The Writing Center

The Writing Center Logo

Do you have a writing assignment? We can help!

In fact, we can also help with cover letters, personal statements, and other writing projects.

The Judith G. Gardner Center for Writing Excellence is the campus resource that helps the entire UTSA Community with various writing projects, questions, and challenges. Our experienced tutors provide assistance to current undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty/staff members with each step of the writing process: brainstorming, establishing a thesis, achieving coherence and unity, documenting, and revising. Our tutors will help you edit and proofread your essays and will help you improve your own editing skills.

We encourage students to visit early and frequently throughout the writing process. Please bring all necessary materials to your appointment, including your assignment prompt and a clean hard copy of your current draft (double-spaced). You do not need to have a completed draft before you meet with a tutor.

We have two locations to serve you. Visit us at the Main Campus in the JPL building (2.01.12D) or at the Downtown Campus in the Frio Street Building (FS 4.432). We also offer online tutoring seven days a week where you can upload your essay and chat live with a tutor.

To see our most current schedule or to make an appointment, click our "Make an Appointment" button on this page and register for our online scheduling system, WCOnline. Once registered, you can use the drop-down menu at the top of the schedule page to find our various schedules and to make appointments.

Faculty members: Please see additional informational regarding workshops and class presentations on the Faculty tab at the top of our website.

If you have any questions about our scheduling system or about the tutoring process, please call the Writing Center at (210) 458-6086 or email me at

We look forward to seeing you in The Writing Center.

Martha Smith
Associate Director
The Judith G. Gardner Center for Writing Excellence

Fall 2024 Workshops