Tuesday, October 8, 2024

UTSA joins National Academies’ prestigious Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable

UTSA joins National Academies’ prestigious Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable

JULY 12, 2021 — UTSA has joined the prestigious, Washington, D.C.-based Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable (GUIRR), an elite forum within the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine that is charged with improving the nation’s research enterprise and helping it reach its full potential.

GUIRR membership includes the nation’s foremost science and technology leaders to define and explore critical issues related to the national and global science and technology agenda that are of shared interest, to frame the next critical question stemming from current debate and analysis, and to incubate activities of ongoing value to the stakeholders. The forum is designed to facilitate candid dialogue among participants and foster self-implementing activities with the ultimate goal of improving society.

“Being invited to join is tremendous validation of the strength of UTSA’s comprehensive research portfolio.”

UTSA is a Hispanic Serving Institution that is on the fast track to becoming a nationally recognized research university. With an emphasis on entrepreneurship, innovation and transdisciplinary collaboration, the university is well on its way to attaining National Research University Fund (NRUF) eligibility and aims to earn an R1 (highest research activity) designation from the Carnegie Commission. UTSA academic and research specialties include cybersecurity, biomedicine, advanced materials and social-economic transformation.

“UTSA is an urban serving university focused on driving San Antonio’s knowledge economy, living out the notion that great universities need great cities and great cities need great universities. Key to that goal is creating an institution that is world renowned for its ground-breaking research,” said UTSA President Taylor Eighmy, who was appointed to GUIRR’s Council in 2019. “Our membership in GUIRR will accelerate our momentum to transform UTSA into a great public research university and will enable San Antonio to make impactful contributions to help shape the future of research and development in the U.S.”

Established in 1984, GUIRR holds three roundtables each year that bring together leaders from across the country to improve the nation’s science and technology enterprise. Membership in GUIRR includes senior leaders from Purdue, Stanford, MIT, Pfizer, Intel, IBM and 3M.

University and industry members join GUIRR in pairs. UTSA joined GUIRR alongside Round Rock, Texas-based Dell Technologies. Recently, Dell Technologies awarded UTSA a technology grant to invest in a hybrid cloud approach. It is using Dell’s platform to deliver research in data science and cybersecurity. The substantial savings to UTSA enables and supports the university’s ability to attract leading researchers and students driving groundbreaking research programs.

“GUIRR brings together top federal, university and industry leaders to address our nation’s research opportunities. This group is critical to developing real solutions and collaborations that shape and advance the nation’s science and technology agenda,” said Bernard Arulanandam, UTSA vice president for research, economic development, and knowledge enterprise, who will serve as the university’s representative to GUIRR. “Being invited to join is tremendous validation of the strength of UTSA’s comprehensive research portfolio.”

A Vision for UTSA, UTSA’s strategic plan, outlines a pathway for the university to become a great public research university by 2028. Over the last several years, UTSA has made great strides toward that goal, fueled by strong partnerships with educational institutions, industry leaders, and government and military representatives at the local and national levels.

UTSA is the only Hispanic Serving Institution in the nation with three Center for Academic Excellence designations from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency. The university is home to the National Security Collaboration Center, a hub for government, university and industry partners in the cybersecurity field, as well as the U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored Cyber Manufacturing Innovation Institute, a research ecosystem that is ushering in a new era of cybersecurity that focuses on energy efficiency, leads to job creation and technical innovation and is further propelling the U.S. to the forefront of manufacturing competitiveness.

The university is currently shaping Texas’ first-ever School of Data Science, which will include more than 70 researchers and is a key component in UTSA’s phased, 10-year approach to accelerating the development of its Downtown Campus as a destination for producing highly skilled professionals in data science and analytics, advancing economic development in the urban core and creating prosperity for San Antonio.

Additionally, UTSA employs nearly 40 researchers studying various aspects of brain health and is home to the South Texas Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, a team of two dozen researchers who are leading the charge to advance the fields of microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases, with a key focus on vaccine development.

Tricia Lynn Silva

UTSA Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Send your feedback to news@utsa.edu.

UTSA Today is produced by University Communications and Marketing, the official news source of The University of Texas at San Antonio. Send your feedback to news@utsa.edu. Keep up-to-date on UTSA news by visiting UTSA Today. Connect with UTSA online at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram.




UTSA & UT Health San Antonio integration

UTSA’s Mission

The University of Texas at San Antonio is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research and discovery, teaching and learning, community engagement and public service. As an institution of access and excellence, UTSA embraces multicultural traditions and serves as a center for intellectual and creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development and the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, the nation and the world.

UTSA’s Vision

To be a premier public research university, providing access to educational excellence and preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.

UTSA’s Core Values

We encourage an environment of dialogue and discovery, where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration and innovation are fostered.

UTSA’S Destinations

UTSA is a proud Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) as designated by the U.S. Department of Education .

Our Commitment to Inclusivity

The University of Texas at San Antonio, a Hispanic Serving Institution situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples and cultures for centuries, values diversity and inclusion in all aspects of university life. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans and other underserved communities, our university is committed to promoting access for all. UTSA, a premier public research university, fosters academic excellence through a community of dialogue, discovery and innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.