Why Get CompTIA® Certified?

CompTIA® certification addresses performance-based topics and questions that prove you can think on your feet and solve problems in real-time.

01Strong Professional Profile

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA®) is considered the world's leading technology association. Since its founding in 1982, CompTIA® has set standards for certification in IT support, from hardware and devices to networks and cybersecurity.

02Stackable Credentials

CompTIA® Secuirty+ is considered a stackable credential that validates baseline skills. Students that complete the Security+ certification may go on to 'stack' additional CompTIA® credentials.

03Build Industry Knowledge

CompTIA Security+ is the first security certification a candidate should earn. It establishes the core knowledge required of any cybersecurity role and provides a springboard to intermediate-level cybersecurity jobs.

Key Features

This course will fully prepare you to take and pass CompTIA® Security+ certification exams through true-to-life simulations and practice exams.

Network Security
Compliance and Operational Security
Threats and Vulnerabilities
Application, Data and Host Security
Access Control and Identity Management

UTSA Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security


CompTIA® Security+ certification training is instructed by researchers from the UTSA Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security (CIAS), a world's foremost cyber security think tank for multidisciplinary education and development of operational infrastructure security capabilities.

Over the past 15 years, the CIAS has been on the forefront of cyber security training efforts. The CIAS has been called upon by Congress, with support from the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, to strengthen the nation's cyber security preparedness.

UTSA CompTIA Training Certification
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What's Included:
  • Eight days of hands-on, instructor-led online training
  • Exam vouchers (Discounted retake vouchers)
  • Simulation Labs
  • Video Lessons
  • Certification Practice Exams
Sign up to Learn More
Call (210) 458-2411 or sign up to receive more information on this live-online training
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