About Our Planning Process
In June 2018 President Taylor Eighmy launched UTSA’s Campus Master Plan initiative, charging a task force of faculty, staff, students and community stakeholders with creating a framework for the development of the university’s campuses over the next decade. Under the leadership of Provost Kimberly Espy, the task force worked over the next 16 months to create a plan that linked closely to the university’s strategic vision and priorities, following a highly collaborative process that involved the UTSA and San Antonio communities.
The University of Texas System Board of Regents approved the plan on November 15, 2019, setting a roadmap to guide the university’s future physical development, investment and growth.
Task Force Members
Kimberly Espy |
Bernard Arulanandam |
Monica Bowden |
JoAnn Browning |
Lisa Campos |
Margo DelliCarpini |
Jack Rust |
Dan Gelo |
Paul Goodman |
Clay Haverland |
Dean Hendrix |
Sean Kelly |
Chad Mahood |
John Murphy |
Benjamin Perry |
Kevin Price |
Rogelio Sáenz |
Gerry Sanders |
Can Saygin |
Heather Shipley |
Tulio Sulbaran |