
UTSA offers training, awareness, prevention and education programs to faculty and staff to prevent intimate and interpersonal violence from occurring. These ongoing initiatives include:

Required Training


Institutional Standards of Conduct Training

This regular training for faculty and staff addresses federal and state laws, particularly those that are relevant to the higher education environment. The training covers sexual harassment, Title IX and Campus SaVE and informs university employees about crime prevention and their mandatory reporting responsibilities. New employees take the training within their first 30 days of employment. It is otherwise required every two years. Learn more at www.utsa.edu/compliance/ or 210-458-4992.

Title IX and Campus SaVE Act Training

This comprehensive classroom training about Title IX and the Campus SaVE Act teaches faculty and staff about issues related to stalking, dating and domestic violence, and sexual assault. During Human Resources Day One Training, staff and faculty receive information about their responsibilities to report and the history of Title IX and the Campus SaVE.

Risk Management Training

This training is required for faculty and staff advisors of UTSA student organizations and includes seven risk management topics including sexual assault prevention and Title IX. The training is delivered by the UTSA Office of Student Activities. Learn more at www.utsa.edu/sa/ or 210-458-4160.

Additional Programming

Equal Opportunity Services Presentations

The UTSA Equal Opportunity Services team provides presentations on sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking and discrimination upon request. Learn more at www.utsa.edu/eos/ or 210-458-4120.

» Title IX training presentation (Sample PDF)

Navigating Our Relational Roles with Students: Boundaries and Policies

This training for faculty covers polices related to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and consensual relationships. The items discussed are related to building healthy relationships with students, while being mindful of the power differential that exists within this relationship dynamic. Also, concepts are introduced/reviewed for practical ways to respond to initial disclosures of sexual assault/dating violence incidents, keeping in mind trauma informed care. Lastly, there is a sharing of ideas to improve understanding of issues covered, as well as to start creating a team approach to manage the topics covered. For more information contact the Office of Student Advocacy, Violence Prevention and Empowerment.

Trauma Informed Response: Understanding Ways to React to Disclosures

This training provides the basics on trauma informed approach and trauma informed interventions. Relevant statistics on trauma, making specific connections to our college aged population, as well covering trauma statistics overall are shared. A framework is presented for the impact trauma may have over a lifetime. Emphasis is made on providing an understanding of the socio-ecological model and laying the foundation about why the topic of trauma informed responses is relevant to the support work. Participants learn practical ways in which to understand the effects of simple interactions with students, and the value of developing a trauma informed mind set when communicating with students, coworkers, peers. Critically, the importance of making authentic connections with others intentionally--creating a campus climate where students voices matters--is examined. For more information contact the Office of Student Advocacy, Violence Prevention and Empowerment.



Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, Your Role as a UTSA Employee

This classroom training uses case law and case examples to facilitate discussion on discrimination and sexual harassment. It aims to improve the prevention, identification and intervention of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. The course was developed in August 2007 and is offered three times each year. Learn more at training.utsa.edu or 210-458-4658.

Discrimination and Sexual Harassment: Your Role as a UTSA Supervisor

This classroom training for UTSA supervisors provides definitions, exercises, case law and other information to prevent all aspects of unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment. The training covers UTSA's complaint process, the role of UTSA's EOS office and the responsibilities of supervisors. This course was developed in September 2006 and is offered three times each year. Learn more at training.utsa.edu or 210-458-4658.


Discrimination Prevention: Applied Learning Scenarios

This advanced classroom training provides participants with increased knowledge and skills on sexual harassment and discrimination prevention through "What if…?" scenarios in small group discussion and other activities. It is offered three to five times annually and was developed in March 2009. Learn more at training.utsa.edu or 210-458-4658.


Green Dot Bystander Intervention

This training allows participants to understand the concept of bystander intervention, to identify a continuum of inappropriate sexual behaviors, to develop empathy for those who have experienced sexual violence, to understand their role in bystander intervention and commit to doing so, and to develop skills to intervene as a bystander. These objectives serve to establish a community of responsibility at UTSA. Learn more at www.utsa.edu/students/wellbeing/programs/green-dot.html.

Law Enforcement Training

UTSA police officers have the opportunity to attend training through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to enhance their understanding of topics such as sexual assault victim interviewing, crime scene investigation, court room testimony, cultural diversity, etc. Learn more at 210-458-4242.

Sexual Assault Training for Police Officers

UTSA police detectives, crime prevention officers and officers who are specifically assigned to respond to and investigate sexual assault crimes take the Sexual Assault Family Violence Investigators Course. It provides law enforcement officers with the tools they need to effectively investigate and prevent sexual assault and family violence. To learn more, contact 210-458-4242.

Crime Prevention Presentations

A series of presentations is available upon request for faculty and staff members about personal safety, sexual assault prevention, acquaintance rape and women's self-defense, and alcohol. Learn more at www.utsa.edu/utsapd or 210-458-6250.

Campus Security Authority Training

UTSA acknowledges that some individuals may be hesitant about reporting crimes to the police, but may be more inclined to report crimes to other university officials designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSA). At present, over 500 UTSA faculty and staff have been trained as CSAs. For more information on CSA training and criteria, contact clery@utsa.edu or 210-458-4417.