Community Art classes are open enrollment to anyone who is interested in exploring the creative arts.
Discover classes in printmaking, painting, drawing, ceramics, metals and jewelry, book arts, fiber arts, and weaving, darkroom photography, digital art, and sculpture.
Community Art programs include Fall, Spring and Summer sessions for adults ages 18 and older. The classes are also open to high school students, with written permission.
Learn from a welcoming community of talented and passionate educators who enjoy sharing their knowledge and love of art with students.
Arts education is a key to ensuring student success in school, work, and life. Community Art classes offer multiple avenues for access to the visual arts for young artists across San Antonio.
Art classes are held at the historic Southwest Campus. Home to state-of-the-art studios and top quality equipment, the Southwest Campus is nationally known for its outstanding facilities.
UTSA Community Art serves over 5,000 youth in schools and social service agencies through its community outreach programs including the Mobile Arts Program and Youth Studios.
UTSA Community Art classes are fun, affordable, and open enrollment. Open enrollment classes offer the opportunity for community members to learn from subject matter experts and network with fellow artists.
The arts teach children and teens vital skills that nurture, intellectual and creative development prepare them for the real-world ahead. Community Art classes offer access to the visual arts for young artists across San Antonio.