The Tracy Rule
As of the 2019 Fall semester, UTSA became the first university in the nation to implement the Tracy Rule, the most comprehensive Serious Misconduct rule in the NCAA. The Tracy Rule attaches student-athlete eligibility to behavior. Implementing this misconduct policy for student-athletes is a major stride for UTSA’s zero-tolerance campus culture. #SetTheExpectation
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Culture of Respect Collective
In January of 2019, UTSA joined the Culture of Respect Collective, a cohort of 37 institutions of higher education dedicated to ending campus sexual violence who will engage in a rigorous process of self-assessment and targeted organizational change. This two-year program created by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) brings together stakeholders from across the campus and the community with the common purpose of working together to create a Culture of Respect.
Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
The Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) is committed to ending sexual violence in Texas through education, prevention and advocacy. As a member of TAASA, UTSA is able to work directly with other member organizations as a unifying voice against sexual assault in Texas.
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Title IX Office External Review
In March 2018, UTSA issued a Request for Proposals to engage a nationally recognized firm to perform an external review of our Title IX policies and procedures. In August 2018 consulting and advisory firm Baker Tilly was hired to do this work. Results of their review were published in April 2019.
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Violence Prevention Advisory Committee
The Office of Student Advocacy, Violence Prevention and Empowerment has established a committee of faculty, staff and students to explore ways to expand prevention programming.
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UTSA Initiative on Sexual Violence Prevention and Support
In December 2017, UTSA launched a new initiative to expand the staffing resources needed to address sexual misconduct prevention and victim advocacy at UTSA. This initiative built on the findings and recommendations of the Sexual Violence Prevention Support Task Force which concluded its work in October 2017. As a result of this initiative, changes were made to the organizational structure within our Office of Institutional Compliance for a more integrated approach, establishing the UTSA PEACE Center in February 2018.
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President’s Task Force on Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus
Established by Interim President Pedro Reyes in May 2017, this task force performed a thorough evaluation of UTSA’s services and processes, producing a final report of their findings and recommendations in October 2017.
New Tools for the Campus Community
UTSA is currently in the process of implementing Maxient, a software platform for tracking student requests for assistance across multiple offices at the university, ensuring the streamlined, coordinated delivery of services and resources.
Live Safe App
UTSA is the first UT System institution to introduce the LiveSafe app, now available at 150 universities around the country. Facilitated by the UTSA Police Department, the UTSA LiveSafe app solution is a mobile two-way safety communications platform and risk-mitigation tool. It provides a pathway to communicate with UTSA Police, receive security alerts and delivers peer-to-peer tools to help students, staff and faculty.