The Roland K. and Jane W. Blumberg Professorship in Bioscience
Edwin J. Barea-Rodriguez, Ph.D.
The Roland K. and Jane W. Blumberg Professorship in Bioscience
Professor, Biology
Edwin J. Barea-Rodriguez’s research interest focuses on investigating and applying the best teaching practices in STEM education. Pedagogy is defined as the method and practice of teaching. Unfortunately, many graduate programs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) disciplines do not incorporate pedagogy in their training programs.
Scientific Teaching is a pedagogical method used in undergraduate science courses. The main idea of Scientific Teaching is to help scientists bring to teaching the critical thinking, rigor, creativity, and spirit of experimentation that defines research. Scientific Teaching involves three major components: Active Learning; Assessment; and Inclusiveness.
In 2006, Barea-Rodriguez received the Richard S. Howe Excellence in Service to Undergraduate Students Award. In 2012, he was one of 40 educators nationwide selected as a Vision and Change Leadership Fellow for the Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE). The fellows identify barriers and consider how to make changes necessary to improve undergraduate life sciences education. In 2014, he was honored as the Mentor of the Year by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) at a conference in Atlanta.
Barea-Rodriguez earned his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University. A UTSA College of Sciences faculty member since 1995, Barea-Rodriguez has researched and published in the field of learning and memory, generating more than $16 million in research funding for UTSA. He is also a member of the transdisciplinary team of researchers in the UTSA Brain Health Consortium.
In addition to his faculty position, Barea-Rodriguez serves as associate dean for Student Success and Instructional Innovation, where he is able to directly support College of Sciences students and their success in college and beyond.