Integrated Design Initiative Update – Phase III

October 29, 2020

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Kimberly Andrews Espy today announced next steps in  planning a new college  that brings together UTSA’s programs in Architecture, Construction, Urban Planning, and Engineering under one administrative home. The full announcement outlines an initial college structure that resulted from Phase II planning in the Integrated Design Initiative, including input received during outreach to campus and the San Antonio community.

Some key features of the initial framework, which resulted from the extensive feedback received in Phase II, include housing certain academic programs of the College within Schools that are contained in the college. One of the planned Schools comprises the programs of Architecture, Interior Design, and Urban and Regional Planning, and the other School comprises the programs of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction Science.  The model also includes a new “Praxis-styled” institute or collaboratory for engaging with the San Antonio community around societal needs and design, and another collaborative institute to synergize the activities and impact of the research centers and institutes within the new college.

Dean Browning is now launching Phase III of the Integrated Design Initiative, in which a  Visioning Team  of CACP and COE faculty, staff and students will initiate a process for naming the College and its component Schools and new Institute. Once names are selected, an application will be submitted to UT System for formal approval, with a goal of launching the new college in Fall 2021.

Updates will continue to be shared on the Initiative Website, and input can always be submitted to .