Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

February 2012, Issue 3

True Colors

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True Colors – Listening to the People.

Here’s what some of your colleagues say about how True Colors influences them. They took True Colors training from 2 years to 2 months ago. At least one other division on campus is represented in these responses. Thanks!

Taking the True Colors class gave me some insight on how my colleagues think and work. There were some surprises. Some were Blues, when I thought they were Oranges. So, that helped me to see that I have more in common with some colleagues than I thought I did. The class throws some light on these issues, and I think it is very beneficial and helps to make a more productive workplace. It helps me understand that people communicate and think in different ways, and that my approach may not be the same as someone else’s. Now, I can take these differences into account, and it can help things go more smoothly and more efficiently as we build a Tier One university.

I do not use my TC training and knowledge on a daily basis because everyone in my office shares my first two colors—we all communicate effectively with one another. However, the few times I interact with people outside my immediate office, I make an effort to ensure I am speaking clearly, slowly, and that the words are thought out. Having been trained in TC, knowing the traits of Gold, my dominant color, and my behavior, I am better able to understand why I act or think in a certain way. Comparing the traits of my dominant color to my last color (Orange) in turn helps me understand how my thought process can be 100% confusing to someone else. This internalizing ultimately helps me to communicate more effectively… or so I hope!

TC training has become the common language at UTSA not just within Student Affairs but around the university. Understanding my own true colors allows me to understand how I communicate and view issues to better communicate with those around me.

Using TC training regularly within my staff team allows for easier collaborations, clear communications and deeper connections. Using TC training and knowledge allowed us to maximize training and organizing the tasks and how we communicate those tasks to our student workers. I have experienced use of TC training and knowledge to quickly bond a new work group together to accomplish and assign tasks at hand…..and not just to the Golds! Many student affairs staff use it to take the risk and take on a new task they normally would not do to brighten a specific color.

Knowing what people in each color value most in the work environment helps me find better ways to communicate and work with others. I also understand my reactions better.

Understanding and embracing my color has enabled me to understand myself more and have a better picture of how others receive my style of communication. I have improved my adaptability for interacting with others who are not of the same dominant True Color as me. While we can tease about “he’s so orange” it really has been a highly effective tool for improving communication and fostering positive relationships in the workplace.

True Colors Upcoming Training --

True Colors Training Schedule for STAFF (SD 410) ---- SPRING 2012

Training Schedule for Spring 2012 ----- see attached schedule

True Colors Training Schedule for Student Affairs STUDENT employees (SD 417) -- SPRING 2012

Training Schedule for Spring 2012 ----- see attached schedule

Any comments? Please send to

Four C's

Four Cs logo

Four C’s Training Schedule for STAFF   (SD 415) – SPRING 2012

Training Schedule for Spring 2012------see attached schedule