Int'l Trade Center hosts U.S.-Mexico Oil and Gas Business Export Conference May 8
UTSA International Trade Center and the U.S. Commercial Service are partnering to host the U.S.-Mexico Oil and Gas Business Export Conference May 8.

UTSA International Trade Center and the U.S. Commercial Service are partnering to host the U.S.-Mexico Oil and Gas Business Export Conference May 8.
(May 4, 2015) -- The International Trade Center, a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in the UTSA Institute for Economic Development, is partnering with the U.S. Commercial Service to hold a U.S.–Mexico Oil and Gas Business Export Conference from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 8 at the Omni Colonnade Hotel, 9821 Colonnade Boulevard. The conference is a one-day seminar for U.S. exporters who want to take advantage of the energy reform in Mexico’s oil and gas industry.
The conference will bring together experts from government, business, and academic sectors to discuss the opening markets in Mexico. Experts will show companies in Texas what they can do to position themselves to get in on the ground level of new market opportunities.
Topics for discussion include:
- products and services needed in Mexico’s oil and gas industry
- how to conduct business with potential clients and partners in Mexico
- U.S. and Mexico’s trade and regulatory requirements
- how to position your company to profit from this new market
- special insights from trade and industry experts for U.S. and Mexico
View the conference agenda
“With energy reform in Mexico progressing steadily, activity in South and West Texas is expected to migrate there in the coming years,” said Thomas Tunstall, research director for the UTSA Institute for Economic Development who has been a leading expert on the economic impact of the Eagle Ford Shale. “This reform will enable private companies to bid on blocks and operate in Mexico in 2015. Not only is this an opportunity for companies in Mexico, but this prospect for shale oil and gas exploration and production represents an export opportunity for U.S. companies that have pioneered the unconventional techniques in use now.”
To register for $135, visit U.S.–Mexico Oil and Gas Business Export Conference.
The International Trade Center at UTSA is one of the largest and most successful trade assistance organizations in Texas. It helps companies become globally competitive through technical trade consulting, customized market research and innovative training programs. The center is a specialty SBDC program in the South-West Texas Border SBDC Network. Follow it on Twitter and like it on Facebook.
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