Distress Response
Distressed individuals can display alarming behaviors. When someone is exhibiting distress, a brief safety assessment should occur. If there is a significant risk of violence, UTSA Police should be contacted (210-458-4911) immediately. If a person is expressing suicidal thoughts, seek the assistance of the Counseling and Mental Health Services (210-58-4140) or UTSA Police for a welfare assessment.
If police response does not appear warranted, here are tips for responding:
- Use a calm voice
- Offer to keep information private. Only offer confidentiality if your profession allows you to offer confidentiality.
- Avoid touching the person, even if the intended outcome is to comfort the person.
- Neutrally state the observed behavior of concern.
- If possible, ask the person to tell you more about the observed behavior of concern.
- Contact appropriate resources (click on Orange Folder).
- File a BIT report (See the tab titled Report a Behavior Concern).