Campus Master Plan
The Campus Master Plan task force will create a framework to develop UTSA’s campuses over the next decade. The plan will adopt a strategy for long-term growth at both the Main Campus and Downtown Campus, integrating sustainability best practices while preserving natural resources and the culture of the campus. The task force will ensure that the master plan is linked closely to the university’s strategic vision and priorities and that the process followed to shape the plan is highly collaborative, involving the UTSA and San Antonio communities.
Strategic Plan Midpoint Update (Fall 2022)
UTSA Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Kimberly Andrews Espy led a task force of students, faculty, staff and community stakeholders through the master planning process, which began in 2018. In collaboration with Page, a campus planning consultant, the university engaged numerous community stakeholder groups at meetings, workshops and public forums.
In November 2019, the UTSA Campus Master Plan was approved by the UT System Board of Regents. The plan calls for nearly 5.3 million gross square feet of new space to support the university’s vision of becoming a model for student success, a great research enterprise and an exemplar for strategic growth and innovative excellence.
» View the 2019 UTSA Campus Master Plan
» Appendix A
» Appendix B
» Appendix C
» Appendix E
During the 2022-23 academic year, the UTSA community will undertake a collaborative process to refresh its strategic vision—celebrating achievements from the first five years, affirming our strategic destinations, and adopting revisions to ensure that our path toward future success remains unimpeded. Once this process is complete, UTSA intends to undertake a complimentary refresh of the Campus Master Plan to ensure alignment between our facilities planning and strategic vision. This effort will begin in January 2024.
Kimberly Espy |
Bernard Arulanandam Vice President for Research, Economic Development and Knowledge Enterprise |
Monica Bowden |
JoAnn Browning |
Lisa Campos Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics and Athletic Director |
Margo DelliCarpini Dean, College of Education and Human Development |
Jack Rust |
Dan Gelo Dean, College of Liberal and Fine Arts |
Paul Goodman |
Clay Haverland Assistant Vice President for Campus Services |
Dean Hendrix |
Sean Kelly Dean, Honors |
Faculty Senate Representative Associate Professor, Communication, College of Liberal and Fine Arts |
John Murphy |
Benjamin Perry Assistant Vice President of Facilities Planning & Development and University Architect |
Kevin Price Senior Associate Vice President for Housing and Campus Services |
Rogelio Sáenz |
Gerry Sanders Dean, College of Business |
Can Saygin |
Heather Shipley Dean, University College |
Tulio Sulbaran |
- Main Campus Community Forum
Downtown Campus Community Forum
May 2019 - Campus Master Plan Forum
April 2019 - Main Campus Community Meeting
Downtown Campus Community Meeting
January 2019 - Campus Master Plan Work Session 2
October 2018 - Campus Master Plan Work Session 1
September 2018
July – October 2018
- Data collection and analysis to develop a full understanding of all planning and design issues
- Dialogue and engagement with the UTSA community, including a campus-wide survey to gather observations and patterns of use
- Analysis of space needs based on strategic enrollment growth projections
- Review of space standards for academic, research and administrative/support spaces
- Development of Athletics Master Plan, including evaluation of current and future space needs for all 15 sports
- Study of landscaping and open spaces – identifies areas to be preserved or enhanced, establish opportunities to enhance UTSA’s overall ecological health
- Land and building use analysis – inventory of potential development sites
- Integration of sustainability and resilience targets into
master plan
October 2018 – January 2019
- Examine options for near-term and long-term campus development on Main and DT Campuses.
- Develop initial plan options based on enrollment scenarios, based on feasible and appropriate densities of facilities development, and protecting and enhancing natural resources, improving pedestrian and bicycle circulation and safety, sustainable energy and water strategies, among other factors.
January – June 2019
- Development of the final master plan
This Initiative Supports Strategic Destinations
Destination One: Model for Student Success
Destination Two: Great Public Research University
Destination Three: Exemplar for Strategic Growth and Innovative Excellence