Top-tier UTSA faculty earn promotion, tenure

Fifty UTSA faculty members earn promotion, tenure
(September 2, 2016) -- The UTSA Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs announces the promotion of 50 faculty members. The promotions were approved by the UT System Board of Regents earlier this month and are effective Sept. 1, 2016.
“Our faculty play a pivotal role in the advancement of the university as well as their disciplines, and these individuals particularly have distinguished themselves as accomplished scholars and effective teachers,” said C. Mauli Agrawal, interim provost and vice president for academic affairs. “Please join me in recognizing them both for their professional achievements and their commitment to our students.”
Twenty faculty were promoted to associate professor with tenure. Tenure is awarded to faculty who distinguish themselves in the areas of teaching; research, scholarship or creative activities; and service to the university and community; and who further demonstrate strong potential for continued excellence in these areas.
Twenty faculty were promoted to full professor in recognition of sustained professional accomplishment, and finally, ten retired/retiring faculty were awarded emeritus status in honor of their years of valued service and contribution to the university mission.
Promotion to associate professor with tenure:
Curtis Brewer, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Kinitra Brooks, Department of English
Marco Cervantes, Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies
Zhi-Gang Feng, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Jie Huang, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ram Krishnan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Oleg Larionov, Department of Chemistry
Marcelo Marucho, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lee Mason, Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching
Kelly Nash, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Bekisizwe Ndimande, Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching
Kristen Pellegrino, Department of Music
Arturo Ponce-Pedraza, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lilliana Saldana, Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies
Daniel Sass, Department of Management Science and Statistics
Joshua Thurow, Department of Philosophy & Classics
Saadet Toker-Beeson, Department of Architecture
Zachary Tonzetich, Department of Chemistry
Ethan Wickman, Department of Music
Zhongxia (Shelly) Ye, Department of Accounting
Promotion to professor:
Edward Burian, Department of Architecture
Douglas Frantz, Department of Chemistry
Robert Fuhrman, Department of Psychology
Encarnacion Garza, Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
Christopher Hajek, Department of Communication
Yufang Jin, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kimberly Kline, Department of Communication
Paul LeBlanc, Department of Communication
Steven Levitt, Department of Communication
Melody Lo, Department of Economics
Josie Mendez-Negrete, Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies
Byongook Moon, Department of Criminal Justice
Wing Chung Ng, Department of History
Emeka Nwaeze,Department of Accounting
Malgorzata Oleszkiewicz-Peralba, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Ben Olguin, Department of English
Clyde Phelix, Department of Biology
Jeremy Sullivan, Department of Educational Psychology
Jennifer Yin, Department of Accounting
Dakai Zhu, Department of Computer Science
Associate professor emeritus:
James R. Dykes, Jr., Psychology (retiring August 31, 2016)
James Schneider, History (retired July 31, 2011)
Professor emeritus:
Manuel Berriozabal, Mathematics (retiring August 31, 2016)
Roxanne Henkin, Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (retiring August 31, 2016)
Harry Jarrett, Chemistry (retired August 31, 2015)
Christine Moseley, Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (retired January 31, 2016)
Linda Poetschke, Music (retired May 31, 2016)
Laura Rendon, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (retiring August 31, 2016)
Steven Robbins, Computer Science, (retiring August 31, 2016)
Judith Sobre, Art and Art History (retired May 31, 2016)
Learn more about the UTSA Faculty Center.
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