Snapshots Announcements Spotlight UTSA Athletics

March 2014, Issue 3

Rave Reviews

Marietta Delarosa Recognized by SWACUHO

Marietta Delarosa Award

SWACUHO, the Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers, recognized Marietta Delarosa as having one of the top 5 programs at the recent SWACUHO Conference!

Em took a very creative approach to helping new housing professionals "see into the future." She conducted video interviews of higher education leaders sharing what insights they wish they had heard (or listened to) when they were new professionals.

She also collaborated with several of her housing industry peers to coordinate the roundtable discussions.

Congratulations, Em!

Submitted by,
Kevin Price
Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

SGA Leaders Elected for 2014-2015

The Student Government Association recently held their Spring 2014 Elections. New officers and senators were elected to serve for the 2014-2015 school year and will be sworn in at the Student Government Banquet on April 6, 2014.

President - Zack Dunn

The current SGA President, Zack Dunn currently holds the titles of Mr. UTSA, Mr. What-A-Man, and is the Chair of the UT Student Advisory Committee. He was also the recipient of the Jane Findling Award which recognizes students for their contributions in leadership, at the 2013 University Life Awards.

Vice President - Christian Kenney

Christian Kenney is a former Orientation Leader and served Student Government as the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee.

Secretary - Cole Whitmore

A former Orientation Leader as well, Cole Whitmore has most recently served SGA as the Chair of the Business Affairs Committee. Cole is also a member of the Honors College and the Student Government Dodgeball team.

Treasurer - Ileana Gonzalez

Ileana Gonzalez will continue to serve as Treasurer, a position she has held since January when she was the successful candidate in a special election. Ileana also chairs the Finance Committee and was the student coordinator for the 2013 Homecoming Golf Cart Parade.

Chief of Staff

Jerome Scott has served UTSA as an Orientation Student Coordinator, President of the Student Organization Council, and as SGA Secretary.


Submitted by,
John Montoya
Assistant Director, Student Activities

Ginnifer Cie Gee UTSA Registrar Office

Ginnifer Cie Gee Recognized by SACRAO

Ginnifer Cie Gee was selected as one of the President’s Outstanding SACRAO Presenters for 2014. SACRAO is the Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

Her presentation, "Do You Perceive Your Perception Perceptively?" was highly rated by the committee chairs and attendees alike.

In the award citation, SACRAO thanked Cie for her hard work in creating this presentation and giving her attendees a very positive SACRAO experience.

Congratulations, Cie!

bulletSee previous Points of Pride