2019 News
CAMEE Has Its First Officially Noted Publication
November — "Tibetan Plateau's lake level and volume changes from NASA's ICESat/ICESat-2 and Landsat missions" is the first publication on Tibetan's Plateau from NASA's IceSat2.
CAMEE Student YoungHyun Koo Selected to Participate in CUAHSI's Snow Measurement Field School
November — CUAHSI partnered with NASA International Snow Working Group Remote Sensing to offer the 4-day field school on making and analyzing snow measurements.
Dr. Christopher Combs Awarded Air Force Young Investigator Research Program Grant
October — The Air Force's Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) rewards scientists and engineers at U.S. research institutions who received their Ph.D. or equivalent degrees in the last seven years and show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research of military interests.
At the Heart of Aerospace: San Antonio, TX
October — Dr. Combs discusses aviation in San Antonio and his research in high-speed aerodynamics and hypersonics.
Stephen Ackley Interviewed by KSAT12 About the Amazon Forest Fires
August — Twenty five percent of the world's forests are in the Amazon. The Amazon creates 20% of the Earth's oxygen and also takes in a lot of the world's carbon dioxide.
Stephen Ackley Discusses CAMEE in Texas Standard Interview
August — Among other things, the center will study rising temperatures in a growing number of highly populated areas.
UTSA Wins $3M NASA Award To Launch Extreme Environments Center
July — The new interdisciplinary center will include five UTSA members: Stephen Ackley, Dr. Alberto Mestas-Nuñez, and Dr. Hongjie Xie from Geological Sciences; Dr. Christopher Combs and Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar from Mechanical Engineering.
NASA Awards Universities Funding That May Support Moon to Mars
July — NASA's Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO), has awarded eight cooperative agreements to universities to perform research and education.