Chapter 9 - General Provisions
Previous Publication Date: September 16, 2016
Publication Date: November 24, 2020
Responsible Executive: President
9.36 Tobacco, Smoke, and Vape Free Campus
Tobacco Free, How Roadrunners Should Be
This is not the current policy. For the latest, click here.
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is a tobacco, smoke, and vape free campus which is committed to promoting a healthier work, research, education and living environment. In order to better accomplish this goal and align UTSA with the best practices of leading employers and research universities, UTSA prohibits the use of all forms of tobacco and vaping products on University property. Any advertising, sale, or free sampling of tobacco or vaping products on University property is prohibited. Improper disposal of and/or littering the campus with the remains of tobacco or vaping products or any other related waste product also is prohibited.
This policy provides guidelines and procedures for a tobacco and vaping free campus environment.
Tobacco, Smoke, and Vaping Free Campus
This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, and visitors of UTSA, to include contractors and subcontractors and their respective employees. Smoking, vaping, and the use of all tobacco products are prohibited on all University owned and leased properties to include buildings, grounds, resident and housing areas, parking lots and structures, green space, sidewalks, walkways, UTSA owned vehicles, as well as personal vehicles on the property. Rented facilities off campus used for special events will abide by the policies and procedures set by the vendor, i.e. football games at the Alamodome
- Prohibited Use:
a. Except as otherwise set forth in this policy, all use of tobacco or vaping products by UTSA faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors at any time on any University owned and leased property or vehicle.
b. Any littering of the UTSA campus at any time with remains of tobacco or vaping products or any other related disposable product.
- Exemptions: The use of tobacco or vaping products may be permitted on UTSA owned or leased property in the following circumstances:
a. For approved research involving tobacco or vaping products. Approval must be obtained in advance from the UTSA Vice President for Research, Economic Development and Knowledge Enterprise (VPREDKE) and a
waiver must be requested and granted in accordance with sponsored research requirements, if any.
b. By artists or actors who participate in UTSA authorized performances that require smoking as part of the artistic production. Approval must be obtained in advance from the University Fire Marshal.
c. Under special circumstances, which may include clinical or educational purposes, where prior approval of the appropriate UTSA Vice President and the University Fire Marshal is obtained.
UTSA is committed to providing individuals with resources to help break nicotine and tobacco addiction as detailed in Section XII (Appendix) of this policy.
Human Resources Tobacco, Smoke, and Vape Free Campus Website
UTSA or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations
- UT System Board of Regents’ Rules & Regulations Rule 80111
Other Policies & Standards - Texas Administrative Code Title 25 Health Services, Part 11, Chapter 703, Grants for Cancer Prevention and Research, Section 703.20
If you have any questions about HOP policy 9.36, Tobacco, Smoke, and Vape Free Campus, contact the following offices:
Human Resources
Office of Institutional Compliance and Risk Services
210 – 458-4992
Tobacco refers to all forms of tobacco products including but not limited to cigarettes (of any kind including herbal/spice cigarettes), cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), smokeless tobacco, bidis, kreteks, snuff, chewing tobacco, and electronic nicotine delivery systems. (Note: medications with controlled amounts of nicotine that are used to aid in quitting smoking are not considered tobacco products. A list of these medications can be found at
- Smoking: The carrying or holding of any lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind or any lighted smoking equipment or the lighting, inhaling or exhaling of smoke from a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind.
- Vaping: Drawing in and exhaling an aerosol, commonly called vapor; the act of using an electronic cigarette.
- Electronic/E-cigarette: Any device that simulates smoking by using a mechanical heating element, battery, or electronic circuit to deliver nicotine or other substances to the individual inhaling from the device. The term does not include a prescription medical device unrelated to the cessation of smoking.
- Delivery Systems: Pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic vapor products and devices, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes, vapes, mods, pens, etc.)
University Owned and Leased Property is defined as both interior and exterior space within the boundaries of all property owned, operated, leased, occupied or controlled by UTSA or the UT System on behalf of UTSA. For purposes of this policy, this term includes, but is not limited to,real estate, land, buildings, facilities, green space, and sidewalks that UTSA has a legal title of ownership, a contract to use, a lease to occupy, or a right to exercise control over in order to conduct University business. This term also includes all University owned vehicles. Rented facilities off campus used for special events will abide by the policies and procedures set by the vendor, i.e. football games at the Alamodome.
Campus Community means all faculty, staff, students, visitors, and contractors.
Public events means events such as conferences, meetings, public lecturers, social events, cultural events, and sporting events using University facilities. Organizers and attendees at such events are required to abide by this policy. Organizers are responsible for communicating this policy to attendees, as well as for enforcing it.
- Shared Responsibility: It is our shared responsibility to educate all members of the Campus Community to respect and abide by this policy
- UTSA Faculty/Staff/Students/Contractors/Subcontractors/Vendors/Visitors: Compliance with this policy is the responsibility of all members of the Campus Community, including contractors, subcontractors, vendors, and visitors.
- UTSA Office of People Excellence: Provide guidance to supervisors regarding the disciplinary procedure.
- Supervisors: Responsible for taking appropriate corrective action for policy violations. HOP 3.03 (Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees):
- UTSA Office of Institutional Compliance and Risk Services: Review and take appropriate action with respect to complaints or concerns regarding non-compliance with this policy.
- UTSA Student Conduct and Community Standards: Review and process referrals regarding student non-compliance with this policy, including appropriate disciplinary action.
- If you observe someone violating this policy, you should remind that person that UTSA is a tobacco free campus.
- Violations of this policy can be reported to:
- Compliance Hotline:
- Institutional Compliance Hotline Website
- Institutional Compliance Hotline Phone Number: 1 (877) 270-5051
- For faculty/staff violations, to the employee’s supervisor
- For student violations, to Student Conduct and Community Standards. The online form should be submitted and is available in Section XI of this policy
- Event Coordinators hosting campus related events are responsible for ensuring event participants adhere to the policy
A. Student Forms and Tools
Student Conduct - Behavioral and Scholastic Dishonesty Referral
B. Faculty/Staff Forms and Tools
Institutional Compliance Hotline Website
Institutional Compliance Hotline Phone Number: 1 (877) 270-5051
UTSA is committed to supporting students, faculty, and staff who wish to stop using tobacco products and vaping devices.
- Students: Resources are available through Student Health Services at Student Health Services-Tobacco Cessation.
- Faculty/Staff: Resources are available through the Employee Assistance Program, or through the UTSA Wellness Tobacco Cessation.
- UT Select Health Insurance Members: Find information about tobacco cessation counseling and pharmacy benefits at UT Living Well.