University provides update on Campus Climate Survey
Editor’s note: The following message was sent via email today from Vice President for Inclusive Excellence Myron Anderson and Associate Vice President for People Excellence Sylvia Ann Enriquez to all faculty and staff:
Last November we conducted the university’s first comprehensive Faculty and Staff Campus Climate Survey to gather your perspectives and suggestions regarding UTSA’s workplace environment. We are writing to provide you with an update regarding our plans to share the survey results.
The response rate to the survey was excellent – 56% of you took time out of your busy schedules to respond and share your insights. This exceptional participation is a testament to the high level of engagement demonstrated by our faculty and staff in helping to create the best possible environment at UTSA for working, teaching and research.
We only recently received an initial briefing on our institutional high-level findings from our research partners at Modern Think. We expect to receive the survey results in the coming weeks, which will include unit-level breakdowns and an analysis of qualitative responses that contribute to a deeper understanding of your feedback.