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College of Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio Online Magazine

Research Awards

It is UTSA's vision to be a premier public research university, providing access to educational excellence and preparing citizen leaders in the global environment. We are proud of all of our faculty and students who are striving to reach research excellence in UTSA's path to becoming a Tier One institution. Listed here are the projects awarded between May 1, 2015 and May 1, 2016.

Agaian, Sos (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: RAPID: I-Corps Teams: Cloud Pathology Platform For Computer Aided Digitized Histopathology Image Processing & Analysis System
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $50,000

Akopian, David (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: Texting Messaging to Promote Walking in Latinos with Peripheral Arterial Disease
Funding Agency: UTHSC at San Antonio
Amount: $33,325

Alaeddini, Adel (PI)

Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Lean Systems (CAMLS)
Proposal title: VA777-16-G-0014
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Amount: $64,326

Alaeddini, Adel (PI) Agaian, Sos (Co-PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: Image-Based Process Monitoring Phase 1: Real-Time Quality Monitoring of Printing Process
Funding Agency: Harland Clarke
Amount: $77,630

Bhaganagar, Kiran (PI) Pack, Daniel & Sharif, Hatim (Co-PIs)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Novel Technology for Detection & Prediction of Spreading of Air-Borne Chemicals
Funding Agency: Minority-Serving Institutions: STEM Research & Development Consortium (MSRDC)
Amount: $258,515

Bhounsule, Pranav (PI)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, & Real- Time Prediction (SiViRT)
Proposal title: CRII: RI: Energy Effective & Versatile Bipedal Robots Using Event-Based Switching Between Parameterized Steady- State Controllers
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $159,024

Browning, JoAnn (PI) Merchant, Betty (Co-PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, the College of Education & Human Development
Proposal title: Deep Roots: Wide-Spread Implementation of Community-Driven, Evidence- Based Pedagogy
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $223,072

Castillo Villar, Krystel (PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: Biomass Logistics Simulations
Funding Agency: UT-Battelle LLC
Amount: $60,000

Castillo Villar, Krystel (PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: Development of a Low-Cost Robust Circulating Fluidized Technology for Integration into a Novel Mathematical Model to Promote the Sustainable Production of Biofuels and Biobased Products
Funding Agency: UTSA Office of the Vice President for Research
Amount: $125,000

Castillo Villar, Krystel (PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: Quantification of Dimensional Measurement Uncertainty using 3D Laser Scanners for the Assessment of Manufacturing Variability
Funding Agency: Clarkson Aerospace Corp.
Amount: $139,189

Castillo Villar, Krystel (PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: BioEnergy and Water for Agriculture Research ann Education (BE AWARE) Network
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Amount: $250,000

Castillo Villar, Krystel (PI) Sharif, Hatim (Co-PI)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, and Real-Time Prediction (SiViRT), the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Interdisciplinary Hands-on Research Traineeship & Extension Experiential Learning in Bioenergy/Natural Resources/ Economics/Rural
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Amount: $275,760

Chen, Fengshan (PI) Wan, Hung-Da (Co-PI)

Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Lean Systems (CAMLS)
Proposal title: CAMLS: Education & Mentoring Program for Lean Manufacturing Enterprise Implementation
Funding Agency: Goodheart Specialty Foods Co.
Amount: $62,000

Diaz, Manuel (PI) Arroyo, German (Co-PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Dwight D. Eisenhower Fellowship-2015
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Transportation
Amount: $30,000

Dong, Bing (PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: International Workshop on Implications of Occupant Behavior for Building Design & Operation: Now & the Future
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $34,911

Dong, Bing (PI) Vega, Rolando & Shephard, Les (Co-PIs)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute (TSERI)
Proposal title: Behavior-Driven Transactive Energy For Residential Buildings
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Energy
Amount: $37,615

Duan, Lide (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: CRII: SHF CSR: A High Performance & Reliable Non-Volatile Memory Framework for Handheld Platforms
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $174,371

Feng, Yusheng (PI)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, and Real-Time Prediction (SiViRT)
Proposal title: Radical Cystectomy Compared with Combined Moda Treatment for Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial
Funding Agency: UTHSC at San Antonio
Amount: $10,140

Feng, Yusheng (PI)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, and Real-Time Prediction (SiViRT)
Proposal title: RAPID: I-Corps Teams: Portable, Hands-Free Medical Suction Device for Combat & Emergency Medicine
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $50,000

Finol, Ender (PI)

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Proposal title: Clinical Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) Using Patient-Specific Tissue Mechanics
Funding Agency: American Heart Association
Amount: $52,000

Furl, Chad (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: RAPID: Forensic Hydrological Field Investigation of the Blanco River Flood - May 2015, Wimberley, TX
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $26,531

Gatsis, Nikolaos (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: EAGER-DynamicData: Machine Intelligence for Dynamic, Data-Driven Morphing of Nodal Demand in Smart Energy Systems
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation

Giacomoni, Marcio (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Proposal Enhancement Program for NSF CAREER Award
Funding Agency: UTSA VPR Office
Amount: $20,000

Giacomoni, Marcio (PI) Shipley, Heather (Co-PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Modeling Stormwater Runoff at UTSA Main Campus
Funding Agency: San Antonio River Authority
Amount: $15,000

Giacomoni, Marcio (PI) Shipley, Heather (Co-PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Monitoring Stormwater Quality at UTSA Main Campus
Funding Agency: Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA)
Amount: $27,800

Guda, Teja (PI) Ong, Anson (Co-PI)

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Proposal title: Evaluation in the rat Femoral Segmental Bone Defect (SBD) Model
Funding Agency: StemBioSys Inc.
Amount: $45,105

Guda, Teja (PI) Ong, Anson (Co-PI)

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Proposal title: Micro-CT Evaluation of Craniomaxillofacial Models In Vivo
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Defense
Amount: $78,939

Guo, Ruyan (PI) Bhalla, Amar (Co-PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: Phase I - Measure
Funding Agency: FBD Partnership LP
Amount: $36,000

Han, Hai-Chao (PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: A New Treatment for Diastolic Heart Failure: Trabecular Cutting
Funding Agency: UTHSC at San Antonio
Amount: $8,153

Huang, Yufei (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: 2016 Workshop on Bioinformatics for Precision
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $10,000

Kelley, Brian (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: IPA-Brian Kelley
Funding Agency: U.S. National Security Agency
Amount: $106,090

Krishnan, Ramnarayan (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: CAREER: Group-Centric Secure Information Sharing - Models, Properties, & Implementation
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $544,376

Krishnan, Ramnarayan (PI) Sandhu, Ravinderpal (Co-PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Institute for Cyber Security
Proposal title: Fine-Grained, Dynamic, Virtual Resource Separation in Cloud Platforms for Assured Delivery of Cloud-Based Services
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of the Army
Amount: $593,514

Krishnan, Ramnarayan (PI) Sandhu, Ravinderpal (Co-PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, College of Science
Proposal title: Design & Implementation of Cybersecurity Risk Metrics for Cloud-Based IT Infrastructure
Funding Agency: LMI Research Institute
Amount: $50,000

Lin, Wei-Ming (PI) Xu, Kefeng & Sandhu, Ravinderpal (Co-PIs)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, and Real- Time Prediction (SiViRT), Dept. of Management Science & Statistics, College of Science
Proposal title: EAGER: Collaborative: IC Supply Chain Security & Quality Control in a Business & Social Context
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $179,997

Matamoros, Adolfo (PI

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Static & Dynamic Testing of Energy-Absorbing Connectors for Blast-Loaded Components
Funding Agency: Protection Engineering Consultants, Inc
Amount: $5,276

Millwater, Harry (PI)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, and Real-Time Prediction (SiViRT)
Proposal title: Probabilistic Modeling of Random Variables & K-Solution Developments for General Aviation - Extensions to the SMART|DT Software
Funding Agency: U.S. DOT Federal Aviation Admn.
Amount: $400,000

Millwater, Harry (PI) Montoya Rodriguez, Arturo & Wilkerson, Justin (Co-PIs)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, and Real-Time Prediction (SiViRT)
Proposal title: Three-Dimensional Fracture Mechanics Capability for Structures Operating in High Temperature Thermal Environments
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of the Army
Amount: $397,843

Montoya Rodriguez, Arturo (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: A Novel Fracture Characterization Approach for Materials Exhibiting Inelastic Behavior Based on the Multicomplex Finite Element Method
Funding Agency: UTSA VPR Office
Amount: $20,000

Montoya Rodriguez, Arturo (PI) Gorski, Waldemar (Co-PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Chemistry
Proposal title: Potential Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement of ZnNi-Coated, High-Strength Steel
Funding Agency: Southwest Research Institute
Amount: $66,028

Najafirad, Peyman (PI)

Open Cloud Institute
Proposal title: Kubernetes & Docker Configuration
Funding Agency: Indiana University
Amount: $8,000

Najafirad, Peyman (PI)

Open Cloud Institute
Proposal title: OpenStack Internship Program
Funding Agency: Intel Corporation
Amount: $229,473

Najafirad, Peyman (PI) Huang, Yufei; Jamshidi, Mohammad & Agaian, Sos (Co-PIs)

Open Cloud Institute
Proposal title: Machine Learning Cloud Research TestBed BioInformatics & Brain Health
Funding Agency: UTHSC at San Antonio
Amount: $25,000

Pack, Daniel (PI) Akopian, David (Co-PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: Extending GPS Operation in GPS-denied Areas through Cross-Correlation Jamming Cancellation
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of the Air Force
Amount: $194,800

Papagiannakis, Athanassios (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Testing of Asphalt Concretes Incorporating Dry-Process PP
Funding Agency: Dr. Earl M. Stenger
Amount: $14,115

Potter, Lloyd (PI) Alaeddini, Adel (Co-PI)

College of Public Policy, College of Engineering
Proposal title: Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma
Funding Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
Amount: $33,000

Reilly, Matthew (PI) Bizios, Rena (Co-PI)

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Proposal title: Torsional Indirect Traumatic Neuropathy (TITON): Animal Model for Diagnostics, Drug Delivery, & Therapeutics for Central Nervous System Injury
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Defense
Amount: $1,000,000

Saygin, Can (PI)

Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Lean Systems (CAMLS)
Proposal title: San Antonio Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center
Funding Agency: UTHSC at San Antonio
Amount: $33,998

Saygin, Can (PI) Alaeddini, Adel; Wan, Hung-Da; Castillo Villar, Krystel (Co-PIs)

Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Lean Systems (CAMLS)
Proposal title: Predictive Maintenance - Phase 2: From Data to Performance Metrics
Funding Agency:Harland Clarke
Amount: $90,000

Shadaram, Mehdi (PI)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: Summer Engineering Camp for Texas Students
Funding Agency: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 781
Amount: $13,998

Sharif, Hatim (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Seepage Study of the Potential Turkey Watershed Reservoir
Funding Agency: Crystal City
Amount: $11,000

Sharif, Hatim (PI) Weissmann, Jose & Dessouky, Samer (Co-PIs)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Safety & Economic Impact of Texas Travel Information Centers: Update
Funding Agency: Texas Department of Transportation 601
Amount: $80,000

Sharif, Hatim (PI) Weissmann, Jose & Dessouky, Samer (Co-PIs)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Traffic Safety Challenges & Strategies in the Eagle Ford Shale Area
Funding Agency: Texas Department of Transportation 601
Amount: $266,603

Shephard, Les (PI)

Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute (TSERI)
Proposal title: Transforming & Modernizing the Electric Sector
Funding Agency: City Public Service
Amount: $620,000

Shephard, Les (PI) Vega, Rolando & Dong, Bing (Co-PIs)

Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute (TSERI) & the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: Topic Area 3: Integrated Systems: Omnetric Corp Duke Energy Cps Energy The University of Texas at San Antonio
Funding Agency: Omnetric Corporation
Amount: $203,368

Shipley, Heather (PI) Bizios, Rena; Castillo Villar, Krystel & Guo, Ruyan (Co-PIs)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Proposal title: S-STEM: UTSA's Scholarship Program for Undergraduates' Retention & Success (SPURS)
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $626,890

Taha, Ahmad (PI) Dong, Bing and Gatsis, Nikolaos (Co-PIs)

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: Dynamic Cyber-Attack Detection & Mitigation for Secure Smart Grids
Funding Agency: UTSA Vice President for Research Office
Amount: $30,000

Tang, Liang (PI)

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Proposal title: IFSEEN - Integrating Food Science/Engineering & Education Network: A Partnership to Integrate Efforts & Collaboration to Shape Tomorrow's™ Hispanic Food Safety/Science Leaders
Funding Agency: University of Texas at Pan American 736
Amount: $186,386

Testik, Firat (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Advanced Optical Disdrometer for Precipitation Observations
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $22,254

Testik, Firat (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Critical Raindrop Characteristics: Fall Speed, Shape, & Size Distributions
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $135,177

Wan, Hung-Da (PI) Saygin, Can; Chen, Fengshan; Castillo Villar, Krystel; and Alaeddini, Adel (Co-PIs)

Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Lean Systems (CAMLS)
Proposal title: Harland Clarke CAMLS Membership 2015-17
Funding Agency: Harland Clarke
Amount: $62,000

Wang, Xiaodu (PI) Zeng, Xiaowei (Co-PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: Multiscale Modeling of Ultrastructural Origins of Bone Fragility
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Amount: $368,931

Weissmann, Jose (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Development of Pavement & Bridge Consumption Cost Library
Funding Agency: Texas Department of Transportation 601
Amount: $50,000

Weissmann, Jose (PI)

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Evaluate Specialized Hauling Vehicles with Regard to Pavement and Bridge Deterioration and Posting Limits
Funding Agency: Texas Department of Transportation 601
Amount: $155,556

Wilkerson, Justin (PI)

Center for Simulation, Visualization, and Real-Time Prediction (SiViRT)
Proposal title: A Simple Constitutive Framework for Anisotropic Dynamic Ductile Failure
Funding Agency: John Hopkins University
Amount: $25,000

Xie, Hongjie (PI) Sharif, Hatim; Lambert, Lance & Gao, Yongli (Co-PIs)

Center for Water Research, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Proposal title: Minority Improvement in Earth Science & Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at San Antonio
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Education
Amount: $748,705

Ye, JingYong (PI)

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Proposal title: Preliminary Study for Label-Free Detection of Prostate Cancer Cells
Funding Agency: UTSA Vice President for Research Office
Amount: $19,250

Ye, JingYong (PI)

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Proposal title: Quantifying Cancer Molecular Signatures with a Double-Clad Fiber Optic Probe
Funding Agency: San Antonio Area Foundation
Amount: $30,000

Zeng, Xiaowei (PI)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Proposal title: Numerical Investigation of Collective Cell Migration
Funding Agency: NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Amount: $441,000

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