Jonathon Halbesleben Dean, Alvarez College of Business Co-chair
Jianwei Niu Interim Dean, University College Co-chair
Adel Alaeddini Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Nicole Beebe Interim Associate Vice President, Strategic Research Development and Assistant Vice President for Faculty Research Development in the Office for Research, Economic Development, and Knowledge Enterprise
Eric Brey Interim Dean, Klesse College of Engineering
Rebecca Bria Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Gabriela Ciocarlie Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering CyManII representative
Ginny Garcia Associate Professor, Sociology and Demography Faculty Senate representative
Cie Gee Associate Vice Provost, Career-Engaged Learning
Mitra Hosseini Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
Dhireesha Kudithipudi Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Charles Liu Professor and Interim Department Chair, Information Systems and Cyber Security Department Chairs Council representative
Chad Mahood Associate Professor, Communication Department Chairs Council representative
Panagiotis Markopoulos Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science
Fred Martin Professor and Department Chair, Computer Science Department Chairs Council representative
Rita Mitra Professor of Practice, Information Systems and Cyber Security FTT representative
Hunter Pfeiffer Real Estate Analyst & Asset Manager, Real Estate and Property Management Staff representative
Jeff Prevost Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Senate representative
CJ Qian Professor and Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Chairs Council representative
John Quarles Professor, Computer Science Faculty Senate representative
Paul Rad Associate Professor, Computer Science
Arkajyoti Roy Assistant Professor, Management Science and Statistics
Vanessa Sansone Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Fidel Santamaria Professor, Neuroscience, Developmental, and Regenerative Biology
Rebecca Schroeder Interim Associate Dean, University College FTT representative
Wenbo Wu Associate Professor and Department Chair, Management Science and Statistics Department Chairs Council representative
Pragyan K C Doctoral Student, Computer Science Student Representative