Installation of the Bruker 500 MHz NMR

13 crates and boxes containing the new Bruker 500

crates and boxes

Uncrating the Magnet

Opening the crate; raising the magnet using a tripod and winch; the magnet on it legs being pumped down.

uncrating NMR

Cooling the Magnet

Using liquid nitrogen to cool the magnet to 77 K.

cooling NMR

Charging the Magnet

The magnet comes alive and produces its first signal!

charging NMR

The Final Steps

The instrument almost completed and the full Bruker 500 AVIII HD NMR up and running!



Latest News from the lab

UTSA NMR Charges to Start March 1

The UTSA NMR lab will begin to charge for NMR usage starting March 1, 2021. For rate information, see NMR Rates.

TopSpin Available

You can download and install Bruker's Topspin NMR processing program from Bruker's website.

Agilent 500MHz NMR Update

The Agilent 500MHz NMR is back up to full. You can run any and all experiments again.