While UTSA offers student computing on-campus in our public lab spaces, many students choose to bring equipment with them to use for classes and study.  Below are some equipment recommendations for accessing UTSA digital resources from on and off-campus such as Canvas, to install and run Microsoft Office, and connect to the MyApps VDI. 


Type of Device

Minimum Specifications

Windows Laptop or Desktop
  • Operating systems supported at an updated version of Windows 10 or 11.
  • 4GB of RAM
  • Functional WiFi adapter for AirRowdy
Apple Laptop or Desktop
  • Operating systems supported are 3 versions prior to the latest release of OS X.
  • 4GB of RAM
  • Functional WiFi adapter for AirRowdy

Mobile devices such as; Tablets and Chromebooks

  • These devices offer cost-effective and lightweight alternatives to laptop and desktop computers. While these do run most web applications and support our Office365 applications such as Word, Excel, and Outlook – you may run into limitations for certain application compatibility and difficulty rendering all web-based course content correctly.

For improved performance, UTS recommends computers purchased within the last 5 years, with at least 6GB of ram and a solid-state hard drive.

For students utilizing Adobe Creative Cloud and other design, architectural, or engineering types of specialized programs:

These applications may have additional specifications required. Feel free to give us a call or email techcafe@utsa.edu to discuss your computing needs on campus. You can also stop by the UTSA Campus Tech Store for equipment purchases and information. https://campustechnologystore.com/campustechnologystore/

Equipment Purchases

For new equipment purchases, UTSA has partnered with Dell to offer preconfigured and discounted laptops to UTSA students, faculty, and staff for personal use.  These devices are available in several models and price points, with performance specifications, recommended to meet the needs of most UTSA students.  https://dell.com/utsa