German, Czech, Mexican, Texas BBQ. " |
"More about the history of Texas, I still feel it is lacking. Maybe try to enhance the Alamo but also history before the Alamo. The Witte and San Antonio Art Museum do a good job with many different kinds of exhibits, but ITC could be like an extension of the Alamo and also Texas history with culture including Spanish influence, but that might be too political, I'm not sure. I don't want to see Confederate history though, unfortunately Texas has been on the wrong side of that war." |
"The resources would be spent better elsewhere on one of the other options. I guess you could still do the living museum idea and community garden by re-imagining the space around it. I also noticed the ITC is at the bottom of ramps, almost a level below soil level. Has this been a flooding issue on the past?" |
"Investment! True interest from administration. It is amazing what adequate and invested staff can do. It is easy to say that there is not enough money. There is always money, one just has to decide what is important enough to fund. Money thrown at any endeavor is wasted if the people entrusted with the money are not deeply invested in the goal. We need people who love History and the role that the ITC plays in the History of Texas. Truly invested and well trained staff and volunteers can meet challenges, but, they need the sincere and genuine support from Administration. " |
"Resurface the exterior, add a metal cut-out wrap-around or panels, add murals or add color like light changing LED." |
I would add enlarging the campus of the re-imagined ITC in the current location utilizing the existing building shell as part of the new campus. |
Add a restaurant and bigger store to provide financial support. Add classrooms and spaces for lectures and visiting exhibits. Updating HVAC is essential and modifying loading dock and other landscaping should be relatively cheap and easy. |
If anything expand its footprint to educate more visitors. |
Use the Bullock Texas State History Museum as a model of how to revamp the ITC. |
An entirely new building on the same site. |
Free or low cost entry to school children. |
Exhibits from all ages of “Texas” ie. prehistoric to current. |
"More seating to enjoy exhibits longer. |
" |
"Expand access with shuttles from UTSA’s downtown campus since many tourist go to the Marketplace. Repair in small increments to keep the ITC open. Add interactive exhibits for younger visitors to raise their interest If not doing already, push to the school districts to make annual field trips for various grades. This will increase awareness at any early age and the students may return as they get older for research for school projects " |
Public access to the library resources; rooftop garden; underground tunnel to the convention center |
"Fully maintain the building. Connect it better to the street with pedestrian walkways, less fencing, more/better landscaping and shade. Make it more approachable. Perhaps provide better street/freeway crossings to make the location more central to a holistic downtown experience. More people will visit the ITC as part of a trip to downtown San Antonio than as a sole destination, and people just walking by will be more likely to visit in the future. Add outdoor exhibits/stalls/events close to the pavilion entrance to draw in visitors and raise interest. Right now it’s not clear from the outside what’s inside the pavilion or even whether the public is welcome. " |
"I would like to see the Texas Pavilion remain, but be remodeled as a meeting center of some kind. It could house a Texas research library, host meetings of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas (or the Sons - there are so many other Texas organizations that might be interested). It could also be the center of large gatherings such as the Texas Folklife Festival, be available to rent for public or private events. The building would not have to follow a museum protocol - the restrictions that now are problematic as a museum building. Convert the building into Meeting Rooms, Kitchen, Bathrooms, Offices, Storage, Parking, etc." |
"More funds to keep the current location and more events, along with more promotions. " |
"More live exhibits with actual scenarios for the sharecroppers house, update the technology of the space travel from past to now. Allow a dress up area for certain exhibits have storytellers or science related activities for exhibits that relate to that subject area or/and integrate a role play are for children/students of different ages. " |
"Conference rooms, classrooms, restaurants" |
"Renovate current building to include restaurant, bigger store, lecture hall, classroom and space for visiting exhibits. Modify HVAC and loading dock if necessary, improve landscaping to remove berms, and add new interactive and hands on exhibits. All of this should be cheaper than building a new building elsewhere. " |
Update and expand the current facilities including adding things like potential concert and entertainment venues. 16 acres is a lot of property with great potential. |
"Keep and expand the houses. My daughter always loved ITC but specifically what she called the ""play houses."" It would be neat to see the similarities and differences in a living room of a Pakistani immigrant in the 1980s or a Vietnamese immigrant in the 60s. Look at Morgan's Wonderland technology interactive features. They are fabulous. You can't get too many hands on type features. " |
I would like to see the woman’s pavilion incorporated to showcase indigenous handmade craft and educational classes. |
"Invest the money to make the ITC a premier music, film and performance venue. Expand the idea of what Texan culture is beyond the cowboy stuff. Texan culture is happening now." |
There is digital technology that would allow for interviews with historical figures (the people the exhibits are about) within the museum. Teach with archives series to provide online education and digital access. Summer programs for all ages (and teachers) to increase community. Updating archives for appropriate preservation (NEH grant to digitize/preserve the archives). |
More emphasis on the special history of the actual location and building itself. |
Expand and upgrade the building. |
You would have more resources If you stay. Community outreach and free events could be more frequent. |
"Important to spend money to preserve the existing historic structure, add needed upgrades and facilities, provide modern technologies to support both in place and virtual exhibits, research laboratories, library archives, learning centers, folklife and other cultural festival support resources, reception and presentation venues." |
"Reimagine the site plan to integrate it more with the current development of HemisFair. The earth berms that surround the building are part of its original design concept, but thoughtful breaching of these berms would make it feel more part of the campus. " |
"More Texas art, more Texas history of the scandalous kind- people like the Wild West stories of Texas. Tourists love stuff about gunfights, the King Ranch, all the wild aspects of Texas. Would love more history of the Spanish side of earliest San Antonio, and also the many great Mexican residents who came after the Revolution in the 1920’s- people who started newspapers, businesses, artists- so many great people fled to San Antonio. Children should know those wonderful stories like the one I was told of a lady who fled with her parents hiding in a wagon, leaving so much behind in Mexico to escape." |
Post Digital Cultural Venues. Think Tank for Visionary Studies and Ancient Cultural Memories and Social Imagination |
"Create a very experiential exhibition floor akin to the type of exhibits found at the Lincoln Museum in Springfield, IL" |
"Your questions infer that “unlimited” resources would be required to retain the building and improve the programs. Again, the way this is worded leads the respondents to believe something that is not true." |
More attractive exterior. Different rooms for conferences and individual research. More diverse and updated presentations and activities. Better sense of the archives and special collections. |
"It needs an overhaul to make the building sound and highlight the unique architecture. The fact that funds were not allocated in the past is what is driving our current crisis. We are a city rich in history and culture and ITC is a perfect place to highlight that. The collection must be protected, preserved, and used." |
"Nothing specific but in general use modern museum technologies to enhance the experience. I visited the Institute once, 20 years ago, as a newcomer to Texas, and found the information very useful. It's not easy to learn about Texas history as an adult newcomer. The Institute was a great introduction. " |
Get the outdoor fountains in good working order to show off the building. It's right next to the Tower of Americas and should be highlighted and continue to play an integral part of the complex landscape. |
"A historical resources assessment on the building by a qualified, independent consultant. A new elevator and a working fountain. Upgrade climate control for collections. Explore opportunities to collaborate with other local cultural groups, libraries, and archives for events, exhibitions, even collection storage and access. Add maker/demo spaces where cooking or crafts of different cultures can be taught. " |
"Rehab building, redevelop area around Pavilion so that it is part of a more urban fabric with additional streets." |
Renovate current building and collection. Building is historic and should be protected. |
Enhance the exhibits for each culture that are displayed there. |
More parking |
Oral history studio where average people are encouraged to share their recollections. A film series of local media story tellers sharing their perspective. |
Still move to another spot in hemisphere area |
More about the people how we have changed and we have become who we are. A diverse city of friends and family. |
Full rebuild. |
"Upgrade the facility to a state of the art building. Establish the ""Tejano Music Hall of Fame"" with the intent of bringing those important cultural music elements to the ITC in the form of an amphitheater for outside, and a large indoor concert/media type venue to host events inside. Establish a partnership with the Tejano Music Awards Organization for a partnership that will give them a home and location for their annual awards. This is just a starting point, here are unlimited possibilities." |
"The ITC is an isolated compound in the midst of the Hemisfair District. The redevelopment of Hemisfair has great potential to re-energize our downtown and improve the quality of life in our city. If the ITC remains in this location, the site must be re-imagined to connect to the community." |
"It is obvious that there is a foregone conclusion that the ITC will not remain in current location based on the fact that this option was last. And, that this survey has not been widely publicized. It is a stacked survey and UTSA should be ashamed! What is there were unlimited resources: Exhibits and library should be expanded in current location and UTSA should focus on ITC and not treat it as a stepchild. Where else can visitors find any correct interpretation of Texas history?" |
"What does the accreditation report say the ITC needs? Restrooms on the exhibit floor. Better lighting. A functional HVAC system. A loading dock. Windows. All the things the ITC lacks that are holding it back, essentially. Then all the fun stuff from the earlier options (creative space for staff/the public, café and gift shop, outdoor areas, etc.)." |
"Renovate the building, bringing it up to museum level accreditation. Revise and update the exhibits, reopen the space for meetings and convention events. Expand the library so local organizations can easily access it." |
Move to a better location. Build something brand new and innovative. |
"Renovating, improving gallery space, storage, HVAC. Also improve parking for events" |
"I would put back the slide show that was shown on the ceiling in the central circular area during Hemisfair. The show had been updated several times, and I think it's wonderful!" |
Whatever renovations are needed to keep ITC at the present site. I'll leave it to the experts to decide what might be needed. |
"More exhibits on different Texas cultures as we learn more, especially with more information now about African Americans in Texas and indigenous Texans. I would also include more videos, including historic videos, with sound available through ear buds, etc. I would also build on any available studies of how the geography of Texas shaped the cultures of people after settling in Texas, and include that information. Host more special functions & conferences for the Texas State Historical Association, Texas Historical Commission, San Antonio Conservation Society, etc., as well as national historical & cultural organizations. Community, high school, and college courses, with some offerings in-person, virtual, or hybrid (including courses available on platforms like Coursera). More on the influence of technology on the cultures of Texans. Animated features for kids (also to be available online). Begin a collection of oral histories. Of everyone." |
The problem is of the limited parking available. |
A snack bar with tables and chairs for visitors to sit and enjoy the atmosphere inside. More exhibits with history of San Antonio. Historic schools. Businesses. Maps. |
"Some kind of large mobile exhibit space(s), utilizing digital technology connections to the ""Mother Ship"" to maximize exposure to residents and visitors. More digital story-telling, and a much more interactive website. Bring back talented, creative staff and give them some autonomy from the UTSA bureaucracy. Upgrade the offices and all the interior spaces of the building. Create space for more research, including dramatically upgraded space for the fantastic archives, which are more accessible to the public here than at UTSA 's campuses. Take a cue from the Witte - they have vastly expanded and improved their space, with magnificent results, without tearing down the iconic core structure. Hire Marise McDermott on a consulting basis to help you sketch out a plan of improvement. Age in place and thrive! " |
Update and repair the existing property as needed to address relevant concerns while staying as close as possible to the property's original form/features. Modernize in the least destructive way possible. Start doing something with the Back 40 lot. Bring back the Folklife Festival. These response boxes don't allow enough writing to give adequate feedback. |
" Technology and landscaping; also more storytellers, more about the indigenous people, and the different cultures that have settled and grown here" |
"Use the river barges as a way to get there, do better marketing, brighten the interiors , curate more effectively " |
"A grand vision for what the ITC could represent to San Antonians and all of Texas. Create a must-see destination people will love to come to. Incorporate cultural research and creation of culture as well as education of historical cultures who have shaped Texas to make it what it is today and what it will be in the future. Build a new beautifully designed facility and grounds to support all the proposed elements of the ITC. An inviting place to draw people in with, multiple indoor and outdoor spaces, shaded gathering locations, an open foyer, restaurants, activities, educational, community, and multipurpose spaces. Programing that encourages repeatability and keeps people of all ages coming back again and again to enjoy the space, the facility, and the variety of offerings and experiences provided by the ITC. " |
"I would put back the "" Shoes of Texans"" exhibit. Upgrade the sound system, reinvent the original sight and sound show, skip ""visiting exhibit shows"" and concentrate on the creation of the great state of Texas by all of the ethnic groups that contributed over the centuries and have more interactive and hands on programs for young people to understand how truly exceptional this state is." |
"Please keep the classic look of the building outside and update inside for aesthetics and to accommodate exhibits, and reinforce the structure to endure, add another elevator(or two), add restrooms to each floor, add a restaurant or snack bar. Maybe the restaurant could be retro-themed to take people back to the days of Hemisfair and accent mid-century modern. Hold a contest to get fourth and seventh graders involved in redesigning something for the updated building or making a poster or something to advertise the changes. Don’t forget the Folklife Festival. Use it to really spotlight the new, improved facility." |
I would hope the building could get just a little renovation. Better lighting in certain areas. Maybe some plants or statues added to the fountain so it looks just as nice without water during these Texas droughts? Just some updates to make it more...welcoming. |
"Emily Talen , Julia Koschinsky, the Project for Public Spaces, Joe Dugan, and others have had success in revitalizing and retrofitting spaces. The principles of William H. Whyte and the Project for Public Spaces can be an important step here. The modernization of the Pavilion and applying “retrofitting suburbia” design principles to the brutalist design of the area to invite the community to a space with multiple uses more than just once a year. I have concerns about the future of Folklife and the future use of the 16 acre space." |
Yo le cambiaría el nombre y le haría nuevo marketing. A la gente le da pereza escuchar lo de la cultura mexicana. Más innovador sería incluirlo con FIESTA que es un evento tan importante el San Antonio donde se unen las dos culturas pero es para satisfacer al americano más que al mexicano . |