
July 17, 2020

That Momentous Week in June and its Potential Consequences for Higher Education

Office of Legal Affairs
The end of Spring 2020 was quite remarkable, even in this era of social distancing, face coverings and hand sanitizers spawned by COVID-19. Indeed, aside and apart from the ongoing pandemic, three recent events are bound to have far-reaching, long-term implications for many segments of society, including higher education. Read more  
July 17, 2020

The New Hub for Outside Counsel Contracts and Invoicing

The ever-turning wheels of contracted services amidst daily university business includes one wheel which keeps UT components moving... Read more  
July 17, 2020

UTSA’s Open Records: Valuable Texas Assets

Office of Legal Affairs
The Texas’ Records Management Interagency Coordinating Council (RMICC) considers state records, including those at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), as valuable Texas assets. The records we manage at UTSA carry value as both citizens and government alike count on them to be accurate, reliable and... Read more  
July 17, 2020

Liability Considerations for Higher Education in the COVID-19 Era

Office of Legal Affairs
It is well known that the coronavirus has impacted nearly every aspect of daily life over the last few months. As universities have adapted to these changes, the next step will be to plan for the resumption and reopening of at least certain onsite activities in light of the coronavirus. Read more