UTSA has a safety protocol in place, and our team strives to ensure construction quality assurance and code compliance for the as-build environment. Our inspectors handle inspections for multimillion-dollar capital construction, and our involvement begins at project design and continues through construction, substantial completion and warranty. This involves reviewing plans, as well as inspect and test work in progress for conformity to the approved plans, project specifications, submittals, standards and the applicable codes governing the following: life safety, building, structural, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, security, communications, fire alarm, fire sprinkler, energy codes and Texas Accessibility Standards.
IPR inspectors are responsible for verifying jobsite workforce compliance with OSHA regulations and UT System Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP) Safety protocols. IPR also assures compliance with the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) per the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) General Permit.
For additional information or assistance, including requesting an inspection, contact the IPR team.
ADA Regulatory Compliance
Our team conducts ADA in-house inspections and assessments to ensure code compliance. We work with all departments to identity improvements necessary to ensure the entirety of the campus is accessible and usable for individuals with disabilities.