**For more information on New Student Orientation Advising Appointments, please visit: https://www.utsa.edu/advising/appointments/new-student-appointments.html
We provide both in-person and virtual appointments, to support our students and our community's health and wellness. These methods of advising include email, phone or virtual meetings. Our academic advising team members are virtually available during normal business hours (Monday - Friday 8:00am–5:00pm CST) to assist you. For questions, additional assistance, or information on scheduling an appointment, please visit our Appointment Policies page.
Schedule Planner
Important Dates
- March 4- Midterm grades available on myUTSA Account
- March 11-15- Spring Break. Classes do not meet.
- March 25- Drop Deadline for individual classes
- TBD – Summer/Fall 2024 Registration
- April 30 - Deadline to withdraw from ALL classes
- May 2 - Last Day of Classes for regular 16-week term.
- May 3- Study Day. Classes do not meet.
- May 6-10- Final Exams. No Final Exams on Saturday and Sunday.
- May 10- End of Term for Spring 2024. *Year-old Incomplete (“IN”) grades convert to “F” at 5:00 p.m. (undergraduate courses only)
- TBD – Spring 2024 Commencement
- May 15- Final grades available on myUTSA Account
*View full academic calendar.
View Class Schedules
Commencement Information
Advising YouTube Channel
To make an appointment with your assigned advisor, call 210.458.4900 or visit the Student Success Center located on the Main Campus or Buena Vista (BVB) 1.304 located on the Downtown Campus.
View Class Schedules
Commencement Information
Advising YouTube Channel
To make an appointment with your assigned advisor, call 210.458.4900 or visit the Student Success Center located on the Main Campus or Buena Vista (BVB) 1.304 located on the Downtown Campus.
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