Follow-up regarding campus consensual relationships
Dear Roadrunners,
I am sending along a follow-up to my message of May 24 regarding investigations of faculty-student consensual relationships on our campus.
The Office of Equal Opportunity Services, together with support from UT System, completed the investigations of all three cases. Today I would like to report that the faculty members who were the subject of each of those cases are no longer members of the UTSA community. The university decided not to renew the appointment of one of the faculty members, and the two others have resigned. FERPA regulations prevent us from releasing further information about the three cases.
I am sharing this news with you by virtue of my unwavering commitment to transparency regarding issues of sexual misconduct policy violations on our campus. While these investigations have concluded, our resolve to instill a community ethos of zero tolerance towards sexual harassment and misconduct continues.
The takeaway is clear: sexual harassment and misconduct will not be condoned at UTSA. Those who choose to violate the rights of others will face consequences.
As I mentioned in my last message, we have hired an outside consultant to evaluate all aspects of our Title IX processes and policies as well as the interface between Title IX and Student Conduct. This external review is moving full-speed ahead, and is a critical step to ensuring we are doing everything we can to continue improvement in these areas.
All Roadrunners deserve to learn, work and live in an environment that fosters respect. All of us play an important role in this endeavor. Thank you for continuing to support and advocate for one another, and for reporting any concerns or inappropriate behaviors you may witness.
With appreciation,