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Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic

News and Videos

International Polar Year 2007-2008
ICESat Laser 3I Campaign
Workshop on Antarctic Sea Ice

News Articles

February 12, 2007: UTSA Today
UTSA Researchers Examine Global Warming in Antarctic
UTSA researcher, Dr. Hongjie Xie and PhD candidate Burcu Cicek, examine global warming in the Antarctic on the Swedish icebreaker, ODEN.

Spring 2007: UTSA Sombrilla Magazine
Breaking the Ice: Researchers Study Climate Change in Antarctica
On the Ice: UTSA professor and doctoral student spend Christmas in Antarctica.

August 16, 2007: UTSA Today
UTSA Researchers to Explore Antarctica
Next month, Steve Ackley at UTSA and Sarah Anderson, a Boerne High School science teacher will join a crew of 22 researchers from several countries for a two-month expedition. Sarah Anderson was chosen from among 150 educators who submitted applications to the PolarTREC program that will provide outreach information and resources for educators and students to access. The faculty in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science Laboratory for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics hope to develop a program of researchers to accompany future NSF-funded trips to conduct sea ice observations.

December 13, 2007: The Antarctic Sun
Finding the Balance
A major IPY project, SIMBA joined American and Belgian scientists on an expedition to obtain information about sea ice thickness, its extent and physical and biogeochemical properties in an effort to understand how it evolves and decays. Another key goal was to characterize the interchange between the ocean, atmosphere and the ice.

January 10, 2008: The Christian Science Monitor
As Arctic Ice Melts, South Pole Ice Grows
Scientists are puzzled, but the phenomenon seems to fit the latest global-warming models.

January 22, 2008: UTSA Today
UTSA Team Returns from Antarctic Research Trip
A UTSA research team of four students, UTSA sea-ice expert and research associate professor Stephen Ackley, and Boerne High School teacher Sarah Anderson are back from a two-month trip to Antarctica.


August 22, 2007: KENS TV
UTSA Researchers Travel to Antarctica

August 23, 2007: FOX TV
UTSA Researchers Discuss Trip to Antarctica
Sea Ice expert Steve Ackley at UTSA's Department of Earth and Environmental Science Laboratory for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics heads the UTSA and Sea Ice Mass Balance (SIMBA) group and discusses the upcoming 2-month expedition proposed studies to be conducted in the Amundsen Sea in Antarctica. Sarah Anderson talks about the outreach program through PolarTrec.

November 13, 2007: KSAT
Antarctic Trip
Graduate student, Penny Wagner, at UTSA briefly describes conditions working on the sea ice in Antarctica on SIMBA cruise.

November 14, 2007: KENS
Antarctic Trip
The return of UTSA students conducting studies during the winter season in Antarctica, provide valuable information of the relationship of sea ice dynamics and biological factors to global change as stated by sea ice expert Steve Ackley. Sarah Anderson shares her experience with her physics class at Boerne High School.