Reports & Resources

On this page you can find various reports and resources for the Evaluative and Visioning Phases of the ITC Centennial 2068 initiative. These resources provide a comprehensive look at the materials and expert information under consideration at each step in the process.

Task Force Recommendation Reports

"Museum of the

icon, boot with spurs
  Recommendation Report
Community Engagement &
Sustaining Support

icon, raising hands
  Recommendation Report
Facility & Land

icon city outline
  Recommendation Report

Consultant Reports

Archival Documents

The following documents were made available to the ITC Centennial 2068 task forces and steering committee for their consideration in developing recommendations and scenarios for the ITC. Note: These documents were not commissioned as part of ITC Centennial 2068; each was produced independently and at various times, all prior to the community visioning process.

Visioning Resources

Imagining Institutes & Museums

Sample topics of conversation:

How do model museums leverage the strengths and contributions of faculty, staff, and students for the mutual benefit? How do model museums extend their reach and impact to those beyond their region?


Dr. Micah D. Parzen, CEO, Museum of Us, Balboa Park, San Diego

Dana Mitroff Silvers, Founder + Director, Designing Insights / Editor, Design Thinking for Museums

Kim Kanatani, Museum Director, University of California at Irvine, Institute and Museum of California Art

Ted Flato, Partner & Founder, Lake-Flato Architects

Dr. Susana Smith Bautista, Museum expert, multidisciplinary scholar and author

Understanding Culture and History

Sample topics of conversation:

What are the distinctive experiences that a model museum provides that enable learning and understanding of culture or history? What does a model museum do to create new thinking about – and better understanding of – cultural change or history?


Dr. Marla Berns, Former Director, Fowler Museum at UCLA

Debbie Racca Sittre, Interim City Clerk, City of San Antonio

Dr. Susana Smith Bautista, Museum expert, multidisciplinary scholar and author

Shavonnah Roberts Schreiber, Managing Director, SNR Creative

Sustaining a Vibrant Institute

Sample topics of conversation:

How do model museums/institutes deepen and broaden engagement with the community to sustain and enhance impact? How do model museums/institutes reach new audiences in the region?


John Wetenhall, Ph.D. Director of the George Washington University Museum and Textile Museum

Heather Welder Russo, Witte Museum, Chief of Advancement

Anna Berns, Director of Development, Blanton Museum, UT Austin

Charlie Walter, Director, Mayborn Museum, Baylor, Waco

Carl Hamm, Alexendar Haas

Place Matters

Sample topics of conversation:

How do model museums/institute become the “go to place” to for a rich experience to which a visitor wants to return or showcase to other visitors? How do model museums/institutes leverage their location to fully engage the range of different audiences to advance their mission?


Eduardo Diaz, Director, Smithsonian Latino Center, Interim Director, Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino

Bill Shown, Pearl BUILD

Madison Smith, Principal, Overland Partners

Daryl Byrd, ULTRAte Strategy LLC

Andi Rodriguez, VP of Cultural Placemaking, Centro SA

Matt Brown, CEO of Centro SA