- Read Texas Senate Bill 11
- List of Task Force Members
- UTSA President's charge to the campus carry task force
- Memo to UT System executive officers and campus presidents about implementation of Texas SB 11
- Statement from UT System Chancellor on passage of Texas SB 11
- UTSA Campus Carry Policy
- UTSA Campus Carry Training -
Campus Carry Training
Upcoming dates for the campus carry class, EP500 Campus Carry: What you need to know are listed below:
- Thurs., Aug. 18, 2016
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
BV 1.328, Downtown Campus - Thurs., Aug. 25, 2016
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
BSB 3.03.02, Main Campus
Registration and course information are found by clicking on the following link:
- September 2015
UTSA convenes campus carry task force. - December 2015
Task force presents preliminary recommendations to UTSA leadership and campus community. - April 2016
Task force makes final recommendations to UTSA leadership. UTSA leadership reviews plan and submits to UT System. - Summer 2016
UTSA develops education programs about campus carry. Campus signage is installed. - Aug. 1, 2016
Senate Bill 11 takes effect.
Forums were held by the campus carry task force to update the university community about its work and to obtain input for its implementation plan. They included:
Community-wide Forums:
- Dec. 9, 2015
UTSA Main Campus - Dec. 9, 2015
UTSA Downtown Campus
Student Forums
- Oct. 14, 2015
UTSA Main Campus - Oct. 21, 2015
UTSA Main Campus
Staff Forums
- Oct. 5, 2015
UTSA Main Campus - Oct. 6, 2015
UTSA Downtown Campus
Faculty Forums
- Sept. 22, 2015
UTSA Main Campus - Sept. 23, 2015
UTSA Main Campus - Sept. 24, 2015
UTSA Downtown Campus