E1 Total Degrees Awarded, Academic Year (6,340 in 2020; 6,550 in 2021)
2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
Bachelor's 4,552 4,686 4,649 4,725 4,938
Master's 1,180 1,139 1,184 1,223 1,226
Doctoral 105 118 128 112 143
Total 5,837 5,943 5,961 6,060 6,307
E1 Total Degrees Awarded, Academic Year
Total Degrees Awarded, Academic Year

The number of degrees awarded at each level each academic year. If a student is awarded more than one degree in the academic year, or more than one degree across academic years, each degree is counted.

Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Graduation Report (CBM009)