MarCom Studio


Emergency Communications

During campus emergency incidents, the UTSA Office of Risk and Emergency Management (OREM) and University Strategic Communications (UComms) provide life safety information to the university community and general public.

OREM, in conjunction with the Police Department, disseminates federally mandated emergency communications to the UTSA community by text, email or phone via the UTSA Alerts emergency notification system. Its secondary warning systems include the Giant Voice indoor/outdoor mass notification system and Alertus beacons/desktop notifications.

During campus emergencies, University Communications shares emergency information on its official social media platforms—the @UTSA channels on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook—to more broadly reach the campus community and general public. It also provides updates about business closures due to inclement weather or other situations on these social media channels.

When necessary, University Communications posts emergency information or operational updates on UTSA Today and shares them with local television and radio stations in the San Antonio area. Information may also be posted on the UTSA home page, as warranted.


Jason Dempsey
Executive Director, Risk and Emergency Management

Joe Izbrand
Chief Communications Officer/ AVP of Strategic Communications & External Relations