E5 Degree Production Ratio
IPEDS Awarded Year Number of Degrees Awarded THECB FTE Year Undergraduate FTE Degree Production Ratio
2013-2014 4,536 2009-2010 22,270.6 20.3
2014-2015 4,683 2010-2011 22,887.1 20.4
2015-2016 4,702 2011-2012 22,624.2 20.7
2016-2017 4,732 2012-2013 21,448.4 22
2017-2018 4,961 2013-2014 21,464.7 23.1
E5 Degree Production Ratio
Degree Production Ratio

The number of bachelor's degrees awarded divided by the undergraduate full-time student equivalent enrolled four years earlier. IPEDS counts the number of bachelor's degrees awarded from summer through spring (e.g., degrees awarded from Summer 2016 through Spring 2017). UG FTE is the sum of the annual undergraduate semester credit hours divided by 30. Undergraduate SCH are calculated using Certified Coordinating Board methodology.

Sources: Certified Coordinating Board Degree Table (CBM009) and Census Day Course table