The Writing Center

About Us
The Writing Center is made up of mainly graduate English students and English major upperclassmen, although we are multidisciplinary and multilingual.
Tutors can work with you at any stage of writing: from brainstorming an idea, to a final last look. We can even assist with the preparatory notes and planning for your oral presentations.
The tutors can assist you with writing, but they will not edit your papers. Of course, they are more than happy to explain problems that you are having, but do not expect them to "correct" your papers. Each session is intended to be a learning experience.
We believe the perfection of writing is vital. Learning to organize our thoughts and express them logically teaches us how to think critically. Becoming aware of our audience and of different points of view makes us more ethical human beings. Also, learning to communicate well gives us the tools we need to enter into the discourse of our chosen fields.