Our computer lab is available for Faculty and Staff to use for instructional purposes. We have a Smart Board, a traditional projector, a document projector, and 26 computers available for your needs. We also, typically, have a staff member on hand to offer instant IT support. Please see the following information for registering with our appointment system and reserving the computer lab for your use.
Our computer lab is avaialble for reservations Monday-Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you would like to reserve the computer lab outside of our regular hours, please contact Martha Smith directly at Martha.Smith@utsa.edu.
Select the Computer Lab calendar from the dropdown box at the top-center area of the page.
Find the date (listed on the left in blue) and the time (listed across the top) that best fits your needs.
White boxes indicate availability and light blue boxes indicate someone else's appointment.
Find an available slot during your preferred time and date period.
Make an appointment by:
Click on an empty white square.
Verify your name and email address is showing at the top of the window.
Adjust the duration of the appointment. (If you are making back to back appointments you can make one single reservation to include the entire time you wish to reserve).
*Due to the nature of our system, all appointments are rounded up to the nearest 30-minute interval i.e. reserving the lab for a 50 minute class will require an hour long reservation.*
Fill out the required fields designated by the *. For the 'Please describe your assignment' field, you can include any special requests or additional information for our Computer Administrator.
Save your reservation by clicking the button at the bottom.
Your appointment will now appear as an orange box on the calendar.
*Any reservations needed before 9:00 am or after 5:00 pm, should be made through Martha Smith (Martha.Smith@utsa.edu), in order to guarantee access.*
Adding your name to the Waiting List:
If the time you were hoping to reserve the lab is already taken, you can place your name on our waiting list to be notified of a cancelation.
Navigate to the date you would like to be added to our Waiting List.
Click on the 'Waiting List' link in the bottom right-hand corner of the day you would like to be added.
Add your name, or your proxy's name, in the 'Client' field.
If you need the lab at a specific time, adjust the time limit fields to the propper times.
Click the button.
*If a reservation is canceled during your designated time slot, you will recieve an email notification from our system. In the event that there are multiple people waiting for the same time slot, it will be first-come, first-served.*
Canceling a Reservation:
Select your appointment on the calendar (inidciated by the orange box.
Scroll to the bottom of your appointment window.
Click the button and verify your appointment has disappeared off the schedule.
*Please make sure to cancel reservations you no longer need in order to free up the calendar for other faculty and staff who may be on the waiting list.*