Submit Your Video

National Security Collaboration Center & School of Data Science
Virtual Groundbreaking - Voices of Support

Thank you for participating in our virtual groundbreaking by submitting your Voices of Support video! We are honored to have your testimonial appear on our virtual wall of community, industry and civic leaders.

Please contact Mitzi Shipley, Associate Director of Creative Services, for questions or assistance with uploading your video.

Uploading Instructions

1 Record your video (maximum length: 30 seconds). See our Tips for Recording section for additional instructions.

2  Upload your video here.

3 Click Add files and select Files from computer.

Add files in Dropbox

4 Once you've added the file you want to upload, you may be prompted to enter your name and email address so that we know who uploaded the files.

Add name and email address in Dropbox

5 Click Upload. A screen appears to show you’ve successfully uploaded your files.

File has been uploaded

Tips for Recording

Getting Started - iPhone

1 Check your video settings before starting.

Settings icon selected on iPhone

Go to Settings

Camera icon selected on iPhone


Record Video option selected on iPhone

Record Video

4k at 30 FPS option selected on iPhone

4K at 30fps

2 Shoot in airplane mode to avoid interruptions.

Settings icon selected on iPhone

Go to Settings

Airplane mode selected on iPhone

Airplane Mode On

Getting Started - Android

1 Check your video settings before starting.

Camera settings on Android phone: Rear Camera Video Size

Go to Camera Settings

Camera settings on Android phone: Rear Camera Video Size

Rear Video Size

Rear Camera Video Size UDH 3840x2160

Resolution UDH 3840x2160

2 Shoot in airplane mode to avoid interruptions.

Settings selected on Android

Go to settings

Connections selected on Android phone


Airplane mode selected on Android phone

Airplane Mode On

Setup for Recording

1 Film your video in landscape orientation: orient your phone horizontally.

Phone being help in widescreen format

2 Find a good lighting source. The person on-camera should always face the light source. Avoid windows or any light sources behind the person on-camera.

Phone recording two people

3 Choose a background that doesn’t distract the viewer from the person on camera.

4 Use a tripod to film yourself or the person you’re interviewing, or place your phone against something such as books to create a tripod. Bring the camera up to the eye level of the person on-camera.

Phone setup on a tripod

Phone setup between two books

5 Record with your main (rear) camera, not your front (selfie) camera... even if you are recording yourself.

Male recording female with rear camera

6 Choose the location of the recording carefully to avoid any distracting sounds in the background. The person on-camera should be as close to the camera as is practical, so that your audio quality will be optimal.

Camera placed 2-3 ft in front of male

Quality and Testing

1 Have the person on-camera look directly into the lens of the camera when recording.

Phone being help in widescreen format

2 Before the actual recording, record a test, and play it back to confirm the quality of the audio and video.

Additional Tips

1 If possible, set your camera to Video Size UHD 3810 x 2160 or 4K at 30fps. If this is not possible, HD 1920 x 1080 will work.

2 Please shoot indoors in a controlled environment. Choose a pleasing background with no illuminated lights or windows visible in the background. Be aware of any background sounds which can distract from your presentation… this includes air conditioning noise or other intermittent sounds. If possible, turn off your A/C unit while recording.

3 Lighting is very important… please have a good light source to illuminate yourself. If you are wearing glasses, check to make sure that your light source is not causing distracting reflections that can be seen in your glasses.

4 Remember to orient your camera to horizontal (widescreen) position. The image of yourself in the picture should be framed so that at the top there’s a slight amount of space above your head, and at the bottom, we see your fourth shirt button (i.e., about 6” above your waist).

5 During your presentation, please be sure you are looking directly into the camera. If you will be working from a script, please place it directly beneath the camera lens, or alternatively, immediately to the left or right of the camera lens.

*If you would like to see the full Custom Ink article on How to Shoot Your Own Success Story Video, click here.