Training for Students

UTSA Peace Center offers training, awareness and education programs for students to gain the skills and knowledge to foster healthier environments and positive social norms to prevent sexual violence.

Workshops & Presentations

Our prevention education programs focus on empowering students with support and active practice to maintain a healthy and inclusive campus environment. We offer on-going educational workshops that provide students with skill-building activities to increase their confidence in reconstructing social norms, behaviors and attitudes. Our customized presentations focus on increasing knowledge through guided discussions and provide opportunities for students to explore the intersectional elements of sexual violence prevention.


  • Consent
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Communication
  • Deconstructing Rape Culture
  • Stalking 101
  • Green Dot Overview--Bystander Intervention
  • Sexual Violence Prevention
  • Sexual Violence in the Media

Are you interested in a customized presentation or looking for a topic not listed above? Contact the Prevention Specialist to work with you in creating a presentation that best fits your group’s needs. To request a presentation, please contact the Prevention Specialist at

Sexual Assault Prevention Courses are required for all UTSA students.  These online training modules and deadlines can be accessed through your myUTSA Account.  Please login to your myUTSA Account for a list of courses that are assigned to you and be mindful of the required deadlines.