Ithuba in the News

Education college inspires two-way, dual-language program
Marianne McBride Lewis--UTSA Today, May 15, 2006

“Sarah Moten, education division chief of the Africa Bureau Office of Sustainable Development for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Joe Kitts, the agency’s senior education adviser, came to San Antonio to attend meeting, briefings and visits.  Their work would include meetings with Misty Sailors, assistant professor of interdisciplinary learning, regarding a $2.5 million grant funded by her agency and a visit to an SAISD elementary school to observer a two-way, dual language program that is up and running with great success.

UTSA’s expertise in bilingual-bicultural studies is demonstrated by the success of the dual-language program at Storm Elementary.  In fall 2005, Sailors was awarded funding from the Textbook and Learning Materials Program (TLMP) through President Bush’s Africa Education Initiative, which funds African education programs for teacher training, working with marginalized populations and developing textbooks and other learning materials.  Under TLMP, UTSA and the South African Department of Education will collaborate to create at lest 600,000 learning resources for children in South African- a country with 11 official languages and an education policy calling for children to be proficient in at least two.”

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