Events FAQ

FAQ: Accessibility


UTSA is committed to promoting equal access to all university programs and activities and requires event planners to comply with state and federal laws and UTSA policies regarding accessibility for those with disabilities.

In planning any event at UTSA, be sure to analyze your event from various perspectives and types of challenges faced by those with disabilities (mobility, auditory, visual, sensory, etc.) and identify accessibility concerns in your event application. Your UTSA Event Manager will review your accessibility planning and work closely with you during the event planning process to help ensure that your event is accessible.

  • All flyers, social media, websites, advertisements, registration and application materials associated with the event, should include the event coordinator’s contact information including name, phone number, and email address and provide appropriate space for attendees to request accommodations.  
    • Example: “For individuals requiring accommodations, please contact: name, phone number, email address at least one week prior to the event to help ensure availability.” 
  • Consider providing information regarding accessible routes and transportation to the event and locations of accessible parking.

Consider adding language such as: Please let us know if you need any of the following accommodations to participate: Assistive listening device, interpreter, captioning, reserved front row seat, large print, advance copy of slides to be projected, wheelchair access, mother’s room/lactation room, dietary restrictions, other

  • Promotion and registration – Let participants know how to request accommodation and what accessible features and amenities will be available at your event.
  • Signage – Consider how participants will locate accessible parking and other features.
  • Materials – Ensure all participants can access materials to be used or displayed at the event and consider offering materials in alternative formats such as large print or braille.
  • Presenters – Make sure your participants can equally experience and engage with presenters by considering access to communications systems and the use of assistive devices or sign language interpreters.
  • Food and beverages – Ensure that participants with disabilities can access food and beverage stations and consider options for those with dietary restrictions.
  • Venue
    • Consider how participants will get to your event, including accessible transportation and parking.
    • Elevators and ramps – Consider adding temporary ramps or lifts if needed.
    • Entrance/Exit – Consider how participants of all abilities will enter and exit your event.
    • Parking and pathways – Ensure that sufficient accessible parking is available as close as possible to your event, and that pathways are smooth and clear of obstructions.
    • Restrooms – Make sure enough accessible restrooms are available for all participants.
  • Audiovisual – Consider alternative formats for audiovisual presentations, including closed-captioning and assistive listening devices.
  • Setup – Consider safety and mobility concerns when setting up your event by taping down wires, providing wide pathways and aisles, and removing anything that might obstruct a route to or within your event.
  • Seating – Provide accessible seating to all participants.
  • Emergency planning – Consider participants with disabilities when planning for emergencies, including evacuation options.
  • Sign language interpreter
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Amplification of the speaker
  • Media in an alternative format (copy of presentations, handouts in large print or Braille)
  • Accessible portable bathrooms

FAQ: Advertising

  • Events should be advertised only after receiving a confirmed reservation for space from the space scheduling office.
  • This information should be included in your RowdyLink event submission so that University Strategic Communications can be made aware of your event, review all event details and provide guidance.
  • UTSA allows commercial filming on its campuses provided those creating the footage are compliant with UT System Board of Regents Rules and Regulations and the filming request adds value to the university’s mission and vision.
  • Learn more about commercial filming and submit a commercial filming request.
  • View the UTSA Events Calendar to learn about events happening at UTSA.
  • Submit your event in RowdyLink to have your event listed on this calendar.

FAQ: Audiovisual

  • Audiovisual consists of equipment such as microphones, computer, projector, lighting, house sound and speakers, video recording and streaming, etc.
  • Consider your audience, the number of people, the room you are presenting, information you will be presenting to them, and how you will be presenting information. If you will have a guest speaker or performer at your event, ensure that they provide you their technical requirements in advance. Include this information in your RowdyLink event submission.
  • Several departments on campus provide audiovisual services to events and the office you will coordinate with will depend on your event location. Include all audiovisual requirements in your RowdyLink event submission and the appropriate department will contact you.

FAQ: Camps with Minors

  • The UT Systemwide Camp Program provides Excess Accident and General Liability coverage to participants and staff of enrolled, UT-owned and operated sports and educational (non-sports) camps held throughout the year.
  • To enroll in the camp insurance program, notify the UT System Office of Risk Management at least 7 business days prior to the start of your camp if you desire to enroll in the Camp Program. It will take at least 5 business days to receive a certificate of insurance.
  • For more information on camp requirements, contact YPP Coordinator

FAQ: Food and Beverage

  • Learn more about UTSA catering options, including both UTSA Dining catering services and UTSA-approved caterers. Caterers can also find information about becoming a UTSA-approved caterer.
  • Prepare for clean-up and disposal of food trash before your event. Work with your event manager to make arrangements for trashcans and other clean-up services.
  • A Facilities Work Order Request may be required, depending upon location. Requests must be completed at least 10 business days prior to event. Fees apply.
  • Any cleanup or restoration to a space needed after the event will be charged to the hosting organization.
  • The Classroom Events Scheduling Policy does not permit food and drinks in any academic classrooms. Food and beverages may be served in lobby areas outside classrooms but may not be taken inside classrooms.
  • Deep frying, propane and grilling are not permitted on campus without advance permission from Risk Management.
  • There are 5 food fundraiser locations available in the Central Plaza. Reservation is required in advance.
  • View the map of available food fundraiser locations in the Central Plaza.
  • Work with your event scheduling office to determine an appropriate space for your caterer to prepare for the event. Some facilities on campus have nearby kitchens or other spaces that can be used for catering prep.

FAQ: Parking

  • Campus Services provides event parking and transportation options for the Main and Downtown campuses.
  • For large-scale events, Campus Services also offers services such as directional and parking signage, event maps and barricades. Submit an event request through RowdyLink, and they will help coordinate your special event parking options.
  • If you are hosting an on-campus event that requires parking, you must submit an event request through RowdyLink. Parking questions are included in the RowdyLink event request process.
  • Parking lots used for event space can also be requested through your RowdyLink event submission.
  • For questions or assistance, please email
  • View the campus map for locations of parking garages and lots.

FAQ: Risk Management

  • Risk management is the practice of identifying and analyzing potential risks and implications and developing plans/approaches to respond effectively.
  • Research event risk management plans to develop your own comprehensive plan. Some considerations may include:
    • Crowd control
    • Severe weather – indoor/outdoor events and monitoring weather from local news sources; develop a contingency plan
    • Entrance/exits, fire extinguishers, exit strategies
    • Volunteer assignments during emergencies
    • Check in, door clickers, wristbands, etc. when seating is limited
  • Review the UTSA Office of Risk & Emergency Management Special Events Planning Considerations guide to help create a plan for evacuations, severe weather, etc.
  • Student Organizations can also review the Student Organization Handbook for risk management tips during events.
  • Many templates can be used to create a plan. It is important to consider all potential risk factors when creating a plan. Questions to get you started may include:
    • Where do I start when it comes to risk management event planning?
    • Who should I include in my risk management event plan?
    • How do I execute on my event's risk management plan?
    • What if something happens anyway during my event?
    • How should I respond if there's a risk at my event?
  • Promote event participants to monitor their phones for UTSA Alerts via text, email, or voice message (for UTSA participants); non-UTSA guests can text “UTSAguest” to 226787 to receive temporary alerts. Additionally, the LiveSafe app allows students, faculty, staff and visitors to report suspicious activity, view safety resources, report incidents emergency options and safewalk. Click the LiveSafe app for download instructions.
  •  The guide highlights emergency procedures, important contact numbers, emergency guides, and quick inks are found on UTSA Alerts. 
  • The Fire Prevention and Life Safety Team provides safety services to some special events, including cooking operations inspections, reviewing electrical usage, and monitoring event conditions to help ensure everyone enjoys a safe and successful event. Requests are made through the RowdyLink event submission.
  • Based on event activity and event organizer, event organizers may be required to show proof of their own event insurance. All events hosted by non-UTSA, independent entities are required to have event insurance for major events on campus.
  • A Certificate of Insurance is written proof that you have insurance for your event and that the Certificate Holder (i.e., The University of Texas at San Antonio and The UT System Board of Regents) can utilize your coverage in the event of a loss. This means the above must be listed as Additional Insured).
  • A typical policy should include:
    • The policy start and end date must encompass the date of your event.
    • General Liability coverage up to $1,000,000
    • Coverage for damage to rented premises up to $300,000
    • Personal and Advertising Injury coverage (slander, libel, infringement of copyright, etc.) up to $1,000,000
    • General Aggregate up to $2,000,000
    • (If alcohol served) Liquor Liability
  • All service providers need to furnish UTSA with their own Certificate of Insurance prior to the event. UTSA requires a Certificate of Insurance from service providers that includes:
    • The service provider must be listed as the Insured.
    • UTSA, UT System Board of Regents must be listed as Additional Insured. If the event organizer is a student organization, the RSO name should also be listed as Additional Insured.
    • The policy start and end date must encompass the date of your event.
    • General Liability coverage at least $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 General Aggregate.
    • The policy must include coverage of at least $300,000 for damage to rented premises.
    • If the service provider is a caterer, the policy must include Products/Completed Operations Liability coverage of at least $2,000,000.
    • If the service provider is bringing a vehicle onto campus, the policy must include Automobile Liability coverage of at least $1,000,000.
    • If the service provider is bringing its employees onto campus, the policy must include evidence of Texas Workers’ Compensation coverage.

FAQ: Security

  • The goal of the UTSA Police Department is to make every event on campus a safe environment for all those attending. UTSA Police Department is responsible for working with event organizers to determine the necessary or appropriate security measures for each event on a case-by-case basis.
  • See the UTSA PD website for more information.
  • UTSA Police Department reserves the right to use additional factors in determining the appropriate safety and security measures necessary at on campus events. Some criteria may include:
    • Event type (concert, political event, festival, etc.)
    • Projected attendance
    • Off-campus speakers, dignitaries, celebrities, etc.
    • Advertised to public
    • Access level (ticketed, etc.)
    • Location
    • Prior history of an event
    • Health and safety concerns
    • Money collected at entrance
    • Alcohol served
    • Effect to normal campus operations and/or impact on the academic mission of UTSA
  • All requests are made through the RowdyLink event submission.
  • Key areas where handguns are not permitted at UTSA are listed on the UTSA Campus Carry website.
  • Campus Carry signs are required to be posted outside of event entrances at events:
    • Where alcohol is being served
    • Polling locations
    • Facilities when serving/hosting summer or youth related camps/events
  • Event organizers are required to post/remove Campus Carry signs and may be requested prior to the event from:

FAQ: Space Scheduling

View the Space Scheduler Directory for the point of contact to reserve event spaces across all UTSA campuses.
  • Academic spaces are not available for event requests until after the University Registrar’s census date each semester.
  • Student Union priority dates
  • Business Building University Room (doesn’t follow SU priority dates)
  • Booking space/planning event is recommended in this timeframe prior to event date:
    • Major events = 1 month
    • Events requiring services = 3 weeks
    • Meeting & Study Rooms = 1 week to Day Of
  • Registered Student Organizations can designate up to 5 organization members as an Authorized Representative in RowdyLink. These members will be the ones permitted to schedule events on behalf of their organization.
  • Study Days and Finals
  • Tabling is also not available during BestFest, Fiesta UTSA, incoming student orientation, and Involvement Fairs.
  • Find more information in the Student Organization Handbook.

FAQ: Tabling


Subject to the following, university persons and organizations may set up tables in any outdoor location on the campus and in any large, open location:

  1. Tables cannot disrupt university functions or interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
  2. Tables may not be set up inside any library, classroom, laboratory, performance hall, stadium, or office, or in any hallway less than ten feet wide, without permission from the academic or administrative unit that controls the space, or from the faculty member or staff member who controls the space at a particular time.
  • Registered student organizations are permitted to fundraise. Requirements are found in the Student Organization Handbook. Fundraising requires advanced permission and must have a reservation made through RowdyLink for one of the designated areas on campus. Food fundraisers require additional steps and fees.
  • Tabling may not take place during New Student Orientation, BestFest, Día en la Sombrilla, involvement fairs and study days/finals.
  • Each table must have a sign or literature that identifies the person or organization sponsoring the table.
  • Yes, any person or organization sponsoring a table shall remove litter from the area around the table at the end of each day.
  • No
  • Items directly placed on the ground, not on tables are considered exhibits. And advanced permission is required. Items such as pop-up tents, organization letters, small lawn games, and any other items not on top of a table are considered exhibits and require advance reservation and approval. Submit details of any exhibit items in your RowdyLink event submission. Read more about the University’s exhibit policy.
  • Persons and organizations may supply their own tables. In addition, the Student Union on the Main Campus maintains a limited supply of tables that may be reserved and checked out for use on campus by university student organizations Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:45 pm. Existing university furniture on campus may not be used.
  • With advanced permission and approval through your event submission in RowdyLink, amplified sound is permitted in several outdoor locations on both campuses. Read more about the Amplified Sound.

FAQ: Other


At UTSA, a joint sponsored activity is any event, camp, conference, meeting or program that takes place on any of the UTSA campuses, that occurs only after UTSA extends an invitation, and that is hosted by an UTSA/Internal Host and an Invited/External Host unaffiliated with UTSA. UTSA/Internal Hosts will arrange for use of UTSA property associated with the event, will obtain all required UTSA authorization(s) and permission(s) and will serve as the primary point of contact for the event.

All joint sponsorships must be consistent with Series 80105 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents and UTSA's Handbook of Operating Procedures (Chapter 8, Section 5). Detailed rules, regulations and procedures may be found at:

To ensure UTSA meets each event's needs, Invited/External Hosts and UTSA/Internal Hosts are asked to initiate the approval process for joint sponsored events preferably sixty (60) days prior to the event. For activities beyond a simple meeting, more lead time may be required for approval. If in its sole discretion, UTSA determines the application is not timely, it will not be honored.

UTSA/Internal Hosts should complete the Joint Sponsorship Application and submit it through the RowdyLink Event Submission process.

  1. Mask, facial covering, or disguise that conceals the identity of the wearer that is calculated to obstruct the enforcement of these rules or the law, or to intimidate, hinder or interrupt a university official, UTSA Police Department officer or other person in the lawful performance of their duty.
  2. The possession, use, or display of firearms, facsimile firearms, ammunition, explosives, or other items that could be used as weapons, including but not limited to sticks, poles, clubs, swords, shields, or rigid signs that can be used as a shield, without written permission from the Dean of Students, unless authorized by federal, state or local laws.
  3. Body armor or makeshift body armor, helmets, and other garments, such as sporting protective gear, that alone or in combination could be reasonably construed as weapons or body armor, without written permission from the Dean of Students.
  4. Open flame, unless approved in advance by The University of Texas at San Antonio Fire Marshal.