The University Ombuds offers different options to meet with a visitor. A face-to-face visit is typically the most helpful, but you have the option of a virtual meeting using either Teams or Zoom, or a phone call. The Ombuds will schedule a meeting with you at a time that works best with your schedule. Just remember, email is subject to open records requests. You may use email for the initial contact, but do not send sensitive information.
If you prefer to meet in person, please email the Ombuds to schedule an appointment.
Remember that UTSA employees (faculty, staff and student) should contact the University Ombuds, and students should contact Student Assistance Services with their academic concerns.
The Ombuds Process:
Listen to concerns
Gather information
Propose solutions
Follow up

Donna Edmondson
University Ombuds
Office: MS 4.01.54
Phone: (210) 458-5605
Cell: (210) 843-2818
Have you utilized the University Ombuds's assistance?
Please provide feedback about your experience via this anonymous online survey.