Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

March 2011, Issue 5


The Movement: an Exploration of Civil Rights

“I used to think that obstacles and trials that we face are put in our lives for us to overcome, learn from, and become a better person. After The Movement, I feel that I cannot truly grow from a situation if I don’t give back to my community after becoming a better person. I plan to devote time toward giving back and because of The Movement, I know anytime is a good time to start. Life is too short to wait around; I want to be a pioneer of change.” – Justina Williams

“More than anything this trip has helped me realize that civil rights and social justice issues aren’t ideas, but a lifelong movement. While on the trip I made a pledge to myself that I would stand-up and support others in their fight within ‘The Movement’, no matter how big or small the battle.”-
DeMarcus Lewis

“Words cannot describe how I feel, pictures cannot capture the growth, the change or the empowerment that I feel inside. But my actions will be a true testament of how impactful this trip was, and appreciative I am of those who contributed to it. I will wait no longer, the movement starts now.” –
Charnelle Thompson

To read about the student’s experience and view our photos, check out The Movement facebook, Contact the Student Leadership Center (210-458-7967) or the Inclusion and Community Engagement Center (210-458-4770).

Student Leadership Center sends students to SBSLC 2012

“Overall, this experience has shown me that you cannot hoard your leadership skills, but instead pass them on. That way when I graduate, I do not take all of my knowledge with me.” – Kiara Gradney, ALI participant

“Overall this conference was a great opportunity to network and make a lot of connections. You never know who may be able to help you out later on.” –
JaKori Jackson

“During one of our sessions we talked about the problems of our university and the ways to solve these problems. It was encouraging to know that we all were facing the same issues and the various approaches in which we were taking to solve them. I instantly felt less defeated and was ready to fight the good fight.” –
LaKendria Ellis, ALI participant

“I will bring back advice and knowledge from the keynote speakers, as well as a larger appreciation of a culture I originally knew little about historically. This is by far the best leadership conference I have ever attended.” –
Ezinne Oparanozie