Task Force Members
Kathy Funk-Baxter - Task Force Chair
Vice President for Business Affairs
Steve Barrera - Task Force Vice Chair
Police Chief
Dan Pena
Assistant Police Chief
Gail Jensen
Chief Legal Officer
Joe Izbrand
Chief Communications Officer
Albert Carrisalez
Assistant to the President and Executive Director of Governmental Relations
Kevin Price
Senior Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
Mickey Stevenson
Assistant Vice President for Research Integrity
David Diaz
Director for Employee Relations
Annie Maynes
Administrative Associate II
Staff Council representative
Amanda Marin
Administrative Services Officer II
Staff Council representative
Karen Daas
Associate Professor
Faculty Senate President
Robert Tillyer
Associate Professor
Faculty Senate representative
Ileana Gonzalez
Immediate Past Student Government Association President
Marcus Thomas
Student Government Association Student Senator, 2015-2016
William Trynosky
Student Government Association Vice President
Jeff Schilder
Student Government Association Chief of Staff, 2015-2016
- Read Texas Senate Bill 11
- Read UTSA's Campus Carry Policy
- List of Task Force Members
- UTSA President's charge to the campus carry task force
- Memo to UT System executive officers and campus presidents about implementation of Texas SB 11
- Statement from UT System Chancellor on passage of Texas SB 11
- UTSA Campus Carry Training - http://training.utsa.edu
UTSA Campus Carry Task Force Committee Charge and Deadlines - August 2015
Texas Governor Abbott recently signed Senate Bill 11 (Campus Carry), which allows for concealed handguns on Texas public institution campuses effective August 1, 2016. In consultation with students, faculty and staff, university presidents are encouraged to establish campus-specific rules, policies and practices that will govern Campus Carry implementation at their institutions.
Specifically, the charge of the Campus Carry Task Force will be to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations for implementing Senate Bill II in a thoughtful, practical manner that will ensure a safe campus environment at UTSA. In addition to the recommendations, the Campus Carry Task Force is asked to develop a plan and communication strategies for carrying out these recommendations. Recommendations must be finalized and presented to the UTSA executive leadership team by mid-November 2015. The institutional plan will need to be submitted to the UT System by December 4, 2015. Once the UT System approves our plan, it will be presented to the Board of Regents, and subsequently, to the Texas Legislature for final approval.