2012 Regents' Outstanding Teaching Awards
David Han

Assistant Professor, Management Science
and Statistics
College of Business
Known for having the patience of Buddha, David Han’s educational career has included teaching everything from middle school mathematics to graduate level statistics. He has a knack for simplifying difficult concepts and relating them to real life problems. Han’s expectations for his students are high, but his affability and efficient teaching style make a deeply complex course considerably less daunting.
“One of the reasons Dr. Han is such a great professor is his mastery over not only the material, but teaching as well. He presents material during lectures in a simple, straightforward manner, and then reinforces what he had just taught with plenty of examples,” said former student Robert Jopling.
Han currently teaches Probability and Statistics and Mathematical Statistics.
“With explosive amounts of data and ever growing computational power, statistical analysis has become an integral part of most research in the 21st century,” said Han. “My aim in teaching statistical science is to ensure that the students have a strong qualitative grip on the quantitative concepts and ideas introduced in the courses so that they can apply this new knowledge to solve real world problems.”
Since Han’s arrival at UTSA, the popularity and number of declared majors in the statistics and actuarial sciences programs have steadily increased. Notorious for his approachability and eagerness to assist the perplexed, Han’s rapport with students is exceptionally strong. In his free time he hosts review sessions for actuarial science majors about to take their professional exams and is the faculty advisor for the Statistics and Actuarial Science Club. He also regularly attends and participates in workshops and seminars to improve his teaching style.
“His devotion to preparation is virtually boundless,” said statistics professor Jerome Keating.
At UTSA since 2009, Han received the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence and the college’s Dean’s Excellence Teaching Award this year.
“When I look back,” said Han, “it seems that my genuine enthusiasm has always been the driving force as well as the most effective teaching tool in my cherished teaching career.”
Story by Connor McBrearty. Photo by Patrick Ray Dunn.