Spring 2016 Background
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College of Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio Online Magazine

Engaging our Community

JoAnn Browning, dean of the College of Engineering, gives a college update at a recent luncheon hosted by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE). TSPE is a state society of the N ational Society of Professional Engineers and was founded in 1936 to serve the interests of the individual engineer in Texas across all disciplines of engineering. TSPE's mission is to promote and enhance the profession and licensed practice of engineering..

A student constructs a bridge during the 6th-8th grade Interactive Technology Experience Center (iTEC) Spring Break Camp where students had the oppor tunity to learn how to program a Sphero - a robotic ball that can be programmed and controlled with a smart phone. The last day of the camp, the students constr ucted a bridge, trying to use the fewest pieces possible. Then they had to program their Sphero to drive across the bridge, turn around, drive back across, and return to the original starting spot.

Students from Young Women's College Preparatory Academy toured the College of Engineering this spring. They saw the inner workings of a variety of labs on campus, as well as the UTSA Main Campus.

Students from Young Women's College Preparatory Academy toured the College of Engineering this spring. They saw the inner workings of a variety of labs on campus, as well as the UTSA Main Campus.

During spring break, UTSA's Interactive Technology Experience Center (iTEC) hosted hundreds of schoolaged children at the UTSA Main Campus for the center's Spring Break Camps. The camps focus on getting children interested in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math through hands-on activities. The instructors at iTEC go beyond the classroom and understand that kids learn more when they are excited about the topics being discovered.

Current Issue: Spring 2016| Table of Contents