UTSA Space
Creating bold technological solutions for the space frontier
Center for Space Technology and Operation Research | CSTOR
Leveraging UTSA expertise to strengthen national security and Texas leadership in the emerging trillion-dollar cislunar economy
- Coordinate, grow UTSA space technology & operations research
- Develop, support network of commercial & national security partners
- Train the next generation of space industry scientists & engineers
Current Thrust Areas
30+ faculty working on space-adjacent technology
- Advanced chemical propulsion, atmospheric flight and space access
- Advanced manufacturing
- Aerodynamics, fluid mechanics
- Aerospace validation and verification
- Asteroid and lunar surface materials
- Autonomous systems: control, nav, comms
- Cybersecurity @ all levels
- Energy storage in extreme environments
- Entry, descent, landing (EDL)
- Geopolitical competition and state-sponsored space programs
- Hypersonic flight
- Materials for extreme environments
- Nuclear fuel
- Power, electronics, batteries
- Remote sensing, satellite image analysis
- Semiconductor devices for high-power, extreme environment applications
- Structures & materials for habitats in microgravity and on the Moon
- Team performance in long-duration, confined situations
Supporting Activities
- Department of Earth & Planetary Science
- Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Industrial Engineering
- Department of Physics & Astronomy
- Joint UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program
- Center for Advanced Measurement in Extreme Environments (CAMEE)
- Extreme Environments Materials Laboratory
- Heat and Mass Transfer Experimental Rheology Lab
- Hypersonics Research Group
- Kleberg Advanced Microscopy Center
- Laboratory of Turbulence, Sensing, & Intelligence Systems
- Laser Spectroscopy and Chemical Propulsion Research Group
- Unmanned Systems Lab