Process & Roles
The visioning process was aimed at deepening and broadening the ITC’s engagement with our communities as an exemplary cultural heritage institution — one that informs our future and inclusively tells the story of our past — and will continue to define for future generations what it means to be a Texan.
Task Forces
The Task Forces used their individual expertise and experiences to develop a set of recommendations that addressed the ITC Centennial 2068 questions posed to the Task Force to be considered by the Steering Committee in developing realistic, feasible scenarios; and review, evaluate and prioritize the ideas and input provided by our stakeholders from the Community Conversations.
The task forces focused on three areas:
Future" Museum of the Future Members
Sustaining Support Community Engagement & Sustaining Support Members
Stewardship Facility & Land Stewardship Members
Ideation Process
Each task force worked with experts to gather and evaluate community input through public sessions and other mechanisms, to identify best practice peer exemplars for benchmarking and goal setting, to evaluate input in light of internal data and peer exemplars, and to develop several aspirational models.
Susana Smith Bautista
for "Museum of the Future" Task ForceCarl Hamm, CFRE
For Community Engagement & Sustaining Engagement Task ForceSteering committee
The steering committee shepherded the overall visioning process; synthesized and integrated input, output, and work from sector-specific taskforces; developed 3 feasible scenarios integrated across sectors; and advised UTSA leadership on advantages and disadvantages of developed scenarios. UTSA was fully open to all viable scenarios resulting from this important community-driven process.
As facilitator for the visioning process, Houston-based Lopez Negrete Communications oversaw community discussions and engagement among UTSA, the ITC Centennial 2068 steering committee and task forces, individual community stakeholders and groups including the Urban Land Institute, local community organizations and placemaking consultants, among others.
Lopez Negrete partnered with frequent collaborator TouchPoint Strategies, a Houston-based public relations firm with experience in urban planning and economic development, to lead community engagement under the direction of Damon Williams, cultural and public engagement strategist. San Antonio-based Opt In Experts, led by CEO and founder Mari Aguirre-Rodriguez, provided further assistance by promoting and managing public outreach events associated with ITC Centennial 2068.