Essays: Outlining

We’re still in the prewriting stage of the essay process. In the previous module, we looked at Getting Started —that is,

  1. Figuring out what to write about, where you get familiar with the prompt and what form your essay is going to take;
  2. Gathering information, where you research and choose a topic; and
  3. Brainstorming, where you do some exploration, figure out what ideas are in your head, and start to organize them.

From here, the next step is to unite your essay under a central idea that you can communicate clearly to a reader.


While prewriting, I chose to write my rhetorical analysis on an image that seemed full of meaning:

Image result for maze magic redefined


In my brainstorming, I decided that I’ll focus on the ethos and pathos of the image, which seem to have the most content to talk about.