Compliance Training FAQs
How fequently do employees have to complete Compliance Training?
Compliance Training should be completed each fiscal year.
(September 1 - August 31)
How do I know if I need to complete Compliance Training?
You should have recieved an email via your UTSA work email account, the MyTrianing system sends multiple emails to employee's UTSA work email account to notifiy and remind them of required Compliance Training. If you click on the MyTraining website and login, you will see your required training located on the homepage.
I did not receive the notification to do compliance training, can you re-send the email?
The MyTraining system is programed to send an email notification to individuals UTSA email accout, the day they are assigned and each week for four weeks until the final due date. If you did not recieve an eamil in your UTSA employee account, please contact so we can ensure we have the correct UTSA email account within your training records.
You may access your online training at any time via the MyTraining website -
If I have Compliance Training done from another employer can I get credit at UTSA?
The Compliance Office is not able to provide credit for outside training.
I did not complete the training on time, may I have an extension?
The training process does not allow for extension, however, the course will remail open and you may complete the compliance training online at any time. Your compliance training history records will be updated once you complete the online Compliance Training course assigned to you.